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Test of the Safari

From A Tale in the Desert
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Demonstration of Principles

Demonstrated by merek in Saqqarah on 2009-02-02.

The Test of the Safari


In the Test of the Safari you will learn to track and capture seven species of Egyptian fauna. Each species has unique behaviors and tracking methods, and each must be accomplished four times. More information about each species can be found here.


  • Build a Fennec trap
  • See a Gazelle
  • Force an Otter to move to another hole
  • Capture an Ibis
  • Drop a Rabbit for a hungry Falcon
  • Detect the signs of a Fennec

Start the test

To accept/start the test, go to any University of Body and go to the Tests menu.

The minimum level to accept this test is: 12

Complete the test

Capture/tap 4 of each kind of Egypt's animals (listed below).

Strength bonus

You will get a +1 permanent strength bonus for every 4 animals that you capture/tap/find (maximum 4 per type). So if you find 2 falcons and 2 fennecs, you should get a strength bonus. There are 7 animals, times 4, meaning that you can get a maximum bonus of +7 in this way. Strength bonus increases the ability to carry 500 more weight (not bulk) per 1 bonus point.

Further reading

Info from previous tales:

The animals of Egypt


Official game info from University of Body:

Bullfrogs exhibit almost perfect camouflage, but their distinctive sound gives them away. High Dexterity helps capture these creatures.

  • Failing to catch a bullfrog uses the endurance timer. There is no timer if you are successful in a capture attempt.
  • T3 info: only from 6pm through 6am (evening/night).
  • To search for bullfrogs more effectively, try searching near a sea shore instead of river bank. If you search at a river bank, consider the possibility that the bullfrog could be on the other side of the river. In both cases be aware that bullfrogs might be located on small islands in the river or off the coast that are within the hearing range but outside of your reach (even with a Ferry Boat).

Desert Rats

Official game info from University of Body:

Fast-moving Desert Rats blend perfectly with Egypt's terrain, but their distinctive tracks will lead to them every time. Be aware that the wind will cover up tracks over time.

  • It seems they are viewable at the default F7 camera; a little more visible than last tale.


Official game info from University of Body:

Build a Fennec trap using boards and rope. Each night, traps on the outskirts of a pack will show signs of the creatures, and traps within 250 coordinates will capture one. At least four different subspecies of Fennecs must be captured and released.

  • Building a Fennec trap takes 4 Boards and 1 Rope and can only be build on sandy soil.


Official game info from University of Body:

Gazelles run faster than humans. The key to tagging a Gazelle is to tire it out. Strong teamwork is a must.


Official game info from University of Body:

To identify a Falcon Roost, drop a Rabbit. A falcon will take it sometime within the next 5 minutes (but never within the first minute), and will fly off toward the nearest roost. Trees may be checked for roosts, but doing so is exhausting!

  • Searching trees for falcon roosts seems to be triggering the endurance timer.
  • Dropping a rabbit isn't completely necessary to find falcons. There's always a tiny chance of finding a falcon roost in any tree.
  • When you drop a rabbit, wait for a few minutes till it disappears. When that happens, read in your Main chat screen in which direction (North, South, East, West, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest) you can look. Please bear in mind that this includes any tree in a wide range (anywhere between 1 and 500 coords?). The directions don't always seem to be very precise; for example North could also be leaning towards Northeast or Northwest. Use the map (F3) or compass (F4) to determine the direction to search.
  • A tool to triangulate falcons can be found at


Official game info from University of Body:

Only one flock of Ibis inhabits Egypt. Tagging a single bird causes it to flee, but the rest of the flock is unfazed. The flock tends to move at night, and resettle in the morning.

  • It is common courtesy to announce the flock of Ibis somewhere. Whether or not you want to inform your guild brothers and sisters first, or your close friends, or straight away post their location in the E! channel, is up to you. But if you want to see some fun havoc after you've spotted the flock, announce it in E! and see some people go into panic-mode.
  • If you announce a flock's location, please mention the region, its coordinates and where it is close to (schools or universities for example)
  • It is also common courtesy for someone to stay with the flock, and keep announcing how many there are left.


Official game info from University of Body:

Otters build an underground network of tunnels. it is possible to put a stick (wood) down to block a portion of the network, but if too many holes are blocked, the Otter will get annoyed and eat a stick!

  • While out and bout to trap otters carry a avg of 20 boards on you. Find the first main hole of the otter and place a board in hole. This will force the otter to move to another hole. Keep finding each hole the otter pops out of till you finally get message you have tagged them.
  • Sometimes otter's holes can be hidden by objects like mines, quarries.