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From A Tale in the Desert
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no "markup" // timestamp {mousex}, {mousey} // stop constants X = 17 y = 1 mousx = 17 barstart = 17 barend = 177 oldend = null found = 0 //loop flags done = 0 spike = 1 benchs = 1 //bencht = 1 //normal a2ccy = 120 a6ccy = 224 heatbary = 345 Sp1 = 100 sp2 = 142 sp3 = 141 sp4 = 124 // job = 127 // torch // job = 144 // jar // job = 159 // pipe // job = 177 // rod job = 192 // sheet glass // job = 206 // wine // bencht = 2 //soda // a2ccy = 120 // a6ccy = 150 // heatbary = 300 // job = 127 // blade // job = 144 // pipe // job = 159 // rod //sp1 = 92 // glass allowed low point //sp2 = 124 // glass allowed high point //sp3 = 120 // cc allowed high point //sp4 = 110 // cc allowed low point(main control point) // bencht = 3 //fine end // constants Constructs offset1 = List oldend2 = List end while $done = 0 delay 1000 loop $benchs call getend timestamp $found, $X if $X < $Sp1//1600 continue //too cold do nothing end if $X > $Sp2 //2400 continue //too hot do nothing end if $spike = 0 isblack 14, 123 timestamp loading glass mousepos $mousx, $job rightclick end else timestamp spiking //mainly if meltglass active continue end //stop if $oldend = $x continue end if $oldend < $x // its rising, do nothing compute oldend = $x timestamp rising... $oldend < $x continue end // it fell so a tic happened if $found = 1 compute oldend = $x bell call addcc else // cold bench timestamp not found end end //bench loop end //while stop // end main procedure getend compute found = 0 // default to not found while $found = 0 LoadRGB $X, $heatbary //timestamp {rgbred} {rgbgreen} {rgbblue} mousepos $X, $heatbary if $X > $barend compute found = 1 end if {rgbred} < 135 // if bar is red at x,y compute $y = $x + 1 LoadRGB $y, $heatbary if {rgbred} > 150 // and the bar is not red at x+1,y compute found = 1 // found temperature of bench else inc $x // need to look up end else if $x = $barstart compute found = -1 // bench is cold else compute $spike = 0 timestamp spike alert over dec $x // not at start, not red, so look down end end end // while end // procedure procedure addcc mousepos 50,50 rightclick // update window timestamp add temp range if $X < $sp3 //2300 if $X < $sp4 //2000 // add = 6 isblack $mousx, 123 // click for no glass mousepos 28, 237 rightclick timestamp add6 w/o glass $x else // click for glass mousepos $mousx, $a6ccy rightclick timestamp add6 w/ glass $x end else //add = 2 isblack 14, 123 // click for no glass mousepos $mousx, 223 rightclick timestamp add2 w/o glass $x else // click for glass mousepos $mousx, $a2ccy rightclick timestamp add2 w/ glass $x end end end end // procedure