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From A Tale in the Desert
< User:Hepnezr
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Paint Recipes Using All Ingredients
Color | Recipe |
AliceBlue | Clay 5 Lead 1 Carrot 2 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 |
AntiqueWhite | Carrot 6 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Iron 1 |
Aqua | Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 18 |
Aquamarine | RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 3 Copper 2 Cabbage 4 |
Azure | Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 6 Clay 2 Iron 1 |
Beige | Clay 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 2 Iron 1 |
Bisque | Carrot 6 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 2 Sulfur 1 |
Black | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 RedSand 1 |
BlanchedAlmond | Carrot 7 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 |
Blue | Copper 2 Iron 4 DeadTongue 1 EarthLight 1 Cabbage 14 |
BlueViolet | Copper 1 Cabbage 7 Lime 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 |
Brown | Cabbage 1 Clay 8 RedSand 1 |
Burlywood | Clay 5 Lead 1 Carrot 4 |
CadetBlue | RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 |
Carrot | Carrot 10 |
Chartreuse | Cabbage 1 Lead 1 DeadTongue 1 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Clay 6 |
Chocolate | Clay 4 Carrot 6 |
Coral | Cabbage 1 Clay 1 Carrot 7 Iron 1 |
CornflowerBlue | Copper 1 Cabbage 6 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 |
Cornsilk | Carrot 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 3 Iron 1 |
Crimson | Cabbage 2 Carrot 6 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 |
DarkBlue | Copper 8 Lime 1 Carrot 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 |
DarkCyan | Clay 2 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Copper 5 |
DarkGoldenrod | Clay 7 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 |
DarkGray | Copper 1 Cabbage 4 Clay 5 |
DarkGreen | Cabbage 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 |
DarkKhaki | Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 8 |
DarkMagenta | Cabbage 4 Clay 4 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 |
DarkOliveGreen | Clay 9 Copper 1 |
DarkOrange | Cabbage 1 Iron 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 2 Clay 4 |
DarkOrchid | Cabbage 6 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 |
DarkRed | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 RedSand 1 Carrot 1 |
DarkSalmon | Lead 1 Carrot 3 Saltpeter 1 Clay 6 |
DarkSeaGreen | Clay 8 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 |
DarkSlateBlue | Cabbage 10 |
DarkSlateGray | Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 |
DarkTurquoise | Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 8 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 |
DarkViolet | Cabbage 8 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 |
DeepPink | Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Lime 1 Carrot 5 RedSand 1 Clay 2 |
DeepSkyBlue | Lead 1 Clay 1 Copper 9 |
DimGray | Clay 8 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 |
DodgerBlue | Clay 1 Copper 6 Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 |
Feldspar | Cabbage 2 Clay 6 Carrot 1 Iron 1 |
FireBrick | Cabbage 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1 Carrot 3 |
FloralWhite | Clay 5 Lead 1 Carrot 4 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 |
ForestGreen | Sulfur 1 Clay 8 Iron 1 Cabbage 1 |
Fuchsia | Cabbage 6 Lead 1 Lime 1 Carrot 2 RedSand 1 |
Gainsboro | Clay 6 Copper 1 Cabbage 2 Iron 1 Sulfur 1 |
GhostWhite | Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 6 |
Gold | Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Carrot 7 |
Goldenrod | Carrot 7 Sulfur 1 Clay 3 |
Gray | Clay 7 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 |
Green | Clay 7 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1 Copper 1 |
GreenYellow | Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 7 Iron 1 |
Honeydew | Lead 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Clay 7 |
HotPink | Carrot 4 Copper 1 Cabbage 2 RedSand 3 |
IndianRed | Clay 5 Carrot 4 RedSand 1 |
Indigo | Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Clay 6 RedSand 1 |
Ivory | Carrot 2 Copper 1 Cabbage 6 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 |
Khaki | Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 7 |
Lavender | Clay 5 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 2 |
LavenderBlush | Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 4 Clay 3 |
LawnGreen | Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 1 Clay 12 Iron 1 |
LemonChiffon | Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 9 Iron 1 |
LightBlue | Copper 1 Cabbage 8 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 |
LightCoral | Copper 1 Cabbage 6 RedSand 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 |
LightCyan | Clay 6 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 |
LightGoldenrodYellow | Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Iron 1 |
LightGreen | Clay 8 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 |
LightGrey | Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 4 Clay 5 |
