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I knoThis page lists the materials needed to run a vigil, and will show the inventories and targets of the various materials.


This list was developed using the list prepared by Shivani reflecting T3 vigils as a starting point. That list proved quite accurate and extremely helpful, and we extend warm thanks to Shivani for the work that went into its preparation (and for the donations to the HHoF Worship guild in T3). We will try to improve the accuracy of the numbers in this list as we gain more experience with T4 vigils.


Always Welcome!!!!!!

The elders of the HHoFW guild do try to gather as many mats as possible, but as a quick scan of the list should make clear, the amount of mats required is prodigious. Our success with vigils in the past, and, undoubtedly, our future success, is dependent on the wonderful folk who keep our chests filled.

Always Needed!!!!

Clearly, a comparison of the "On Hand" column to the "Safe Target" below will show which items we have the most pressing immediate for, but HHoFW plans to run vigils regularly and frequently, so any item in the list you can help with will help a vigil succeed at some point.

Always Appreciated!!!!!

T4 Info

Of note: vegetable seeds and blacksmithed items (possibly limited to shovels) are requested. However, these requests are quite rare; data from one 1500 sac vigil suggests these requests, in total, might be around .5% of all requests, meaning this is nowhere near as onerous as if these items were treated like the other 86 sacrifice items. I have added a special section in the mats list below for these items. For now I'm assuming that the tools requests are limited to shovels and, possibly, carp blades. Carp blades should be no issue at all since we should have a supply for our carp shops on hand.

It is ore instead of metal now being requested (and in the same numeric quantities -- so this is a much easier item now, except silver). (Elders: please leave whatever metal we have in vigil storage. Given Teppy's acknowledgement that the early tale furnaces are overly ore hungry, and that the blast furnace and others to come change this, the switch to ore might be temporary.)

I'm accumulating a datbase of vigil sac requests, and have adjusted the numbers below based on the observations I have, projected to 1250 sacrifices and weighted about 50-50 with T3 numbers. (I have data for 922 sacs in my database so far. Of course, this is much too small an observation set to rely on at this point.) In general, the numbers are in line with T3; fish might be slightly higher, flax may be no longer requested, though all the other flax items are.


• The "Avg. Requirement" column is the mean amount required for a 1250 sacrifice vigil (this was the normal number of sacs accomplished in a T3 vigil extending from dinner time Friday until late afternoon Sunday). However, in any given vigil, the actual amount of any given material requested can vary substantially from this mean.

• The "Safe Target" column is the amount which should be on hand to insure, given the variance in amounts requested for a given vigil, that we will not run out of that material. Note that the amount here reflects the ease or difficulty of manufacture or collection of the given item. For example, the "safe" amount for crucibles is not terribly greater that the mean required amount, since we will have Mason's Benches near the vigil site and can easily generate more if demand is high. However, the safe amount for medium stones is well above the mean required amount, to insure there is a supply for crucible and nail mould manufacture, and reflecting the difficulty (you try to organize a dig in the middle of the night!) of gathering more on short notice.

• We believe this is the complete list. Note that, for example, large gems, cactus sap, metals (as opposed to ores), serpent fish, forged items, glass, grilled vegetables, flystones, gravel were never asked for.

The List

Item On Hand Avg. Requirement Safe Target Comments
Abdju Fish 986 1000 1500
Aluminum Ore 54 100 150
Antimony Ore 67 100 150
Ash 317 500 700 no potash, ONLY ash.
Baskets 6 25 50 baskets are 200 dried papy EACH
Beeswax 2730 4000 5000
Boards 937 10000 15000
Bricks 3041 5000 6000
cabbage 2448 3000 3500
camel meat 5163 4000 4200
camel milk 400 300 350
canvas 570 500 600
carp 3499 2700 3200
carrots 767 1500 2000
catfish 651 1500 2000
Charcoal 1003 5000 6000
Chicken meat 34 500 600 Requested by other vigils
chromis 2469 2500 2700

