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User:Larame Bastet
From A Tale in the Desert
Larame's Macros
Darkest Night Progress
7 of 7 - Carrion Mushrooms 0 of 7 - Beehive Mushrooms 7 of 7 - Toad Skin Mushrooms 0 of 7 - Heaven's Torrent Mushrooms 0 of 7 - Salt Water Fungus
Missing Technologies
Advanced Chemistry (3rd Degree) Advanced Metallurgy (5th Degree) Ambrosia Brewing Chariot Repair (2nd Degree) Indonesian Bee Care Loom Automation Modern Sheep Farming Mutagenics Obelisk Construction (5th Degree) Obelisk Construction (6th Degree) Obelisk Construction (7th Degree) Stellae Construction Xenobotany
Salvage Techniques Needed
S Harmony - 4 Night Granite, 4 Canary Granite, 4 White Travertine S Worship - 300 Leather, 300 Papyrus Paper, 300 Glass Rods
Structure Maintenance Needed
S Art - 4 Thermometer, 100 Sheet Glass S Harmony - 500 Papyrus Paper, 125 Glass Rods
Structure Repair Needed
S Harmony - 300 Glass Rods, 300 Leather S Worship - 1 Huge Emerald (need), 1 Large Topaz, 1 Medium Ruby, 1 Small Sapphire
Missing Skills
Advanced Tub Design (2nd Degree) Botanical Identification (2nd Degree) Botanical Identification (3rd Degree) Botanist's Touch - Need 150 Flower Fertilizer, 100 Sticky Sun Fertilizer, 100 Liquid Sun Fertilizer, 50 Harvest Elixir, 1 Khefre's Essence Camp Decoration (2nd Degree) Need 1 Lg Ruby, 1 Lg Saphire, 1 Lg Diamond Camp Decoration (3rd Degree) Camp Decoration (4th Degree) Camp Decoration (5th Degree)
Current Tests
Principles of Leadership - need 10 signatures Acrobat Pathmaker Cicadas Pilgrim Safari Pyrotechnics Venery Freeman Critic Library Bijou Beacons Leavened Bread Hexaglyphs Pulse of the People Octec's Ghost Orchestra
Completed Tests Principles
Principles of Architecture Principles of Harmony Principles of the Human Body Principles of Art and Music Principles of Worship Principles of Thought Test of the Obelisk Test of the Prophet Test of the Vigil Test of the Funerary Temple Test of the Raeli Mosaic Test of Towers Test of Khefre's Children Test of Darkest Night Test of Chains Test of Marriage Constellation Balance of Goods Test of Flight Oyster Catcher Test of Life
Paint Recipes:
A | ||
AliceBlue | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Iron 1 Clay 6 | Yes |
AntiqueWhite | Cabbage 3 Clay 3 Copper 2 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 1 | Yes |
Aqua | Cabbage 2 Copper 6 Clay 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
Aquamarine | Cabbage 1 Copper 2 Clay 5 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Azure | Cabbage 1 Copper 2 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Iron 1 Clay 5 | Yes |
B | ||
Beige | Cabbage 4 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 3 | Yes |
Bisque | Cabbage 3 Clay 4 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Black | Lead 1 Copper 1 Clay 8 | Yes |
BlanchedAlmond | Cabbage 2 Clay 4 Copper 2 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Blue | Cabbage 6 Lead 1 Copper 2 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
BlueViolet | Cabbage 8 Clay 1 Lead 1 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
Brown | Clay 4 Carrot 1 RedSand 5 | Yes |
Burlywood | Cabbage 1 Clay 6 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 | Yes
C |
CadetBlue | Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Clay 6 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Carrot | Clay 5 Carrot 4 Copper 1 | Yes |
Chartreuse | Cabbage 1 DeadTongue 1 ToadSkin 1 EarthLight 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 8 | Yes |
Chocolate | Clay 8 Carrot 1 Copper 1 | Yes |
Coral | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Carrot 2 Copper 1 | Yes |
CornflowerBlue | Cabbage 2 Copper 1 Clay 7 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
Cornsilk | Cabbage 1 Clay 10 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
Crimson | Clay 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 7 | Yes
D |
DarkBlue | Lead 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 5 Clay 3 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
DarkCyan | Copper 1 Silver 1 Clay 2 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 4 | Yes |
DarkGoldenrod | Cabbage 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1 Carrot 3 | Yes |
DarkGray | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 7 Lead 1 | Yes |
DarkGreen | Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 9 | Yes |
DarkKhaki | Cabbage 1 Clay 6 Copper 2 RedSand 1 | Yes |
DarkMagenta | Cabbage 6 Clay 2 Lead 1 Copper 1 | Yes |
DarkOliveGreen | Copper 1 Clay 9 | Yes |
