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From A Tale in the Desert
< User:Sithid | Macros | AutoIT
Jump to navigationJump to searchSimple repeat clicker. Be sure to adjust the click delay( time between clicks ) within the script. Build, run, switch to atitd, and unpause( using pause key ).
The Macro
#cs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version Author: Sithid Date: 07.12.08 Version: 1.3 Script Function: Slate Collection - Automagical #ce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt( "MustDeclareVars", 1 ) Global $Paused = False Global $ClickPosSet = False Global $ClickPos[2] Global $Delay = 20000; time in ms between clicks HotKeySet( "{ESC}", "Terminate" ) HotKeySet( "{PAUSE}", "TogglePause" ) HotKeySet( "{F1}", "SetClickPos" ) WinWaitActive( "eGenesis Client" ); TogglePause() MsgBox( 0x0, "Click Location", "Please hover over the place you want to repeat click and press F1." ) While Not $ClickPosSet Sleep( 100 ) WEnd Main() Func SetClickPos() $ClickPos = MouseGetpos() $ClickPosSet = True EndFunc Func Main() Local $OldMouseLoc[2] Do WinWaitActive( "eGenesis Client" ); $OldMouseLoc = MouseGetPos() MouseClick( "left", $ClickPos[0], $ClickPos[1], 1,1 ) MouseMove( $OldMouseLoc[0], $OldMouseLoc[1], 1) Sleep( $Delay ) Until 1 = 2 EndFunc Func TogglePause() $Paused = Not $Paused While $Paused Sleep(100 ) WEnd EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit EndFunc
Downloadable version of script and exe will be around shortly, need to figure out how first :P.