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Difference between revisions of "User:TheMazeEcho/Beer"

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== Beer Tasting ==
== Beer Tasting ==
* hint Bread +
* not. Bread
* black, hint Barley +
* black, hint Barley +
* brown, hint Barley +
* brown, hint Barley +
* dry +
* dry +
* dry, muddled +
* dry, muddled +
* dry, hint Blackberry ++
* dry brown, hint Barley hint Orange +
* fruity, not. Orange +
* fruity, not. Orange +
* fruity dry, not. Date ++
* fruity dry, not. Date ++
* fruity dry, bold Date
* fruity dry, not. Honey
* fruity dry, not. Honey
* fruity spicy dry, bold Date
* fruity spicy dry, not. Honey hint Nutmeg +
* fruity spicy sweet, bold Honey ++
* fruity spicy sweet, bold Honey ++
* fruity spicy sweet, not. Honey not. Nutmeg +
* spicy sweet, not. Nutmeg +
* spicy sweet, not. Nutmeg +
* sweet, muddled ++
* sweet, muddled ++
* sweet beer +
* sweet beer +
* sweet, hint Honey, hint Barley +
* sweet, hint Honey, hint Barley +
* potent, muddled +
* potent, hint Barley hint Banana +
* potent, hint Barley hint Banana +
* potent, hint Vanilla hint Bread +
* potent black, hint Date
* potent black, hint Vanilla hint Bread +
* potent brown, hint Vanilla hint Bread ++
* potent brown, hint Vanilla hint Bread ++
* potent dry +
* potent dry ++
* potent dry, muddled +
* potent dry, muddled +
* potent dry, hint Cherry
* potent dry, hint Barley +
* potent dry, hint Bread +
* potent dry, hint Cherry  
* potent dry, hint Cinnamon +
* potent dry, bold Herbs +
* potent dry, hint Honey ++
* potent dry, hint Honey ++
* potent dry, hint Orange +
* potent dry, hint Jasmine ++
* potent dry, hint Orange ++
* potent dry brown, hint Barley +
* potent dry brown, hint Barley +
* potent dry brown, not. Barley +
* potent dry brown, hint Cherry
* potent dry brown, hint Date
* potent dry brown, hint Jasmine +
* potent dry brown, hint Vanilla +
* potent fruity, not. Date +
* potent fruity, not. Date +
* potent fruity, hint Date not. Orange
* potent fruity, not. Honey +
* potent fruity, not. Honey +
* potent fruity, bold Honey +
* potent fruity brown, not. Orange hint Honey +
* potent fruity brown, not. Orange hint Honey +
* potent fruity dry, muddled (wheat) +
* potent fruity dry, bold Date +
* potent fruity dry, not. Date +++
* potent fruity dry, hint Date not. Orange +
* potent fruity dry, not. Honey ++
* potent fruity dry, not. Honey ++
* potent fruity dry, not. Orange ++
* potent fruity dry, hint Honey hint Banana +
* potent fruity dry, hint Honey hint Banana +
* potent fruity dry, hint Honey hint Pear +
* potent fruity dry brown, hint Barley +
* potent fruity dry brown, not. Orange +
* potent fruity dry brown, not. Orange hint Honey +
* potent fruity dry brown, not. Orange hint Honey +
* potent fruity spicy sweet, bold Honey bold Cinnamon +
* potent fruity dry black, bold Honey +
* potent fruity dry black, not. Orange
* potent fruity spicy, bold Date ++
* potent fruity spicy dry, bold Date +
* potent fruity spicy sweet, bold Date +
* potent fruity spicy sweet, bold Honey bold Cinnamon ++
- potent fruity spicy sweet, not. Orange hint Cinnamon ++
* potent fruity spicy sweet brown, bold Honey bold Cinnamon +
* potent fruity sweet, hint Barley hint Banana +
* potent fruity sweet brown, bold Date ++
* potent fruity sweet brown, bold Date ++
* potent fruity sweet, not. Orange +
* potent spicy sweet, bold Nutmeg +
* potent spicy sweet, bold Nutmeg +
* potent sweet, hint Barley hint Banana ++
* potent sweet, not. Barley hint Banana ++
* potent sweet, not. Barley hint Banana ++
* potent sweet brown, hint Barley +
* potent sweet brown, hint Barley +
* VP, hint Honey +
* VP, hint Honey +
* VP black
