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User:Singh/notes from t3/Chemistry
Setting up To work out the different extracts needed for kush Tech Research a few minor things are needed:
Chemistry Labs (13 ready, 7 more in the works)
Essential Macerator upgrade (including Alcohol lamp and other upgrades) : Total of 20 available, 5 installed so far
The macerator upgrade is what will give the info for needed extracts
Lab Calibration to level 3 (this is done via special glasssware: 3 sets are available for this project), 1 Set is currently installed
Step (1)
Click Chem Lab Click Manufacture Extracts... Create GEB's Compound Extract (They are ordered, GEB being easiest, RA being hardest) New Screen: ** Requirement ** Bitter (--) Salty (--) For GEB's those are the two sets of data we need to further investigate (we'll use this set in our guide) you would normaly pick them now from the Inventory menu of your avatar, but we'll look into their creation first ...
NOTE: Many options on the Chem lab only show when you have the corresponding resources in inventory.. e.g. spirits in inventory for Alcohol lamp to show) Step (2) Now we have our base Requirement for GEB on this particular Chem Lab.... Bitter 2- Salty 2- The next step will be to look up possible recipes
Geb Recipes ** Maat Recipes ** Set Recipes ** Osiris Recipes ** Thoth Recipes ** Ra Recipes **
ok, so we have this page handed to us with possible GEB's recipes...
we are looking for : bi2- sa 2- It's easy to scoll down to the first recipe that fits with both attributes...
bi2- sa2- // Ranyahn // Stout Palm // Tapacae Miralis // Towering Palm // Umbrela Palm There are more recipes that fit, but for now we'll work this one out til the end
Step (3)
bi2- sa2- // Ranyahn // Stout Palm // Tapacae Miralis // Towering Palm // Umbrela Palm Now lets take this apart into it's sections
Ranyahn (resin)
Stout Palm (resin)
Tapacae Miralis (resin)
Towering Palm (resin)
Umbrella Tree (resin)
To make any of those essences we need to mix them with spirits
This time we'll be using a wiki page that exists but is otherwise unlinked (as far as I an see)
Lets take our first essence from the list above .. Ranyahn resin We look up the new wiki page and scroll down to Ranyahn in the resin column
The Entry reads:
Ranyhan // 4 Grain of Fire, 6 Worm of Fire // 6 Drops off Essence Now this actually means: to make 6 Drops of this essence we need the mentioned spirits (spritits must always total 10 ) plus 10 Ranyhan Resin.
Click Chem Lab 1. Manufacture 1a. Alcohol Lamp (only shows with spirits in inventory)
add 4 Grain + 6 Worm spirits of Fire (the Max button didnt work for me with the correct number of spirits in inventory)
2. Essential Destillation 3. Place Material in Macerator (the resin in this case) 4. Start Maceration 5. Remove Essnece (e.g. Essence:Ranyhan)
You only get 3-7 essences per batch depending on the spirits used - this one should have given you 6 essences. So do this at least twice for each essence to get 7-10 essences each
Step (4)
We just made Essences from 5 different resins and spirits.
The Cham Lab needs 10 essences of 5 types to make a compound. Those are >> Ranyahn // Stout Palm // Tapacae Miralis // Towering Palm // Umbrela Palm << for our sample Chem Lab.
Calibration helps us to reduce this cost as follows:
Calibration lvl0 (no glass installed)
10 essences needed
Calibration lvl1 (glass installed) 9 Essences needed
Calibration lvl2 (glass installed) 8 Essences needed
Calibration lvl3 (glass installed) 7 Essences needed
Making the Compound !
Click Chem Lab Click Manufacture Click Essential Mixture If you have your Essences in your inventory, you will get the option to add essences and Mix Compound.
Add all 5 Essence types
Mix Compound
Name Compound
the "Name Compound" is the most tricky one. If for some reason you have two compounds with the same name but different attributes in your inventory, they will be put together (like mixed, it's impossible to tell which is which)
if there isa need to store compounds use unique names and keep a wiki list to identify the name/attributes
Remove Compound from Chem Lab
Step 5 With the Compound in inventory , follow the next steps to make the extract:
Click Chem Lab (the one you got the original req's from)
Click Extracts
Click the type you have made .. in our example Geb's Compound Extracts
select Compound from selection menu, click ok
if the compound works, you will have it replaced with 3 Geb's Extracts in your avatars inventory.
you can store or donate the extracts, they are the final product.
you can do all the above steps with just one chem lab more chem labs upgraded with macerators allow you to mass-produce essences make more essences then you need for the extracts you need... Check extracts Req's in order of difficulty (Hard first, easy last) at the moment of this writing we can only make GEB, Maat and Osiris extracts. as you can see in the Osiris table above, there are only 2 recipes available. The chance that our Chem Lab is asking for one of them is small. However, each time we make a successful extract in a chem lab, all req's on that lab change. So if Osiris doesnt work, we make MAAT instead and if thats too expansive or impossible we make GEB. After each success we check if Osiris has Req's that we can make and repeat the process
Got Questions? Feel free to contact me online in game. ~singh~