The Wiki for Tale 4 is in read-only mode and is available for archival and reference purposes only. Please visit the current Tale 11 Wiki in the meantime.
If you have any issues with this Wiki, please post in #wiki-editing on Discord or contact Brad in-game.
Christmas Presents
- Remove yourself from the list when you pick up your present.
- If, when claiming your present, another person's gift is revealed underneath, please add it to the list so they will know they have one there.
Present Contents
- Box of Chocolate
- "rare" = Pepper Seeds
- Fireworks
Map of Christmas Present locations
note: if you find a name close to yours it probably is yours. we try but are not always perfect on copying them down. and if you havent seen your name remember several zones have not reported on multiple snows let alone one so its probably in those regions just waiting for you to come and make them appear
Missing Presents
(If you haven't found ANY of your gifts, keep in mind, per Apophis's confirmation in system chat on 12/29, you will ONLY receive presents if you logged in during Christmas day.) (Also note that the less-populated region of Heaven's Gate still has one snowstorm.)
- Acenith - Hasn't found 3rd present - Chocolates
- Alvik - life should include a box of chocolates.
- Arthur - 3rd missing should be fireworks.
- Aseto - looking for pepper seeds, got chocolates and fireworks
- Aziza - 2 gifts found (chocolates, fireworks).
- Berog - haven't found any, none listed on wiki
- Boosie - Still looking for 3rd gift (fireworks)
- Borian - Received chocolate and fireworks looking for pepper seeds
- Brucette - Hasn't found 3rd Present - Fireworks
- BubbaHotep - haven't found any, none listed on wiki
- Cappu + Vibe - No presents listed or found anywhere.
- CatharsisQueen - Hasn't found any presents nor found her name on the Wiki lists
- Cekra-p-uped chocalates and fireworks didn't find a 3rd present.
- Elfus - Still needs the pepper seeds (nowhere on wiki)
- Gemstar - haven't found any, none listed on wiki
- Katar - Have't found pepper seeds
- KebiRoz - Received seeds and fireworks - still seeking chocs
- Mortality - Hasn't found 3rd Present - Pepper Seeds (TY for the ones I have got)
- MrBruce - Hasn't found 3rd Present - Fireworks
- Nepher - looking for pepper seeds
- Petis - Haven't found any presents, and none reported on the wiki
- Riet - Still looking for 3rd present - Fireworks
- Tahima - Have't found pepper seeds
- Tartham - Hasn't found any presents nor his name on the Wiki lists.
- Trillian - 3rd missing should be chocolates!
- VicVic - Have chocs & fireworks - still seeking other present
- Xasis - have chocs and fireworks - still seeking pepper seeds
- Taurean - Haven't found 3rd Present - Chocolates
- Zer - Hasn't found 3rd present - Pepper Seeds
Adn (854, 6930) west of CS and SArt over bridge
- Ahepetr
- Akrian
- AlexisBelle
- Arpallan
- Aubrey
- Crashley
- Deeno
- Delfin
- Dids
- Doitle
- Duskheart
- Dusksgirl
- Hans
- HereticJay
- Jeslyn
- Kwita
- Leanna
- lilac
- Mariamom
- Menat
- MomMouse
- Nestarion
- Rofleus
- Senseo
- Snerfu
- SpicyXX
- Sokar
- SouperGrrl
- TantalizedHimOoops
- Thephamus
- togodile
- Vaunder
- WhoDat
- Wojcik
- Xselsior
- Zuvun
Adn (1179, 6948) Across road from SBody
- abar
- aereon
- alcimene
- antigonos
- dangerousdave
- daswish
- evo
- hor-aka
- karisha
- kudce
- kyline
- latona
- lightspirit
- luna
- makara
- mcguyver
- mystika
- nalynas
- naolas
- nchanter
- nebamon
- nelander
- orcinus
- rogan
- sedelyan
- sharina
- soak
- sprite
- tanika
- tehmoosh
- thunderbird
- tigerrlilee
- tricross