* VP black
* VP dry, hint honey +
* VP brown, hint Bread hint Clove
* VP dry, hint honey ++
* VP fruity, not Barley not. Cherry +
* VP fruity, hint Barley hint Honey
* VP fruity, hint Cherry ++
* VP fruity, not. Cherry +
* VP fruity, not. Cherry +
* VP fruity, not. Cherry not. Honey +
* VP fruity, not. Honey +
* VP fruity, not. Honey +
* VP fruity, not. Orange hint Date
* VP fruity black, hint Barley hint Honey +
* VP fruity black, not. Cherry +
* VP fruity black, bold Date ++
* VP fruity black, hint Honey +
* VP fruity brown, not. Barley +
* VP fruity brown, bold Date +
* VP fruity brown, not. Cherry not. Honey
* VP fruity brown, hint Honey +
* VP fruity dry, muddled +
* VP fruity dry, hint Cherry
* VP fruity dry, hint Cherry
* VP fruity spicy sweet, bold Nutmeg bold Date ++
* VP fruity dry, not. Cherry
* VP fruity dry, bold Date +
* VP fruity dry, hint Date not. Orange +
* VP fruity dry, hint Honey
* VP fruity dry, hint Jasmine hint Pear +
* VP fruity dry black, hint Barley hint Cherry ++
* VP fruity dry black, not. Orange hint Date
* VP fruity dry brown, hint Cherry
* VP fruity dry brown, hint Cherry hint Honey
* VP fruity dry black, hint Cherry not. Honey
* VP fruity dry black, not. Cherry not. Honey +
* VP fruity dry brown, bold Honey ++
* VP fruity dry brown, muddled +
* VP fruity dry, bold Pear +
* VP fruity dry black, bold Honey +
* VP fruity spicy sweet, bold Cinnamon +
* VP fruity spicy sweet, not. Cinnamon ++
* VP fruity spicy sweet, bold Nutmeg bold Date +++
* VP fruity spicy sweet, not. Nutmeg hint Jasmine +
* VP fruity sweet, not. Barley hint Honey
* VP fruity sweet, not. Honey hint Barley
* VP fruity sweet, not. Cherry +
* VP fruity sweet, bold Date +
* VP fruity sweet, bold Date +
* VP fruity sweet, muddled +
* VP fruity sweet black, hint Barley hint Cherry
* VP fruity sweet black, hint Barley not. Cherry
* VP fruity sweet black, not. Barley hint Cherry +
* VP fruity sweet brown, muddled +
* VP fruity sweet brown, hint Barley hint Honey
* VP fruity sweet brown, not. Barley +
* VP fruity sweet brown, bold Date +
* VP spicy black, not. Cinnamon
* VP spicy dry, hint Cinnamon ++
* VP spicy sweet, hint Bread not. Cinnamon ++
* VP spicy sweet brown, hint Bread not. Cinnamon
* VP spicy sweet brown, bold Nutmeg ++
* VP spicy sweet brown, bold Nutmeg ++
* VP sweet brown, not. Barley +
* VP sweet brown, bold Barley +
* VP sweet black, bold Barley
== Beer Spots ==
== Beer Spots ==
* 2303, 2816: '''/1340\''' Yeast-83 /1320\ Yeast-40 '''/1300\''' Mold-87 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-44 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-59 Lactobacillus-5 Mold-7 Yeast-50 Yeast-72 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-26 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-10 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-82 Yeast-43 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-37 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-81
* 2303, 2816: '''/1340\''' Y83 /1320\ Y40 '''/1300\''' M87 L100 L44 A14 Y59 L5 M7 Y50 Y72 A6 Y26 M63 L77 Y10 Y42 L92 Y82 Y43 Y64 L37 A54 Y41 L4 Y81
Potent Dry, hint Orange : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open
Potent Dry, hint Orange : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open
* 2304, 2816: Yeast-48 '''/1950\''' Yeast-34 '''/1875\''' Acetobacter-54 Yeast-3 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-59 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-49 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-38 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-44 Mold-7 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-51 Yeast-66 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-89 Mold-55 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-64 Acetobacter-46 Mold-71
