The Wiki for Tale 4 is in read-only mode and is available for archival and reference purposes only. Please visit the current Tale 11 Wiki in the meantime.
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Event Schedule
Saturday April 11th Speed Acro, Shabbat AB Acro Field (near UArt), 4PM EDT (8PM GMT)
Speed acro rules:
1. All students are welcome
2. All teachers are welcome
3. The moderator will use regional chat to call MOVE command every 3-4 minutes. Please listen to regional
4. When the MOVE command is issued, all students should move to the next teacher. DO NOT WAIT FOR THE STATION TO CLEAR. Move immediately. Waiting for the station to clear slows down the line. And it's likely the people at the next station may already be moving and your PC just hasn't updated the info yet.
5. Acro masters are welcome to join the line at the first open teaching spot. They should not wait in queue.
NOTE: The prior scheduled event was quarry lessons. Please chat me in game if you still want these and I'll teach you individually.
Saturday April 18th How to learn to love your reactory
This course is designed for people who are new to reactories and who are still having problems with them. Basic reactory techniques will be explained and demonstrated via hands on training. The course takes place in Saqqarah @ 751, -1667. If you are experiened with reactories and can already get yields of 5+, then this course won't help you. But if reactories still give you headaches and you usually just wind up with 0-2 alloy, then this course should help.
We'll make alloys, lots and lots of alloys, or die trying. Please bring some stout, fern or towering palm resin to the class. All other materials provided. Alloys divided among players.