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Shuofthefieryheat Blog Archive 200910 Page
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Blog Archive October 2009
- 10/31/2009 iziz and Shu participated in the Holloween Werewolf event! Man eats Dog er Wolf.... numms numms...
- 10/30/2009 Shu and iziz have been busy working on beetles and doing puzzles - well attempting puzzles is more like it.
- 10/23/2009 Hic-Hic! iziz finished her first wine notebook! Now we are working on the Ethusiasts! Hic-Hic!
- 10/21/2009 Wootz for iziz! She finished her sculpture: An Egyptian Bar-B-Que. Both iziz and Shu's sculptures are located at the SKI Lodge Diorama Park across from the ULead in Shabbat Ab.
- 10/19/2009 ZowieWowie! Shu managed to actually DO some "recently passed" bijous and cleared Principles of the Bijou! Now - L24 - dunno which is faster: the rising water or shu's levels! <lol> Another milestone: Shu built a sculpture: A Tale of the Farmer in the Desert. This is a "just for fun" sculpture. iziz helped give directions and Shu had a great time making it.
- 10/18/2009 Yippee!! Shu passed Principles of Towers and is now L23!
- 10/15/2009 Whee! iziz and Shu did a round of judging of mosaics, gliders and bijous. iziz cleared Principles of the Critic and hit L19!
- 10/14/2009 Yay! Shu finished Principles of the Critic and is now L22!
- 10/13/2009 Wow! Shu taught his 100th acro facet to Hemptwister! Hemp got a load of facets too :)
- 10/12/2009 Today iziz and Shu went to Saqqarah to learn a new star recipe! We did a round of gun powder making and got some more fizz going too :).
- 10/10/2009 WOOOTZ! and ZAPPPAGE! iziz passed Test of the Safari and is now L18 +7 STR Prentice of Body! She was a real trooper checking loads of trees for that wiley falcon. Of course the falcon was lieing so it wasn't in any of the 30 trees indicated by falcon finder coordinates. Evil Teppy of course changed the map and so Falcon Finder has to be re-interpolated onto the T4 map - but it doesnt help if the falcon is lieing <LOL> But Shu was there supporting iziz all the way and had another grand idea (that also confirmed (mostly) a hypothesis Shu had about falcon roosts). Shu reset the finder and took iziz to the most likey spot and she GOT THE FALCON exactly where Shu said it would be! GRATZ iziz!!!
- 10/09/2009 Woot iziz got her 3d falcon! One more to go!
- 10/08/2009 Today iziz and Shu got another notch on the pyro list: Grind Aluminum Powder. We did enough (I hope) to make a good dent in those types of stars. Also fizzed up some titanium too! Getting closer to being able to really play with the pryo design tool!
- 10/05/2009 Whee! More closet space! I upgraded our wood shed with a basement and was able to rearrange our other chests to make things a bit easier to access.
- 10/04/2009 Got a big load of tungsten and smelted it up for pyro mats. It's fizzing in the acid baths now :) Shu and iziz joined The Big C guild as supporters and donated some boards and bricks. Shu and iziz read the chat tabs when "The Stranger" showed up and chat-language was being exchanged with him. To celebrate we drank some vino and did a few face-plants :)
- 10/01/2009 WOOOT! Shu passed Test of the Safari! Finally!! Proudly: L21 +7 STR and now Journeyman of The Human Body! That falcon was really tricksy too! It was hiding in mini palmetto partially hidden by camel pens and greenhouses... of course it was the last place I looked too <lol>!