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From A Tale in the Desert
Indonesian Bee Hives: Citrus Fruit Stats
Tree # & Type | Color | Sweetness | Size | Length |
1. | 325 | 311 | 408 | 575 |
2. Flat Tangelo | 706 | 730 | 408 | 533 |
3. Small Coralfruit | 715 | 261 | 408 | 533 |
4. Small Tangelo | 669 | 730 | 408 | 575 |
5. Reddish Lemon | 706 | 261 | 408 | 621 |
6. | 682 | 680 | 642 | 682 |
7. | 682 | 650 | 408 | 533 |
8. Flat Lemon | 325 | 311 | 408 | 575 |
9. Greenish Tangelo | 457 | 730 | 494 | 575 |
Paint Recipes
Color | Ingredients |
Alice Blue | |
Antique White | |
Aqua | |
Aquamarine | 10 Earth Light Mushrooms |
Azure | |
Beige | |
Bisque | |
Black | |
Blanched Almond | |
Blue | |
Blue Violet | |
Brown | |
Burlywood | |
Cadet Blue | |
Carrot | |
Chartreuse | |
Chocolate | |
Coral | |
Cornflower Blue | |
Cornsilk | |
Crimson | |
Dark Blue | |
Dark Cyan | |
Dark Golden Rod | 1 Lime, 1 Iron, 3 Red Sand, 6 Carrot |
Dark Gray | |
Dark Green | 1 Silver, 1 Iron, 8 Dead Tongue OR 1 Potash, 9 Toadskin |
Dark Khaki | 1 Clay, 1 Earth Light, 2 Cabbage, 1 Lime, 5 Carrot |
Dark Magenta | |
Dark Olive Green | 2 Iron, 2 Red Sand, 6 Toad Skin |
Dark Orange | |
Dark Orchid | 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 1 Lead, 7 Cabbage |
Dark Red | 10 Red Sand |
Dark Salmon | |
Dark Sea Green | |
Dark Slate Blue | |
Dark Slate Gray | |
Dark Turquoise | |
Dark Violet | |
Deep Pink | |
Deep Sky Blue | |
Dim Gray | 1 Potash, 1 Lead, 1 Silver, 5 Dead Tongue, 3 Clay |
Dodger Blue | |
Feldspar | |
Fire Brick | 4 Carrot, 6 Red Sand |
Floral White | |
Forest Green | |
Fuchsia | |
Gainsboro | |
Ghost White | |
Gold | |
Golden Rod | |
Gray | 5 Lead, 3 Earth Light, 1 Saltpeter, 2 Carrot |
Green | |
Green Yellow | |
Honeydew | |
Hot Pink | |
Indian Red | 5 Carrot, 5 Cabbage |
Indigo | |
Ivory | |
Khaki | |
Lavender | |
Lavender Blush | |
Lawn Green | |
Lemon Chiffon | |
Light Blue | 1 Iron, 1 Silver, 1 Lead, 2 Cabbage, 1 Lime, 5 Earth Light |
Light Coral | |
Light Cyan | |
Light Goldenrod Yellow | |
Light Green | |
Light Grey | |
Light Pink | |
Light Salmon | |
Light Sea Green | |
Light Sky Blue | |
Light Slate Blue | |
Light Slate Gray | 1 Copper, 4 Lead, 1 Potash, 5 Earth Light |
Light Steel Blue | |
Light Yellow | |
Lime | |
Lime Green | |
Linen | |
Maroon | 1 Lead, 1 Earth Light, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Toad Skin, 6 Carrot |
Medium Aquamarine | |
Medium Blue | |
Medium Orchid | |
Medium Purple | 1 Silver, 1 Iron, 4 Copper, 1 Lime, 4 Dead Tongue |
Medium Sea Green | |
Medium Slate Blue | |
Medium Spring Green | |
Medium Turquoise | 1 Clay, 1 Earth Light, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 6 Copper |
Medium Violet Red | |
Medium Violet Red | |