- wilhelm
- zaniac
Adn (991, 6894) Southwest of the CS
- Axxis
- Bamrak
- Burney
- Casmi
- dicedealer
- Draldar
- Forgiving
- Ille
- Ilustra
- Iocaana
- ixel
- jaxum
- Kattena
- KebiRox
- Kelly
- lacy
- Larilaa
- Lill
- Macbeth
- MardukXIII
- Mayanah
- Mecenate
- Menhotep
- Mouglue
- Nefret
- Nonym
- Prospero
- Ramses
- Riazzia
- Rose
- Samantha
- Senilith
- SteveThePirate
- Sqatsi
- tamb
- Tao
- Texomoenia
- Vulpine
Adn (931, 7134)
- Aereon
- Aiko
- Ala
- AlaricRa
- Alexa
- Bakari
- BenEchAton
- captdanjou
- Carolinus
- davids
- Denalu
- Dirtyboab
- Eud
- Halinor
- Jaby
- Jaeger
- kendylar
- Kric
- Lacolo
- Legas
- lightspirit
- Lumeri
- Makara
- Meadragon
- Mirmeco
- Nelander
- Phantasia
- Rogar
- Salinor
- Sami
- Sapphicat
- Sedelyan
- Sekhemptet
- Sonny
- Sprite
- Tanika
- wopper87
- Xspell
- Zildjan
Adn (855,7204) South School of Thought
- Abalisk
- Aloca
- Athena
- Belak
- Cali
- Choukam
- Corbinn
- Cravet
- Enlightenment
- healine
- Kawoa
- Maata
- monteith
- Nao
- Nephi
- Numinous
- Pacer
- Shizune
- Tactician
- Theodomas
- Till
- tmar
Adn (795, 6821) Near SWorship
- Akila
- Arguin
- Bat
- Beckykat
- BillBagel
- Brontosaurus
- Cyphos
- darin
- dellia
- DePal
- drexen
- Desertflower
- DustyDude
- Eternelle
- FatNUgly
- Halima
- haraelendil
- Jaspyr
- Jintoh
- Kamilana
- Kathy
- Killarag
- lorraine
- Menes
- Moswen
- Mulette
- Neferneferaten
- rosy
- Sergina
- Sindri
- Tulani
- Vilja
- Xofia
- Zhilla
Cat's Claw Ridge (-304, 6698) Just south of SLead
Updated Jan 2 to reflect what's still there
- Augusta
- Basis
- Engine
- Ethan10
- Gizmo
- Harere
- Jackal
- Pyx
- RoyCallahan
- Sargonnas
- Sinuhe
- sparkle
Cat's Claw Ridge (-377, 6737) On the road to SLead
- Acenith - present collected
- Aiko
- ba-dabing
- BenEchAton
- BL
- Cyndi
- Damiano
- DangerousDave
- Dergani
- diania
- Dreasimy
- Elia
- Etrusan
- Eud
- gonegaming12
- Hathor
- Hobbit
- Lacolo
- Luna
- Makara
- Martha
- McGuyver
- Morsoth
- mystery
- Nelander
- Nola
- PapyrusMan
- Rogan
- sale
- Sheeple
- Siverous
- Sonny
- Tawret
- Tobid
Cat's Claw Ridge (-394, 6576) at CS
- AmmonRa
- Astrina
- Avatar
- Bobophet
- Bobowatu
- Caelicola
- harina
- JabariOba
- Jaweese
- laney
- Pirrel
- Rosethorn
- Sargonnas
- Stratopolis
- Xaio
- xerlux
- Zarian
Falcon Bay (4173, -341)
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- abfrada
- AtonsSlave
- Denalu
- Firuz
- Haunting
- Haydee
- id
- Illiad
- Kiten
- Shulpan (partially hidden under abfrada's)
- Sami
- Signamati
- Talos
- Wakhashem
Falcon Bay (4312 -441) North of the Chariot, below SBody
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Beckykat (totally hidden under Korihor's)
- BillBagel
- Chrius
- Clubbers
- Cyphos
- daren
- Desertflower
- drexen
- Eternelle
- Figment
- Francis
- Frozeth
- Kaayru
- Korihor
- lorraine
- Menes
- Neferneferuaten
- NewfysSlave
- Ping
- Sometouw
- Sorina
- t3d
- Xenu
Falcon Bay (4128, -1081) Near SWorship
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Arahgon
- Armant
- Balthazarr
- Barre
- Caedric
- Cleopatra
- Gouzoul
- hello
- Istie
- Kahmal
- Mausolus
- Mingor
- Oniyuki
- reis
- SamAdams
- sarah
- Soggygravy
- Yamantalai
Falcon Bay (4222, -845) South of the CS
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Ahken
- Akrain
- Aku
- Bobowatu
- Cedalion
- Dendenk
- Holmstrom
- Nobody
- Numtini
- Sudi
- Thephamus
Falcon Bay (4231, -805) South of the CS
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Arguin
- Bat
- Brontosaurus
- crickit
- Cyphos
- dellia
- DePal
- Drexen
- Frozeth
- Halima
- haraelendil
- Jintoh
- Kamilana
- Kathy
- Korihor
