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Dispute Settlement Act (DSA) by Djoser

This law, if put into effect, will give Demi Pharaohs better options for settlement dispute besides the temp/perm bans currently available. DP's will still have the ban option as a last resort. This law will add to the available options for settling a dispute between two or more parties.

If a citizens item meet certain criteria a DP will be given the option to move the item/items up to 10 coords at a time until both parties are happy with the locations of said objects.

In order for a building/item to have the move option for a DP the following criteria must be met.

1a) 20 citizens of egypt must go to a voting booth and petition to have an item removed (This is to stop petty disputes from taking up all the DP's time, most disputes can and will be worked out in a civil manner before it gets to that point.) At the voting booth the citizens will be given an input box to petition for a citizens name and the coordinates to the disputed item.

1b) All 20 votes must be received within a 12 hour time period in order for an item to be flagged as movable for a DP.

1c) All 20 votes must be received within 7 days of the disputable item being placed. (Any items placed before this law goes into effect do not have to comply with this law. So all current buildings are completely safe from dispute.)

2) The item in dispute must be within 10 coords (higher or lower?) of another citizens building/buildings.

3a) The newer of the two items will be the one in dispute. In other words, the most recently built item of the two parties wil be the one with the move option available for the DP.

As an example, let's say Jane Vet has been working on her camp/compound for months trying to get it expanded and setup the way she wants it. Joe Newb comes in and plants his CP not 10 coords from Jane's CP stopping her from moving on with her plans. Then Jane Vet goes and plants flax beds all around Joe Newbs place to stop him from expanding and passing the Arch princ. DP Dave Comes in to resolve the dispute, he can solve it peacefully with the two parties, or if one is non compliant he can suggest to the compliant party to have the items petitioned for removal. The petitioner must go within 7 days to petition an item for removal and then only has 12 hours to get 19 more signatures on the petition. Once that is complete DP Dave can come back and remove the non compliant parties items that meet the requirements above.