DarkOrange | Clay 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 Silver 1 | Yes |
DarkOrchid | Cabbage 7 Clay 2 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
DarkRed | Clay 1 RedSand 9 | Yes |
DarkSalmon | Clay 6 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Copper 1 | Yes |
DarkSeaGreen | Cabbage 1 Carrot 2 Copper 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1 | Yes |
DarkSlateBlue | Cabbage 10 | Yes |
DarkSlateGray | Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 8 | Yes |
DarkTurquoise | Copper 3 Clay 2 Silver 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 3 | Yes |
DarkViolet | Clay 2 Lead 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 5 | Yes |
DeepPink | Cabbage 1 Clay 3 Silver 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 3 | Yes |
DeepSkyBlue | Copper 5 Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 4 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
DimGray | Cabbage 4 Clay 6 | Yes |
DodgerBlue | Copper 3 Clay 4 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 | Yes
F |
Feldspar | Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 | Yes |
FireBrick | RedSand 5 Carrot 5 | Yes |
FloralWhite | Cabbage 5 RedSand 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 | Yes |
ForestGreen | Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 7 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Fuchsia | Cabbage 6 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Silver 1 Copper 1 Carrot 1 | Yes
G |
Gainsboro | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Clay 6 | Yes |
GhostWhite | Cabbage 6 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 | Yes |
Gold | Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Clay 6 Copper 1 Silver 1 | Yes |
Goldenrod | Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 1 | Yes |
Gray | Cabbage 3 Clay 5 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Green | Copper 1 Clay 7 Silver 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
GreenYellow | Sulfur 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 Silver 1 | Yes
H |
Honeydew | Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Clay 4 Lead 1 Carrot 3 | Yes |
HotPink | Cabbage 4 Clay 2 Copper 1 Lead 1 Carrot 2 | Yes
I |
IndianRed | Clay 3 Carrot 3 RedSand 1 Cabbage 3 | Yes |
Indigo | Cabbage 6 Clay 2 Carrot 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
Ivory | Cabbage 2 Sulfur 1 Clay 6 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes
K |
Khaki | Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 | Yes
L |
Lavender | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
LavenderBlush | Cabbage 2 Clay 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
LawnGreen | Carrot 1 Silver 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 | Yes |
LemonChiffon | Cabbage 6 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 Carrot 1 | Yes |
LightBlue | Cabbage 2 Copper 1 Clay 4 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 1 | Yes |
LightCoral | Cabbage 4 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Copper 1 | Yes |
LightCyan | Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Clay 5 Lead 1 Carrot 2 | Yes |
LightGoldenrodYellow | Cabbage 2 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 5 | Yes |
LightGreen | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 6 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
LightGrey | Cabbage 7 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
LightPink | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
LightSalmon | Cabbage 1 Clay 4 Carrot 3 Copper 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
LightSeaGreen | Copper 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 2 | Yes |
LightSkyBlue | Cabbage 7 Copper 1 Clay 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
LightSlateBlue | Cabbage 6 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Clay 2 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
LightSlateGray | Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 5 Copper 1 Clay 2 | Yes |
LightSteelBlue | RedSand 2 Cabbage 3 Copper 1 Clay 3 Lead 1 | Yes |
LightYellow | Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
Lime | Cabbage 1 EarthLight 1 RedSand 1 DeadTongue 1 ToadSkin 11 | |
LimeGreen | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 6 RedSand 1 Silver 1 | Yes |
Linen | Cabbage 2 Clay 3 Copper 3 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes
M |
Maroon | Clay 8 Carrot 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
MediumAquamarine | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 5 Lead 1 RedSand 2 | Yes |
