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=='''Evil Snowman'''==
=='''<u>Evil Snowman</u>'''==
*Level 23
*Level 49
*Student of 3
*Sage of Two
*Initiate of 7
=='''<u>Wine Stuff</u>'''==
'''<u>PKURFL4X: 3103, 4329 Sinai</u>'''
*72 Wine Barrels
*4 Ceremonial Tasting Tables
'''<u>Home 3011, 4286</u>'''
*4 Wine barrels
*12 Vineyards
'''<u>Sinai North 3565, 5054</u>'''
*18 Vineyards
'''<u>Queens Retreat/Meroe: 665, -4990</u>'''
*20 Vineyards
'''<u>Queens Retreat</u>'''
*19 Vineyards
'''<u>Pyramid Lake</u>'''
*20 Vineyards
[[Guilds/PKURFL4X/Evilwines|''' Evils Wines and Flavors''']]<br>
[[Guilds/PKURFL4X/Evilvines|''' Evils Vines and Hybrids''']]
==Evil's Needs==
==<u>'''Evil's Tests'''</u>==
{| align="left" border="5"
{| style='background: transparent; margin: 1em auto'
||| align="left"| {{Sidebar Discipline|#f80|Architecture||Passed|[[Test of the Obelisk]]|Passed|[[Test of the Funerary Temple]]|Passed|[[Test of Towers]]|Passed|[[Test of Life]]}}
|align="center"|[[Gold Wire]]
|| {{Sidebar Discipline|#0cf|Art and Music||Passed|[[Test of Khefre's Children]]|Passed|[[Test of the Raeli Mosaic]]|Principle|[[Test of Pyrotechnics]]|Passed|[[Test of Flight]]}}
||| align="left"| {{Sidebar Discipline|#4f4|Body||Passed|[[Test of the Acrobat]]|Passed|[[Test of the Singing Cicada]]|Passed|[[Test of the Safari]]|Passed|[[Test of the Darkest Night]]|Passed|[[Test of Ritual Tattoo]]}}
|align="center"|[[Huge Topaz]]
|| {{Sidebar Discipline|#c0f|Harmony||Passed|[[Test of the Prophet]]|Passed|[[Test of Marriage]]|Passed|[[Test of Reason]]|Passed|[[Test of the Critic]]|Passed|[[Test of the Freeman]]|Passed|[[Balance of Goods]]}}
||| align="left"| {{Sidebar Discipline|#44f|Leadership||Passed|[[Test of the Kingmaker]]|Principle|[[Test of Mentorship]]|Passed|[[Test of the Retired Pirates]]|Principle|[[Test of the Covered Cartouche]]|Principle|[[Test of the Plantation]]}}
|align="center"|[[Cuttable Stones]]
|| {{Sidebar Discipline|#f44|Thought||Passed|[[Test of the Pathmaker]]|Principle|[[Test of the Venery]]|Passed|[[Test of the Bijou]]|Principle|[[Test of the Hexaglyphs]]|Principle|[[Test of the Constellation]]}}
||| align="left"| {{Sidebar Discipline|#ff2|Worship||Principle|[[Test of the Vigil]]|Passed|[[Path of the Pilgrim]]|Active|[[Test of Beacons]]|Principle|[[Test of Festivals]]|Passed|[[Remembrance Ceremonies]]}}
==Evil's Tests==
==<u>'''Funerary Temple'''</u>==
''Passed - Glory 61423''
{| style='background: transparent; margin: 1em auto'
{|width="100%" style="background-color:#efdfbd"
{|border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 style="background-color:#eeeeee"
!Color !! Name !! Quantity
|style="background-color: #F0F8FF"| ||Alice Blue||align=center|2543
|style="background-color: #FAEBD7"| ||Antique White||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #00FFFF"| ||Aqua||align=center|399
|style="background-color: #7FFFD4"| ||Aquamarine||align=center|2400
|style="background-color: #F0FFFF"| ||Azure||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #F5F5DC"| ||Beige||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #FFE4C4"| ||Bisque||align=center|523
|style="background-color: #000000"| ||Black||align=center|2436
|style="background-color: #FFEBCD"| ||Blanched Almond||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #0000FF"| ||Blue||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #8A2BE2"| ||Blue Violet||align=center|16850
|style="background-color: #A52A2A"| ||Brown||align=center|2393
|style="background-color: #DEB887"| ||Burly Wood||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #5F9EA0"| ||Cadet Blue||align=center|2400
|style="background-color: #E07020"| ||Carrot||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #7FFF00"| ||Chartreuse||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #D2691E"| ||Chocolate||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #FF7F50"| ||Coral||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #6495ED"| ||Cornflower Blue||align=center|2443
|style="background-color: #FFF8DC"| ||Cornsilk||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #DC143C"| ||Crimson||align=center|4680
|style="background-color: #00FFFF"| ||Cyan||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #00008B"| ||Dark Blue||align=center|2400
|style="background-color: #008B8B"| ||Dark Cyan||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #B8860B"| ||Dark Golden Rod||align=center|2803
|style="background-color: #A9A9A9"| ||Dark Gray||align=center|2550
|style="background-color: #006400"| ||Dark Green||align=center|2150
|style="background-color: #BDB76B"| ||Dark Khaki||align=center|2780
