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User:Nisu Bastet/macro/combined

From A Tale in the Desert
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ubar mega big multi macro
just for copy paste, some are double
all are for AHK
3 different text files, seperated with ---
most macros needs ADD macros or FILE macros to help
check if macro contains a filename or a () in it

basic settings, needed by all macros

^+[:: ;STRG SHIFT [
WinSet, Region, , A

^+d:: ;STRG SHIFT d
Winset, Disable, , A

^+]:: ;STRG SHIFT ]
Winset, Enable, , A


^+q::Pause, Toggle


; Exit macro  strg shift X

end click t3

; Atitd autohotkey macros
; watched for End timer and clicks when it runs out
; waits until mouse is not moving
^#d:: ;STRG WIN D
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client
    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
    Sleep, 100
    MouseGetPos, MouseX2, MouseY2
    DX = 0
    DY = 0
    DX += %MouseX%
    DX -= %MouseX2%
    DY += %MouseY%
    DY -= %MouseY2%
      if DX = 0
        if DY = 0
MouseGetPos, MousX, MousY
Mousemove, MousX, MousY
  Sleep, 400

constituion adding t3

if contimer() = 0
sleep 200
FileReadLine, conX, C:\ATITD2.txt, 1
FileReadLine, cony, C:\ATITD2.txt, 2
mouseclick, right, conX, conY, 1, 0
sleep 200

focus adding t3

if foctimer() = 0
sleep 200
FileReadLine, focX, C:\ATITD2.txt, 1
FileReadLine, focy, C:\ATITD2.txt, 2
mouseclick, right, focX, focY, 1, 0
sleep 200

endurance adding t3

    if endtimer() = 0
sleep 200
;send s
MouseClick, right ;,632, 125 , 1, 0
sleep 200

strength adding t3

    if strtimer() = 0
sleep 300
	MouseClick, right, 330, 488, 1, 0
sleep 300

papyrus planting t3

^+j:: ;strg shift j
;papy säen
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
;checks for 0 in /clockloc
;Null is 5 coords wide
;Null is 3 coord high
pixelgetcolor, null0, 686, 55 ;000000
pixelgetcolor, null1, 686, 58 ;
pixelgetcolor, null2, 691, 55
pixelgetcolor, null3, 691, 58 ;000000
pixelgetcolor, null4, 684, 55 ;000000
pixelgetcolor, null5, 684, 58 ;
pixelgetcolor, null6, 689, 55
pixelgetcolor, null7, 689, 58 ;000000
pixelgetcolor, null08, 683, 55 ;000000
pixelgetcolor, null09, 683, 58 ;
pixelgetcolor, null10, 688, 55
pixelgetcolor, null01, 688, 58 ;000000
pixelgetcolor, null02, 681, 55 ;000000
pixelgetcolor, null03, 681, 58 ;
pixelgetcolor, null04, 686, 55
pixelgetcolor, null11, 686, 58 ;000000
sleep 50
if (null0 = 0 or null4 = 0 or null08 = 0 or null01 = 0)
if (null1 = 0 or null5 = 0 or null09 = 0 or null02 = 0)
if (null2 = 0 or null6 = 0 or null10 = 0 or null03 = 0)
if (null3 = 0 or null7 = 0 or null11 = 0 or null04 = 0)
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\ATITD2.txt, 2
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
      FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\ATITD2.txt, 1
    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
sleep 120
      Mouseclick, right, %filelineX%, %filelineY%, 1, 0
      Sleep, 120
    MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY
sleep 5000

carving t3

;needs add macros from t3
^+p:: ;strg shift p
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
if foctimer() = 0 ;<=====
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\ATITD2.txt, 2
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
      FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\ATITD2.txt, 1
    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
sleep 120
      Mouseclick, right, %filelineX%, %filelineY%, 1, 0
      Sleep, 120
    MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY
sleep 500

general file handle

;is needed by other macros !
; for carving macro...
^9:: ;STRG 9  -löschen
FileDelete, C:\ATITD2.txt

position save to file

;is needed by other macros !
; for carving macro...
^0:: ;STRG 0  -nimmt koords
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
FileAppend, %MouseX%`n, C:\ATITD2.txt
FileAppend, %MouseY%`n, C:\ATITD2.txt

carpentry shop

; boards bretter
; zimmerei carpentry.. uses unlimited spots and clicks permanent
; needs macro *position save to file* too
;mark spots with macro above
; need chat have minimized and use hotkey

^+u:: ;STRG shift U 
i = 2
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\ATITD2.txt, %i%  
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
	if i=2
    		i = 2   
	line := i-1
	FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\ATITD2.txt, %line%
      Mousemove, %filelineX%, %filelineY%
      Sleep, 50
send, P
	i := i+2

runs between saved spots

; runs between saved spots
^#g:: ;STRG WIN G
i = 2
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\ATITD2.txt, %i%  
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
	if i=2
    		i = 2   
	line := i-1
	FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\ATITD2.txt, %line%
      Mousemove, %filelineX%, %filelineY%
      sleep, 1300
      Mouseclick, left, %filelineX%, %filelineY%
      Sleep, 1550
	i := i+2

brick racks stuff

;same as above carpentry shop macro, but more hotkeys used
; bricks firebricks ziegel
!8:: ;alt 8 
i = 2
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\ATITD2.txt, %i%  
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
	if i=2
    		i = 2   
		sleep 7000
	line := i-1
	FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\ATITD2.txt, %line%
      Sleep, 100
      Mousemove, %filelineX%, %filelineY%
      Sleep, 100
send, t
      Sleep, 100
send, b ; for bricks
; send, C ; for wet clay bricks
; send, f ; for wet fire bricks
	i := i+2
;popup() ; use this only if works on your screen settings

pixelgetcolor,pop, 646, 576  ; might not work
if pop = 0
MsgBox, Pop Up !

brick racks stuff

^8:: ;STRG 8  acro moves 4 time each
i = 2
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
loop, 2
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\ATITD2.txt, %i%  
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
	if i=2
    		i = 2   
	line := i-1
	FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\ATITD2.txt, %line%
      Mouseclick, right, %filelineX%, %filelineY% ,1 ,0      
Sleep, 8000
	i := i+2     

Mining t3

; mining
; just random clicking on saved coords
^#!d:: ;STRG WIN ALT D
i = 0
count = 0
  i += 1
  FileReadLine, fileline, C:\ATITD.txt, %i%
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or fileline = "" )
    i -= 1
filelineYPrev = ""
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    if ( strtimer() = 0 and pertimer() = 0 )
      j:= Floor(i/2)
      Random, line, 1, %j%
      line *= 2
      FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\ATITD.txt, %line%
      if filelineYPrev != ""
        ;MsgBox, %filelineY%, %filelineYPrev%
        if filelineY = %filelineYPrev%
      filelineYPrev = %filelineY%
      line -= 1
      FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\ATITD.txt, %line%
      MouseMove, %filelineX%, %filelineY%
      Sleep, 100
;ab hier kann man auch  send, w
; MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
 ;MouseClick, right
 ;Sleep, 200
 ;MouseClick, right, MouseX+30, MouseY-5, 1, 0
;bis hier wahlweise 
send, w
  Sleep, 700
;endadd()  ;deepwell