MediumBlue | Copper 1 Cabbage 8 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
MediumOrchid | Clay 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 5 | Yes |
MediumPurple | Cabbage 9 Copper 1 | Yes |
MediumSeaGreen | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 7 RedSand 1 | Yes |
MediumSlateBlue | Cabbage 7 Copper 1 Clay 2 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
MediumSpringGreen | Sulfur 1 Copper 5 Cabbage 1 Clay 3 RedSand 1 | Yes |
MediumTurquoise | Cabbage 1 Copper 2 Clay 6 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 | Yes |
MediumVioletRed | Cabbage 6 Clay 3 Lead 1 Copper 1 | Yes |
MidnightBlue | Cabbage 5 Clay 3 Carrot 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
MintCream | Cabbage 4 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Lead 1 Clay 2 | Yes |
MistyRose | Cabbage 4 Clay 3 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Moccasin | Cabbage 1 Clay 4 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 2 | Yes
N |
NavajoWhite | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Navy | Lead 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Saltpeter 1 | Yes
O |
OldLace | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
Olive | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 RedSand 1 Carrot 1 | Yes |
OliveDrab | Cabbage 1 Clay 8 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Orange | Clay 2 Carrot 7 Copper 1 Silver 1 Sulfur 1 | Yes |
OrangeRed | Clay 2 Carrot 6 Silver 1 Copper 1 | Yes |
Orchid | Cabbage 5 Clay 2 Copper 1 Lead 1 Carrot 1 | Yes
P |
PaleGoldenrod | Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Clay 6 | Yes |
PaleGreen | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 4 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 2 | Yes |
PaleTurquoise | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 7 Lead 1 | Yes |
PaleVioletRed | Cabbage 5 Clay 4 Copper 1 | Yes |
PapayaWhip | Cabbage 1 Clay 3 Copper 3 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 1 | Yes |
PeachPuff | Cabbage 1 Clay 6 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Peru | Cabbage 1 Clay 5 Carrot 3 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Pink | Cabbage 4 Clay 4 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
Plum | Cabbage 7 Clay 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
PowderBlue | Cabbage 3 Copper 1 Clay 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 4 | Yes |
Purple | Clay 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 8 | Yes
R |
Red | Clay 1 Carrot 9 Silver 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 | Yes |
RosyBrown | Cabbage 5 Carrot 4 RedSand 1 | Yes |
RoyalBlue | Carrot 1 Copper 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 2 | Yes
S |
SaddleBrown | Clay 10 | Yes |
Salmon | Cabbage 2 Clay 6 Carrot 2 Copper 1 | Yes |
SandyBrown | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
SeaGreen | Copper 2 Clay 8 | Yes |
Seashell | Cabbage 2 Clay 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
Sienna | Cabbage 1 Clay 9 | Yes |
Silver | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 3 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 3 | Yes |
SkyBlue | Cabbage 3 Copper 1 Clay 5 Lead 1 | Yes |
SlateBlue | Cabbage 8 Clay 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
SlateGray | Cabbage 4 Copper 1 Clay 5 | Yes |
Snow | Cabbage 3 Sulfur 1 Clay 6 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
SpringGreen | Cabbage 1 Copper 4 Clay 3 Silver 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
SteelBlue | Cabbage 8 Copper 1 Clay 1 | Yes
T |
Tan | Cabbage 3 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Teal | Carrot 1 Copper 2 Cabbage 5 Clay 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Thistle | RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
Tomato | Clay 3 Carrot 5 Copper 1 RedSand 1 | Yes |
Turquoise | Copper 1 Clay 7 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 | Yes
V |
Violet | Cabbage 7 Clay 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
VioletRed | Clay 2 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 4 | Yes
W |
Wheat | Carrot 3 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Clay 4 | Yes |
White | Cabbage 3 Sulfur 1 Clay 5 Copper 1 Lead 1 | Yes |
WhiteSmoke | Cabbage 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 Iron 1 Clay 7 | Yes
Y |
Yellow | Carrot 6 Sulfur 1 Clay 3 Copper 2 Silver 1 | Yes |
YellowGreen | Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 4 RedSand 1 Carrot 3 | Yes |