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Difference between revisions of "User:Cegaiel/Macros/CarpBlade/Code"

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Line 78: Line 78:
;MsgBox, Step 1: Your camera angle will now automatically be adjusted to double F8 mode and zoomed in to maximum.`n`nThis will take 10 seconds, do not move mouse while this occurs!`n`nNote: If you screen does not zoom in, then you already have your screen locked, press ALT+L to unlock and then reload this script to try again!`n`nPress OK to proceed...
MsgBox, Step 1: Your camera angle will now automatically be adjusted to double F8 mode and zoomed in to maximum.`n`nThis will take 10 seconds, do not move mouse while this occurs!`n`nNote: If you screen does not zoom in, then you already have your screen locked, press ALT+L to unlock and then reload this script to try again!`n`nPress OK to proceed...
WinActivate, eGenesis Client
WinActivate, eGenesis Client

Revision as of 07:27, 24 September 2010

;1680x1050 Resolution ONLY!

;Have this in your inventory:
;3 main tools: Ball Peen Hammer, Shaping Mallet, and Wide Tungsten Chisel 
;Metal: Iron or Copper

;F2: Set Location, make blade
;Right Ctrl: Use last F2 location, make blade
;Right Shift: Show current coordinates locked into memory
;Left Click: Show current mouse location

;Left Ctrl: Approve and unload the blade from anvil (and make another blade if you uncomment (see next paragraph).
;Spacebar: Discard the blade and recover metal.

;Ctrl+P to pause script and Ctrl+P again to resume
;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused.
;Ctrl+R to reload script
;Date: 9/22/2010

;Author: Cegaiel
;Full Credit to Oni , this macro is based off his hard work for getting the hit locations


;Note the next to the last line in this script: Gosub, Load .
;If you uncomment this, then everytime you Approve/unload a blade (with Left Ctrl key) then it will automatically start a
;new project immediately (same as if you had pressed Right Ctrl), after unloading.
;This can save you a few seconds when doing multiple blades. 


WinGetActiveStats, Title, Width, Height, WinX, WinY 

IfWinExist eGenesis Client

	Gui, Add, Text,, Metal Type:
	Gui, Add, DropDownList, vMetal Choose1, Copper|Iron
	Gui, Add, Button, gStart, MAKE
	Gui, Show
	MsgBox, eGenesis Client not running, aborting...

	WinActivate, eGenesis Client
	WinGet, GameWinHandle, ID, eGenesis Client
	StartX = 0
	StartY = 0

Gui, Submit

Gosub, HELP
;Msgbox, Make Blade: Hover mouse at starting position (image in wiki) and click F2`n`n`nHOTKEYS (works at anytime while script is idle):`n`nF1: This Help Screen`n`nF2: Make a blade and lock coordinates into memory and clipboard`nRight Ctrl: Make another blade from last F2 coordinates (memory)`n`nLeft Shift: Show current mouse position`nRight Shift: Show last F2 coordinates (memory)`n`nRight Ctrl: Approve and Unload a blade into your inventory, after making.`nSPACEBAR: Discard project`n`n`nNote: Copper and Iron produce the same quality blades, so use whatever you have the most of.

if (Metal = "Iron")
MetalX = 63
MetalY = 84
MetalX = 63
MetalY = 101

MsgBox, Step 1: Your camera angle will now automatically be adjusted to double F8 mode and zoomed in to maximum.`n`nThis will take 10 seconds, do not move mouse while this occurs!`n`nNote: If you screen does not zoom in, then you already have your screen locked, press ALT+L to unlock and then reload this script to try again!`n`nPress OK to proceed...

	WinActivate, eGenesis Client

;Now Zoom in all the way with F8
	WinActivate, eGenesis Client
	Sleep 1000
	MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
	Send {F5}{F8}{F8}
	MouseMove, 0,0
	Sleep 5000
	MouseMove, 0, 0
	Sleep 5000
	MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0			

MsgBox, Step 2: Lock your screen (Alt+L) so the screen doesn't move (after clicking OK)`n`nStep 3: Then hover mouse on the anvil starting position (image in wiki) and hit F2 to make a blade.`n`nIf your starting position doesn't produce a quality of blade that you desire, then repeat Step 3.`nIf your starting position is satisfactory, then make your subsequent blades by clicking the Right Ctrl Key.`n`nMetal: %Metal%

	WinActivate, eGenesis Client

SetTimer, GetStartPos, 100


GetKeyState, state, F2
if state = D 
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY 
Clipboard = Last Project: %StartX%, %StartY%`n
Gosub, Load

GetKeyState, state, RCtrl
if state = D
Gosub, Load

GetKeyState, state, RShift
if state = D

if ((StartX == 0) && (StartY == 0))
Msgbox, No coordinates in memory, Start a project with F2, first...
Msgbox, Position in memory: %StartX%, %StartY%`n`nPress Right Ctrl to make another blade at these coordinates`n`nThe coordinates are also located in clipboard, Ctrl+V to paste.

GetKeyState, state, LShift
if state = D
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos 
ToolTip, Coordinates: %xpos%`, %ypos%`n`nPress F2 to start project.

;Msgbox, Current Mouse Position:`n`n%xpos%, %ypos%`n`nPress <SPACEBAR> to close this popup, without moving mouse!`n`nPress F2, after popup is closed, to start project at these coordinates...

