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< User:Kavad | Macros
Jump to navigationJump to search-- mining_ore.lua v1.5 -- by Cegaiel modified by Kavad -- Credits to Tallow for his Simon macro, which was used as a template to build on. -- -- Brute force method, you manually click/set every stones' location and it will work every possible 3 node/stone combinations. -- dofile(""); askText = singleLine([[ Ore Mining v1.4 (by Cegaiel) -- Brute Force method. Will try every possible 3 node/stone combination. Make sure chat is MINIMIZED! Press Shift over ATITD window. ]]); miningTime = 0; autoWorkMine = true; timesworked = 0; dropdown_values = {"Shift Key", "Ctrl Key", "Alt Key", "Mouse Wheel Click"}; dropdown_cur_value = 1; dropdown_ore_values = {"Aluminum (9)", "Antimony (14)", "Copper (8)", "Gold (12)", "Iron (7)", "Lead (9)", "Lithium (10)", "Magnesium (9)", "Platinum (12)", "Silver (10)", "Strontium (10)", "Tin (9)", "Tungsten (12)", "Zinc (10)"}; dropdown_ore_cur_value = 1; function doit() askForWindow(askText); promptDelays(); getMineLoc(); getPoints(); clickSequence(); end function getMineLoc() mineList = {}; local was_shifted = lsShiftHeld(); if (dropdown_cur_value == 1) then was_shifted = lsShiftHeld(); key = "tap Shift"; elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 2) then was_shifted = lsControlHeld(); key = "tap Ctrl"; elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 3) then was_shifted = lsAltHeld(); key = "tap Alt"; elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 4) then was_shifted = lsMouseIsDown(2); --Button 3, which is middle mouse or mouse wheel key = "click MWheel "; end local is_done = false; mx = 0; my = 0; z = 0; while not is_done do mx, my = srMousePos(); local is_shifted = lsShiftHeld(); if (dropdown_cur_value == 1) then is_shifted = lsShiftHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 2) then is_shifted = lsControlHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 3) then is_shifted = lsAltHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 4) then is_shifted = lsMouseIsDown(2); --Button 3, which is middle mouse or mouse wheel end if is_shifted and not was_shifted then mineList[#mineList + 1] = {mx, my}; end was_shifted = is_shifted; checkBreak(); lsPrint(10, 10, z, 1.0, 1.0, 0xFFFFFFff, "Set Mine Location"); local y = 60; lsPrint(5, y, z, 0.7, 0.7, 0xf0f0f0ff, "Lock ATITD screen (Alt+L) ."); y = y + 20; lsPrint(5, y, z, 0.7, 0.7, 0xf0f0f0ff, "Suggest F5 view, zoomed about 75% out."); y = y + 60; lsPrint(5, y, z, 0.7, 0.7, 0xf0f0f0ff, "Hover and " .. key .. " over the MINE."); y = y + 70; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "TIP (Optional):"); y = y + 20; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "For Maximum Performance (least lag) Uncheck:"); y = y + 16; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "Options, Interface, Other: 'Use Flyaway Messages'"); local start = math.max(1, #mineList - 20); local index = 0; for i=start,#mineList do mineX = mineList[i][1]; mineY = mineList[i][2]; end if #mineList >= 1 then is_done = 1; end if lsButtonText(lsScreenX - 110, lsScreenY - 30, z, 100, 0xFFFFFFff, "End script") then error "Clicked End Script button"; end lsDoFrame(); lsSleep(50); end end function fetchTotalCombos() TotalCombos = 0; for i=1,#clickList do for j=i+1,#clickList do for k=j+1,#clickList do TotalCombos = TotalCombos + 1; end end end end function getPoints() clickList = {}; if (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 1) then ore = "Aluminum"; stonecount = 9; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 2) then ore = "Antimony"; stonecount = 14; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 3) then ore = "Copper"; stonecount = 8; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 4) then ore = "Gold"; stonecount = 12; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 5) then ore = "Iron"; stonecount = 7; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 6) then ore = "Lead"; stonecount = 9; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 7) then ore = "Lithium"; stonecount = 10; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 8) then ore = "Magnesium"; stonecount = 9; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 9) then ore = "Platinum"; stonecount = 12; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 10) then ore = "Silver"; stonecount = 10; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 11) then ore = "Strontium"; stonecount = 10; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 