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Khmun Obelisk Queue

From A Tale in the Desert
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Obelisk Queue

  • This page contains the queue lists for Desert Obelisk, Cut Stone Obelisk and Hardwood Obelisk
  • Find the Metallic Obelisk queue at this link Metallic Obelisk

This is the queue for the test of the obelisk in Khmun. Orenwolf is currently maintaining desert Queue, however as with any page, anyone is welcome to update the page with up-to-date information if it is available.

I've added a column for size of the obelisk. Please make an additional note detailing the offending player(s) if you get jumped so that we can keep track of players violating the queue. -Shulpan

You must be ready to build within 60 minutes of your turn in the queue, or you get jumped. Please monitor the queue and be aware of the expected pass time. If you do not login within 24 hours of the expected passtime of the person in front of you, you will be jumped in the queue. Additionally, if you are offline for 5 days or more at the time of your turn, you will also be automatically jumped.

If you are jumped, but have indicated you are "ready", you will be placed at below the last "ready" person. If you were not ready, then you are placed at the bottom of the queue.

Note that it is YOUR responsibility to contact those above you in the queue to determine if they have passed, and also to notify the person below you in the queue once you have passed as well.

PLEASE ensure that you ensure that the person with the current Obelisk has in fact passed before you build! /chat them directly, or ask in regional chat. The approximate pass time for the Desert Obelisk is 2.33 RL Days (56 hours).

Please do NOT jump the queue we ALL lose.

Luci has created a Desert Obelisk Worksheet For us to use.

The Desert Obelisk Queue

Updated: March 8th by orenwolf

  • Built: Obelisk Constructed
  • Waiting: Active and eligible to build
  • Absent: 5 days or more offline, ineligible to build
Name Status Ready? Size? Complete? Comments
Jingle Built Yes 50 Yes Passed Akhet II-27
Belfalas Built Yes 66 Yes Passed
proserpina Built Yes 67 Yes Passed
Bunnita Built Yes 68 Yes Passed
Hobart Built Yes 69 Yes Passed
Tekayfotuwan Built Yes 70 Yes Passed
Pageot Built Yes 72 Yes Passed Peret II-8
Creed Built Yes 73 Yes Passed Peret II-15
Shulpan Built Yes 74 Yes Passed Peret II-23
Styxx Built Yes 75 Yes Passed Peret III-1
orenwolf Built Yes 76 Yes Passed Peret III-8
Anqetamunet Built Yes 77 Yes Passed Peret III-17
Sedjet Built Yes 78 Yes Passed Peret IV-5
Oldwon Built Yes 79 Yes Passed Peret IV-16
Gabrielnight Absent Yes ? No Last Online: 12 days ago

Thanks. -- orenwolf

Cut Stone Obelisk Queue

Cubits Name Materials Ready? Build Date Passed? Comment
7 Sharae yes Built Peret III-30, 4:28pm PASSED Peret IV-21, 4:28pm Done
8 Tor el-Wati yes Built Peret IV-23, 11:33pm Passed done
9 RexEverything Yes Built Shemu I-21 9:00 PM Passed Done, notified Atma
10 Atma No None Offline for nearly a month. skipping.
12 Lejoni Yes Built Shemu IV-18 3:45AM Passed Done

The Hardwood Obelisk Queue

Cubits Name Est. Build Time Have Materials Ready Now? Complete? Comment
7 Terg Built on February 26,2009 at 20:00 GTM-5 (Eastern) Materials Ready and erected on (Year 1, Peret III-28, 4:12 AM) Passed
8 kapetanissa erected march 9, 2009 at 8:25 pm est built egypt time year 1, Peret IV-26, 4:30 pm Passed
9 Equita Built on March 28,2009 at 3:47 pm Central Time Year 1, Shemu II-16, 10:30am Passed
10 doctoriono n/a Yes Waiting to build