|style="background-color: #8B008B"| ||Dark Magenta||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #556B2F"| ||Dark Olive Green||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #FF8C00"| ||Dark Orange||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #9932CC"| ||Dark Orchid||align=center|2522
|style="background-color: #8B0000"| ||Dark Red||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #E9967A"| ||Dark Salmon||align=center|2484
|style="background-color: #8FBC8F"| ||Dark Sea Green||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #483D8B"| ||Dark Slate Blue||align=center|2398
|style="background-color: #2F4F4F"| ||Dark Slate Gray||align=center|344
|style="background-color: #00CED1"| ||Dark Turquoise||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #9400D3"| ||Dark Violet||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #FF1493"| ||Deep Pink||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #00BFFF"| ||Deep Sky Blue||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #696969"| ||Dim Gray||align=center|2445
|style="background-color: #1E90FF"| ||Dodger Blue||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #D19275"| ||Feldspar||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #B22222"| ||Fire Brick||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #FFFAF0"| ||Floral White||align=center|477
|style="background-color: #228B22"| ||Forest Green||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #FF00FF"| ||Fuchsia||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #DCDCDC"| ||Gainsboro||align=center|2404
|style="background-color: #F8F8FF"| ||Ghost White||align=center|1908
|style="background-color: #FFD700"| ||Gold||align=center|49
|style="background-color: #DAA520"| ||Golden Rod||align=center|693
|style="background-color: #808080"| ||Gray||align=center|2403
|style="background-color: #008000"| ||Green||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #ADFF2F"| ||Green Yellow||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #F0FFF0"| ||Honey Dew||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #FF69B4"| ||Hot Pink||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #CD5C5C"| ||Indian Red||align=center|2404
|style="background-color: #4B0082"| ||Indigo||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #FFFFF0"| ||Ivory||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #F0E68C"| ||Khaki||align=center|2443
|style="background-color: #E6E6FA"| ||Lavender||align=center|2543
|style="background-color: #FFF0F5"| ||Lavender Blush||align=center|3200
|style="background-color: #7CFC00"| ||Lawn Green||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #FFFACD"| ||Lemon Chiffon||align=center|2400
|style="background-color: #ADD8E6"| ||Light Blue||align=center|2595
|style="background-color: #F08080"| ||Light Coral||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #E0FFFF"| ||Light Cyan||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #FAFAD2"| ||Light Golden Rod Yellow||align=center|2400
|style="background-color: #90EE90"| ||Light Green||align=center|2150
|style="background-color: #D3D3D3"| ||Light Grey||align=center|2405
|style="background-color: #FFB6C1"| ||Light Pink||align=center|2401
{|border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 style="background-color:#eeeeee"
!Color !! Name !! Quantity
|style="background-color: #FFA07A"| ||Light Salmon||align=center|2449
|style="background-color: #20B2AA"| ||Light Sea Green||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #87CEFA"| ||Light Sky Blue||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #8470FF"| ||Light Slate Blue||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #778899"| ||Light Slate Gray||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #B0C4DE"| ||Light Steel Blue||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #FFFFE0"| ||Light Yellow||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #00FF00"| ||Lime||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #32CD32"| ||Lime Green||align=center|2530
|style="background-color: #FAF0E6"| ||Linen||align=center|2403
|style="background-color: #FF00FF"| ||Magenta||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #800000"| ||Maroon||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #66CDAA"| ||Medium Aqua Marine||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #0000CD"| ||Medium Blue||align=center|2543
|style="background-color: #BA55D3"| ||Medium Orchid||align=center|2050
|style="background-color: #9370DB"| ||Medium Purple||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #3CB371"| ||Medium Sea Green||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #7B68EE"| ||Medium Slate Blue||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #00FA9A"| ||Medium Spring Green||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #48D1CC"| ||Medium Turquoise||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #C71585"| ||Medium Violet Red||align=center|2394