* 2304, 2816: Y48 '''/1950\''' Y34 '''/1875\''' A54 Y3 Y99 L53 Y59 A30 A22 Y33 L60 Y49 Y65 A70 Y17 A38 M23 L61 L44 M7 Y98 L36 Y51 Y66 L20 L69 Y89 M55 Y82 L28 L12 Y64 A46 M71
Potent Dry : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open
Potent Dry : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open
* 2303, 2815: Yeast-98 '''/2200\''' Yeast-91 '''/2130\''' Yeast-89 '''/2100\''' Yeast-43 /1500\ Yeast-59 '''/1800\''' Yeast-35 '''/1500\''' Mold-31 '''/1200\''' Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-77 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-84 Mold-15 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-57 Yeast-80 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-49 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-56 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-47 Yeast-81 Yeast-25 Yeast-33
* 2303, 2815: Y98 '''/2200\''' Y91 '''/2130\''' Y89 '''/2100\''' Y43 /1500\ Y59 '''/1800\''' Y35 '''/1500\''' M31 '''/1200\''' Y41 L45 L77 M7 L28 L92 Y18 L84 M15 A46 L5 Y57 Y80 Y51 A70 Y40 A30 Y49 L12 L44 Y56 M95 L21 M47 Y81 Y25 Y33
cloying : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open
cloying : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open
* 2304, 2815: Yeast-66 '''/1800\''' Yeast-59 '''/1350\''' Mold-39 Yeast-10 '''/1200\''' Yeast-98 Mold-79 Yeast-42 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-83 Mold-7 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-77 Acetobacter-54
* 2304, 2815: Y66 '''/1800\''' Y59 '''/1350\''' M39 Y10 '''/1200\''' Y98 M79 Y42 Y65 L29 Y89 L5 L28 Y83 M7 Y40 L77 A54
Potent Dry, muddled : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open
Potent Dry, muddled : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open
* 2320, 2815: Y66 Y59 '''Y10''' Y42 M39 Y65 M79 Y98 L28 M7 A86 Y40 L29 L77 Y18 A54 L5 Y89
* 2336, 2815: Y66 Y59 '''Y10''' Y42 Y65 M39 L77 Y98 M7 Y40 M79 Y18 A86 M15 L28 Y50 Y83 L29
* 2351, 2815: Y66 Y59 '''Y10''' M7 M15 Y42 M39 Y65 A86 Y40 L77 L28 Y98 Y18 Y50 Y2 M79
* 2368, 2815: M7 Y66 '''Y10''' Y40 Y42 M15 Y50 M79 Y59 Y8 L13 A86 L29 M39 L5 Y98
* 2384, 2815: M7 Y66 '''Y10''' M15 Y42 Y59 Y40 Y50 Y8 L13 A86 M79 L29 Y18 L5 A94
* 2320, 2799: Y66 Y59 M39 '''Y10''' M79 Y42 L28 Y98 M7 M15 A54 Y65 L29 Y18 L5 A86 Y40 Y83
* 2336, 2799: Y66 Y59 '''Y10''' M79 M39 M15 Y65 L28 Y42 Y40 M7 Y98 A86 L77 Y50 Y18
* 2351, 2799: Y66 Y59 '''Y10''' M39 M15 M79 M7 Y42 Y18 Y50 L28 L77 Y65 Y40 A86 Y98
* 2368, 2799: '''Y10''' Y66 M7 Y59 Y42 M79 M15 Y40 Y50 Y8 L29 L5 Y18 A86 L13 M39 Y98
* 2384, 2799: M7 Y42 '''Y10''' Y66 M15 Y59 Y18 Y50 M79 Y40 A86 L29 Y8 L13 L5 A94
* 2320, 2783: Y66 Y59 M79 M39 '''Y10''' Y42 A54 L28 Y65 Y98 L29 Y8 Y40 M15 Y50 M7 L77
* 2336, 2783: Y66 Y59 M39 M79 '''Y10''' M15 Y50 Y18 Y98 Y8 Y42 Y40 L28 M7 A86 A54
* 2351, 2783: Y66 Y59 M15 M79 '''Y10''' Y50 Y42 M39 L28 Y18 A86 Y65 Y98
* 2352, 2767: Y59 M79 Y66 Y50 M39 M15 Y42 L28 Y18 '''Y10''' L5 A54
* 2336, 2767: M79 Y59 M39 Y66 Y50 L28 A54 Y18 '''Y10''' M15 Y8 Y42
* 2320, 2767: Y59 Y66 M79 A54 M39 Y42 Y50 L28 Y98 Y8 L29 '''Y10''' M15 L5 Y40
* 2321, 2751:
* 2336, 2751: M79 Y18 A54 '''Y10''' Y59 Y66 Y8 Y42 Y50 M39 M15 L29 L52 Y98
* 2352, 2751: Y66 M79 Y18 A54 Y50 '''Y10''' Y59 Y8 M15 M39 M7 Y42 L29 Y98 Y67
* 2352, 2735: M79 Y18 Y59 A54 Y50 M15 Y66 L69 Y42 M39 Y98 '''Y10''' Y8
* 491, 7161: bad
* 501, 7149: bad
* 511, 7137: bad
* 521, 7125: Y40
* 531, 7113: Y40 '''Y24''' Y34
* 541, 7101: bad
* 551, 7089: Y34 '''Y24'''
* 561, 7077: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 A38 Y9 M23 Y40 M63 L21 Y50 M39 Y91 Y81 L69 Y8 '''Y57''' A46 Y72