;smelter schmelztopf
!1:: ;alt 1 
Send T
sleep 150
MouseClick, L, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 150 
MouseClick, L, 30, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 150
MouseMove -30, 0, 0,R 
Sleep, 150
Send, 25
Sleep, 150
send {enter} 
Sleep, 150 
MouseClick, L, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 150 
MouseClick, L, 30, 10, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 150
MouseMove -30, -10, 0,R 
Sleep, 150
Send, 94
Sleep, 150
send {enter} 
Sleep, 150 
MouseClick, L, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 150 
MouseClick, L, 30, -20, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 150
MouseMove -30, 20, 0,R 
Sleep, 200
send t

Max dropdown menu

!4:: ;alt 4    checks for Max-dropdown menu and clicks it
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
pixelgetcolor, max1, 634, 524
pixelgetcolor, max2, 634, 518
pixelgetcolor, max3, 713, 505
sleep 100
if (max1 = 0 and max2 = 0 and max3 = 0)
 MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
sleep 50
mouseclick, right, 650, 525
sleep, 200
mousemove, mousex, mousey
sleep 350


;kettles  wasserkessel
!3:: ;alt 3 
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousegetpos, mouseX, mouseY
MouseClick, R, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 150 
MouseClick, R, 50, 90, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 150
MouseClick, right, 645, 520, 1, 0 
Sleep, 150 
MouseClick, right, 665,75, 1, 0 
Sleep, 150 
mousemove, mouseX, mouseY


!5:: ;alt 5  rauchen
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client

auto run

; Auto run  autorun
^#1:: ;STRG win 1
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    MouseClick, Left
    Sleep, 43000
  Sleep, 100

pigment lab

; special, needs to be set by your color settings
; for the idea the coords are from my scree
;pigment lab window must be top left
;makes colors... Farben

^+g:: ; strg shift g
IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
;here the coords of the points u have to click for each incredient, maybe different at your place
; cabbage 276.... carrot 294 ... Clay 312
; deadtong 330 ... toadskin 348 .. earthlight 366
; redsand 384 ... lead 402 ... silver 420
; iron 438 ... copper 456 ... sulfur 474
; potash 492 ... lime 510 ... saltpeter 528

;9 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Lime, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay
; below special color, to get the idea how it works

mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150 
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 150
mouseclick, right, 21, 384, 1, 0 
		sleep 1000
mouseclick, right, 95, 95, 1, 0 ;take color
		sleep 1000

grass t3

; grass macro
; clicks on grass icon when you move your mouse over it
^#p:: ;STRG WIN p
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    Sleep, 100
    PixelGetColor, color4, 1177, 68    
    if color4 = 0x9BCEFB
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
      BlockInput, MouseMove
	mousemove, 1200, 40
      sleep, 50
      if color4 = 0x9BCEFB
	MouseClick, right, 1200, 40, 1, 0
 	MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 2500

acro t3

; Acro. Clicks every 7 seconds. will wait until mouse stops moving before clicking.
^#b:: ;STRG WIN b
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
    Sleep, 200
    MouseGetPos, MouseX2, MouseY2
    DX = 0
    DY = 0
    DX += %MouseX%
    DX -= %MouseX2%
    DY += %MouseY%
    DY -= %MouseY2%
    if DX = 0
      if DY = 0
        MouseClick, left
        Sleep, 8500


clay t3

; clay gathering. a lot like the grass macro
^#c:: ;STRG WIN c
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client

    MouseGetPos, MouseX6, MouseY6
    WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, eGenesis Client
    MouseGetPos, MouseX6, MouseY6
    DX = %w%
    DX -= %MouseX6%
    if DX < 132
      if MouseY6 < 122
        if DX > 68
          PixelGetColor, color9, 1178, 62
          if color9 = 0x1E19C5
            MouseClick, left, 1178, 62, 1, 0
sleep 50
Mousemove, MouseX6, MouseY6
            Sleep, 900
  Sleep, 100

fishing t3

; fishing
; eats grilled cabbage when off, 
; needs eat macro for it too
^#f:: ;STRG WIN f
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, eGenesis Client
    MouseGetPos, MouseX6, MouseY6
    DX = %w%
    DX -= %MouseX6%
    if MouseY6 < 122
      MouseClick, left
      Sleep, 18000
  Sleep, 10

onionhelper t3

!Y:: ;alt Y   zwiebel making, grass
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
MouseClick, R, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R ; clickt wo Mauszeiger steht
Sleep, 120 
;MouseClick, R, 30, +5, 1, 0, , R ;onions
MouseClick, R, 30, -25, 1, 0, , R ;gras

flaxhelper t3

!<:: ;alt <  flax making
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
MouseClick, R, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R ; clickt wo Mauszeiger steht
Sleep, 120 
MouseClick, R, 30, -5, 1, 0, , R  ;flax

building menu t3/t4

;uses numpad arrow keys and others

; baumenu
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 63, 80
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 41, 104
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 84, 104
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 65, 127
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 49, 86
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 79, 90
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 82, 121
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 49, 117
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

^Numpad5:: ;strg numpad5 bauen
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 40, 165
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

^*:: ;strg shift *    rotating
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
mousemove, 87, 46
sleep, 20
mouseclick, left

slate t3

;Looks for slate icon in two locations,
;moves the mouse to it and clicks on it
;then moves the mouse back
^#s:: ;STRG WIN s
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    Sleep, 80
    PixelGetColor, color2, 1044, 115
    PixelGetColor, color3, 1110, 114
    PixelGetColor, color4, 980, 114
    if color2 = 0x575757
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
      BlockInput, MouseMove
      Mouseclick, right, 1050, 74, 1, 0
      MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 1000
    if color3 = 0x575757
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
      BlockInput, MouseMove
      Mouseclick, right, 1113, 70, 1, 0
      MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 1000
    if color4 = 0x575757
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
      BlockInput, MouseMove
      Mouseclick, right, 980, 114, 1, 0
      MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 1000


endurance helper t3

; ONLY ONE click for end timer, eats fish/onions
; needs eat macro

^+k:: ;strg shift k 
MouseGetPos, MouseX0, MouseY0
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    if ( endTimer() = 0 and GetKeyState("LButton") = 0 )
      Sleep, 200
      MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
      MouseClick, right, MouseX0, MouseY0, 1, 0
      MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY, 0
  Sleep, 200

marble t3

;needs lots of adjusting on your PC!
;needs eat macro and end macro
^+m:: ;Strg Shift m marmor marble
;Position of this quarry worker: 1 through 4
myPosition := 1 
; ich bin der erste der in der alphabetischen reihenfolge klicken muss

;The y coordinate of each dash (coords relative to window)
;private quarry
y1 := 95 ;plus 27 mit titelbar (68)
y2 := 111 ;plus  mit titelbar 
y3 := 127 ;plus  mit titelbar
y4 := 143 ;plus  mit titelbar
;gildenquarry +16
y1 := 111 
y2 := 127 
y3 := 143 
y4 := 159 

