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Difference between revisions of "User:Cegaiel/Macros/SkillsTimer/Code"

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(20 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 3: Line 3:
;Ctrl+P to pause script and Ctrl+P again to resume
;Ctrl+P to pause script and Ctrl+P again to resume
;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused.
;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused.
;Hold F2 for 1 second, while script is running, to pause script and reset click counter to zero.
;Ctrl+R to reload script
;Ctrl+R to reload script
;Date: June 20, 2010
;Author: Cegaiel
Line 9: Line 13:
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
;X/Y mouse coordinates of a popup box's OK button (yellowish part of the OK button, not the black text)
;530,479 is the position of OK button in 1024x768 resolution
;You can find out your position, at your resolution, with a free tool called Magnify at:
;The purpose of this, is when popup boxes occurs (ie error message when you dont have enough materials to repair a mine)
;The script will make a Windows Error sound and then pause script.
;Once you figure out the problem, Ctrl+P, to resume/unpause where you left of at.
PopX = 530
PopY = 479
counter = 0
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Add, Text,, # of Clicks to Stop?`n(Blank=Unlimited, don't stop):
Gui, Add, Edit, vClicks wp number
Gui, Add, Text,, Eating Grilled Food?`n(Automatically eat every 10 Teppy Min)
Gui, Add, DropDownList, vEat Choose1, No|Yes
Gui, Add, Button, gStart, Next
Gui, Show
Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy
Msgbox, Hover mouse over a black letter, in skills tab (ie Endurance for digging)`n`nThe letter/skill you want to hover is the one that turns red when you get tired`n`nWhen you are hovering a black letter it will tell you in the tooltip.`n`nPress F2, when it tells you in tooltip, to set position.`n`nClick OK to proceed...
Msgbox, Hover mouse over a black letter, in skills tab (ie Endurance for digging)`n`nThe letter/skill you want to hover is the one that turns red when you get tired`n`nWhen you are hovering a black letter it will tell you in the tooltip.`n`nPress F2, when it tells you in tooltip, to set position.`n`nClick OK to proceed...
WinActivate, eGenesis Client
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SetMouseDelay, -1
Line 31: Line 63:
if state = D
if state = D
MsgBox Skills text location recorded!`n`nHover where you want to click and press F2.`n`nFor a dig (or other skills related tasks), pin up the Dig Hole menu and set the click to the word Dig.`n`nFor limestone/dirt set the click position on the icon.`n`nClick OK to proceed...
color = 0x000000
MsgBox Skills text location recorded, now its time to record the click location.`n`nHover where you want to click and press F2.`n`nFor a dig (or other skills related tasks), pin up the Dig Hole menu and set the click to the word Dig.`n`nFor limestone/dirt set the click position on the icon.`n`nClick OK to proceed...
WinActivate, eGenesis Client
Line 42: Line 76:
MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY
MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY
Msgbox, Click location recorded!`n`nNote you can hit Ctrl+P to pause script anytime and Ctrl+P again to resume`n`nClick OK to start...
Msgbox, Click location recorded!`n`nNote: you can hit Ctrl+P to PAUSE script anytime and Ctrl+P again to RESUME`n`nHold F2, while the script is running, to pause and reset click numbers.`nThen just Ctrl+P to unpause script and continue at 0 clicks.`n`nClick OK to continue...
if (Eat == "Yes")
Msgbox, One more step! You have selected that you will be eating grilled foods!`n`nPinup the Esc, Skills, Consume menu and set the click position of the "Eat Grilled food" menu by hovering and hitting F2.`n`nNote: When this macro begins, it will first eat (so don't manually eat first).`n`nThen every 10 Teppy Mins (11:00 real time), it will automatically click/eat the grilled food.`n`nClick OK, then hit F2 over the grilled food consume menu to set...
WinActivate, eGenesis Client
KeyWait, F2, D
if ErrorLevel = 0
MouseGetPos, EatX, EatY
Msgbox, Eat location recorded!`n`nClick OK to eat food and start the macro...
EatTimer = 1
SetTimer, Eat, 1000
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Add, Text, vClickText, Preparing to start... Standby!`n`n`n`n
Gui, Show
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Preparing to start... Standby!`n`n`n`n
Delay = 5
;You got 5 seconds to drag the status window out of the way
Loop, %Delay%
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, %Delay%s to begin... Standby!
Delay --
Sleep 1000
;This just appends the "of #" or the "of Unlimited" text on GUI bar.
if (Clicks > 0)
Max := Clicks
} else {
Max := "Unlimited"
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Focusing eGenesis client...
WinActivate, eGenesis Client
WinActivate, eGenesis Client
;This searches for a popup box, which would suggest something likely went wrong
PixelSearch, Px, Py, %PopX%, %PopY%, %PopX%, %PopY%, 0xECDFBD, 15, Fast|RGB
if ErrorLevel = 0
SoundPlay *16,1
SoundPlay *16,1
SoundPlay *16,1
SoundPlay *16,1
SoundPlay *16,1
Msgbox, Pop Up box detected! Pausing macro...`n`nNo problem, just find the problem, correct and hit Ctrl+P.`n`nYou will resume from where you left off at...
;End searching for popupbox
GetKeyState, state, F2
if state = D
Msgbox, Reseting click number to 0`n`nCurrent click number: %counter%`n`nClick OK to continue...
counter = 0
PixelGetColor, color, skillX, skillY, RGB
PixelGetColor, color, skillX, skillY, RGB
if color = 0x000000
if color = 0x000000
MouseGetPos, OldX, OldY
MouseGetPos, OldX, OldY
Click %ClickX%, %ClickY%  
Click %ClickX%, %ClickY%  
MouseMove, %OldX%, %OldY%
MouseMove, %OldX%, %OldY%
if (Eat == "Yes")
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Clicks: %counter% of %Max%`n`nEat Grilled: %EatTimer%s of 660s
} else {
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Clicks: %counter% of %Max%`n`nCtrl+R: Reload, +P: Pause`n`nHold F2: Reset click # to 0
Sleep 250 ;This sleep helps prevent double clicks. Grilled food automatically has a 1 second delay from the seconds countdown
if (counter = Clicks)
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Clicks: %counter% of %Max% - Done!`n`nCtrl+R to Reload/Reset
SoundPlay *16,1
;The purpose of the pause is because the #Persistent Eat sub still runs even when done, this is just a lazy way to "exit the script"
;Exit will not stop a persistent and my other choice is ExitApp which will completely terminate the script and the counter GUI.
;The Eat sub runs whether you choose grilled foods or not. Even though its in an If statement, it still runs, so thats my workaround =/
Sleep 1000
EatTimer --
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Clicks: %counter% of %Max%`n`nEat Grilled: %EatTimer%s of 660s
if EatTimer = 0
SoundPlay *64,1
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Eating grilled food...
MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
;Click the Eat Grilled food menu
Click, %EatX%, %EatY%
Sleep, 500
MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0
EatTimer = 660
Sleep 1000

