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Guilds/Pyromaniacs/principle checklist

Revision as of 23:16, 8 March 2012 by Avanya (talk | contribs) (→‎Principle Outline:)
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Total Mats Needed:

  • 10 saltpeter
  • 16 charcoal
  • 4 sulfur
  • 1 aluminum
  • 4 leather
  • 4 oil
  • 1 OSM
  • 8 canvas
  • 25 water in jugs
  • 7 metals (aluminum or zinc)
  • 1 potash
  • 1 acid
  • 4 copper wire
  • 40 boards
  • 7 aluminum salts
  • 7 cactus sap
  • 10 firebricks
  • 1 papy paper
  • 25 stars
  • 40 gunpowder

Encourage the student to bring any of the mats that they can. Especially the canvas.

Principle Outline:

Be sure the student has learned a star recipe and has the Neutralization tech before starting! Luckily, the RP UThought has Neutralization unlocked, so its a short run if they are missing that.

Learn any Star Recipe from the University of Art & Music

  • should be done prior to tutoring.

Make Gunpowder

  • give the student 10 saltpeter, 1 sulfur, 1 charcoal, and let them use the Chem lab.

(right now, we are using Obol's public chem lab, until we have one in our CP).

Grind Aluminum into Powder

  • repair, and load the barrel grinder with 1 aluminum.

(right now we are using Obol's public barrel grinder)

  • have the student begin the grinding. Let it wind down and take the aluminum powder.

Learn the Neutralization Tech from a University of Thought

  • should be done prior to tutoring

Build an Acid Bath

  • set the permissions of the guild cp to "useable by anyone"
  • give the student 1 OSM and 4 canvas.
  • have them build an Acid Bath.
  • retrieve the jugs :)

Start a batch of Salts

  • give the student 1 potash, 1 acid, 25 water in jugs, and 7 metals (either aluminum or zinc)
  • have them start the acid bath.
  • Have the student give you ownership of the acid bath, and then you should transfer ownership to "Pyromanics, elder use".

Complete 21 Salts

  • change permission of a bath with 21 salts or more in it to "public use"
  • have the student filter that bath.
  • return permission to "elder only"

Build a Star Rack

  • give the student 4 copper wire, 40 boards, and 4 canvas.
  • have them build a star rack in the CP.

Make a Batch of Stars

  • give them the materials for making 10 Squat Canary Stars (7 cactus sap, 3 sulfur, 15 cc, and 7 aluminum salt)
  • have them start the batch of 10 squat canary stars.
  • have them give ownership of the lab to you, and then transfer ownership to the guild.

Build a Mortar

  • give them 10 firebricks.
  • have them build the mortar.

Arm and Test-Fire a Mortar

  • give them 1 papy paper, 40 gunpowder, and 25 stars.
  • walk them through designing a simple show. Be sure to advise them to NOT Fire it until the show. Also have them rename the mortar.
  • There are some sample mortars in the cp that you can make public use and have the student test fire to get an idea of what the editing might look like. Just be sure to make them "elder use only" again after the lesson.

Register as an Exhibitor for a Legitimate Fireworks Show

  • explain how sign up and how to do a walk on at a show.
  • also talk to them about how the show works.

Exhibit your shell at a show

  • maybe you will see them at the next show :)

Alternatively, you might just give the students all the materials at once, and have them repair and load the grinder.