GetKeyState, state, LCtrl
if state = D

GetKeyState, state, Space
if state = D

GetKeyState, state, F1
if state = D
Gosub, HELP

	WinActivate, eGenesis Client

if StartX = 0
MsgBox, You must set the start position by hovering mouse over anvil and clicking F2, first!

;Load Anvil
Click right %StartX%, %StartY%
sleep 100
NewX := StartX + 29
NewY := StartY - 19 
Click %NewX%, %NewY% ;Left

sleep 100

;Choose Metal
NewX := StartX + MetalX
NewY := StartY - MetalY
Click %NewX%, %NewY% ;Left
sleep 100

;Metal Click
TempX := NewX + 10
Click %TempX%, %NewY% ;Left
Sleep 100

;Msgbox, Last chance to abort (Ctrl+R to reload script)`n`nAre you sure you have your chat minimized?`n`nIf so, click OK to proceed...


;Set Tool: Shaping Mallet
;NewX := StartX + 22
;NewY := StartY - 38

Mousemove %StartX%, %StartY%
Send {S}
Send {8}
;end Set Tool: Shaping mallet
sleep 100

;/// FRONT EDGE \\\

;Hit 1
NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 42
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;Hit 2
NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 80
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;Hit 3
NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 119
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;Hit 4
NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 119
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;Hit 5
NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 157
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;Hit 6
NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 196
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;Hit 7
NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 234
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;Hit 8
NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 273
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;//// END 8 HITS \\\\

;// Wide Chisel Force 9//

Mousemove %StartX%, %StartY%
sleep 100
Send {C}
Send {9}
sleep 100

;// end Wide Chisel Tool Change//

;//// HIT TOP + BOTTOM w/ CHISEL \\\

NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 43
Sleep 100
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%

NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 311
Sleep 100
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%



NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 124
Sleep 100
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%

NewX := StartX + 77
NewY := StartY + 229
Sleep 100
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%

;//// End HIT MID POINTS w/ CHISEL \\\\

;// Wide Chisel Force 4 //
Mousemove %StartX%, %StartY%
sleep 100
Send {C}
Send {4}
sleep 100
;// end Wide Chisel change //

;//// HIT 3 MID DOTS \\\\
NewX := StartX - 1
NewY := StartY + 130
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

NewX := StartX - 1
NewY := StartY + 178
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

NewX := StartX - 1
NewY := StartY + 226
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100
;//// End HIT 3 MID DOTS \\\\

;// Ball Peen Force 9 //
Mousemove %StartX%, %StartY%
sleep 100
Send {B}
Send {9}
sleep 100
;// end Ball Peen //

NewX := StartX - 26
NewY := StartY + 65
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

NewX := StartX - 26
NewY := StartY + 283
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100


;//// BACK EDGE 6 HITS, Same Tool/Force \\\\

NewX := StartX - 112
NewY := StartY + 65
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

NewX := StartX - 112
NewY := StartY + 283
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

NewX := StartX - 97
NewY := StartY + 75
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

NewX := StartX - 97
NewY := StartY + 273
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

NewX := StartX - 111
NewY := StartY + 85
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

NewX := StartX - 111
NewY := StartY + 262
Click right %NewX%, %NewY%
Sleep 100

;//// END BACK EDGE 6 HITS \\\\

Mousemove %StartX%, %StartY%
Sleep 100
Send {Q}
Send {Q}
;// END Blade //
sleep 100

MsgBox, Press <Left Ctrl> to Unload and put blade into your inventory.`n`n Press <SPACEBAR> to Discard Project, keep your %Metal%, try again (F2)...`n`nIf this blade was of satisfactory quality, then after Unloading,  press Right Ctrl to make a blade from the current anvil position.`n`nDon't forget to press F1 for Help Screen for Hotkeys/Shortcuts at anytime!


Msgbox, Make Blade: Hover mouse at starting position (image in wiki) and click F2`n`n`nHOTKEYS (works at anytime while script is idle):`n`nF1: This Help Screen`n`nF2: Make a blade and lock coordinates into memory and clipboard`nRight Ctrl: Make another blade from last F2 coordinates (memory)`n`nLeft Shift: Show current mouse position`nRight Shift: Show last F2 coordinates (memory)`n`nLeft Ctrl: Approve and Unload a blade into your inventory, after making.`nSPACEBAR: Discard project and recover metal`n`n`nNote: Copper and Iron produce the same quality blades, so use whatever you have the most of.

	WinActivate, eGenesis Client

Click right %StartX%, %StartY%
NewX := StartX + 31 ;// Discard
NewY := StartY - 9  ;// Discard
Sleep 100
Click %NewX%, %NewY% ;Left
Sleep 100
MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
Click 804, 574 ;Left
MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0			

	WinActivate, eGenesis Client

Click right %StartX%, %StartY%
NewX := StartX + 37 ;// Complete
NewY := StartY - 25 ;// Complete
Sleep 100
Click %NewX%, %NewY% ;Left
Sleep 100
MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
Click 804, 574 ;Left
MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0			

;Uncomment below line to make auto repeat. ie When you accept a project, it will immediately start another (same as Right Ctrl)
	;Gosub, Load