12) then ore = "Tin"; stonecount = 9; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 13) then ore = "Tungsten"; stonecount = 12; elseif (dropdown_ore_cur_value == 14) then ore = "Zinc"; stonecount = 10; end local nodeleft = stonecount; local was_shifted = lsShiftHeld(); if (dropdown_cur_value == 1) then was_shifted = lsShiftHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 2) then was_shifted = lsControlHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 3) then was_shifted = lsAltHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 4) then was_shifted = lsMouseIsDown(2); --Button 3, which is middle mouse or mouse wheel end local is_done = false; local nx = 0; local ny = 0; local z = 0; while not is_done do nx, ny = srMousePos(); local is_shifted = lsShiftHeld(); if (dropdown_cur_value == 1) then is_shifted = lsShiftHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 2) then is_shifted = lsControlHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 3) then is_shifted = lsAltHeld(); elseif (dropdown_cur_value == 4) then is_shifted = lsMouseIsDown(2); end if is_shifted and not was_shifted then clickList[#clickList + 1] = {nx, ny}; nodeleft = nodeleft - 1; end was_shifted = is_shifted; checkBreak(); lsPrint(10, 10, z, 1.0, 1.0, 0xFFFFFFff, "Set Node Locations (" .. #clickList .. "/" .. stonecount .. ")"); local y = 60; lsSetCamera(0,0,lsScreenX*1.4,lsScreenY*1.4); autoWorkMine = lsCheckBox(15, y, z, 0xffffffff, " Auto 'Work Mine'", autoWorkMine); lsSetCamera(0,0,lsScreenX*1.0,lsScreenY*1.0); y = y + 10 lsPrint(5, y, z, 0.7, 0.7, 0xf0f0f0ff, "Hover and " .. key .. " over each node."); y = y + 15; lsPrint(5, y, z, 0.7, 0.7, 0xf0f0f0ff, "Make sure chat is MINIMIZED!"); y = y + 30; lsPrint(5, y, z, 0.7, 0.7, 0xf0f0f0ff, "Mine Type: " .. ore); y = y + 20; miningTimeGUI = "N/A"; if miningTime ~= 0 then --miningTimeGUI = math.floor(miningTime/100)/10 .. " secs"; miningTimeGUI = (miningTime/100)/10 .. " secs"; end lsPrint(5, y, z, 0.7, 0.7, 0xf0f0f0ff, "Mine Worked: " .. timesworked .. " times (Last: " .. miningTimeGUI .. ")"); y = y + 30; lsPrint(5, y, z, 0.7, 0.7, 0xf0f0f0ff, "Select " .. nodeleft .. " more nodes to automatically start!"); y = y + 30; local start = math.max(1, #clickList - 20); local index = 0; for i=start,#clickList do local xOff = (index % 3) * 100; local yOff = (index - index%3)/2 * 15; lsPrint(20 + xOff, y + yOff, z, 0.5, 0.5, 0xffffffff, i .. ": (" .. clickList[i][1] .. ", " .. clickList[i][2] .. ")"); index = index + 1; end if #clickList >= stonecount then is_done = 1; end if #clickList == 0 then if lsButtonText(10, lsScreenY - 30, z, 110, 0xffff80ff, "Work Mine") then workMine(); end end if #clickList > 0 then if lsButtonText(10, lsScreenY - 30, z, 100, 0xff8080ff, "Reset") then reset(); end end if lsButtonText(lsScreenX - 110, lsScreenY - 30, z, 100, 0xFFFFFFff, "End script") then error "Clicked End Script button"; end lsDoFrame(); lsSleep(50); end end function fetchTotalCombos() TotalCombos = 0; for i=1,#clickList do for j=i+1,#clickList do for k=j+1,#clickList do TotalCombos = TotalCombos + 1; end end end end function clickSequence() fetchTotalCombos(); sleepWithStatus(150, "Starting... Don\'t move mouse!"); local worked = 1; local startMiningTime = lsGetTimer(); for i=1,#clickList do for j=i+1,#clickList do for k=j+1,#clickList do checkCloseWindows(); -- 1st Node checkBreak(); checkAbort(); local startSetTime = lsGetTimer(); srSetMousePos(clickList[i][1], clickList[i][2]); lsSleep(clickDelay); findClosePopUp() srKeyEvent('A'); -- 2nd Node checkBreak(); checkAbort(); srSetMousePos(clickList[j][1], clickList[j][2]); lsSleep(clickDelay); findClosePopUp() srKeyEvent('A'); -- 3rd Node checkBreak(); checkAbort(); srSetMousePos(clickList[k][1], clickList[k][2]); lsSleep(clickDelay); findClosePopUp() srKeyEvent('S'); lsSleep(popDelay); findClosePopUp(); worked = worked + 1 local elapsedTime = lsGetTimer() - startMiningTime; local setTime = lsGetTimer() - startSetTime; local y = 10; lsPrint(10, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xB0B0B0ff, "Hold Ctrl+Shift to end this script."); y = y +50 lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "[" .. worked .. "/" .. TotalCombos .. "] Nodes Worked: " .. i .. ", " .. j .. ", " .. k); y = y + 32; --lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Last Work Time: " .. math.floor(setTime/100)/10 .. " secs"); lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Last Work Time: " .. (setTime/100)/10 .. " secs"); y = y + 32; --lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Time