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<googlemap zoom=1 width=410 height=512 iconsize=32x32 icons={label}.png>
(SA) 1700,1700, Fennec Trap,1700,1700
(SA) 1900,1700, Fennec Trap,1900,1700
(SA) 2100,1700, Fennec Trap,2100,1700
(SA) 2300,1700, Fennec Trap,2300,1700
(SA) 2500,1700, Fennec Trap,2500,1700
(SA) 2500,1500, Fennec Trap,2500,1500
(SA) 2300,1500, Fennec Trap,2300,1500
(SA) 2100,1500, Fennec Trap,2100,1500
(SA) 1900,1500, Fennec Trap,1900,1500
(SA) 1707,1500, Fennec Trap,1707,1500
(SA) 1700,1300, Fennec Trap,1700,1300
(SA) 1900,1300, Fennec Trap (Up mtn 1953.1296),1900,1300
(SA) 2100,1300, Fennec Trap,2100,1300
(SA) 2300,1300, Fennec Trap,2300,1300
(SA) 2500,1300, Fennec Trap,2500,1300
<googlemap lat=1010 lon=0 zoom=1 width=512 height=512>
(CS) 592, -6168, Queens Retreat, 592, -6168
(A)1580, 7110, Adn 1580, 7110
(CS) 4284, 7630, Pyramid Lake 4284, 7630
(A)889, 6624, Adn 889, 7110
(CS) 4292, -633, Falcon's Bay 4292, -633
(A)466, 7071, Adn 466, 7071
(CS) 827, -3656, Meroe 827, -3656
(A)813, 7463, Adn 813, 7463
(CS) 1419, 1791, Shabbat Ab 1419, 1791
(A)763, 6094, Adn 763, 6094
(CS) 1697, 3718, Stillwater 1697, 3718
(CS) 738, -761, Saqqarah 738, -761
(B)1430, 2353, Shabbat Ab 1430, 2353
(CS) -1419, 2769, Nomad's Paradise -1419, 2769
(B)1611, 1332, Shabbat Ab 1611, 1332
(CS) -1683, 6317, Heaven's Gate -1683, 6317
(B)912, 1348, Shabbat Ab 912, 1348 (By rivers edge and just tad north of road hidden behind a compound)
(CS) -403, 6577, Cat's Claw Ridge -403, 6577
(B)1406, 1980, Shabbat Ab 1406, 1980 (height 13.5ft)
(CS) 1030, 6956, ADN 1030, 6956
(CS) 3210, 4375, Sinai 3210, 4375
(C)-827, 6696, Cat's Claw Ridge -827, 6696
(CS) -2090, -480, Khnum -2090, -480
(C)-174, 6345, Cat's Claw Ridge -174, 6345 (height 11.3ft)
(F)4931, -1206, Falcon Bay 4931, -1206
(F)3875, -417, Falcon Bay 3875, -417
(F)4330, -1174, Falcon Bay 4330, -1174
(F)4730,592, Falcon Bay 4730, 592
(F)4621,-557, Falcon Bay 4621, -557
(F)5045, -1831, Falcon Bay 5045, -1831
(K)-2294, 199, Khmun, -2294, 199
(K)-2004, -1200, Khmun, -2004, -1200
(K)-1364, -502, Khmun, -1364, -502
(K)-1715, 893, Khmun, -1715, 893
(K)-1980, -2575, Khmun, -1980, -2575
(M)676, -4310, Meroe 676, -4310
(M)733,-2747, Meroe 733, -2747
(M)1289, -4031, Meroe 1289, -4031
(M)326, -3829, Meroe 326, -3829
(M)-1997, -2906, Meroe -1997, -2906
(N)-1178, 3393, Nomads' Paradise -1178, 3393
(N) -2155, 3904, Nomads' Paradise -2155, 3904
(N) -1874, 3323, Nomads' Paradise -1874, 3323
(N) -50, 2866, Nomads' Paradise -50, 2866
(P)3253, 7744, Pyramid Lake 3253, 7744
(P)3836, 7788, Pyramid Lake 3836, 7788
(P)4052, 6457, Pyramid Lake 4052, 6457
(P)4297, 6720, Pyramid Lake 4297, 6720
(P)2524, 7569, Pyramid Lake 2524, 7569
(P)3312, 6875, Pyramid Lake 3312, 6875
(Q)336, -5742, Queen's Retreat 336, -5742
(Q)716, -6716, Queen's Retreat 716, -6716
(Q)-27, -6865, Queen's Retreat -27, -6865
(Q)726, -7838, Queen's Retreat 726, -7838
(Q)1927, -5297, Queen's Retreat 1927, -5297
(R)1169,-1038, Saqqarah 1169,-1038
(R)637, -400, Saqqarah 637, -400
(R)1668, -989, Saqqarah 1668, -989
(R)2000, -2004, Saqqarah 2000, -2004