Midnight Blue | 1 Copper, 1 Dead Tongue, 1 Red Sand, 1 Carrot, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Toadskin, 5 Silver |
Mint Cream | |
Misty Rose | |
Moccasin | |
Navajo White | |
Navy | |
Old Lace | |
Olive | |
Olive Drab | 3 Cabbage, 1 Clay, 3 red Sand, 1 Lime, 3 Copper, 1 Carrot, 2 Iron, 1 Lime, 2 Silver |
Orange | |
Orange Red | |
Orchid | |
Pale Goldenrod | |
Pale Green | |
Pale Turquoise | |
Pale Violet Red | |
Papaya Whip | |
Peach Puff | |
Peru | |
Pink | |
Plum | |
PowderBlue | |
Purple | |
Red | |
Rosy Brown | 3 Clay, 2 Carrot, 3 Cabbage, 2 Lead |
Royal Blue | |
Saddle Brown | 1 Red Sand, 9 Clay OR 6 Dead Tongue, 4 Clay, 1 Saltpeter |
Salmon | |
SandyBrown | |
Sea Green | |
Seashell | |
Sienna | |
Silver | |
Sky Blue | 8 Copper, 2 Lead, 1 Sulfur |
Slate Blue | |
Slate Gray | |
Snow | |
Spring Green | |
Steel Blue | 3 Dead Tongue, 3 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 4 Copper |
Tan | |
Teal | |
Thistle | |
Tomato | |
Turquoise | |
Violet | |
Violet Red | |
Wheat | |
White | |
White Smoke | |
Yellow | |
Yellow Green |
Funerary Temple
Tiles Used: 49 Aquamarine 1834 Black 49 Chocolate 49 Coral 49 Dark Gray 49 Dark Green 49 Dark Orchid 49 Dark Red 49 Dark Slate Blue 57 Dark Slate Gray 7 Dim Gray 49 Gainsboro 50 Ghost White 49 Gray 56 Lavender 49 Light Pink 11 Light Slate Gray 49 Maroon 59 Medium Orchid 7 Medium Turquoise 7 Mint Cream 49 Misty Rose 49 Orchid 49 Pale Violet Red 49 Pink 49 Plum 49 Rosy Brown 49 Salmon 49 Sea Green 56 Silver 49 Sky Blue 49 Slate Blue 50 Snow 49 Steel Blue 49 Teal 56 Thistle 49 Turquoise 49 White 57 White Smoke
Raeli Tiles in Stock & Available for Trade
Smallwarehouse owned by Progressive Assoc of Serious Sentients at egypt 1537 1673 51 Raeli Tiles:Aquamarine 4058 Raeli Tiles:Black 51 Raeli Tiles:Carrot 294 Raeli Tiles:Chocolate 24 Raeli Tiles:Dark Gray 109 Raeli Tiles:Dark Green 996 Raeli Tiles:Dark Orchid 2254 Raeli Tiles:Dark Slate Blue 162 Raeli Tiles:Dark Slate Gray 51 Raeli Tiles:Dodger Blue 293 Raeli Tiles:Gainsboro 12 Raeli Tiles:Ghost White 332 Raeli Tiles:Gray 264 Raeli Tiles:Lavender 51 Raeli Tiles:Lavender Blush 251 Raeli Tiles:Light Coral 51 Raeli Tiles:Light Cyan 182 Raeli Tiles:Medium Orchid 392 Raeli Tiles:Orchid 51 Raeli Tiles:Pale Turquoise 268 Raeli Tiles:Pale Violet Red 121 Raeli Tiles:Plum 51 Raeli Tiles:Purple 118 Raeli Tiles:Rosy Brown 51 Raeli Tiles:Sea Green 66 Raeli Tiles:Sky Blue 24 Raeli Tiles:Snow 51 Raeli Tiles:Steel Blue 51 Raeli Tiles:Teal 207 Raeli Tiles:Thistle 66 Raeli Tiles:Turquoise 1285 Raeli Tiles:White 39 Raeli Tiles:White Smoke
Herb 1 Name | Herb 2 Name | Flavor | Aroma | Fume Point? |
x | x | x | x | |
x | x | x | x | |
x | x | x | x | |
x | x | x | x | |
x | x | x | x |