Item On Hand Avg. Requirement Safe Target Comments
clay 4056 3500 4000
clay mortars 354 300 350 not wet, just fired
copper ore 515 1000 1500
crucible 102 150 200
cut stone 199 700 800
cuttable stone 1173 1500 1700
Cuttable Amethyst 12 20 25
Cuttable Citrine 21 20 25
Cuttable Garnet 17 20 25
Cuttable Jade 17 20 25
Cuttable Lapis 42 20 25
Cuttable Sunstone 0 20 25
Cuttable Turquoise 23 20 25
Dirt 3669 2500 3020
Dried Flax 4503 4000 4500
Dried Pappy 91 1500 2000
Dung 4436 2500 3000
Firebricks 5578 10000 15000 not wet, just fired
Flax 5569 5000 5500
Flimsy Brick Racks 281 500 600
Flint 764 250 300
garlic 976 1500 2000
Gold Ore 72 150 200

Item On Hand Avg. Requirement Safe Target Comments
Grilled Fish 350 2500 3000 Note that you do not need grilled veggies. Only fish.
Honey 2658 4000 4500
Iron Ore 400 200 300
Jugs 5384 5000 7000 not wet, just fired
Lead Ore 75 200 300
Leather 420 5000 6000
Leeks 281 1500 2000
Lime 269 500 600
Limestone 1698 3000 4000
Linen 292 500 600
Lint 2327 2500 3000
Lithium Ore 108 200 300
Magnesium Ore 25 200 300
Med Diamond 83 150 200
Med Emerald 41 150 200
Med Quartz 353 400 500
Med Ruby 99 200 300
Med sapphire 47 150 200
Med Stone 95 300 400
Med Topaz 140 150 200

Item On Hand Avg. Requirement Safe Target Comments
Mutton 1581 2000 2200
Nail Mould 88 100 150
Oil 2144 1000 1200
Onions 2088 2000 2500
Oxy Fish 798 2000 2500
Pappy 3851 6000 7000
Perch 3058 2000 2500
Phagrus 3851 1500 2000
Platinum Ore 268 200 250
Pulley 301 250 300
Rope 2763 2500 3000
Rotten Flax 7648 6000 7000
Saltpeter 379 350 400
Silt 1635 5000 7500
Silver 50 100 200
Slate 840 3000 4000 between slate, stone blades and slate shovels (2 slate ea) you will need LOTS of slate
Slate Shovel 177 300 400
Sm Diamond 399 400 450
Sm Emerald 266 300 400
Sm Quartz 1067 400 500
Sm Ruby 368 400 450
Sm Sapphire 74 300 400
Sm topaz 520 300 400

Item On Hand Avg. Requirement Safe Target Comments
Stone Blade 418 1500 2000
Straw 4068 4000 5000 grass is not called for, only straw
Strontium Ore 1734 200 300
Sulfur 1175 162 300 sulfurous water is not called for, only sulphur
Thorns 8084 6000 7500
Thread 968 6000 8000
Tilapia 1707 800 1100
Tin Ore 317 200 300
Titanium Ore 288 100 200
Tow 2059 3000 3500
Tungsten Ore 58 150 200
Twine 3418 1500 2000
Wood 11506 15000 17000
Zinc Ore 268 150 200

Other Mats Needed

Item On Hand Target Comments
Iron 75 100 For construction and blacksmithing
Shovel 7K+ 1 2 Will be requested; need several qualities
Shovel 6K+ 2 Will be requested; need several qualities
Shovel 5K+ 2 Will be requested; need several qualities
Carp Blades 20 Might be be requested; need a bunch to support our carpentry shops
Cabbage Seeds 2 8
Carrot Seeds 8
Garlic Seeds 2 8
Leek Seeds 6 8
Onion Seeds 8 8
Hookah 1 1 The RedCrowley Memorial Bong. Donor gets naming rights
Herbs Lots Variety rather than quantity. So the donor of the hookah doesn't feel like it was wasted effort