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From A Tale in the Desert
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Level 8 Initiate of Five

My home is roundabout 647, -400 in Saqqarah. I played T2 and Beta T3/very early T3. I believe I was in T1 under a different name. I barter - always willing to trade anything for anything. Warning: am easily distracted by herbs and mushrooms.


Currently I'm an Elder of Saqqarah Khmun Crossroads, an area guild for those that use those crossroads, trade in the area, or use the exploration site there.



Welcome to Egypt
Architecture Obelisk Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6 Test7
Art & Music Khefre's Children Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6 Test7
Body Acrobat Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6 Test7
Harmony Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6 Test7
Leadership Kingmaker Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6 Test7
Thought Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6 Test7
Worship Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6 Test7
Progress: Hidden / Inactive Active Principles Complete Passed  

Thought Initiation

Please visit my empty hand puzzle located at 642, -409 in Saqqarah. Its called Yellow & Blue Make Green.


Asian Influence AI 2 / 7
Broad Jump BJ 4 / 7
Catwheels CW 1 / 7
Cat Stretch CS 2 / 7
Clapping Push-ups CP 1 / 7
Crunches CR 2 / 7
Front Tuck FT 0 / 7
Handplant HP 2 / 7
Handstand HS 1 / 7
Inverted Push-ups IP 2 / 7
Jump Split JS 0 / 7
Jumping Jacks JJ 1 / 7
Kick-Up KU 3 / 7
Leg Stretch LS 2 / 7
Lunge LU Master
Pinwheel PW 0 / 7
Push-Ups PU 2 / 7
Rear Squat RS 3 / 7
Roundoff RO 4 / 7
Run In Place RP 4 / 7
Side Bends SB 1 / 7
Somersault SS 4 / 7
Spin Flip SF 6 / 7
Squat Thrust ST 2 / 7
Squats SQ 3 / 7
Toe Touches TT 1 / 7
Wide Squat WS 2 / 7
Windmill WM 0 / 7


AliceBlue (CRx2), AmisiBastet (SF), Astrina (STx2), Corbinn (KU), Elanthis (CW), Emyrn (SS), Kartal (LS), Lill (SS), Lindie (KU), NanuNuri (SS), Nissim, Ostyleless (WS), ScupperArbuckle (TT), Signamati (SQ)


Aleena, alphaviper, Andara (RPx2), Artemis (ROx2), Ay, Benhur (LS), bortox, Choukam (JJ), DanDruff (RS), davids (IPx2), DocSinister (RS), Dreasimy (SF), Etruscus (SB), fiditiar (AI), hitoriki (HS), Ichigo (PUx2), Isis, JCC, Jeslyn (CP), Kamir, Kau (BJ), Kfir (KU), Malard (CS), Michotep, MouseD, MsFuzz (RPx2), Nekojin (SF), Osre, Ovid (BJ), Pacer, Robare, Salrilk (SS), Seeker (WS), Serefina (CS), Sola, SuumCuique, Tay-O-Nasty (BJ), Telanoc (SF), tlanthil, VicVic, Vixsin, Wadji, Zreyas (HPx2), ZorbaTHut (SQx2)

Pretty Good

akc2 (RS), Aperio (BJ), Beah, biljec, BooBoo, Borian, CatharsisQueen, Chelub, Cracotia (AI), Ignatz, Janoo, Kederand (RO), Lousku, MidnightBlue, Mosi, Nuri, Rosencrantz, rwindmtg, Simon (SF), Taffer, ToetMoses (RO), Umberto, Wsir, Wyked (SF)

Last Resort

Aleysha, Alizia, Astymma, Catlyn, Chelle, Daniels, Gahiji, GiausBaltar, Jaden, Kelly, MAMTeles, Mariamom, punker14, Rambus, Sensio, Sitamun, Tilds, Tilla, Tollanthas, Turkeybone, Wafflehowse, Zintwana


Ankhala, Branco, Crestalina, DaSwish, diania, Eigam, Mandisa, Mayanah, Menat, Nemoder, Nepher, Sefet, torns, xirtam



Sand & Quartz Mine at 531, -298
Level Ore Sm Gem Med Gem Lg Gem
0 519 15 4 0
1 501 14 4 2
2 510 22 3 0
3 502 22 1 0
all mining done at PER 2 & OE 1; salvaged after 3rd collapse.

Copper & Quartz Mine
Level Ore Sm Gem Med Gem Lg Gem
0 2587 34 4 0
Learned OE2 during level 0.
1 1277 11 1 1

Iron & Quartz Mine
Level Ore Sm Gem Med Gem Lg Gem Huge Gem
0 3357 79 13 1 1
Learned OE2 during level 0.
1 0 0 0 0 0

Tin & Quartz Mine
Level Ore Sm Gem Med Gem Lg Gem
0 844 68 13 1

Ore Map
S - N


Loc Date Time Yield
666,-379 Year 1, Akhet II-5 1:24 P 0
666,-379 Year 1, Akhet II-5 3:17 P 0
666,-379 Year 1, Akhet II-6 7:48 P 9

Loc Date Time Yield
666,-382 Year 1, Akhet II-8 12:45 P 15
NOTE: increase # of water ea growth