Latest revision as of 23:36, 20 June 2010

;Ctrl+Alt+W to start script
;Ctrl+P to pause script and Ctrl+P again to resume
;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused.
;Hold F2 for 1 second, while script is running, to pause script and reset click counter to zero.
;Ctrl+R to reload script
;Date: June 20, 2010
;Author: Cegaiel


;X/Y mouse coordinates of a popup box's OK button (yellowish part of the OK button, not the black text)
;530,479 is the position of OK button in 1024x768 resolution
;You can find out your position, at your resolution, with a free tool called Magnify at:
;The purpose of this, is when popup boxes occurs (ie error message when you dont have enough materials to repair a mine)
;The script will make a Windows Error sound and then pause script.
;Once you figure out the problem, Ctrl+P, to resume/unpause where you left of at.

PopX = 530
PopY = 479

counter = 0

	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Add, Text,, # of Clicks to Stop?`n(Blank=Unlimited, don't stop):
	Gui, Add, Edit, vClicks wp number
	Gui, Add, Text,, Eating Grilled Food?`n(Automatically eat every 10 Teppy Min)
	Gui, Add, DropDownList, vEat Choose1, No|Yes
	Gui, Add, Button, gStart, Next
	Gui, Show

Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy

Msgbox, Hover mouse over a black letter, in skills tab (ie Endurance for digging)`n`nThe letter/skill you want to hover is the one that turns red when you get tired`n`nWhen you are hovering a black letter it will tell you in the tooltip.`n`nPress F2, when it tells you in tooltip, to set position.`n`nClick OK to proceed...