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    if ( endTimer() = 0 and GetKeyState("LButton") = 0 )
      BlockInput, MouseMove
      MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
      ;An empty part of the quarry window where it will click to refresh the window
      MouseClick, right, 70, 57, 1, 0
;      MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 400

      yCount := 0
      Loop, 4
        yCount += 1
        ;163 is the x coordinate of the beginning of the -- dash after 'Eastern'
        count := 164
        Loop, 14
          PixelGetColor, color%count%, count, y%yCount%
          count += 1

        ;same as above
        count := 164
        match := 0
        Loop, 14
          if ( match = 4 and color%count% != 0 )
            lastPixel := count - 1
          if ( color%count% = 0 )
            match += 1
            match := 0
          count += 1
        position%yCount% := 0
        ; Here the numbers 166, 171, 173, and 175 are the x coords of the *last* pixel of each dash...
        ; 166 is the dash after Eastern, 171 after Western, 173 after Northern, 175 after Southern 
; mel: x+4-3 y+34
        if ( lastPixel = 167 ) ;east
          position%yCount% := 0
        if ( lastPixel = 174 ) ;north
          position%yCount% := 4
        if ( lastPixel = 176 ) ;south
          position%yCount% := 8
        if ( lastPixel = 172 ) ;west
          position%yCount% := 12
        PixelGetColor, color1, lastPixel+3, y%yCount%-4
        PixelGetColor, color2, lastPixel+3, y%yCount%+4
        PixelGetColor, color3, lastPixel+3, y%yCount%+1
        PixelGetColor, color4, lastPixel+2, y%yCount%+3

        if ( color1 = 0 and color2 = 0 )
          position%yCount% += 1
        if ( color1 != 0 and color2 = 0 )
          position%yCount% += 2
        if ( color3 = 0 )
          position%yCount% += 3
        if ( color4 != 0 )
          position%yCount% += 4


      count := 16
      place := 5
      Loop, 16
        if ( position1 = count )
          place -= 1
          if ( place = myPosition )
            clickPosition := 1
        if ( position2 = count )
          place -= 1
          if ( place = myPosition )
            clickPosition := 2
        if ( position3 = count )
          place -= 1
          if ( place = myPosition )
            clickPosition := 3
        if ( position4 = count )
          place -= 1
          if ( place = myPosition )
            clickPosition := 4
        count -= 1

;    ToolTip, lastPixel: %lastPixel%`nposition1: %position1%`nposition2: %position2%`nposition3: %position3%`nposition4: %position4%`nclickPosition: %clickPosition%, 500, 0, 5
      if ( lastPosition1 != position1 or lastPosition2 != position2 or lastPosition3 != position3 or lastPosition4 != position4 )

 ;       MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY

        MouseClick, right, 34, y%clickPosition%, 1, 0 ;clicks quarry
;        MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY, 0
      lastPosition1 := position1
      lastPosition2 := position2
      lastPosition3 := position3
      lastPosition4 := position4
  Sleep, 1000

eat macro t3

;needed by lot of macros above

eatFish() ; or onions
  PixelGetColor, color, 199, 911  ;checks endurance
;geschicke kleinziehen aber nicht schliessen
  PixelGetColor, color2, 257, 898  ;checks if food avaible
;konsume gegrillten fisch neben geschicke fenster unten
  if ( color != 0 and color2 = 0 )
    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
    MouseClick, right, 354, 902, 1, 0
    MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY, 0
    return 1
  return 0

end macro t3

;needed by lot of macros above
; needs picture, useless in t4
WinGetPos, , , w, h, eGenesis Client
  ImageSearch, , , w-300, 0, w, 200, end.png
  if ErrorLevel = 0 ;bild da
    return 1
  if ErrorLevel = 1 ;bild nicht da
    return 0
  return 2

focus macro t3

;needed by lot of macros above

; needs picture, useless in t4

WinGetPos, , , w, h, eGenesis Client
  ImageSearch, , , w-200, 100, w, 200, foc.png
  if ErrorLevel = 0 ;bild da
    return 1
  if ErrorLevel = 1 ;bild nicht da
    return 0
  return 2

perception macro t3

;needed by lot of macros above

; needs picture, useless in t4

WinGetPos, , , w, h, eGenesis Client
  ImageSearch, , , w-300, 0, w, 200, per.png
  if ErrorLevel = 0 ;bild da
    return 1
  if ErrorLevel = 1 ;bild nicht da
    return 0
  return 2

strength macro t3

;needed by lot of macros above

; needs picture, useless in t4

WinGetPos, , , w, h, eGenesis Client
  ImageSearch, , , w-300, 0, w, 200, str.png
  if ErrorLevel = 0 ;bild da
    return 1
  if ErrorLevel = 1 ;bild nicht da
    return 0
  return 2

constitution macro t3

;needed by lot of macros above

; needs picture, useless in t4

WinGetPos, , , w, h, eGenesis Client
  ImageSearch, , , w-300, 0, w, 200, cons.png
  if ErrorLevel = 0 ;bild da
    return 1
  if ErrorLevel = 1 ;bild nicht da
    return 0
  return 2

image test macro t3

; needs picture, just for testing on macro technics
; only for pro

^+l:: ;strg shift L -imagesearch test
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 65536*MouseY+MouseX, , eGenesis Client ;mouse down screen coords
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 65536*MouseY+MouseX, , eGenesis Client ;mouse up screen coords
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 65536*354+243, , eGenesis Client ;mouse down
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 65536*354+243, , eGenesis Client ;mouse up
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 65536*84+213, , eGenesis Client ;mouse down
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 65536*84+213, , eGenesis Client ;mouse up
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 65536*93+473, , eGenesis Client ;mouse down
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 65536*93+473, , eGenesis Client ;mouse up
sleep 10


IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
WinGetPos, , , w, h, eGenesis Client

  ImageSearch, , , w-300, 0, w, 200, foc.png
MsgBox, ErrorLevel: %ErrorLevel%

  if ErrorLevel = 0 ;bild da
    send 0

  if ErrorLevel = 1 ;bild nicht da
    send 1

;errorlevel = 2 ; bildfile fehlt
sleep, 990

smelter afk macro t3

;smelter auto use
!2:: ;ALT 2   
i = 2
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\ATITD2.txt, %i%  
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
	line := i-1
	FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\ATITD2.txt, %line%
      Mousemove, %filelineX%, %filelineY%
      Sleep, 250
send, t
      Sleep, 250
MouseClick, L, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 250 
MouseClick, L, 30, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 250
MouseMove -30, 0, 0,R 
Sleep, 250
Send, 25
Sleep, 250
send {enter} 
Sleep, 250 
MouseClick, L, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 250 
MouseClick, L, 30, 10, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 250
MouseMove -30, -10, 0,R 
Sleep, 250
Send, 94
Sleep, 250
send {enter} 
Sleep, 250 
MouseClick, L, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 250 
MouseClick, L, 30, -20, 1, 0, , R 
Sleep, 250
MouseMove -30, 20, 0,R 
Sleep, 1000
	i := i+2


cc manual macro t3

;holzkohle CC charcoal
; ---->> OVEN set on guild  <<-----
^+1:: ;strg shift 1   wood add
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
MouseClick, right, 40, 254, 1, 0 ;oven
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 285, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 15 
MouseClick, right, 530, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 775, 254, 1, 0 ;new line
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 40, 508, 1, 0
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 285, 508, 1, 0
sleep, 15