- Moreander
- Neferneferuaten
- NewfysSlave
- Sergina
- Sindri
- Sorina
- Xofia
Heaven's Gate (-1789, 6364) Near ULead
- binky
- jakaro
- rokan
- kace
- bump
- singh
- vincent
- fez
- freedom
- aliceblue
- osmirik
- salrilk
- talliah
- mandisa
- dvo
- kiera
- marielle
- styxx
- cynic
- bogas
- finn
- camoka
- remco
- teeli
- morrigan
- bluebeanzz
- balourhotho
- hanid
- khatzepsut
- tao
- stormcrow
- kryzoth
- obol
- chelle
- pythies
- bisi
- gumby
- sheree
Heaven's Gate (-1795,6532) North of ULead
still a snowstorm
Khmun (-1927, -455) East of Chariot
Updated 01/05 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Aseto
- Alaiing
- Binky
- Blubeanzz
- Bogas
- eNTi
- Freedom
- Marielle
- Pesky
- pythies
- Tilla
Khmun (-2075 , -675) NEAR UBODY, South of Chariot
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- crazymonkey7669
- Dendenk
- Iuput
- Madi
- Marisa
- TantalizedHimOoops
- Turkeybone
- Ukla
Khmun (-2448, -347) Behind UWorsh
Updated 1/3/09 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zoltec
- ba-dabing
- BitterGreen
- Evo
- legas
- MsFuzz
- Nova
- shrek
- Yuya
Khmun (-2155 820) Southwest of Sworship
- Barre
- Thyme
- Thereshia
- Kharazhi
- Vinnie
- TurkenLukz
- Lyana
- Mingor
- Kahmal
- Janka
- Kamir
- Armant
- Gouzoul
- Arahgon
- Oniyuki
- DocSinister
- View
- Xiago
- Nostromo
- Istie
- andara
- Aayla
- Quinoa
- Keko
- Daniels
- Mausolus
- Yamantalai
- Sarah
- Cleopatra
- Ritter
- Amhur
- Theridion
- Greenish
- Caedric
- Soggygravy
- Kitsuki
- seeker
Meroe (700, -3497) Near SBody
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Bittergreen
- BL
- diania
- Dumpling
- Ishkiia
- Lacolo
- Nova
- Ramshuria
- Toutankalin
Meroe (740, -4013) Near UWorship
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Akrian
- Basis
- Dryb
- Harere
- Hecate
- merlinius
- Muslickz
- Phantomdancer
- Sinuhe
- Snugs
- Squiranha
- Suszi
Meroe (791, -3917) South of CS
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Balthazarr
- Cheos
- Gouzoul
- InambaGuum
- Kahmal
- malkuth
- reis
- sarah
- Tao
- tekayfotuwan
- thereshia
- Theridion
- Zatarg
Meroe (803, -3544) North of CS
Updated 01/05 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Aseto
- Cobbal
- dicedealer
- Ilustra
- Nonym
- Sqatsi
- Teeli
- Xeres
Meroe (714 -3622) Between SBody and SArch
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Azumi
- Hans
- HereticJay
- laceratedsky
- Lucid
- Nobody (partially hidden under Suszi's)
- Sed
- SouperGrrl
- SpicyXX
- Suszi
- Tempest
- Xselsior
- Zaarain
Meroe (944, -3742) Southwest of SLead
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- AnarchyRising
- Anozira
- bakari
- Barek
- Carolinus
- chard
- Haydee
- Mirmeco
- NuitRehema
- legas
- Luke
- Merit
- PapyrusMan
- Sami
- Semirhage
- shrek
- Taren
Meroe (950, -3408) Near ULead
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Alaiing
- BalourHotho
- Binky
- Blubeanzz
- Egad
- eNTi
- Freedom
- IndianaFonz
- juli
- Osmirik
- Remco
- Rokan
- Teeli
- walle
Meroe (789, -3438) Near SThought
Updated 01/05 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Aseto
- BillBagel
- Caractacus
- Chrius
- Clubbers
- Frozeth
- haldy
- Kaayru
- lorraine
- NewfysSlave
- nono69
- Sometouw
- Sorina
- t3d
Meroe (508, -3542) east of UArch
Added 12/31
Aziza- Fireworks!- Azrael
- Basileus
- Belak
- Borian - fireworks
- Cali
- Cekra
- Chetty
Dachannien- fireworks! boom kablam pew pew pew- Den
- Faye
- Gniss
- Golden
- Indra
- Jataka
- nan
- Nehet
- Numinous
Osre- Pacer
- Robare
Seba- Sekhar
- Silicus
- Subira
SuumCuique- Timm
- tripps
- Zahfirah
Zer- Fireworks!
