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From A Tale in the Desert
< User:Cegaiel | Macros | SkillsTimer
Jump to navigationJump to search;Ctrl+Alt+W to start script ;Ctrl+P to pause script and Ctrl+P again to resume ;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused. ;Ctrl+R to reload script ^r::reload ^p::Pause ^!w:: SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 counter = 0 Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow Gui, Add, Text,, # Clicks (Blank=Unlimited): Gui, Add, Edit, vClicks wp number Gui, Add, Button, gStart, GO Gui, Show return Start: Gui, Submit Gui, Destroy Msgbox, Hover mouse over a black letter, in skills tab (ie Endurance for digging)`n`nThe letter/skill you want to hover is the one that turns red when you get tired`n`nWhen you are hovering a black letter it will tell you in the tooltip.`n`nPress F2, when it tells you in tooltip, to set position.`n`nClick OK to proceed... WinActivate, eGenesis Client SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 loop { MouseGetPos, skillX, skillY PixelGetColor, color, skillX, skillY, RGB if color = 0x000000 { ToolTip, Coordinates: %skillX%`, %skillY%`nColor: %color%`n`n* HOVERING BLACK *`n* Press F2 to set location * } else { ToolTip, Coordinates: %skillX%`, %skillY%`nColor: %color% } GetKeyState, state, F2 if state = D { MsgBox Skills text location recorded, now its time to record the click location.`n`nHover where you want to click and press F2.`n`nFor a dig (or other skills related tasks), pin up the Dig Hole menu and set the click to the word Dig.`n`nFor limestone/dirt set the click position on the icon.`n`nClick OK to proceed... Tooltip break } } KeyWait, F2, D if ErrorLevel = 0 { MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY Msgbox, Click location recorded!`n`nNote: you can hit Ctrl+P to PAUSE script anytime and Ctrl+P again to RESUME`n`nHit F2, while the script runs, to see how many clicks you've done so far.`n`nClick OK to Start... } loop { WinActivate, eGenesis Client PixelGetColor, color, skillX, skillY, RGB if color = 0x000000 { MouseGetPos, OldX, OldY Click %ClickX%, %ClickY% MouseMove, %OldX%, %OldY% Sleep 500 counter++ ;Msgbox, #Black Detected: %A_Index%, #Clicks: %Clicks% if (counter = Clicks) break } GetKeyState, state, F2 if state = D { MsgBox Clicks: %counter% } } Msgbox, Done, executed %counter% clicks, Exiting...