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From A Tale in the Desert
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Donations needed for Flower breeding

Perch, Catfish, Tilapia for Fertiliser
Any Herb Seeds for Mutagen Labs

Mosses for Mutagens

mottled reticulated spotted (not green spongy);
calico hairy mottled (not green phosph slimy);
crackly, reticulated, spotted (not green, mottled, smelly )
fuzzy, phosphorescent, spotted (not calico smelly striped) )
Dry reticulated smelly (not Phosphorescent, Slimy, Striped)
hairy mottled striped (not calico spongy spotted)
fuzzy reticulated spotted (not green phosphorescent striped)
slimy smelly spotted ( not calico crackly fuzzy)
calico crackly phosphorescent (not dry prickly striped)

Mutagens Needed

mottled reticulated spotted (not green spongy);
calico hairy mottled (not green phosph slimy);


Don't download this if you dont know what it is. Seriously. Just dont.

Planned Flowers- Tech Lillies

(Lily) Stamen (2) Blue (Meroe Xeno) Orrin 117-completed

Vampire Right; Silken Left; Calico Fuzzy Slimy; Child2 (Alpha) KIRROOOYYYGGGUUUIIIK
Morning Right; Alpha Left; Reticulated Smelly; Child2 (Beta) KIRRIOOYYYGGGUUUIIIK
Beta Right; Energy Left; Calico Fuzzy Slimy; Child1 (Charlie) KIRRIOOVYYGGGUUUIIIK
Charlie Right; Energy Left; Phos Striped; Child1 (Delta) KIRRIOOVYYGVGUUUIIIK
Delta Right; Energy Left; XBreed (Epsilon)

(Lily) Green2 Inner Stamen (QR Xeno) Ary 196-completed

Green 2- Aryballa 665, 669, 673

(Lily) 50% Cyan Petals (Meroe Xeno 50%) Ary169- completed

50% Cyan Aryballa 169 waiting for splits

(Lily) All Cyan Petals (SA Xeno)

100% Cyan needs muta for spot 19

(Lily) Cyan Inner stamen (Saq Xeno) Ary 191 -duplicating

Ary 589, 597, 599, 601, 603, 605, 607

(Lily) All Blue Petals (Meroe Xeno)

Needs many mutas narrowing for dusk genes

(Lily) All Red Petals (SA Xeno, Saq Xeno 75%)

Needs many mutas narrowing for dusk genes

(Lily) All Magenta Petals (QR Xeno) -completed

ary 660 and 662

Planned Flowers- Festival Roses

(Rose) Dwarf x1 Ary14-duplicating

Calico, fuzzy, slimy on WG (left) and Orrin 22 (right) gives child 1 kuygurguygoygk (alpha)
Calico reticulated spotted on Alpha (left) and WG (right) gives child 1 kuyyurguygoygk (beta)
Reticulated, smelly on Beta (left) and GoldenLeaves (right) gives Child 1 kugyurguygoygk (gamma)
Calico, fuzzy, Phosphorus on GL (left) and Pantomime (right) gives Child 1 KUYGUYGUYGUOGK (delta)
Dry , fuzzy on Delta (left) and Gamma (right) gives Child 2 KUGYORGUYGOYGK (Dwarf x1)

(Rose) Dwarf x2 Ary64- duplicating

>Cal ret spot on fracture left & clarity right child2: KIRIRIOIOIYIYGORRGRORGRROGORRGRORGRRRK beta/Ary 22
>Dry green spot beta/ary22 left, vamp right Child1 KIRIRIOIOIYIYGORRGRORGIROGORRGRORGRRRK gamma/Ary23
>Calico,fuzzy, slimy on crown left and vampire right Child 2: KUYIYIOIYIOIOK epsilon/ Ary 26
>Cal fuz slmy gamma/Ary23 left epsil/Ar26 right Ch1 KIRIRIOIOIYIYUORRGRORGIROGORRGRORGRRRK zeta/Ar27
>Hairy smelly striped on vampire left and right child 1: KIYIYIIIYIOIOK theta / Ary 29
>dry green prickly on theta/Ary 29 left, blush right child 2: KGRORIGOOOVUROOVIOVIOOVIOOOK lamba/ Ary 32
>Dry grn prick zeta/Ary27 left lambda/Ary32 right Ch1 KIRIRIOIOIYIYUORRGIORGIROGORRGRORGRRRK mu/Ary33
>Calico on vampire left and silken right Child 1: KIUIYIOIYIOIOK xi/ Ary 35
>Calico on xi/Ary35 in left & mu/Ary33 on right Child 2 KIRIRIOIOIYIYUORRGIORGIROGORRURORGRRRK rho/Ary38
>crackly, phosph, spongy on rho/Ary 38 in left and clarity on right