(R)767, -1209, Saqqarah 767, -1209
(S)3761, 3999, Sinai 3761, 3999
(S)3111, 4960, Sinai 3111, 4960
(T)2313, 3132, Stillwater 2313, 3132
(T)1476, 4086, Stillwater 1476, 4086
(T)1392, 3162, Stillwater 1392, 3162
(T)643, 2823, Stillwater 643, 2823
(H)-1483, 5348, Heaven's Gate -1483, 5348
(H)-2337, 5626, Heaven's Gate -2337, 5626 0-70m maximum
(H)-1603, 7626, Heaven's Gate -1603, 7626
(H)-2381, 7116, Heaven's Gate -2381, 7116
(9) 1796, 7533, Sulphurous Water - Adn 1796, 7533
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Adn 1796, 7533
-1480, 5720
(9) 4705, -2371, Sulphurous Water - Khmun -237, -2551
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Khmun -237, -2551
found in T4
(9) -1752, 6331, Sulphurous Water - Heaven's Gate -1752, 6331
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Heaven's Gate -1752, 6331
Not in Bastet
found in T4
(9) 4705, -2371, Sulphurous Water - Falcon Bay 4705, -2371
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Falcon Bay 4705, -2371
Confirmed but you have to stand on the EXACT spot
(9) 5073, -115, Sulfurous Water - Falcon Bay 5073, -115
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Falcon Bay 5073, -115
Rumor had it that this location no longer worked.
But it does.
(9) 2812, -5438, Sulphurous Water - Queen's Retreat 2812, -5438
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Queen's Retreat 2812, -5438 (see notes tab)
Confirmed T4. Stand at exact coordinates, rest is normal water.
(9) 1914, 989, Sulfurous Water - Shabbat Ab 1914, 989
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Shabbat Ab 1914, 989
(9) -1280, -2838, Sulfurous Water - Khmun -1280, -2838
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Khmun -1280, -2838
(9) 2509, -396, Sulfurous Water - Saqqarah 2509, -396
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Saqqarah 2509, -396
in the center of the lake
(9) -1523, 2229, Sulphurous Water - Nomad's Paradise -1523, 2229
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Nomad's Paradise -1523, 2229
(9) -2835, 4075, Sulphurous Water - Nomad's Paradise -2835, 4075
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Nomad's Paradise -2835, 4075
(9) -233, -2546, Sulfurous Water - Khmun -233, -2546
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Khmun -233,-2546. Confirmed T4.
Stand in exact spot on little ridge between 2 ponds.
Moved a bit from old T3 location.
(9) -690, 1269, Sulfurous Water - Khmun -690, 1269
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Khmun -690, 1269
Confirmed T4
547, 4073, Sulphurous Water - Stillwater 547, 4073
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Stillwater 547, 4073 (Not Bastet Shard)
Stand on exact coords- a basic sign marks the correct spot.  Not available in the Bastet Shard.
(9) 3018, 5192, Sulphurous Water - Sinai 3018, 5192
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Sinai 3018, 5192
Found in T4
(9) 2358, -4651, Meroe, 2358, -4651
[[Sulphurous Water]]
Meroe, 2358, -4651
Found in T4 (Use Tattoo Helper to find)

Latest revision as of 06:19, 30 June 2010