* 559, 7073: Y25 '''Y24''' Y34 L53 A38 Y40 Y9 Y50 M23 M63 L69 Y81 L21 Y8 Y91 M39 Y72 A46 '''Y57'''
* 559, 7065: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' Y50 L53 Y9 M39 Y40 M23 A38 Y72 '''Y57''' A46 Y81 L69 L85 Y8 L21 L5 Y91 M63 M7
* 559, 7061: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' Y50 L53 M39 Y9 Y72 Y40 M23 A38 '''Y57''' A46 L69 Y81 L5 L21 Y91 Y8 M7 L85 L4 M63
* 559, 7057: Y25 Y34 '''Y24''' Y50 M39 Y9 L53 Y72 Y40 M23 '''Y57''' A38 A46 L69 L21 L5 Y8 Y91 Y81 L4 M7
* 563, 7077: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 A38 Y9 M23 Y40 L21 M63 M39 Y50 Y91 Y81 Y8 L69 '''Y57''' A46 Y72 L4
* 563, 7073: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 A38 Y9 M23 L21 M39 Y40 Y50 M63 Y81 Y8 Y91 L69 '''Y57''' Y72 A46 L5
* 563, 7069: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 Y50 Y9 M39 '''Y57''' Y40 M23 A38 Y81 L85 L69 A46 Y8 L5 Y72 L21 L4 M63
* 563, 7065: Y25 Y34 '''Y24''' Y50 L53 Y9 M39 Y40 '''Y57''' M23 A38 Y72 L69 Y81 A46 Y8 L5 L21 L85 L4 M63
* 563, 7061: Y25 Y34 '''Y24''' L53 Y50 Y9 M39 Y40 M23 Y72 '''Y57''' A38 L69 A46 L21 L5 Y8 Y81 L4 L85 M63
* 563, 7057: Y25 Y34 '''Y24''' Y50 L53 Y9 M39 Y72 A38 M23 Y40 L69 '''Y57''' L21 A46 L5 Y8 Y81 L4
* 567, 7077: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 Y9 A38 M39 M23 L21 M63 Y40 Y50 Y81 '''Y57''' Y8 Y91 L69 Y72 L4 A46
* 567, 7073: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 Y9 A38 M39 L21 M23 M63 Y50 Y40 Y81 Y8 '''Y57''' Y91 Y72 L69 A46 L5 L4
* 567, 7069: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 Y50 M39 Y9 '''Y57''' M23 Y40 A38 Y81 L5 L85 L69 Y8 Y72 L4 L21 A46 M63
* 567, 7065: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 Y50 Y9 M39 '''Y57''' M23 Y40 A38 Y72 L5 Y81 Y8 L69 L21 A46 L4 L85
* 567, 7061: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 Y9 Y50 M39 '''Y57''' Y72 M23 Y40 A38 L21 L5 L69 Y8 Y81 A46 L4
* 567, 7057: Y25 Y34 '''Y24''' Y9 Y50 L53 M39 Y72 M23 '''Y57''' L21 Y40 A38 L5 L69 Y8 A46 Y81 L4
* 571, 7077: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 Y9 M39 A38 L21 M63 M23 Y40 Y81 '''Y57''' Y50 Y8 Y91 Y72 L4 L69 L5 A46
* 571, 7073: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' L53 Y9 M39 L21 A38 M23 M63 Y81 '''Y57''' Y50 Y8 Y40 Y72 Y91 L5 L4 L69 A46
* 571, 7069: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' M39 L53 Y9 Y50 '''Y57''' M23 Y40 A38 L5 Y81 L4 L21 Y8 Y72 L69 L85 A46 
* 571, 7065: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' M39 L53 Y9 Y50 '''Y57''' M23 Y40 L5 A38 Y72 L21 Y8 L4 Y81 L69 L85 A46
* 571, 7057: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' Y9 M39 Y50 L53 Y72 '''Y57''' M23 L21 L5 Y40 A38 Y8 L4 L69 Y81 A46
* 575, 7073: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' M39 Y9 L53 L21 A38 M23 Y81 M63 '''Y57''' Y8 Y72 Y50 L5 L4 Y40 Y91
* 575, 7069: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' M39 Y9 L53 '''Y57''' Y50 M23 L5 Y40 L4 L21 A38 Y81 Y8 Y72 L69 L85
* 575, 7065: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' M39 Y9 L53 Y50 '''Y57''' M23 L5 L21 Y72 L4 Y40 A38 Y8 Y81 L69
* 575, 7061: Y34 Y25 '''Y24''' M39 Y9 L53 Y50 '''Y57''' M23 Y72 L21 L5 L4 A38 Y40 Y8 Y81 L69
* 579, 7073: '''Y24''' Y34 Y25 L53 Y9 L21 Y8 A38 Y50 M63 '''Y57''' L5 Y81 M23 Y40 L85
* 579, 7069: Y34 '''Y24''' L53 Y25 Y9 Y81 A38 Y8 Y40 M23 Y50 L21 M63 '''Y57''' L85 L69 L28
* 579, 7065: Y34 '''Y24''' Y25 L53 Y9 A38 Y81 Y50 Y40 Y8 M23 M63 L21 '''Y57''' L85 Y59 M39
* 583, 7073: '''Y24''' Y34 Y25 L53 Y9 L21 Y8 A38 '''Y57''' M63 Y81 M23 L5 Y40 Y50
* 583, 7069: Y34 '''Y24''' Y25 L53 Y9 Y81 A38 Y40 Y8 M63 L21 M23 Y50 '''Y57''' L28
* 583, 7065: Y34 '''Y24''' Y25 L53 Y9 A38 Y81 Y40 Y50 M63 Y8 M23 L21 '''Y57''' M39 Y59
* 581, 7053: '''Y24''' Y34 Y25