|style="background-color: #191970"| ||Midnight Blue||align=center|2187
|style="background-color: #F5FFFA"| ||Mint Cream||align=center|2507
|style="background-color: #FFE4E1"| ||Misty Rose||align=center|2543
|style="background-color: #FFE4B5"| ||Moccasin||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #FFDEAD"| ||Navajo White||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #000080"| ||Navy||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #FDF5E6"| ||Old Lace||align=center|2550
|style="background-color: #808000"| ||Olive||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #6B8E23"| ||Olive Drab||align=center|2243
|style="background-color: #FFA500"| ||Orange||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #FF4500"| ||Orange Red||align=center|2100
|style="background-color: #DA70D6"| ||Orchid||align=center|2493
|style="background-color: #EEE8AA"| ||Pale Golden Rod||align=center|393
|style="background-color: #98FB98"| ||Pale Green||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #AFEEEE"| ||Pale Turquoise||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #DB7093"| ||Pale Violet Red||align=center|2407
|style="background-color: #FFEFD5"| ||Papaya Whip||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #FFDAB9"| ||Peach Puff||align=center|350
|style="background-color: #CD853F"| ||Peru||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #FFC0CB"| ||Pink||align=center|2543
|style="background-color: #DDA0DD"| ||Plum||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #B0E0E6"| ||Powder Blue||align=center|1654
|style="background-color: #800080"| ||Purple||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #FF0000"| ||Red||align=center|-
|style="background-color: #BC8F8F"| ||Rosy Brown||align=center|500
|style="background-color: #4169E1"| ||Royal Blue||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #8B4513"| ||Saddle Brown||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #FA8072"| ||Salmon||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #F4A460"| ||Sandy Brown||align=center|2400
|style="background-color: #2E8B57"| ||Sea Green||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #FFF5EE"| ||Sea Shell||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #A0522D"| ||Sienna||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #C0C0C0"| ||Silver||align=center|2443
|style="background-color: #87CEEB"| ||Sky Blue||align=center|2480
|style="background-color: #6A5ACD"| ||Slate Blue||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #708090"| ||Slate Gray||align=center|2395
|style="background-color: #FFFAFA"| ||Snow||align=center|2403
|style="background-color: #00FF7F"| ||Spring Green||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #4682B4"| ||Steel Blue||align=center|2394
|style="background-color: #D2B48C"| ||Tan||align=center|2403
|style="background-color: #008080"| ||Teal||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #D8BFD8"| ||Thistle||align=center|2493
|style="background-color: #FF6347"| ||Tomato||align=center|2401
|style="background-color: #40E0D0"| ||Turquoise||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #EE82EE"| ||Violet||align=center|2450
|style="background-color: #D02090"| ||Violet Red||align=center|16854
|style="background-color: #F5DEB3"| ||Wheat||align=center|2571
||| align="left"| {{Sidebar Discipline|#f80|Architecture||Passed|[[Test of the Obelisk]]|Principle|[[Test of the Funerary Temple]]|Active|[[Test of Towers]]}}
|style="background-color: #FFFFFF"| ||White||align=center|2340
|| {{Sidebar Discipline|#0cf|Art and Music||In Progress|[[Test of Khefre's Children]]|Active|[[Test of the Raeli Mosaic]]|Active|[[Test of Pyrotechnics]]}}
||| align="left"| {{Sidebar Discipline|#4f4|Body||Passed|[[Test of the Acrobat]]|Principle|[[Test of the Singing Cicada]]|In Progress|[[Test of the Safari]]|Principle|[[Test of the Darkest Night]]}}
|style="background-color: #F5F5F5"| ||White Smoke||align=center|2394
|| {{Sidebar Discipline|#c0f|Harmony||Principle|[[Test of the Prophet]]|Principle|[[Test of Marriage]]|Active|[[Test of Reason]]|Active|[[Test of the Critic]]}}
||| align="left"| {{Sidebar Discipline|#44f|Leadership||In Progress|[[Test of the Kingmaker]]|Principle|[[Test of Mentorship]]}}
|style="background-color: #FFFF00"| ||Yellow||align=center|-
|| {{Sidebar Discipline|#f44|Thought||Principle|[[Test of the Pathmaker]]|-|[[Test of the Venery]]|-|[[Test of the Bijou]]}}
||| align="left"| {{Sidebar Discipline|#ff2|Worship||Principle|[[Test of the Vigil]]|Principle|[[Path of the Pilgrim]]}}
|style="background-color: #9ACD32"| ||Yellow Green||align=center|1348
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[ Back To PKURFL4X]
[ Back To Evil Snowman]

