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Ill answer a few commmon concerns here with my views. Stealing is first. Can a spouse "steal" from a spouse. My answer for this is no. When you enter into marriage, you are aware that this person has full access to your belongings and that what is yours is now thiers and vice versa. I consider marriage a shared relationship. To me this is more an issue of respect then theft. Can one be considered a thief taking from a guild to use for thier own personal needs? This depends on the guild. Some guilds are setup to assist thier members with resources. A guild cant offer this amenity and then decide down the road that they dont like this person or whatever the case may be and call them a thief. If you take from a guild without asking and its not part of the setup, I do believe this to be stealing. However, I feel this is the guilds responsibilty to handle. This is why as a guild elder you are given the ability to set ranks within your group. An elder also has the ability to kick a player from the guild. Elders should take it upon themselves to mediate and work with that person for a solution before taking the matter higher up after all thats what they are there guide, lead, and teach. If an elder takes from the guild, it would depend on the circumstances. Is the resource being taken for personal or nonpersonal use? If it is personal and the guild is not setup for this, I would say yes this is stealing. However, once again, many guilds are setup with multiple elders. This is definitely something I feel should first be worked out amongst the guild elders before moving anywhere else. I do strongly feel that any issues should NEVER be taken to regional chat when guild related. When a group does so, it only proves to spark more drama then solution in any matter. Cheating is another hot topic. I NEVER support cheating in any fashion. LOL I wouldnt even tell my husband where a cicada cage is located. I feel I worked hard to get the things I have and pass the tests I have completed. I always am available to help but I dont believe in completing someone elses tests by solving them. I have however taken into consideration real life. I have logged in my spouse in prior tales to do vigil upon thier request due to real life issues. I wouldnt do this for another player however. As I stated above, a marriage is a partnership..its a team and a team works together and assists when and where they can. There is a very fine line here however. For example, the vigil I logged a spouse in to take a turn was prepared for by a group including the spouse. He worked hard in gathering supplies. If he hadnt of put alot of work into the task, I wouldnt have felt he deserved my effort in logging him in. If it were a puzzle to be solved or a hidden location to be discovered, I wouldnt do this with anyone including a spouse. These are fun things that make up the game and solving them for someone defeats the purpose. I am very adamant about cheating and if someone is caught blatantly doing so knowing full well they shouldnt, I do feel a warning is appropriate and if it continues then a ban is constituted. Some people consider macroing a form of cheating. As long as you are at the keyboard physically, I dont feel it is. If you get up and leave the macro running while you are away then to me that is like allowing someone else to play your game. If you are there watcing the macro, then you are actively participating in the game indirectly. This is just a game and someones real life health is ultimately more important and many have problems with the continuous mouse clicking and movements. There is one area where I feel banning a player is a must. This comes in the form of offensive behavior after a warning is given. Offensive behavior as defined by me is anything that is racist, sexist, hateful, or hurtful to others.This is a game and those kinds of things dont belong here. Stalking is another one. I just dealt with a fellow female player in another game who had this going on. We as a group stood up and took the matter into hand. NO ONE..male or female should EVER fear for thier personal safety and well being. Political and religous views dont belong ingame but as long as they arent made in a mean or hateful way during a discussion, I dont feel they are bannable offenses. I do think if people want to have those types of discussions, they should do them in private. Banning people is not always the solution to a problem. Sometimes there is more to an issue then meets the eye. As I said before, having been an EQ gm, things arent always as they seem. If you dont get all sides of the stories and all the facts first and are quick to jump on the ban button, it can be a dangerous thing. You may discover later that what you thought was the true story wasnt at all. Im an observer. Im quiet for the most part taking in things around me. Im a good listener and have a fair amount of patience. Im willing to mediate, weed out lies, and in the end do what needs done.

Revision as of 15:42, 28 September 2010

Ill answer a few commmon concerns here with my views. Stealing is first. Can a spouse "steal" from a spouse. My answer for this is no. When you enter into marriage, you are aware that this person has full access to your belongings and that what is yours is now thiers and vice versa. I consider marriage a shared relationship. To me this is more an issue of respect then theft. Can one be considered a thief taking from a guild to use for thier own personal needs? This depends on the guild. Some guilds are setup to assist thier members with resources. A guild cant offer this amenity and then decide down the road that they dont like this person or whatever the case may be and call them a thief. If you take from a guild without asking and its not part of the setup, I do believe this to be stealing. However, I feel this is the guilds responsibilty to handle. This is why as a guild elder you are given the ability to set ranks within your group. An elder also has the ability to kick a player from the guild. Elders should take it upon themselves to mediate and work with that person for a solution before taking the matter higher up after all thats what they are there guide, lead, and teach. If an elder takes from the guild, it would depend on the circumstances. Is the resource being taken for personal or nonpersonal use? If it is personal and the guild is not setup for this, I would say yes this is stealing. However, once again, many guilds are setup with multiple elders. This is definitely something I feel should first be worked out amongst the guild elders before moving anywhere else. I do strongly feel that any issues should NEVER be taken to regional chat when guild related. When a group does so, it only proves to spark more drama then solution in any matter. Cheating is another hot topic. I NEVER support cheating in any fashion. LOL I wouldnt even tell my husband where a cicada cage is located. I feel I worked hard to get the things I have and pass the tests I have completed. I always am available to help but I dont believe in completing someone elses tests by solving them. I have however taken into consideration real life. I have logged in my spouse in prior tales to do vigil upon thier request due to real life issues. I wouldnt do this for another player however. As I stated above, a marriage is a partnership..its a team and a team works together and assists when and where they can. There is a very fine line here however. For example, the vigil I logged a spouse in to take a turn was prepared for by a group including the spouse. He worked hard in gathering supplies. If he hadnt of put alot of work into the task, I wouldnt have felt he deserved my effort in logging him in. If it were a puzzle to be solved or a hidden location to be discovered, I wouldnt do this with anyone including a spouse. These are fun things that make up the game and solving them for someone defeats the purpose. I am very adamant about cheating and if someone is caught blatantly doing so knowing full well they shouldnt, I do feel a warning is appropriate and if it continues then a ban is constituted. Some people consider macroing a form of cheating. As long as you are at the keyboard physically, I dont feel it is. If you get up and leave the macro running while you are away then to me that is like allowing someone else to play your game. If you are there watcing the macro, then you are actively participating in the game indirectly. This is just a game and someones real life health is ultimately more important and many have problems with the continuous mouse clicking and movements. There is one area where I feel banning a player is a must. This comes in the form of offensive behavior after a warning is given. Offensive behavior as defined by me is anything that is racist, sexist, hateful, or hurtful to others.This is a game and those kinds of things dont belong here. Stalking is another one. I just dealt with a fellow female player in another game who had this going on. We as a group stood up and took the matter into hand. NO ONE..male or female should EVER fear for thier personal safety and well being. Political and religous views dont belong ingame but as long as they arent made in a mean or hateful way during a discussion, I dont feel they are bannable offenses. I do think if people want to have those types of discussions, they should do them in private. Banning people is not always the solution to a problem. Sometimes there is more to an issue then meets the eye. As I said before, having been an EQ gm, things arent always as they seem. If you dont get all sides of the stories and all the facts first and are quick to jump on the ban button, it can be a dangerous thing. You may discover later that what you thought was the true story wasnt at all. Im an observer. Im quiet for the most part taking in things around me. Im a good listener and have a fair amount of patience. Im willing to mediate, weed out lies, and in the end do what needs done.