;holzkohle wasser
^+2:: ;strg shift 2   h2o
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
MouseClick, right, 90, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 335, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 580, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 825, 254, 1, 0 ;new line
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 90, 508, 1, 0
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 335, 508, 1, 0
sleep, 20

;cc close air 134
^+3:: ;strg shift 3
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
MouseClick, right, 134, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 379, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 624, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 869, 254, 1, 0 ;new line
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 134, 508, 1, 0
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 379, 508, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20


;cc air normal 159
^+4:: ;strg shift 4
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
MouseClick, right, 159, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 404, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 649, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 894, 254, 1, 0 ;new line
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 159, 508, 1, 0
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 404, 508, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20


;cc air full open
^+5:: ;strg shift 5
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
MouseClick, right, 186, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 431, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 676, 254, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 921, 254, 1, 0 ;new line
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 186, 508, 1, 0
sleep, 20
MouseClick, right, 431, 508, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 20


;cc start
^+6:: ;strg shift 6
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
MouseClick, right, 120, 248, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 365, 248, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 610, 248, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 855, 248, 1, 0 ;new line
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 120, 498, 1, 0
sleep, 15
MouseClick, right, 365, 498, 1, 0 ;245
sleep, 15


flax rake macro t3

; needs end macro
^+T:: ;strgshift t
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
if endtimer() = 0
sleep 500

flachskamm() ;
if endtimer() = 0
pixelgetcolor, kamm, 96, 46
if kamm != 0
sleep 400
mouseclick, right, 100,60, 1, 0
sleep 500
pixelgetcolor, reinigen1, 14, 96
pixelgetcolor, reinigen2, 66, 96
pixelgetcolor, weiter1, 16, 112
pixelgetcolor, weiter2, 123, 112
pixelgetcolor, zerteil1, 18, 91
pixelgetcolor, zerteil2, 238, 93
sleep 500
if (weiter1 = 0 and weiter2 = 0)
mouseclick, right, 40, 112, 1, 0
sleep 400
if (zerteil1 = 0 and zerteil2 = 0)
mouseclick, right, 40, 96, 1, 0
sleep 400
if (reinigen1 = 0 and reinigen2 = 0)
if (weiter2 != 0)
if (zerteil2 != 0)
mouseclick, right, 40, 96, 1, 0
sleep 400

kiln macro t3

;firebricks, jugs
^#2:: ;strg win 2
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
send T
sleep, 20
send W
sleep, 20
send B ; firebricks
;send J ; jugs
sleep, 20
send F
sleep, 20

smelting pot sound macro t3

;plays a sound when smelting pots are done
^#!\:: ;STRG WIN ALT \
Sleep, 300000
SoundPlay, %WinDir%\Media\ding.wav
Sleep, 100
SoundPlay, %WinDir%\Media\ding.wav
Sleep, 100
SoundPlay, %WinDir%\Media\ding.wav

mining helper macro t3

; for mining macro...
^+/:: ;STRG SHIFT /
FileDelete, C:\ATITD.txt

; for mining macro...
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
;FileOutput = %MouseX%, %MouseY%
;FileAppend, %FileOutput%`n, C:\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %MouseX%`n, C:\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %MouseY%`n, C:\ATITD.txt

color test macro t3

!Numpad1::  ; color-test
IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
	WinGetPos,,, winWidth, winHeight

bblue = 0
bred = 0
bgreen = 0

	Loop ,16
		xindex := a_index + 191
		Loop ,16
			yindex := a_index + 445
			PixelGetColor, color, %xindex%, %yindex%, slow

			bblue += (color // (256*256))/256
			bgreen += (mod((color // 256), 256))/256
			bred += (mod(color, 256))/256

blue = 0
green = 0
red = 0

	Loop ,16
		xindex := a_index + 246
		Loop ,16
			yindex := a_index + 165
			PixelGetColor, color, %xindex%, %yindex%, slow

			blue += (color // (256*256))/256
			green += (mod((color // 256), 256))/256
			red += (mod(color, 256))/256

	cblue := round((blue - bblue)/(248/256) + bblue)
	cgreen := round((green - bgreen)/(248/256) + bgreen)
	cred := round((red - bred)/(248/256) + bred)

sleep 100
	MsgBox R:%cred%  G:%cgreen%  B:%cblue% 


carpentry anvil t3

;line 1434

;carpentry blades
;zimmerei klingen
!Numpad2:: ;
; F8 double view, zoom all in, stand top right of anvil
x := 422  ; the top left position of the carpentry blade
y := 486
pixelgetcolor, bbb, 43, 78 ;checks for B from sägeblatt
sleep 300
if bbb != 0
mouseclick, right, 166, 85, 1, 0
sleep 300
if bbb = 0
mouseclick, right, 43, 78, 1, 0 ;choose sägeblatt
sleep, 1300
Mousemove, x+80, y
send, B
sleep, 500
send, 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+69, y+21, 1,0 ; ???? -- mid top
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+69, y+31, 1,0 ; B 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+71, y+183, 1, 0 ; ???? -- mid down
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+71, y+193, 1, 0 ; B 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+17, y+188, 1, 0 ; B 9 left down
sleep, 500 
Mouseclick, right, x+7, y+177, 1, 0 ; B 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+21, y+44, 1, 0 ; B 9 left top
sleep, 500 
Mouseclick, right, x+5, y+48, 1, 0 ; B 9
sleep, 500 
Mousemove, x+80, y
sleep, 500 
send, C
sleep, 500
send, 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+38, 1, 0 ; C 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+88, 1, 0 ; C 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+138, 1, 0 ; C 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+188, 1, 0 ; C 9
sleep, 500 

; qualität 5150-5200

send, 6
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+134, y+38, 1, 0 ; C 6
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+134, y+88, 1, 0 ; C 6
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+134, y+138, 1, 0 ; C 6
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+134, y+188, 1, 0 ; C 6
sleep, 500 
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+38, 1, 0 ; C 6
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+88, 1, 0 ; C 6
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+138, 1, 0 ; C 6
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+188, 1, 0 ; C 6

; qualität 5900-6000

sleep, 500
send, 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+38, 1, 0 ; C 9

; qualität 6050-6150

sleep, 500
send, r
sleep, 500
send, 5
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+114, y+23, 1, 0 ; C 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+114, y+43, 1, 0 ; C 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+30, y+172, 1, 0 ; C 9

sleep, 500
send, c
sleep, 100
send, 5
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+107, y+46, 1, 0 ; C 9

sleep, 500
send, 9
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, x+144, y+22, 1, 0 ; C 9
sleep, 500
send, q
sleep, 100
Mouseclick, right, x, 245, 1, 0 ; abschliessen
sleep, 500
Mouseclick, right, 600, 535, 1, 0 ; JA!
sleep, 1500
; 457 655 B 6 ...