Latest revision as of 12:14, 18 April 2010

Evil Snowman

  • Level 49
  • Sage of Two
  • Quit

Wine Stuff

PKURFL4X: 3103, 4329 Sinai

  • 72 Wine Barrels
  • 4 Ceremonial Tasting Tables

Home 3011, 4286

  • 4 Wine barrels
  • 12 Vineyards

Sinai North 3565, 5054

  • 18 Vineyards

Queens Retreat/Meroe: 665, -4990

  • 20 Vineyards

Queens Retreat

  • 19 Vineyards

Pyramid Lake

  • 20 Vineyards

Evils Wines and Flavors
Evils Vines and Hybrids

Evil's Tests

  Discipline of  
Lvl Test
Principles of Architecture
Passed Test of the Obelisk
Passed Test of the Funerary Temple
Passed Test of Towers
Passed Test of Life
? Unreleased Test
? Unreleased Test
? Unreleased Test
Architecture Rewards
  Discipline of  
Art and Music
Lvl Test
Principles of Art and Music
Passed Test of Khefre's Children
Passed Test of the Raeli Mosaic
Principle Test of Pyrotechnics
Passed Test of Flight
? Unreleased Test
? Unreleased Test
? Unreleased Test
Art and Music Rewards
  Discipline of  
Lvl Test
Principles of Body
Passed Test of the Acrobat
Passed Test of the Singing Cicada
Passed Test of the Safari
Passed Test of the Darkest Night
Passed Test of Ritual Tattoo
? Unreleased Test
? Unreleased Test
Body Rewards
  Discipline of  
Lvl Test
Principles of Harmony
Passed Test of the Prophet
Passed Test of Marriage
Passed Test of Reason
Passed Test of the Critic
Passed Test of the Freeman
Passed Balance of Goods
? Unreleased Test
Harmony Rewards
  Discipline of  
Lvl Test
Principles of Leadership
Passed Test of the Kingmaker
Principle Test of Mentorship
Passed Test of the Retired Pirates
Principle Test of the Covered Cartouche
Principle Test of the Plantation
? Unreleased Test
? Unreleased Test
Leadership Rewards
  Discipline of  
Lvl Test
Principles of Thought
Passed Test of the Pathmaker
Principle Test of the Venery
Passed Test of the Bijou
Principle Test of the Hexaglyphs
Principle Test of the Constellation
? Unreleased Test
? Unreleased Test
Thought Rewards
  Discipline of  
Lvl Test
Principles of Worship
Principle Test of the Vigil
Passed Path of the Pilgrim
Active Test of Beacons
Principle Test of Festivals
Passed Remembrance Ceremonies
? Unreleased Test
? Unreleased Test
Worship Rewards