(Rose)Giant x2

(Rose)Giant x3

(Rose) All cyan2 Aryballa202 and Logos28- duplicating

Use Ary 83
Step 1 crackly dry phosph, White giant left and ary83 right child 2:K RUROOR RORY RORURO K alpha/ary198
Step 2 calico on White Giant left and Goldenleaves right Child 2: beta/ary200
Step 3 green ret spong, beta left & alpha right child 2: K RUROOR OORY RORURO K gamma/ary202

(Rose) All Yellow Petals Ary369 & 375 -duplicating

(Rose) Magenta2 Outer Petals Orrin 69- duplicating

Orrin41(left);Orrin67(right);Crackly/Phos/Prickly;Child1 KRYYRYYROYYROYYROK

(Rose) Magenta2 Stamen and Leaves Ary208-duplicating

>calico hairy retic wg 2 left and wg 6 right child2: alpha/ary204
> calico wg 2 left and alpha/ary204 8 right child2: beta/ary206
> cal ret spot pant4 left and beta/ary206 10 right child2: gamma/ary208

(Rose) Green Leaves & Stamen Orrin 62-duplicating

confirmed Green 2 Leaves and Stamen??
Orrin40 left; Orrin26 right; Crackly,Green,Prickly. Not certain.

(Rose) All Green2 Petals

(Rose) All Blue Petals Ary237-duplicating

(Rose) Blue Leaves/stamen Ary 222-duplicating

(Rose) All Red Petals

(Rose) Red leaves and stamen

Roses Needed

Rose Description Rose Creator Rose Name
dwarf Ary Ary 14
dwarfx2 Ary Ary 64
giant none White Giant
giantx2 Orrin
giantx3 Orrin
leaves-blue Ary Ary 222
leaves-cyan Ary/Logosmaid Ary 202/Logos
leaves-green Orrin Orrin#62
leaves-magenta Ary Ary 208
leaves-yellow none Goldenleaves
inner petals-blue Ary Ary 237
inner petals-cyan Ary Ary 202
inner petals-green Ary Ary
inner petals-magenta none Pantomime
inner petals-red
inner petals-yellow Ary98
outer petals-blue Ary Ary 237
outer petals-cyan Ary Ary 202
outer petals-green Ary Ary
outer petals-magenta Orrin Orrin#69
outer petals-red
outer petals-yellow Ary Ary 98
stamen-blue Ary Ary 222
stamen-cyan Ary Ary 202
stamen-green Orrin Orrin#62
stamen-magenta Ary Ary 208
stamen-yellow none White Giant



Orrin 21

White Giant Left, Goldenleaves Right, Calico mutagen. Child1.
Outer Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Inner Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Stamen:Cyan:1 Magenta:0 Yellow:2
Leaves:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:4


White Giant Left, Goldenleaves Right, Calico mutagen. Child2.
Outer Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Inner Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Stamen:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Leaves:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:3

Orrin 24

White Giant Left, Goldenleaves Right, Calico mutagen. Child2.
Outer Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Inner Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Stamen:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Leaves:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:3


Left: Pantomime, Right Orrin21, Calico, Child1
Outer Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Inner Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:3 Yellow:0
Stamen:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Leaves:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0


Left: Pantomime, Right Orrin21, Calico, Child2
Outer Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Inner Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Stamen:Cyan:2 Magenta:0 Yellow:1
Leaves:Cyan:1 Magenta:0 Yellow:3

orrin 41



Outer Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:2 Yellow:0
Inner Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:4 Yellow:0
Stamen:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Leaves:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0


Outer Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Inner Petals:Cyan:0 Magenta:0 Yellow:0
Stamen:Cyan:2 Magenta:0 Yellow:2
Leaves:Cyan:2 Magenta:0 Yellow:2