mining2 t3

; mining(remember to pin menu first)

	IfWinExist, eGenesis Client 
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Recording mouse position`nPlease click on the button.
		Gui, 2:Show
		KeyWait, LButton, D
		MouseGetPos, MinePosX1, MinePosY1
		Gui, 2:Destroy
		Sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Recording mouse position`nPlease click on the button.
		Gui, 2:Show
		KeyWait, LButton, D
		MouseGetPos, MinePosX2, MinePosY2
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		Sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Recording mouse position`nPlease click on the button.
		Gui, 2:Show
		KeyWait, LButton, D
		MouseGetPos, MinePosX3, MinePosY3
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		Sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Recording mouse position`nPlease click on the button.
		Gui, 2:Show
		KeyWait, LButton, D
		MouseGetPos, MinePosX4, MinePosY4
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		Sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Recording mouse position`nPlease click on the button.
		Gui, 2:Show
		KeyWait, LButton, D
		MouseGetPos, MinePosX5, MinePosY5
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		Sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Recording mouse position`nPlease click on the button.
		Gui, 2:Show
		KeyWait, LButton, D
		MouseGetPos, MinePosX6, MinePosY6
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		Sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Recording mouse position`nPlease click on the button.
		Gui, 2:Show
		KeyWait, LButton, D
		MouseGetPos, MinePosX7, MinePosY7
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		Sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Click top left of timer.
		Gui, 2:Show
		Keywait, Lbutton, D
		MouseGetPos, Timer1X, Timer1Y
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Click bottom right of timer.
		Gui, 2:Show
		Keywait, Lbutton, D
		MouseGetPos, Timer2X, Timer2Y
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, How many pulls/moves?
		Gui, 2:Add, Edit, Number vNumPulls
		Gui, 2:Add, Button, default gMineCommit, OK
		Gui, 2:Show

		Gui, 2:Submit
		Gui, 2:Destroy
		CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
		loop, %NumPulls%
				Sleep, 1000
				PixelSearch, Px, Py, %Timer1X%, %Timer1Y%, %Timer2X%, %Timer2Y%, 0xA8C9D9
				if ErrorLevel = 1
			WinGetActiveTitle, title
			MouseGetPos, X, Y
			WinActivate, eGenesis Client
			random, seed, 1, 7
			if %seed% = 1
				MouseClick, left, %MinePosX1%, %MinePosY1%
			if seed = 2
				MouseClick, left, %MinePosX2%, %MinePosY2%
			if seed = 3
				MouseClick, left, %MinePosX3%, %MinePosY3%
			if seed = 4
				MouseClick, left, %MinePosX4%, %MinePosY4%
			if seed = 5
				MouseClick, left, %MinePosX5%, %MinePosY5%
			if seed = 6
				MouseClick, left, %MinePosX6%, %MinePosY6%
			if seed = 7
				MouseClick, left, %MinePosX7%, %MinePosY7%
			WinActivate, %title%
			MouseMove, %X%, %Y%

grass3 t3

IfWinExist eGenesis Client 
	Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Click top left of grass button.
	Gui, 2:Show
	Keywait, Lbutton, D
	MouseGetPos, Timer1X, Timer1Y
	Gui, 2:Destroy

	sleep, 200
	Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Click bottom right of grass button.
	Gui, 2:Show
	Keywait, Lbutton, D
	MouseGetPos, Timer2X, Timer2Y
	Gui, 2:Destroy

	sleep, 200
	Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Click middle of grass button.
	Gui, 2:Show
	Keywait, Lbutton, D
	MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY
	Gui, 2:Destroy

	sleep, 200
	Gui, 2:Add, Text,, How many pulls/moves?
	Gui, 2:Add, Edit, Number vCycles
	Gui, 2:Add, Button, default gGrassCommit, OK
	Gui, 2:Show
	Gui, 2:Submit
	Gui, 2:Destroy
	CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
	loop, %Cycles%
		Sleep, 250
		PixelSearch, Px, Py, %Timer1X%, %Timer1Y%, %Timer2X%, %Timer2Y%, 0xE8302B
		if ErrorLevel = 0
				WinGetActiveTitle, title
				MouseGetPos, X, Y
				WinActivate, eGenesis Client
				MouseClick, left, %ClickX%, %ClickY%
				WinActivate, %title%
				MouseMove, %X%, %Y%

slate 2 t3

IfWinExist eGenesis Client
	WinGetPos,,, winWidth, winHeight
	widthOffset := winWidth - 300
	heightOffset := 50
		CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
		Sleep, 5
		PixelSearch, Px, Py, widthOffset, 20, winWidth, 50, 0x006AC0
		if (ErrorLevel = 0 and WinActive("eGenesis Client")) 
			MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
			MouseClick, left, %Px%, %Py%,, 0
			MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0
			Sleep, 2000

mining 4 t3

	IfWinExist, eGenesis Client 
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Recording mouse position`nPlease click on the button.
		Gui, 2:Show
		KeyWait, LButton, D
		MouseGetPos, MinePosX1, MinePosY1
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		Sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Click top left of timer.
		Gui, 2:Show
		Keywait, Lbutton, D
		MouseGetPos, Timer1X, Timer1Y
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Click bottom right of timer.
		Gui, 2:Show
		Keywait, Lbutton, D
		MouseGetPos, Timer2X, Timer2Y
		Gui, 2:Destroy

		sleep, 200
		Gui, 2:Add, Text,, How many pulls/moves?
		Gui, 2:Add, Edit, Number vNumPulls
		Gui, 2:Add, Button, default gTimer, OK
		Gui, 2:Show

		Gui, 2:Submit
		Gui, 2:Destroy
		CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
		loop, %NumPulls%
				Sleep, 1000
				PixelSearch, Px, Py, %Timer1X%, %Timer1Y%, %Timer2X%, %Timer2Y%, 0xA8C9D9
				if ErrorLevel = 1
			WinGetActiveTitle, title
			MouseGetPos, X, Y
			WinActivate, eGenesis Client
			MouseClick, left, %MinePosX1%, %MinePosY1%
			WinActivate, %title%
			MouseMove, %X%, %Y%

file t4

; DATEI löschen
^+0:: ;strg shift 0
FileDelete, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt

; DATEI coords speichern
; speichert jedesmal immer 1 X/Y Wert dazu
^+9:: ;strg shift 9
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
FileAppend, %MouseX%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %MouseY%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt

; Farbe testen und speichern
; checks Color on given coords
!b:: ;Alt b 
MouseX = 70
MouseY = 23
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
 PixelGetColor, color659, MouseX, MouseY ;gets color
FileAppend, %color659%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %MouseX%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %MouseY%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt

; DATEI werte speichern
^+8:: ;strg shift 8
FileAppend, %winWidth%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %winHeight%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %wood01%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %wood02%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %wood03%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %wood04%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt
FileAppend, %wood05%`n, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt

screen view settings t4

;Set screen view F8
^+F11:: ;strg shift S
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client
sleep 200
	MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
	Sleep 200
	Send {F5}{F8}{F8}
	Sleep 200
	MouseMove, 2000,2000
	Sleep 5000
	MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0

screen size settings t4

; Atitd screen groesse  1143, 814
^+F12:: ;strg shift f12
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, eGenesis Client
WinMove, eGenesis Client, , 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth-1, A_ScreenHeight-40

wood run t4

;needs adjustments on your site
; basic idea: 
; pin each tree after the next on left side, then after 9 trees, next on right side
; then set coords to run to next tree
; remain to carry grilled cabbage, maybe set coords to eat again

;------------------ W O O D ------------------
; F8 ganz rauszoomen, draufsicht! 
^+w:: ; strg shift w
MouseX = 13 ; sets F and G line
MouseGetPos, woodx01,  woodx02
checkeatend() ; perception food
sleep, 300

loop, 5 ;anzahl wood runs
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client
    	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  40 ;1. Baum fenster top left
sleep, 200
sleep, 300
	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  124 ;2. Baum fenster unter 1. fenster top left
sleep, 200
sleep, 200
	MouseClick, left,  819,  190 ; MOVING
	Sleep, 400
	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  208 ;3 baum fenster
sleep, 200
sleep, 200
	MouseClick, left,  819,  190 ; MOVING
	Sleep, 400
	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  292 ;4 baum fenster
sleep, 200
sleep, 200
	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  376 ;5 baum fenster
sleep, 200
sleep, 200
	MouseClick, left,  819,  190 ; MOVING
	Sleep, 400
	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  460 ;6 baum fenster
	MouseClick, left,  819,  190 ; MOVING
	Sleep, 400
	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  544 ;7 baum fenster, left
	MouseClick, left,  819,  190 ; MOVING
	Sleep, 400
	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  628 ;8 baum fenster, 
	MouseClick, left,  969,  288 ; MOVING
	Sleep, 400
	MouseClick, left,  MouseX,  712 ;9 baum fenster, LINKS
	MouseClick, left,  843,  40 ;1 baum fenster, RECHTS  bottle tree
	MouseClick, left,  869,  418 ; MOVING
	Sleep, 400
	MouseClick, left,  845,  124 ;2 baum fenster, RECHTS  Royal Palm
;moving back
	MouseClick, left,  417,  474 ; MOVING
	Sleep, 400

MouseClick, left,  446,  230 ; movig to stop point
sleep 900
 MouseClick, right,  woodx01,  woodx02
sleep 75000
 MouseClick, right,  woodx01,  woodx02
sleep 1900
 MouseClick, right,  woodx01,  woodx02
sleep 1900
   MouseClick, right, 570, 449 
sleep 3900
	MouseClick, left,  547,  675 
sleep 500


MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
Sleep, 200
wood02 := MouseY + 8
wood03 := MouseY + 12
woodi1 := MouseY - 20
Sleep, 200

loop ; checks ob holzfenster da is
 Sleep, 250
 MouseClick, left, MouseX, woodi1 ;check color
 Sleep, 1000
 PixelGetColor, wood04, MouseX, wood03 ;G from Gather Wood
 PixelGetColor, wood06, MouseX, wood02 ;F from fertilize
 Sleep, 200
  if (wood04 != 0) ; nix DA
   Sleep, 300
   wood06 := 1
  if (wood06 = 0) ;F from fertilize  is DA!
   Sleep, 200
   wood04 := 1
   Sleep, 200
   MouseClick, right, 377, 197 ;STOP moving
   Sleep, 1000
  if (wood04 = 0) ; G from Gather Wood  is DA!
   MouseClick, left, MouseX, wood02 ;Get wood
   Sleep, 500
sleep, 111
loop ; checks ob holz genommen
 Sleep, 250
 MouseClick, left, MouseX, woodi1 ;check color
 Sleep, 500
 PixelGetColor, wood05, MouseX, wood02 ;F from fertilize
 Sleep, 200
 if (wood05 != 0)
  Sleep, 500
 if (wood05 = 0)
} ; wood ende

flax helper for 40 fields t4

; -----------------------------------------
; -------------- F L A X - links ----------
; -----------------------------------------
;Flax making
!<:: ; ALT <  links
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client

	MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
	Mx := MouseX -30
    	MouseClick, R, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R
        Blockinput, MouseMove
	Sleep, 90
    	MouseClick, R, 30, -5, 1, 0, , R
	Sleep, 5
	MouseMove, MX, MouseY
        Blockinput, MouseMoveOff

; -----------------------------------------
; -------------- F L A X  -  Rechts -------
; -----------------------------------------
;Flax making
!Y:: ; ALT Y  rechts
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client

    	MouseClick, R, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R
	MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
        Blockinput, MouseMove
	Sleep, 120

    	MouseClick, R, 30, -5, 1, 0, , R
	MX := MouseX +30
	MouseMove, MX, MouseY
        Blockinput, MouseMoveOff

; -----------------------------------------
; -------------- F L A X  -  R I P  -------
; -----------------------------------------
;Flax seed rip
^+7:: ;strg shift 7 -  rechts
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client

        Blockinput, MouseMove
    	MouseClick, R, 0, 0, 1, 0, , R
	MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
	Sleep, 120
    	MouseClick, R, 30, 26, 1, 0, , R
	Sleep, 120
    	MouseClick, R, 46, -20, 1, 0, , R
	MX := MouseX +30
	MouseMove, MX, MouseY
        Blockinput, MouseMoveOff

1 click ticks t4

;---------------- 1 C L i C K  ---------------
!F:: ; fish? 1 click blah     
 MouseGetPos, MouseX2, MouseY2
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client
      BlockInput, MouseMove
sleep 30
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
sleep 200
    	MouseClick, right, MouseX2, MouseY2
sleep 300
 	MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
sleep 30
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff

 sleep 17000

2 click ticks t4

;---------------- 2 C L i C K  ---------------
^+h:: ; 2 click blah ;1143 814
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client
    	MouseClick, right, 223, 57, 1, 0
 sleep 1000
    	MouseClick, left, 563, 608, 1, 0 
 sleep 3000
    	MouseClick, right, 223, 57, 1, 0
 sleep 1000
    	MouseClick, left, 563, 213, 1, 0
 sleep 3000

grass 1spot t4

;----------------  G R A S S   ---------------
	WinGetPos,,, winWidth, winHeight
; grass macro
; clicks on grass icon when you move your mouse over it
^+g:: ;STRG shift g
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    Sleep, 200
    PixelGetColor, color4, 228, 54    
    if color4 = 0x4A6D9C    
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
      BlockInput, MouseMove
	mousemove, 228, 54
      sleep, 250
      if color4 = 0x4A6D9C  
	MouseClick, right
      Sleep, 200
    MouseMove, 564, 218
    sleep 1800
    MouseClick, left

      sleep, 250
 	MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 200
    Sleep, 500
    PixelGetColor, color4, 228, 54    
    if color4 = 0x4A6D9C    
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
      BlockInput, MouseMove
	mousemove, 228, 54
      sleep, 250
      if color4 = 0x4A6D9C  
	MouseClick, right
      Sleep, 200
      MouseMove, 564, 632
      sleep 1800
      MouseClick, left 
      sleep, 250
 	MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 200
    Sleep, 500


onions t4

;needs special screen settings, so try it first
; 4 onions
; 1 jug, 4 seeds needed
; needs add macros for t4