Latest revision as of 20:27, 1 August 2010

Beer Tasting

  • hint Bread +
  • not. Bread
  • black, hint Barley +
  • brown, hint Barley +
  • dry +
  • dry, muddled +
  • dry, hint Blackberry ++
  • dry brown, hint Barley hint Orange +
  • fruity, not. Orange +
  • fruity dry, not. Date ++
  • fruity dry, bold Date
  • fruity dry, not. Honey
  • fruity spicy dry, bold Date
  • fruity spicy dry, not. Honey hint Nutmeg +
  • fruity spicy sweet, bold Honey ++
  • fruity spicy sweet, not. Honey not. Nutmeg +
  • spicy sweet, not. Nutmeg +
  • sweet, muddled ++
  • sweet beer +
  • sweet, hint Honey, hint Barley +
  • potent, muddled +
  • potent, hint Barley hint Banana +
  • potent, hint Vanilla hint Bread +
  • potent black, hint Date
  • potent black, hint Vanilla hint Bread +
  • potent brown, hint Vanilla hint Bread ++
  • potent dry ++
  • potent dry, muddled +
  • potent dry, hint Barley +
  • potent dry, hint Bread +
  • potent dry, hint Cherry
  • potent dry, hint Cinnamon +
  • potent dry, bold Herbs +
  • potent dry, hint Honey ++
  • potent dry, hint Jasmine ++
  • potent dry, hint Orange ++
  • potent dry brown, hint Barley +
  • potent dry brown, not. Barley +
  • potent dry brown, hint Cherry
  • potent dry brown, hint Date
  • potent dry brown, hint Jasmine +
  • potent dry brown, hint Vanilla +
  • potent fruity, not. Date +
  • potent fruity, hint Date not. Orange
  • potent fruity, not. Honey +
  • potent fruity, bold Honey +
  • potent fruity brown, not. Orange hint Honey +
  • potent fruity dry, muddled (wheat) +
  • potent fruity dry, bold Date +
  • potent fruity dry, not. Date +++
  • potent fruity dry, hint Date not. Orange +
  • potent fruity dry, not. Honey ++
  • potent fruity dry, not. Orange ++
  • potent fruity dry, hint Honey hint Banana +
  • potent fruity dry, hint Honey hint Pear +
  • potent fruity dry brown, hint Barley +
  • potent fruity dry brown, not. Orange +
  • potent fruity dry brown, not. Orange hint Honey +
  • potent fruity dry black, bold Honey +
  • potent fruity dry black, not. Orange
  • potent fruity spicy, bold Date ++
  • potent fruity spicy dry, bold Date +
  • potent fruity spicy sweet, bold Date +
  • potent fruity spicy sweet, bold Honey bold Cinnamon ++

