Beer Tasting 6
Single Flavours
- Potent Spicy Sweet Black Beer, Bold Nutmeg +2
Two Flavours
- Fruity, Noticable orange +2
- Potent Fruit, Noticeable honey +2
- Ptent Fruity Black, Noticeable orange, hint of barley +2
Three Flavours
- Fruity, Noticeable orange, hint of honey +2
- Fruity Dry, Noticeable honey, hint of orange +2
- Potent Fruity, Noticeable orange, hint of barley +2
- Potent Fruity Brown, Noticeable orange, hint of barley +2
- Potent Fruity Sweet Black, Noticeable orange, hint of barley +2
- Potent Fruity Sweet Brown, noticeable orange, hint of barley +2
- Potent Fruity Dry, noticeable honey, noticeable orange +1
- Potent fruity dry black, noticeable honey, noticeable orange +1
- Potent fruity dry brown, noticeable honey, noticeable orange +1
Wine Tasting
Samples: 12/28
12%+ Alc: 7/14
Good Qual: 11/14
3+ Vintage: 1/7
Vintage 4
- Overflowing Raspberry, Hint of Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Caramelization, Hint of Sweetness, Graceful
- Overflowing Cooked Notes, Hint of Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Peach, Hint of Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Burned Smells, Fluttering Menthol, Fluttering Sweetness, Graceful
- Overflowing Carmelization, Displays Cooked Notes, Hint of Sweetness, Graceful
- Pleasant, Delicious Sweetness, Thin
- Overflowing Animal Smells, Intense aromas of Apple, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Microbiological Smells, Intense aromas of Fruit, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Green Olives, Bursting Smoke, Fluttering Sweetness, Stunning
- Pleasant, Hint of Sweetness, Thin
- Overflowing Fish, Hint of Sweetness, Spectacular
Vintage 5
- Overflowing Raspberry, Light Desert, Thick Velvety
- Overflowing Floral Notes, Hard Extremely Dry, Hint of Character
- Overflowing Raspberry, Hard Extremely Dry, Astonishing
- Overflowing Fruit, Intense aromas Green Olives, Delicious Sweetness, Graceful
- Overflowing Green Beans, Intense aromas of Banana, Delicious, Astonishing
- Overflowing Vegetables, Intense aromas of Tropical Fruit, Delicious, Astonishing
- Overflowing Earthyness, Light Desert, Hint of Character
- Overflowing Tropical Fruit, Light Desert, Stunning
- Overflowing Pineapple, Ample Floral Notes, Light Desert, Stunning
- Overflowing Smoke, Displays Linalool, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
Vintage 6
- Overflowing Earthyness, Light Dessert, Stunning
- Overflowing Cedar, Hint of Sweetness, Spectacular
- Overflowing Earthyness, Light Dry, Stunning
- Overflowing Bell Pepper, Ample Raspberry, Light Dessert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Cooked Notes, Hints of Eucalyptus and Earthyness, Light Desert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Roses and Tree Fruit, Bursting Menthol, Light Dessert, Spectacular
- Overflowing Green Olives, Bursting Menthol, Light Dessert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Roses, Bursting Pineapple and Linalool, Light Dessert, Spectacular
- Overflowing Banana, Displays Roses and Cooked Notes, Light Dessert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Menthol, Intense aromas of Roses, Light Dessert, Spectacular
- Overflowing Smoke, Displays Soy Sauce, Delicious Sweetness, Spectacular
- Overflowing Soy Sauce, Fluttering Leesy, Delicious Sweetness, Stunning
Vintage 7
- Overflowing Raspberry, Light Desert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Raspberry, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Raspberry, Delicious Sweetness, Graceful
- Overflowing Berries, Light Desert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Berries, Hint of Sweetness, Stunning Proportions
- Overflowing Fruit, Hint of Sweetness, Stunning Proportions
- Overflowing Coolness, Delicious Sweetness, Hint of Character
- Overflowing Coolness, Delicious Sweetness, Stunning Proportions
- Overflowing Heat, Hint of Sweetness, Graceful Wine
- Overflowing Heat, Delicious Sweetness, Spectacular Example
- Overflowing Hot Alcohol, Hint of Sweetness, Graceful
- Overflowing Hot Alcohol, Delicious Sweetness, Spectacular Example
- Overflowing Peach, Light Desert, Luxury Wine
- Overflowing Hot Alcohol, Displays Roses, Linalool and Peach, Light Dessert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Raspberry, Ample Roses, Light Desert, Astonishing Wine
- Overflowing Peach, Light Dessert, Passable
- Overflowing Raspberry, Hints of Green Olives, Light Desert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Berries, Hints of Pineapple, Light Dessert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Bell Pepper and Linalool, Bursting Green Olives and Mushrooms, Light Desert, Stunning
- Overflowing Smoke, Ample Butter, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Smoke, Bursting Green Olives, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
Vintage 8
- Overflowing Green Olives, Hint of Sweetness, Stunning Proportions
- Overflowing Vegetables, Hint of Sweetness, Stunning Proportions
- Overflowing Cooked Notes, Light Desert, Spectacular Example
- Overflowing Vegetabes, Light Desert, Spectacular Example
- Pleasant, Delicious Sweetness, Thin
- Overflowing Menthol, Hard, Passable
- Overflowing Pungency, Hard, Passable
- Overflowing Menthol, Hint of Sweetness, Stunning Proportions
- Overflowing Pungency, Hint of Sweetness, Stunning Proportions
- Overflowing Menthol, Deliciousness Sweetness, Graceful
- Overflowing Pungency, Deliciousness Sweetness, Graceful
- Overflowing Menthol, Deliciousness Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Pungency, Deliciousness Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Menthol, Hint of Sweetness, Hint
- Overflowing Pungency, Hint of Sweetness, Hint
- Overflowing Menthol, Deliciousness Sweetness, Thick Velvety
- Overflowing Pungency, Deliciousness Sweetness, Thick Velvety
- Overflowing Cooked Notes, Light Desert, Spectacular
- Overflowing Vegetables, Light Desert, Spectacular
- Overflowing Bell Pepper, Displays Menthol, Delicious Sweetness, Luxury
- Overflowing Linalool, Hints of Coolness, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Menthol, Hints of Molasses and Linalool, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Tree Fruit, Fluttering Roses, Light Dessert, Graceful
- Overflowing Green Olives, Bursting Roses, Delicious Sweetness, Astonishing
- Overflowing Fruit, Fluttering Floral Notes, Light Dessert, Graceful
New Book
- Overflowing Bell Pepper and Raspberry, Delicious Sweetness, Spectacular
- Overflowing Cherry, Fluttering Green Olives, Light Dessert, Stunning
- Overflowing Hot Alcohol, Light Desert, Graceful
- Pleasant, Delicious Sweetness, Thin
- Overflowing Raspberry, Delicious Sweetness, Spectacular
- Overflowing Green Beans, Fluttering Green Olives, Light Dessert, Astonishing
- Overflowing Fruit, Delicious Sweetness, Spectacular
- Overflowing Cedar, Light Dessert, Hint of Character
- Overflowing Woodiness, Light Dessert, Hint of Character
- Pleasant, Light Dessert, Thin
- Overflowing Raspberry, Displays Cherry, Delicious Sweetness, Luxury
- Overflowing Tree Fruit, Light Dessert, Passable