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User:Tobel/Manly Journal
My work stress-relief
12/29 - Nuts!
I travelled, quickly, up north to the CS to apply to Mixed Nuts. I would like to offer my assistance there whenever needed. Starting to get spammy on the chat boxes! Also, I'm going to add a glaziers bench to my compound tonight so I can start loding it up to make glass and eventually the pipes/blades I need for navigation 2 and carving 3. So I'll have the mule out gathering limtestone to make into lime. So whilst the mule is doing that, I'll set up a new macro to process the flax I've got sitting around. Should have more than enough rope tonight to make the signs I'll need for the acro field.
I'll need Bourbon's help on that, I can't picture how this should be laid out and what would be easiest way to "process" through the Acro line.
12/28 - Automation
Success! My creation lives! After hours of testing, hundreds of flax beds gone to seed and packets of ephedrine later, I now have a working macro that will plant 50 flax fields and then water and weed them. I have been using Lucasdo's macros lately, but found that they create a serious memory leak or something, as it takes up 50% of my system resources just to run it. I imagine its a repeating loop to check for something. So this macro will now take care of all my flaxing needs. I will happily give this to anyone, assuming they have a 1600x??? resolution.
I planted around 1000 flax fields in preparation for massive amounts of processing for the Obelisk coming up. Currently the "queue" is Breagha(sp?) followed by Tamb. Tamb asked nicely if she could build after Breagha, so I have no problems waiting. Jaden also would like to build, and as more people get heckling rakes, I reckon the more will want to build. With improved brick racks coming in shortly I can see the organized way of doing things falling apart. Not that it matters, I am just dying for a reason to build a 100 cubit obelisk. So if it starts getting out of hand, I'll just bump it up to 100. And then 200. And then 500. And then 1000.
With the flax processing that will be happening for Obelisk, I should also have plenty of rope to make signs for this acro field that some of us want to build. Bourbon had the original idea, something to the extend of four rows of 8-10, with an art sculpture out front that has a nice waiting area. Maybe I'll plant some flax rows for "lines". Once it's built up and tested we'll start advertising on E! for weekly/bi-weekly acro tournaments.
Halima found a really close copper mine, bless her dowsing heart. This will save us an arseload of time now and make it easier to get going on loom frames for everyone. Also our leather production is almost at full swing. I've worked out another macro that will really save my arse for straw, so once I fill my own pen up and get a few camels I'll make sure the guild pen is operational.
12/26 - Separations
I have decided to move into a new compound and leave Mackena my old and all the devices there. I also upgraded to a 12 month package, so I have cornerstones now. I have built two of the three compounds I want and expanded them enough to get settled. I still need to build some sheep pens, but that is about the last primary thing. I will see what blacksmithing brings later tonight, and build from there. I would like to set in a compression furnace if I have enough crucibles.
Off the top of my head I still need: rock saw, masons bench, glazier's bench (not really)... Not too bad, really. Nothing out yet that requires too much. I've got a small amount of iron saved up, so I'll work on turning those into nails tonight, or saving them up for whatever I need for a loom frame.
Getting better on acrobat, almost have crunches learned. Bourbon brought up an acro field, so maybe that will be a useful thing to look into. I don't know much about acro right now, so I'll just keep working with it and seeing where we go. Would also like to find out more about Demi-Pharaoh.
12/24 - Zappage!
I gave up on the desire for copper and focus on some of my own things today. Shortly after arriving, I started to inquire about a diamond and lo' and behold, Amhor came to the rescue! He let Mackena and I use a small diamond and camel milk to complete our Initiation of Worship. After double zappage, we rushed north to the CS to engage in some acrobatics and harmony introductions. Many lightening bolts later, Mackena and I are now both Initiates of Seven. I stopped by Meroe to pick up some fresh facets after a lengthy bout of CS acro in QR.
Perhaps tomorrow I will focus again on CP expansion and upkeep. Wampak finished his 31cu Obelisk and nobody has built yet. I think most people are awaiting the arrival of nails for easier loom maintenance. If it is still at 31 tonight, I will pump out some linen and build one for the Test of the Obelisk.
12/22 - Rollback of Doom
Copper, copper, my kingdom for some copper! I know there is a vein around my home, laughing at me quietly as it sits in its comforatable throne, safely hidden beneath a grove of trees. I shall find you, laughing vein, and exploit you!
Instead, I'm stuck with it's cousin who is a nice 15-minute jog into the desert. Ah well, we at least have access to all minerals now. I spent the majority of the evening mining and smelting ore. Rosethorn pledged us to 100 iron and 100 copper, and we finished our iron quota. The copper will be more of a pain due to the distance, but if we bring a few guildies out there, it shouldn't be too bad.
We also should have a dowsing party for about an hour near our home. Just load everyone up with some grilled garlic and let them loose. I found another vein early this morning near home, but it's just iron. Still a few steps closer to home though, so we'll plant there later today. If we could find that copper mine though, we'd really be in business.
Mackena got her Obelisk up for the principles of the Obelisk, so she was able to gain a level, and received all of her materials back! We haven't been expanding the compound much, there isn't much to be done. We don't really need our own furnace at the moment, so just concentrating on other things.
I think Queen's Retreat is still the leader in research, so all eyes are on us to finish up blacksmithing and get nails out to the world.
Started the acrobat process as well. Pretty darn frustrating. I might take a trip to Meroe to see if anyone wants to acro later. Not that it's a big rush, but still, it would be nice to have. After the dig and acro I ran all the way home, then this morning was still at the CS. Doh.
Tex and Ven have really been goin nuts with the smithing, and I really appreciate all their contributions. Very hard workers. Steve threw in some of his iron too which was nice of him. Everyone else is helping and we're moving right along on the path of knowledge. Slowly but surely. *chug chug*