- potent fruity spicy sweet, not. Orange hint Cinnamon ++

  • potent fruity spicy sweet brown, bold Honey bold Cinnamon +
  • potent fruity sweet, hint Barley hint Banana +
  • potent fruity sweet brown, bold Date ++
  • potent fruity sweet, not. Orange +
  • potent spicy sweet, bold Nutmeg +
  • potent sweet, hint Barley hint Banana ++
  • potent sweet, not. Barley hint Banana ++
  • potent sweet brown, hint Barley +
  • VP, hint Honey +
  • VP black
  • VP brown, hint Bread hint Clove
  • VP dry, hint honey ++
  • VP fruity, not Barley not. Cherry +
  • VP fruity, hint Barley hint Honey
  • VP fruity, hint Cherry ++
  • VP fruity, not. Cherry +
  • VP fruity, not. Cherry not. Honey +
  • VP fruity, not. Honey +
  • VP fruity, not. Orange hint Date
  • VP fruity black, hint Barley hint Honey +
  • VP fruity black, not. Cherry +
  • VP fruity black, bold Date ++
  • VP fruity black, hint Honey +
  • VP fruity brown, not. Barley +
  • VP fruity brown, bold Date +
  • VP fruity brown, not. Cherry not. Honey
  • VP fruity brown, hint Honey +
  • VP fruity dry, muddled +
  • VP fruity dry, hint Cherry
  • VP fruity dry, not. Cherry
  • VP fruity dry, bold Date +
  • VP fruity dry, hint Date not. Orange +
  • VP fruity dry, hint Honey
  • VP fruity dry, hint Jasmine hint Pear +
  • VP fruity dry black, hint Barley hint Cherry ++
  • VP fruity dry black, not. Orange hint Date
  • VP fruity dry brown, hint Cherry
  • VP fruity dry brown, hint Cherry hint Honey
  • VP fruity dry black, hint Cherry not. Honey
  • VP fruity dry black, not. Cherry not. Honey +
  • VP fruity dry brown, bold Honey ++
  • VP fruity dry brown, muddled +
  • VP fruity dry, bold Pear +
  • VP fruity dry black, bold Honey +
  • VP fruity spicy sweet, bold Cinnamon +
  • VP fruity spicy sweet, not. Cinnamon ++
  • VP fruity spicy sweet, bold Nutmeg bold Date +++
  • VP fruity spicy sweet, not. Nutmeg hint Jasmine +
  • VP fruity sweet, not. Barley hint Honey
  • VP fruity sweet, not. Honey hint Barley
  • VP fruity sweet, not. Cherry +
  • VP fruity sweet, bold Date +
  • VP fruity sweet, muddled +
  • VP fruity sweet black, hint Barley hint Cherry
  • VP fruity sweet black, hint Barley not. Cherry
  • VP fruity sweet black, not. Barley hint Cherry +
  • VP fruity sweet brown, muddled +
  • VP fruity sweet brown, hint Barley hint Honey
  • VP fruity sweet brown, not. Barley +
  • VP fruity sweet brown, bold Date +
  • VP spicy black, not. Cinnamon
  • VP spicy dry, hint Cinnamon ++
  • VP spicy sweet, hint Bread not. Cinnamon ++
  • VP spicy sweet brown, hint Bread not. Cinnamon
  • VP spicy sweet brown, bold Nutmeg ++
  • VP sweet brown, not. Barley +
  • VP sweet brown, bold Barley +
  • VP sweet black, bold Barley

Beer Spots

  • 2303, 2816: /1340\ Y83 /1320\ Y40 /1300\ M87 L100 L44 A14 Y59 L5 M7 Y50 Y72 A6 Y26 M63 L77 Y10 Y42 L92 Y82 Y43 Y64 L37 A54 Y41 L4 Y81

Potent Dry, hint Orange : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open

  • 2304, 2816: Y48 /1950\ Y34 /1875\ A54 Y3 Y99 L53 Y59 A30 A22 Y33 L60 Y49 Y65 A70 Y17 A38 M23 L61 L44 M7 Y98 L36 Y51 Y66 L20 L69 Y89 M55 Y82 L28 L12 Y64 A46 M71

Potent Dry : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open

  • 2303, 2815: Y98 /2200\ Y91 /2130\ Y89 /2100\ Y43 /1500\ Y59 /1800\ Y35 /1500\ M31 /1200\ Y41 L45 L77 M7 L28 L92 Y18 L84 M15 A46 L5 Y57 Y80 Y51 A70 Y40 A30 Y49 L12 L44 Y56 M95 L21 M47 Y81 Y25 Y33

