The Flavored Bacon Conspiracy is dedicated to finding Favored Beacon Activities (FBAs) for the purposes of passing the Test of Beacons. As such, membership is generally open to players who have signed up for the Test of Beacons.
The Favored Beacon activity changes roughly once an Egyptian week, but not at the same time as other "weekly" activities, such as thistle requests and ant leaves. The actual time alternates between two settings: 7 Egyptian days (2 days 14hours 40 minutes (or so) 'realtime') and 8 Egyptian days (2 days 22 hours 45 minutes (or so) 'realtime'). This allows us to predict when we can expect FBAs to change and focus efforts on longer 'weeks'.
Favored Beacon Activities
Because Guild chat scrolls as quickly as it does, to minimize redundant testing of possible FBA's, what follows is a checklist of things to try, organized by type. Please note this is not all-inclusive and please feel free to try whatever isn't on the list. Likewise, activities will likely be listed that will never generate a beacon, but since we have so little data to actually go on, it is impossible to eliminate specific entries. When adding activities, please also ensure that the blank template is updated as well, so next week we can test the activity again!
On Testing
You can test anywhere, but if you have access to an unconfirmed number of non-public buildings in the general vicinity (thought to be 30% or more in a 64-coord radius, based on previous Tale data. This may be wild speculation.), you will not attract a beacon, but you should get a message in main with something to the affect of A beacon altar was almost attracted to you, because you did the favored activity in the last hour. However, you own too many of the buildings in this area. You are at home.
Potential FBAs
Right now, consider this a placeholder of things attempted 09/23/09:
Tested for week ending 09/25 17:11 (or so) GMT
Agriculture, Flowers
Crossbred |
Fertilized |
Planted |
Removed |
Agriculture, Grew
Cabbage |
Carrots |
Cucumbers |
Eggplants |
Flax |
Garlic |
Herbs |
Leeks |
Onions |
Agriculture, Other
Beehive, checked |
Citrus tree, Mulched |
Citrus tree, Gathered honey |
Citrus tree, Gathered fruit |
Fertilized a date tree |
Nicked a tree |
Cactus Sap |
Chicken |
Clay |
Coconuts |
Dates |
Egg |
Flint |
Limestone |
Moss |
Mud |
Mushrooms |
Palm Frond |
Papyrus |
Red Sand |
Resin |
Sand |
Sheep, wild |
Silt |
Soda |
Sulfurous Water |
Tadpoles |
Thorns |
Water |
White Sand |
Wood |
Livestock, fed
Beetles |
Camels, straw |
Camels, honey |
Chickens |
Rabbits |
Sheep |
Snakes |
Livestock, killed
Beetles |
Chickens |
Camels |
Sheep in a pen |
Sheep, Wild (successfully) |
Sheep, Wild (failed) |
Snakes |
Rabbits |
Carved |
Dowsed |
Fished |
Foraged an herb (successfully) |
Foraged an herb (failed) |
Lit a firepit |
Made a stone blade |
Mechanics |
Mined |
Prospected for marble |
Skill-based, Ecology
Acidity, tested for |
Heavy metals, tested for |
Phosphorous, tested for |
Soot, tested for |
Structures, Used: General
Acid Bath |
Anvil |
Beer Kettle |
Brick rack |
Carpentry shop |
Casting Box |
Charcoal Hearth/Oven |
Chest |
Forge |
Glazier's Bench |
Kettle |
Kiln |
Mason's Bench |
Pottery Wheel |
Quarry |
Raeli Oven |
Reactory |
Rock Saw |
Star Rack |
Tub |
Watermine |
Wood Plane |
Structures, Kitchen Activities
Ate a meal |
Cooked a meal |
Cracked a coconut |
Crushed a cabbage |
Crushed seeds into oil |
Made fertilizer |
Shredded a carrot |
Structures, Miscellaneous
Drank from an Aqueduct |
Maintained a structure |
Salvaged a structure |
Judged a(n)...
Artwork |
Beetle Garden |
Empty Hand Puzzle |
Pathmaker |
Raeli Gliderport (heh) |
Venery |
Acro, taught facet |
Mushroom, eaten from the earth |
Shrine, tithed at |
Chariot, Free travel |
Chariot, Regular |
Expedition Travel |
Navigated to a waypoint |
Spousewarped |
Vintner's Craft
Tended grapes |
Crushed grapes |
Bottled wine |
Drank wine |
Miscellaneous Other
belly danced |
poked another player with a sharpened stick |
ate an herb off the ground |
lit a firework |
lit a ritual torch |
resgistered as a watcher at a star lab |
bought Kartal and Sefet some tacos |
goosed Sefet |
Currently tried:
- killed camels
- killed sheep in a pen
- Tended grapes
- worked quarry
- used chest
- nicked tree
- gathered wood, thorns, silt, resin, tadpoles, dirt, sand, mud, slate, clay, sap (injured cactus)
- judged artwork
- fished
- used expedition travel
- watermine (wound spring, collected gem)
- growing leeks & garlic
- collecting coconuts
- belly dance
- picking mushrooms
- spouse warp
- making bricks
- cutting stone
- baking jugs
- mining rubies
- fertilized both sea lily & ra bulb, checked for bulbing, seperated bulb, moved bulb, uprooted bulb
- Tithed a shrine
- poked another player with a sharpened stick
- Checked a beehive, withdrew contents
- ate an herb off the ground
- Grated carrots,
- cooked and ate a meal,
- maintained a compound
- gathered a chicken
- used a carp shop
- grew flax
- harvested seeds from flax
- ripped up a bed
- crushed seeds in a kitchen
- screwed up foraging an herb
- made a jug
- fired a kiln
- fert'd date trees, Gathered dates
- properly harvested an herb
- rotted dung
- crossbred a sea lily, planted a bulb, removed a bulb
- made stars
- smashed a beetle, fed beetles
- mulched a citrus tree, picked citrus, gathered aromatic honey,
- used reactory, MCB, & CB
- Made bricks
- spun and fired a few jugs
- tested for heavy metals and phos.
- gathered limestone, soda,
- solved an EHP,
- carved stuff, lit a firepit, grilled food
- built and lit a ritual torch
- gathered sulfurous(sp) water, dried same
- fashioned a stone blade,
- prospected for marble,
- dowsed for metals,
- registered as a watcher at a star lab,
- attempted to tune something with mechanics,
- drank from an aqueduct and harvested some moss
- built used and tore down a wood plane
- successfully stabbed a wild sheep
- picked up a wild sheep (male)
- fueled a glazier's bench
- smacked rocks until able to scoop gravel
- made a mortar, designed a firework and launched it
- drank wine (and face-planted)
- burned a raeli oven
- ate a mushroom
- made salts of various metals
- tuned & used/traveled via wings of horus
Blank Template for next week