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From A Tale in the Desert
Jump to navigationJump to searchMutagenics is researchable after Advanced Chemistry, Herbiculture, and Crossbreeding
- A mutagen is applied to thr left and right splint plants in a greenhouse.
- The mutagen will target a gene on the left splint plant and a gene on the right splint plant and switch them.
- Two child plants are produced. The child plant with the lowest number is the modified left splint plant, the child plant with the highest number is the modified right splint plant.
- In the greenhouse, put Vampire Sea Lily in left splint, Fracture Sea Lily in right splint.
- Apply imaginary mutagen crackly,spongy that theoretically switches the two genes which are in bolded type.
Left Splint--> IYIYIOIYIOIO (Vampire genome)
Right Splint--> ROYGROYGYORGORGOOO (Fracture genome)
- Two child bulbs result.
Mutagen Recipes In Progress
Region | # Moss att | Positive Moss att | Negative Moss att | Neutral Moss att | # Shroom Types | Recipe Shrooms | Shroom Bulk | Avatar | Lab coords | |
Saqqarah | # | + | - | ~ | # | x | # | Ariella | (near UThought) |
Mutagens Discovered
Basic Mutagen info
Mutagen Name | Recipe | Negative Moss att | Avatar | Region + Lab coords | Left target min. % | Left target max. % | Right target min. % | Right target max. % | |
name | moss atts, # shroom type | -moss atts | Ariella | Saqqarah |