; -----------------------------------------
; ------------- O N I O N -----------------
; -----------------------------------------
^+O:: ; strg shift O
  IfWinactive, eGenesis Client
; plant -> place "plant onion windows" top left
  sleep 200
  MouseClick, right, 87, 40, 1, 0
  sleep 400
; 1. seed rechts
  MouseClick, right, 44, 21, 1, 0
  sleep 400
  MouseClick, right, 87, 77, 1, 0
  sleep 150
  MouseClick, right, 87, 77, 1, 0
  sleep 400
  MouseClick, right, 33, 139, 1, 0
  sleep 400
; 2. seed, unten
  MouseClick, right, 44, 21
  sleep 400
  MouseClick, right, 64, 100
  sleep 150
  MouseClick, right, 64, 100
  sleep 400
  MouseClick, right, 33, 139
  sleep 400
; 3. seed, links
  MouseClick, right, 44, 21
  sleep 400
  MouseClick, right, 40, 76
  sleep 150
  MouseClick, right, 40, 76
  sleep 400
  MouseClick, right, 33, 139
  sleep 400
; 4. seed, oben
  MouseClick, right, 44, 21
  sleep 400
  MouseClick, right, 64, 54
  sleep 150
  MouseClick, right, 64, 54
  sleep 400
  MouseClick, right, 33, 139
  sleep 400
; -------------------------------------
; Moves windows right plant
    MouseClick, right, 624, 409
    MouseGetPos, Moov01, Moov02
    sleep 200
      MouseMove , Moov01+13, Moov02-21
      sleep 51
	Click down
      sleep 50
	MouseMove , 205, 178
      MouseGetPos, Moov01, Moov02
      sleep 200
	Click up 
      sleep 150
      MouseClick, right, Moov01+162, Moov02
      sleep 350
; Moves windows down plant
    MouseClick, right, 577, 466
    MouseGetPos, Moov01, Moov02
    sleep 200
      MouseMove , Moov01+13, Moov02-21
      sleep 51
	Click down
      sleep 50
	MouseMove , 465, 178
      MouseGetPos, Moov01, Moov02
      sleep 200
	Click up 
      sleep 150
      MouseClick, right, Moov01+162, Moov02
      sleep 350
; Moves windows left plant
    MouseClick, right, 515, 418
    MouseGetPos, Moov01, Moov02
    sleep 200
      MouseMove , Moov01+13, Moov02-21
      sleep 51
	Click down
      sleep 50
	MouseMove , 685, 178
      MouseGetPos, Moov01, Moov02
      sleep 200
	Click up 
      sleep 150
      MouseClick, right, Moov01+162, Moov02
      sleep 350
; Moves windows top plant
    MouseClick, right, 579, 360
    MouseGetPos, Moov01, Moov02
    sleep 200
      MouseMove , Moov01+13, Moov02-21
      sleep 51
	Click down
      sleep 50
	MouseMove , 910,178
      MouseGetPos, Moov01, Moov02
      sleep 200
	Click up 
      sleep 150
      MouseClick, right , Moov01+162, Moov02
      sleep 350
; -------------------------------------
; Water
loop, 4
   MouseClick, right, 250, 206
sleep 500
   MouseClick, right, 500, 205
sleep 500
   MouseClick, right, 710, 206
sleep 500
   MouseClick, right, 950, 205
sleep 1000
loop  ; 1. onion
click 250, 173
sleep 500
ImageSearch, Px, Py, 190, 190, 370, 230, *50 Find_Harvest_th.png
sleep 150
	if (ErrorLevel < 1) 
		Click 250 , 206 ;Click Harvest This
sleep 400
		Click 367, 175 ; unpin window
loop ; 2. onion
click 500, 173
sleep 500
ImageSearch, Px, Py, 450, 190, 610, 230, *50 Find_Harvest_th.png
sleep 150
	if (ErrorLevel < 1) 
		Click 500, 205 ;Click Harvest This
sleep 400
		Click 627, 177 ; unpin window

loop ; 3. onion
click 710, 173
sleep 500
ImageSearch, Px, Py, 670, 190, 840, 230, *50 Find_Harvest_th.png
sleep 150
	if (ErrorLevel < 1) 
		Click 710, 206 ;Click Harvest This
sleep 400
		Click 847, 175 ; unpin window

loop ; 4. onion
click 950, 173
sleep 500
ImageSearch, Px, Py, 890, 190, 1060, 230, *50 Find_Harvest_th.png
sleep 150
	if (ErrorLevel < 1) 
		Click 950, 205 ;Click Harvest This
sleep 400
		Click 1072, 176 ; unpin window


; harvest onions
   MouseClick, right, 250, 206
sleep 200
   MouseClick, right, 250, 206
sleep 400
   MouseClick, right, 367, 175
sleep 4200
; harvest onions
   MouseClick, right, 500, 205
sleep 200
   MouseClick, right, 500, 205
sleep 400
   MouseClick, right, 627, 177
sleep 4200
; harvest onions 3. spot
   MouseClick, right, 710, 206
sleep 200
   MouseClick, right, 710, 206
sleep 400
   MouseClick, right, 847, 175
sleep 4200
; harvest onions 4. spot
   MouseClick, right, 950, 205
sleep 200
   MouseClick, right, 950, 205
sleep 400
   MouseClick, right, 1072, 176
sleep 5000

pop add t4

;needed by some t4 macros

; popup with message
loop, 1
 Sleep, 150
 PixelGetColor, mess01, 696, 623 ; popup da?
 PixelGetColor, mess02, 637, 469 ; popup da?
 PixelGetColor, mess03, 577, 508 ; popup da?
 Mousegetpos, mx2, my3
 Sleep, 150
  if (mess01 != 0 && mess02 != 0 && mess03 != 0) ;popup nicht da
   Sleep, 33
  if (mess01 = 0) ;popup da
   MouseClick, right, 696, 623 ; click popup
   Sleep, 200
mousemove, mx2, my3
  if (mess02 = 0) ;popup da
   MouseClick, right, 637, 469 ; click popup
   Sleep, 300
mousemove, mx2, my3
  if (mess03 = 0) ;popup da
   MouseClick, right, 577, 499 ; click popup
   Sleep, 300
mousemove, mx2, my3


pop get t4

;needed by some t4 macros

; popup to get i.e. Water
loop, 4
 PixelGetColor, gather01, 572, 451 ; popup da?
 Mousegetpos, mx2, my3