cloying : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open

  • 2304, 2815: Y66 /1800\ Y59 /1350\ M39 Y10 /1200\ Y98 M79 Y42 Y65 L29 Y89 L5 L28 Y83 M7 Y40 L77 A54

Potent Dry, muddled : 100H @ start, 5R @ end, open

  • 2320, 2815: Y66 Y59 Y10 Y42 M39 Y65 M79 Y98 L28 M7 A86 Y40 L29 L77 Y18 A54 L5 Y89
  • 2336, 2815: Y66 Y59 Y10 Y42 Y65 M39 L77 Y98 M7 Y40 M79 Y18 A86 M15 L28 Y50 Y83 L29
  • 2351, 2815: Y66 Y59 Y10 M7 M15 Y42 M39 Y65 A86 Y40 L77 L28 Y98 Y18 Y50 Y2 M79
  • 2368, 2815: M7 Y66 Y10 Y40 Y42 M15 Y50 M79 Y59 Y8 L13 A86 L29 M39 L5 Y98
  • 2384, 2815: M7 Y66 Y10 M15 Y42 Y59 Y40 Y50 Y8 L13 A86 M79 L29 Y18 L5 A94
  • 2320, 2799: Y66 Y59 M39 Y10 M79 Y42 L28 Y98 M7 M15 A54 Y65 L29 Y18 L5 A86 Y40 Y83
  • 2336, 2799: Y66 Y59 Y10 M79 M39 M15 Y65 L28 Y42 Y40 M7 Y98 A86 L77 Y50 Y18
  • 2351, 2799: Y66 Y59 Y10 M39 M15 M79 M7 Y42 Y18 Y50 L28 L77 Y65 Y40 A86 Y98
  • 2368, 2799: Y10 Y66 M7 Y59 Y42 M79 M15 Y40 Y50 Y8 L29 L5 Y18 A86 L13 M39 Y98
  • 2384, 2799: M7 Y42 Y10 Y66 M15 Y59 Y18 Y50 M79 Y40 A86 L29 Y8 L13 L5 A94
  • 2320, 2783: Y66 Y59 M79 M39 Y10 Y42 A54 L28 Y65 Y98 L29 Y8 Y40 M15 Y50 M7 L77
  • 2336, 2783: Y66 Y59 M39 M79 Y10 M15 Y50 Y18 Y98 Y8 Y42 Y40 L28 M7 A86 A54
  • 2351, 2783: Y66 Y59 M15 M79 Y10 Y50 Y42 M39 L28 Y18 A86 Y65 Y98
  • 2352, 2767: Y59 M79 Y66 Y50 M39 M15 Y42 L28 Y18 Y10 L5 A54
  • 2336, 2767: M79 Y59 M39 Y66 Y50 L28 A54 Y18 Y10 M15 Y8 Y42
  • 2320, 2767: Y59 Y66 M79 A54 M39 Y42 Y50 L28 Y98 Y8 L29 Y10 M15 L5 Y40
  • 2321, 2751:
  • 2336, 2751: M79 Y18 A54 Y10 Y59 Y66 Y8 Y42 Y50 M39 M15 L29 L52 Y98
  • 2352, 2751: Y66 M79 Y18 A54 Y50 Y10 Y59 Y8 M15 M39 M7 Y42 L29 Y98 Y67
  • 2352, 2735: M79 Y18 Y59 A54 Y50 M15 Y66 L69 Y42 M39 Y98 Y10 Y8
  • 491, 7161: bad
  • 501, 7149: bad
  • 511, 7137: bad
  • 521, 7125: Y40
  • 531, 7113: Y40 Y24 Y34
  • 541, 7101: bad
  • 551, 7089: Y34 Y24
  • 561, 7077: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 A38 Y9 M23 Y40 M63 L21 Y50 M39 Y91 Y81 L69 Y8 Y57 A46 Y72
  • 559, 7073: Y25 Y24 Y34 L53 A38 Y40 Y9 Y50 M23 M63 L69 Y81 L21 Y8 Y91 M39 Y72 A46 Y57
  • 559, 7065: Y34 Y25 Y24 Y50 L53 Y9 M39 Y40 M23 A38 Y72 Y57 A46 Y81 L69 L85 Y8 L21 L5 Y91 M63 M7
  • 559, 7061: Y34 Y25 Y24 Y50 L53 M39 Y9 Y72 Y40 M23 A38 Y57 A46 L69 Y81 L5 L21 Y91 Y8 M7 L85 L4 M63
  • 559, 7057: Y25 Y34 Y24 Y50 M39 Y9 L53 Y72 Y40 M23 Y57 A38 A46 L69 L21 L5 Y8 Y91 Y81 L4 M7
  • 563, 7077: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 A38 Y9 M23 Y40 L21 M63 M39 Y50 Y91 Y81 Y8 L69 Y57 A46 Y72 L4