Funerary Temple

Passed - Glory 61423

Color Name Quantity
Alice Blue 2543
Antique White 2450
Aqua 399
Aquamarine 2400
Azure 2450
Beige 2401
Bisque 523
Black 2436
Blanched Almond 2401
Blue 350
Blue Violet 16850
Brown 2393
Burly Wood 2401
Cadet Blue 2400
Carrot 2401
Chartreuse -
Chocolate 350
Coral 2401
Cornflower Blue 2443
Cornsilk -
Crimson 4680
Cyan -
Dark Blue 2400
Dark Cyan 2401
Dark Golden Rod 2803
Dark Gray 2550
Dark Green 2150
Dark Khaki 2780
Dark Magenta 2401
Dark Olive Green 350
Dark Orange -
Dark Orchid 2522
Dark Red 2401
Dark Salmon 2484
Dark Sea Green 2401
Dark Slate Blue 2398
Dark Slate Gray 344
Dark Turquoise 350
Dark Violet 350
Deep Pink -
Deep Sky Blue 2401
Dim Gray 2445
Dodger Blue 2401
Feldspar 2401
Fire Brick 2450
Floral White 477
Forest Green 2450
Fuchsia -
Gainsboro 2404
Ghost White 1908
Gold 49
Golden Rod 693
Gray 2403
Green -
Green Yellow 350
Honey Dew 350
Hot Pink 2450
Indian Red 2404
Indigo 2401
Ivory 2401
Khaki 2443
Lavender 2543
Lavender Blush 3200
Lawn Green -
Lemon Chiffon 2400
Light Blue 2595
Light Coral 2401
Light Cyan 2401
Light Golden Rod Yellow 2400
Light Green 2150
Light Grey 2405
Light Pink 2401
Color Name Quantity
Light Salmon 2449
Light Sea Green 2401
Light Sky Blue 2401
Light Slate Blue 350
Light Slate Gray 2401
Light Steel Blue 2401
Light Yellow -
Lime -
Lime Green 2530
Linen 2403
Magenta -
Maroon 2401
Medium Aqua Marine 2401
Medium Blue 2543
Medium Orchid 2050
Medium Purple 2450
Medium Sea Green 2450
Medium Slate Blue 2450
Medium Spring Green 350
Medium Turquoise 2450
Medium Violet Red 2394
Midnight Blue 2187
Mint Cream 2507
Misty Rose 2543
Moccasin 2401
Navajo White -
Navy 350
Old Lace 2550
Olive 2401
Olive Drab 2243
Orange -
Orange Red 2100
Orchid 2493
Pale Golden Rod 393
Pale Green 350
Pale Turquoise 2450
Pale Violet Red 2407
Papaya Whip -
Peach Puff 350
Peru 2401
Pink 2543
Plum 2401
Powder Blue 1654
Purple 2450
Red -
Rosy Brown 500
Royal Blue 2401
Saddle Brown 2401
Salmon 2401
Sandy Brown 2400
Sea Green 2401
Sea Shell 2401
Sienna 2450
Silver 2443
Sky Blue 2480
Slate Blue 2450
Slate Gray 2395
Snow 2403
Spring Green 2401
Steel Blue 2394
Tan 2403
Teal 2401
Thistle 2493
Tomato 2401
Turquoise 2450
Violet 2450
Violet Red 16854
Wheat 2571
White 2340
White Smoke 2394
Yellow -
Yellow Green 1348


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