   Sleep, 400
  if (gather01 != 0) ;popup nicht da
   Sleep, 400
  if (gather01 = 0) ;popup da
   MouseClick, right, 572, 455 ; click popup
   Sleep, 500
mousemove, mx2, my3
   Sleep, 200

pop water t4

;needed by some t4 macros

; ---- check Water ----
   Sleep, 400
 PixelGetColor, water01, 342, 66 ; 3. posi water
 PixelGetColor, water02, 277, 69  ; 2. posi water
 Mousegetpos, mx2, my3
 Sleep, 400
  if (water01 = 0xD6AA8C) ;Water 3. posi da
   MouseClick, right, 345, 83 ; click water
   Sleep, 500
mousemove, mx2, my3
   Sleep, 200
  if (water02 = 0xEFC7B5) ;Water 2. posi da
   MouseClick, right, 277, 69 ; click water
   Sleep, 500
mousemove, mx2, my3
   Sleep, 200


water t4

;needed by some t4 macros

; -----------------------------------------
; ------------- water -----------------
; -----------------------------------------
^+T:: ;strg shift T   ->>  Water

endurance t4

; need set the coords of endurance in skill window and have skil window always same arrangement
; needs ADD macro from t4
; for digs, can move mouse, for limestone, for dirt, flax processing, clothwork etc

; -----------------------------------------
; ------------- endurance -----------------
; -----------------------------------------
; wenn schwarz klicken 0x000000
; sobald rot, aufhören 0x0000FF
; check 17/809, endu skill musst visible
!Z:: ;ALT Z   ->>  endu
IfWinactive, eGenesis Client
Mousegetpos, mo2, mo3
  Sleep, 200
  PixelGetColor, endu01, 17, 808 ; checks endu skill 
  Sleep, 200
  if (endu01 != 0x0000FF) ;nicht hellrot!
 Mousegetpos, mx2, my3
  Sleep, 200

   MouseClick, right, mo2, mo3
   Sleep, 300
mousemove, mx2, my3
  Sleep, 600


endurance ADD macro t4

; checks if on food
; will eat griled onions on given coords

sleep 300
Pixelgetcolor, eatend01, 198, 806
sleep 300
if (eatend01 !=0x009A00)
  sleep 300 
  mouseclick, right, 333, 785 ; set here grilled food location
  sleep 300

strength AND endurance t4

; need set the coords of endurance in skill window and have skil window always same arrangement
; needs ADD macro from t4
; for digs, can move mouse, for limestone, for dirt, for flax processing, clothwork, etc
; at SAME time for mining too or coconuts
; needs lots of coord settings

^+Z:: ;strg shift Z   ->>  endu / strg
i := 0
Mousegetpos, mo2, mo3
IfWinactive, eGenesis Client
  Sleep, 200
  PixelGetColor, endu01, 17, 808 ; checks endu skill 
  PixelGetColor, strg01, 59, 781 ; checks strg skill 
  if (endu01 != 0x0000FF) ;nicht hellrot!
;   MouseClick, right, mo2, mo3
;  Sleep, 2000

; mousemove, 540,333
; send p
i := i + 1
 if (i = 5)
;send C
i := 0
   MouseClick, right, 645, 164
   Sleep, 431
  if (strg01 != 0x0000FF) ;nicht hellrot!
;   MouseClick, right, mo2, mo3
   MouseClick, right, 474, 156
   Sleep, 423


Clay t4

; needs adjusting for running
; line with ";" needs to be tuned
; needs ADD macro

; -----------------------------------------
; ------------- C L A Y -------------------
; -----------------------------------------
!G:: ; gather clay 1 click blah
IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
;sleep 300
; anzahl south nord runs
;sleep 1000
;MouseClick, left, 561, 681 ; run south
;loop, 15 
; anzahl clay checks
 ; {
;   checkmessage()
;  }
;sleep 1000
;sleep 1000
;MouseClick, left, 585, 145 ; run north
;loop, 15 
; anzahl clay checks
 ; {
;   checkclay()
 ;  checkmessage()
;  }
sleep 500
;sleep 1000
} ; loop run north/south ende
;sleep 1000

clay ADD macro t4

; checks clay posi 1
sleep 300
pixelgetcolor, clay01, 219, 67 ; 1. posi clay
sleep 200
if (clay01 = 0xBDC3D6) 
 Mouseclick, right, 230, 81
 sleep 200
 Mousemove, 270, 100
 sleep 300

another clay macro t4

; needs adjusting for running
; needs ADD macro

;----------------  C L A Y     ---------------
	WinGetPos,,, winWidth, winHeight
; clay macro
; clicks on clay icon every 1 step back forth
!t:: ;alt t

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
loop, 20
    Sleep, 200
    PixelGetColor, color4, 219, 67    
    if color4 = 0xBDC3D6    
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
      BlockInput, MouseMove
    sleep 800
    MouseMove, 564, 218
    sleep 400
    MouseClick, left

      sleep, 250
 	MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 200
    Sleep, 500
    PixelGetColor, color4, 219, 67    
    if color4 = 0xBDC3D6    
      MouseGetPos, MouseX3, MouseY3
      BlockInput, MouseMove
    sleep 800
      MouseMove, 564, 632
      sleep 400
      MouseClick, left 
      sleep, 250
 	MouseMove, %MouseX3%, %MouseY3%, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 200
    Sleep, 500

window helper macro t4

; adjusts placing of pinned windows by 1 coord

; -----------------------------------------
; -------------- move window --------------
; -----------------------------------------

!M:: ; moving 1 coords fenster

      MouseGetPos, Moov101, Moov102
      sleep 251
	Click down
      sleep 250

      MouseMove , Moov101-1, Moov102-1
      sleep 200
	Click up 

carpentry macro t4

; needs FILE macro to mark carpentry shops

; -----------------------------------------
; --------------- boards ---------------
; -----------------------------------------
; boards bretter
; zimmerei carpentry.. uses 8 spots and clicks permanent
^+u:: ;STRG shift U 
i = 2
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt, %i%  
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
	if i=2
    		i = 2   
	line := i-1
	FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt, %line%
      Mousemove, %filelineX%, %filelineY%
      Sleep, 50
send, P
	i := i+2

auto kiln macro t4

; needs FILE macro to mark carpentry shops

!2:: ;ALT 2   auto guild buildings at coord 1853 3938
loop, 12 
;after all fired, need 1 kiln in not fire mode top left
i = 2
; kilns
  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
  FileReadLine, filelineY, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt, %i%  
  if ( ErrorLevel <> 0 or filelineY = "" )
	;if i=2
	 ; else 
	;	{
    	;	i = 2   
	;	} 
	line := i-1
	FileReadLine, filelineX, C:\Spiele\ATITD.txt, %line%
      Sleep, 150
      Mousemove, %filelineX%, %filelineY%
      Sleep, 250

;send T
;sleep, 300
;send W
;sleep, 300
;send B ; firebricks
;send J ; jugs
send c
sleep, 300
;send F
sleep, 300
	i := i+2

sleep 200000


;if T from ture kiln da
loop ; 
 Sleep, 550
 MouseClick, left, 236, 40 ;check color
 Sleep, 1500
 PixelGetColor, kiln1, 70, 23 ;T from true
 Sleep, 200
  if (kiln1 != 0) ; nix DA
   Sleep, 1000
  if (kiln1 = 0x000000) 
   Sleep, 300