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Difference between revisions of "User:Cegaiel/Macros/Fishing/Code"

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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 5: Line 5:
;Ctrl+R to reload script
;Ctrl+R to reload script
Seconds = 15
Seconds = 16
Line 67: Line 64:
Note: If you are eating grilled cabbage for +speed, to increase fishing yields,
Note: If you are eating grilled cabbage for +speed, to increase fishing yields,
then 43 casts is about when stats will wear off...
then 43 casts is about when stats will wear off...
Also: Uncheck the box Esc, Options, Interface Options:
"Ask about mounting record-breaking fishes"
If you dont, then a popup box occurs, you will lose about 3 casts,
while waiting on the popup box to disappear on its own.
Message will say "You are already fishing" while the popup box remains open!
Line 92: Line 81:
Sleep 2000
Sleep 2000
Line 115: Line 105:
SecondsCountdown := SecondsCountdown - 1
SecondsCountdown := SecondsCountdown - 1
Sleep 1000
Sleep 1000
GetKeyState, state, F2
if state = D
Line 149: Line 146:

Latest revision as of 00:38, 17 October 2010

;Ctrl+Alt+F to start macro.
;Ctrl+P to pause script and Ctrl+P again to resume
;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused.
;Ctrl+R to reload script

Seconds = 16

IfWinExist eGenesis Client

	InputBox, NumPulls, Fishing, Step 1: Enter how many times do you want to cast?
	Location = 1
	Cycle = 0

	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Font, bold
	Gui, Add, Text, vLocationText, Step 2: Record the location of fishing icon...
	Gui, Font, norm
	Gui, Add, Text,, Hover and middle-click (Click mouse-wheel) on the fishing icon
	Gui, Show

	WinGet, GameWinHandle, ID, eGenesis Client

		WinActivate, eGenesis Client
		CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
		KeyWait, MButton, D
		KeyWait, MButton
		MouseGetPos, TestX, TestY, WinHandle
		if (WinHandle = GameWinHandle)
			Gosub, RecordIcon
			Gui, Destroy

	MouseGetPos, LocX%Location%, LocY%Location%
	Gui, Destroy
	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Font, bold
	Gui, Add, Text, LocationText, Fishing icon captured!
	Gui, Font, norm
	Gui, Add, Text,, 
	( LTrim
	Ctrl+P to Pause script, Ctrl+P again to Resume
	Ctrl+R to Reload script

	Note: If you are eating grilled cabbage for +speed, to increase fishing yields,
	then 43 casts is about when stats will wear off...


	Gui, Add, Button, default gSetLoops, GO FISHING
	Gui, Show

	Gui, Submit
	Gui, Destroy
	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Font, bold
	Gui, Add, Text, vLocationText, Ready to fish, Good Luck!
	Gui, Show

Sleep 2000

	loop, %NumPulls%

			WinActivate, eGenesis Client

			LocPosX := LocX%Location%
			LocPosY := LocY%Location%
			MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
			Click, %LocPosX%, %LocPosY%
			MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0			

			SecondsCountDown := Seconds
	;Loops to do nothing but display seconds countdown	
	loop, %Seconds%
			GuiControl, Text, LocationText, Cast: %Cycle% of %NumPulls%  Next: %SecondsCountdown%s
			SecondsCountdown := SecondsCountdown - 1
			Sleep 1000

			GetKeyState, state, F2
			if state = D

if Cycle = %NumPulls%
	Gui, Destroy
	Gui, Font, bold
	Gui, Add, Text, LocationText, Cast: %Cycle% of %NumPulls%
	Gui, Font, norm
	Gui, Add, Text,,
	( LTrim
	All Done!

	Hope you caught lots of fish!

	Middle-click on this window to end the script.
	Gui, Show


	Gui, Destroy
	Gui, Add, Text,, Middle-click on this window to end the script.
	Gui, Show