LightPink | Cabbage 2 Lead 1 Clay 3 Carrot 4 |
LightSalmon | Clay 3 Lead 1 Carrot 6 |
LightSeaGreen | Cabbage 3 Clay 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 5 |
LightSkyBlue | Lead 1 Clay 3 Copper 1 Cabbage 5 |
LightSlateBlue | Lead 1 Clay 2 Copper 1 Cabbage 5 RedSand 1 |
LightSlateGray | Clay 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 |
LightSteelBlue | Clay 3 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 4 |
LightYellow | Lead 1 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Clay 4 |
Lime | Cabbage 1 ToadSkin 1 Potash 1 DeadTongue 1 Copper 11 |
LimeGreen | RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 |
Linen | Copper 1 RedSand 2 Cabbage 6 Iron 1 Sulfur 1 |
Maroon | Cabbage 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 |
MediumAquamarine | Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 |
MediumBlue | Cabbage 1 Copper 11 Lime 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 |
MediumOrchid | Carrot 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 6 RedSand 1 |
MediumPurple | Clay 6 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 RedSand 1 |
MediumSeaGreen | Sulfur 1 Clay 9 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 |
MediumSlateBlue | Carrot 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 |
MediumSpringGreen | RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 7 |
MediumTurquoise | Cabbage 3 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 3 Copper 3 |
MediumVioletRed | Cabbage 1 Clay 5 Carrot 3 RedSand 1 |
MidnightBlue | Cabbage 1 Clay 6 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 |
MintCream | Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 |
MistyRose | Carrot 4 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 4 Sulfur 1 |
Moccasin | Lead 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 5 Carrot 2 |
NavajoWhite | Cabbage 1 Clay 5 Lead 1 Carrot 2 Iron 1 |
Navy | Cabbage 7 Clay 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 |
OldLace | Lead 1 Carrot 5 Copper 1 Cabbage 3 |
Olive | Clay 9 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 |
OliveDrab | Clay 10 Sulfur 1 |
Orange | RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Carrot 7 Iron 1 |
OrangeRed | Cabbage 1 Clay 1 Iron 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 6 |
Orchid | Cabbage 1 Clay 5 Lead 1 Carrot 2 RedSand 1 |
PaleGoldenrod | Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 3 Clay 6 |
PaleGreen | Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 8 |
PaleTurquoise | RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 Copper 1 Cabbage 6 |
PaleVioletRed | Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Iron 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 6 |
PapayaWhip | Lead 1 Carrot 6 Copper 1 Clay 2 Sulfur 1 |
PeachPuff | Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Clay 6 Carrot 2 Iron 1 |
Peru | Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Iron 1 |
Pink | Clay 2 Lead 1 Carrot 5 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 |
Plum | Clay 7 Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 |
PowderBlue | Sulfur 1 Clay 4 Copper 1 Cabbage 5 |
Purple | Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 |
Red | Cabbage 1 RedSand 1 Lime 1 Carrot 8 |
RosyBrown | Copper 1 Cabbage 2 Clay 7 |
RoyalBlue | Cabbage 6 Lead 1 Clay 1 Copper 2 |
SaddleBrown | Clay 10 |
Salmon | Cabbage 2 Carrot 7 Iron 1 |
SandyBrown | Lead 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1 Carrot 3 |
SeaGreen | Cabbage 2 Sulfur 1 Clay 7 Copper 1 |
Seashell | Lead 1 Carrot 5 Copper 1 Cabbage 4 |
Sienna | Cabbage 1 Clay 9 |
Silver | Carrot 1 Copper 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1 Cabbage 2 |
SkyBlue | Clay 3 Carrot 1 Copper 2 RedSand 1 Cabbage 3 |
SlateBlue | Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 8 |
SlateGray | Clay 2 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 |
Snow | Lead 1 Carrot 2 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 5 |
SpringGreen | Sulfur 1 Clay 4 Copper 5 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 |
SteelBlue | Cabbage 3 Lead 1 Clay 5 Copper 1 Sulfur 1 |
Tan | Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Sulfur 1 |
Teal | Cabbage 5 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 Copper 2 Lead 1 |
Thistle | Clay 6 Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 |
Tomato | Cabbage 1 Clay 3 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 4 |
Turquoise | Cabbage 3 Clay 1 Copper 5 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 |
Violet | Carrot 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 7 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 |
VioletRed | Cabbage 1 Clay 6 Carrot 1 Iron 1 RedSand 1 |
Wheat | Cabbage 1 Clay 6 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Iron 1 |
White | Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 8 Iron 1 |
WhiteSmoke | Clay 6 Lead 1 Carrot 2 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 |
Yellow | Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Carrot 9 |
YellowGreen | Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 9 |
Found using PracticalPaint by Sigil