Elapsed: " .. math.floor(elapsedTime/100)/10 .. " secs"); lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Current Time Elapsed: " .. (elapsedTime/100)/10 .. " secs"); y = y + 16; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Last Time Elapsed: " .. miningTimeGUI); y = y + 32; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Node Delay: " .. clickDelay .. " ms"); y = y + 16; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Popup Delay: " .. popDelay .. " ms"); y = y + 32; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Hold Shift to Abort and Return to Menu."); y = y + 32; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 0xffffffff, "Don't touch mouse until finished!"); lsDoFrame(); end end end miningTime = lsGetTimer() - startMiningTime; timesworked = timesworked + 1; if autoWorkMine then workMine(); end reset(); end function workMine() srSetMousePos(mineX, mineY); lsSleep(clickDelay); --Send 'W' key over Mine to Work it (Get new nodes) srKeyEvent('W'); sleepWithStatus(1000, "Working mine (Fetching new nodes)"); findClosePopUp(); end function checkCloseWindows() -- Rare situations a click can cause a window to appear for a node, blocking the view to other nodes. -- This is a safeguard to keep random windows that could appear, from remaining on screen and blocking the view of other nodes from being selected. srReadScreen(); local closeWindows = findAllImages("thisis.png"); if #closeWindows > 0 then for i=#closeWindows, 1, -1 do -- 2 right clicks in a row to close window (1st click pins it, 2nd unpins it srClickMouseNoMove(closeWindows[i][0]+5, closeWindows[i][1]+10, true); lsSleep(100); srClickMouseNoMove(closeWindows[i][0]+5, closeWindows[i][1]+10, true); end lsSleep(clickDelay); end end function reset() getPoints(); clickSequence(); end function checkAbort() if lsShiftHeld() then sleepWithStatus(750, "Aborting ..."); reset(); end end function findClosePopUp() lsSleep(popDelay); while 1 do checkBreak(); srReadScreen(); OK = srFindImage("OK.png"); if OK then srClickMouseNoMove(OK[0]+2,OK[1]+2, true); lsSleep(clickDelay); else break; end end end function promptDelays() local is_done = false; local count = 1; while not is_done do checkBreak(); local y = 10; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.8, 0.8, 0xffffffff, "Key or Mouse to Select Nodes:"); y = y + 35; lsSetCamera(0,0,lsScreenX*1.3,lsScreenY*1.3); dropdown_cur_value = lsDropdown("ArrangerDropDown", 5, y, 0, 200, dropdown_cur_value, dropdown_values); lsSetCamera(0,0,lsScreenX*1.0,lsScreenY*1.0); y = y + 20; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.8, 0.8, 0xffffffff, "How many Nodes?"); y = y + 50; lsSetCamera(0,0,lsScreenX*1.3,lsScreenY*1.3); dropdown_ore_cur_value = lsDropdown("ArrangerDropDown2", 5, y, 0, 200, dropdown_ore_cur_value, dropdown_ore_values); lsSetCamera(0,0,lsScreenX*1.0,lsScreenY*1.0); y = y + 10; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.8, 0.8, 0xffffffff, "Node Delay (ms):"); is_done, clickDelay = lsEditBox("delay", 170, y, 0, 50, 30, 1.0, 1.0, 0x000000ff, 100); clickDelay = tonumber(clickDelay); if not clickDelay then is_done = false; lsPrint(10, y+22, 10, 0.7, 0.7, 0xFF2020ff, "MUST BE A NUMBER"); clickDelay = 100; end y = y + 40; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.8, 0.8, 0xffffffff, "Popup Delay (ms):"); is_done, popDelay = lsEditBox("delay2", 170, y, 0, 50, 30, 1.0, 1.0, 0x000000ff, 250); popDelay = tonumber(popDelay); if not popDelay then is_done = false; lsPrint(10, y+22, 10, 0.7, 0.7, 0xFF2020ff, "MUST BE A NUMBER"); popDelay = 250; end y = y + 40; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "Node Delay: Pause between selecting each node."); y = y + 16; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "Raise value to run slower (try increments of 25)"); y = y + 22; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "Popup Delay: Finalize, pause and wait for Popup."); y = y + 16; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "Raise increments of 100 if you are laggy."); y = y + 16; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "ie Clicking next nodes before previous ones break."); y = y + 16; lsPrint(5, y, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0xffffffff, "Popup Delay 1000 or 1500 might work better."); if lsButtonText(10, lsScreenY - 30, 0, 100, 0xFFFFFFff, "Next") then is_done = 1; end if lsButtonText(lsScreenX - 110, lsScreenY - 30, 0, 100, 0xFFFFFFff, "End script") then error(quitMessage); end lsDoFrame(); lsSleep(50); end return count; end