WinActivate, eGenesis Client
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SetMouseDelay, -1

MouseGetPos, skillX, skillY
PixelGetColor, color, skillX, skillY, RGB

if color = 0x000000
ToolTip, Coordinates: %skillX%`, %skillY%`nColor: %color%`n`n* HOVERING BLACK *`n* Press F2 to set location *
} else {
ToolTip, Coordinates: %skillX%`, %skillY%`nColor: %color%

GetKeyState, state, F2
if state = D
color = 0x000000
MsgBox Skills text location recorded, now its time to record the click location.`n`nHover where you want to click and press F2.`n`nFor a dig (or other skills related tasks), pin up the Dig Hole menu and set the click to the word Dig.`n`nFor limestone/dirt set the click position on the icon.`n`nClick OK to proceed...
WinActivate, eGenesis Client

KeyWait, F2, D
if ErrorLevel = 0
MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY
Msgbox, Click location recorded!`n`nNote: you can hit Ctrl+P to PAUSE script anytime and Ctrl+P again to RESUME`n`nHold F2, while the script is running, to pause and reset click numbers.`nThen just Ctrl+P to unpause script and continue at 0 clicks.`n`nClick OK to continue...

		if (Eat == "Yes")

Msgbox, One more step! You have selected that you will be eating grilled foods!`n`nPinup the Esc, Skills, Consume menu and set the click position of the "Eat Grilled food" menu by hovering and hitting F2.`n`nNote: When this macro begins, it will first eat (so don't manually eat first).`n`nThen every 10 Teppy Mins (11:00 real time), it will automatically click/eat the grilled food.`n`nClick OK, then hit F2 over the grilled food consume menu to set...

	WinActivate, eGenesis Client

	KeyWait, F2, D
	if ErrorLevel = 0
	MouseGetPos, EatX, EatY
	Msgbox, Eat location recorded!`n`nClick OK to eat food and start the macro...

	EatTimer = 1
	SetTimer, Eat, 1000


	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Add, Text, vClickText, Preparing to start... Standby!`n`n`n`n
	Gui, Show
	GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Preparing to start... Standby!`n`n`n`n

	Delay = 5
	;You got 5 seconds to drag the status window out of the way
	Loop, %Delay%
	GuiControl, Text, ClickText, %Delay%s to begin... Standby!
	Delay --
	Sleep 1000

;This just appends the "of #" or the "of Unlimited" text on GUI bar.
if (Clicks > 0)
Max := Clicks
} else {
Max := "Unlimited"

	GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Focusing eGenesis client...


WinActivate, eGenesis Client

;This searches for a popup box, which would suggest something likely went wrong

			PixelSearch, Px, Py, %PopX%, %PopY%, %PopX%, %PopY%, 0xECDFBD, 15, Fast|RGB

			if ErrorLevel = 0
			SoundPlay *16,1
			SoundPlay *16,1
			SoundPlay *16,1
			SoundPlay *16,1
			SoundPlay *16,1
			Msgbox, Pop Up box detected! Pausing macro...`n`nNo problem, just find the problem, correct and hit Ctrl+P.`n`nYou will resume from where you left off at...

;End searching for popupbox

GetKeyState, state, F2
if state = D
Msgbox, Reseting click number to 0`n`nCurrent click number: %counter%`n`nClick OK to continue...
counter = 0

PixelGetColor, color, skillX, skillY, RGB

if color = 0x000000
MouseGetPos, OldX, OldY
Click %ClickX%, %ClickY% 
MouseMove, %OldX%, %OldY%

		if (Eat == "Yes")
		GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Clicks: %counter% of %Max%`n`nEat Grilled: %EatTimer%s of 660s
		} else {
		GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Clicks: %counter% of %Max%`n`nCtrl+R: Reload, +P: Pause`n`nHold F2: Reset click # to 0
		Sleep 250 ;This sleep helps prevent double clicks. Grilled food automatically has a 1 second delay from the seconds countdown

if (counter = Clicks)
GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Clicks: %counter% of %Max% - Done!`n`nCtrl+R to Reload/Reset
SoundPlay *16,1
;The purpose of the pause is because the #Persistent Eat sub still runs even when done, this is just a lazy way to "exit the script"
;Exit will not stop a persistent and my other choice is ExitApp which will completely terminate the script and the counter GUI.
;The Eat sub runs whether you choose grilled foods or not. Even though its in an If statement, it still runs, so thats my workaround =/



	EatTimer --
	GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Clicks: %counter% of %Max%`n`nEat Grilled: %EatTimer%s of 660s
	if EatTimer = 0
	SoundPlay *64,1
	GuiControl, Text, ClickText, Eating grilled food...
	MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
	;Click the Eat Grilled food menu
	Click, %EatX%, %EatY%			
	Sleep, 500
	MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0			
	EatTimer = 660
	Sleep 1000