  • 563, 7073: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 A38 Y9 M23 L21 M39 Y40 Y50 M63 Y81 Y8 Y91 L69 Y57 Y72 A46 L5
  • 563, 7069: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 Y50 Y9 M39 Y57 Y40 M23 A38 Y81 L85 L69 A46 Y8 L5 Y72 L21 L4 M63
  • 563, 7065: Y25 Y34 Y24 Y50 L53 Y9 M39 Y40 Y57 M23 A38 Y72 L69 Y81 A46 Y8 L5 L21 L85 L4 M63
  • 563, 7061: Y25 Y34 Y24 L53 Y50 Y9 M39 Y40 M23 Y72 Y57 A38 L69 A46 L21 L5 Y8 Y81 L4 L85 M63
  • 563, 7057: Y25 Y34 Y24 Y50 L53 Y9 M39 Y72 A38 M23 Y40 L69 Y57 L21 A46 L5 Y8 Y81 L4
  • 567, 7077: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 Y9 A38 M39 M23 L21 M63 Y40 Y50 Y81 Y57 Y8 Y91 L69 Y72 L4 A46
  • 567, 7073: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 Y9 A38 M39 L21 M23 M63 Y50 Y40 Y81 Y8 Y57 Y91 Y72 L69 A46 L5 L4
  • 567, 7069: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 Y50 M39 Y9 Y57 M23 Y40 A38 Y81 L5 L85 L69 Y8 Y72 L4 L21 A46 M63
  • 567, 7065: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 Y50 Y9 M39 Y57 M23 Y40 A38 Y72 L5 Y81 Y8 L69 L21 A46 L4 L85
  • 567, 7061: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 Y9 Y50 M39 Y57 Y72 M23 Y40 A38 L21 L5 L69 Y8 Y81 A46 L4
  • 567, 7057: Y25 Y34 Y24 Y9 Y50 L53 M39 Y72 M23 Y57 L21 Y40 A38 L5 L69 Y8 A46 Y81 L4
  • 571, 7077: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 Y9 M39 A38 L21 M63 M23 Y40 Y81 Y57 Y50 Y8 Y91 Y72 L4 L69 L5 A46
  • 571, 7073: Y34 Y25 Y24 L53 Y9 M39 L21 A38 M23 M63 Y81 Y57 Y50 Y8 Y40 Y72 Y91 L5 L4 L69 A46
  • 571, 7069: Y34 Y25 Y24 M39 L53 Y9 Y50 Y57 M23 Y40 A38 L5 Y81 L4 L21 Y8 Y72 L69 L85 A46
  • 571, 7065: Y34 Y25 Y24 M39 L53 Y9 Y50 Y57 M23 Y40 L5 A38 Y72 L21 Y8 L4 Y81 L69 L85 A46
  • 571, 7057: Y34 Y25 Y24 Y9 M39 Y50 L53 Y72 Y57 M23 L21 L5 Y40 A38 Y8 L4 L69 Y81 A46
  • 575, 7073: Y34 Y25 Y24 M39 Y9 L53 L21 A38 M23 Y81 M63 Y57 Y8 Y72 Y50 L5 L4 Y40 Y91
  • 575, 7069: Y34 Y25 Y24 M39 Y9 L53 Y57 Y50 M23 L5 Y40 L4 L21 A38 Y81 Y8 Y72 L69 L85
  • 575, 7065: Y34 Y25 Y24 M39 Y9 L53 Y50 Y57 M23 L5 L21 Y72 L4 Y40 A38 Y8 Y81 L69
  • 575, 7061: Y34 Y25 Y24 M39 Y9 L53 Y50 Y57 M23 Y72 L21 L5 L4 A38 Y40 Y8 Y81 L69
  • 579, 7073: Y24 Y34 Y25 L53 Y9 L21 Y8 A38 Y50 M63 Y57 L5 Y81 M23 Y40 L85
  • 579, 7069: Y34 Y24 L53 Y25 Y9 Y81 A38 Y8 Y40 M23 Y50 L21 M63 Y57 L85 L69 L28
  • 579, 7065: Y34 Y24 Y25 L53 Y9 A38 Y81 Y50 Y40 Y8 M23 M63 L21 Y57 L85 Y59 M39
  • 583, 7073: Y24 Y34 Y25 L53 Y9 L21 Y8 A38 Y57 M63 Y81 M23 L5 Y40 Y50
  • 583, 7069: Y34 Y24 Y25 L53 Y9 Y81 A38 Y40 Y8 M63 L21 M23 Y50 Y57 L28
  • 583, 7065: Y34 Y24 Y25 L53 Y9 A38 Y81 Y40 Y50 M63 Y8 M23 L21 Y57 M39 Y59
  • 581, 7053: Y24 Y34 Y25