Nomad's Paradise (-1710, 2770) on the road to ULead
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Abalisk
- Aloca
- Athena
- Azrael
- Den
- Galrin
- Gurney (partially hidden under SuperEmu's)
- healine
- Kawoa
- nan
- Nehet
- Nephi
- Pacer
- Shizune
- Silicus
- SuperEmu
- Tashana
- Theodomas
- Udon
- Zahfirah
- Zoser
Nomad's Paradise (-1498, 2558) by SThought
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Akhbeer
- Alya
- chard
- Dirakith
- Famond
- Karisha
- Kavana
- Kudce
- Mekei
- Memetim
- MeryetDjehuty
- Mirmeco
- Morlex
- NatuBo
- Otter
- Pfft
- Ramshuria
- Sekhemptet
- Selune
- Sharina
- Shia
- Sprite
- Suze
- Taren
- Tath
Nomad's Paradise (-1309, 2578) by SLead
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Bells
- Branco
- Challen
- FaceAnkh
- Fez
- Gumby
- Kaydra
- Kyrinn
- Matty
- Moonshadow
- Oni
- subzero
- Terg
- walle
Nomad's Paradise (-1487, 2673) on the way from Chariot to SHarm
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Cab
- Ethan10
- Eyan
- merlot
- nubiti
Nomad's Paradise (-1448, 2839) on the way from Chariot to SArt
Updated 12/30 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- HereticJay
- inad
- JabariOba
- Kuupid
- Laney
- Leanna
- Lucid
- Numtini
- Stratopolis
- Sudi
- Tempest
- togodile
- Vaunder
- xerlux
Pyramid Lake (4074, 7793) west of U Worship
- Rofleus
Pyramid Lake (4264, 7600) near chariot stop
- Ahken
- Aku
- Alizia
- Amuniet
- Aperio
- Aubery
- Castille
- Catlyn
- Cedalion
- Eldar
- Harker
- Hecate
- Holmstrom
- imthedirt
- Iuput
- Jaden
- kuupid
- Lejoni
- Lyrael
- Mariamom
- Minialoha
- Mudkest
- Muslickz
- Neouni
- Nitocris
- Phantomdancer
- Pris
- RoyCallahan
- Rynthas
- Shiva
- Sprocket
- Striff
- SueVN
- Terrence89027
- vax
- WhoDat
Pyramid Lake (4264, 7677) near chariot stop
- abfrada
- Aiko
- Alcimene
- Antigonos
- AtonsSlave
- Choltai
- Corso
- Cyndi
- Dreasimy
- Dumpling
- Firuz
- Illiad
- Isis
- kavad
- KhaiOba
- Ledeanna
- Memitim
- Moogle
- Morlex
- Nchanter
- Nebamon
- Niankanet
- Pageot
- Payna
- sale
- ScupperArbuckle
- Sharina
- Sheeple
- Shepard
- Shia
- shrek
- Sola
- StanJens
- Taren
- ThunderBird
- Tinypocket
- Toutankalin
- urizen
Pyramid Lake (4350, 7517) Southeast of CS
- Tinypocket
- Dovie
- Dirakith
- Somebob
- Talos
- Wadji
- gonegaming12
- Elouamn
- Mishaka
- Philadelphia (hidden in the voting booth)
- Denalu (hidden in the voting booth)
- Sabertooth (hidden in the voting booth)
- Wakhashem
- BenEchAton
- Psychodelica
- ellorin
- Tari
- Tobid
- Zreyas
- Elia
- abfrada
- Nuri
- Otter
- Miralda
- DirtyBoab
- Xspell
- Morlex
- Boogo
- Zildjan
- Xyrrus
- Lokim
- Shia
- Moogle
- Halinor
- Illiad
- Kau
- Spooner
- Yerbouti
- Noctilucent
- Rahu
- Eud
- Justin
Pyramid Lake (4353, 7615) across the bridge east of the chariot stop
- AbuTaid
- Allanlaigh
- Alu
- Amaunet
- Anish
- Beah
- Candy-O
- Cathy
- Chay
- chris35
- Cinnamon
- Corsic
- Cyrensong
- Ebonique
- Etruscus
- falbala
- Frosiole
- Golem
- hitoriki
- Idu
- Kastou
- Kleopatra
- Lepke
- lilinou
- Moranso
- mosen
- Mshai
- Nabbic
- Nissim
- Ozelle
- Panahasi
- RaNGeR
- Robptah
- SenetSakhmet
- Sigtrygg
- Zomboe
Queen's Retreat (676, -6267) Southeast of CS
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri Note: Whoever posted the previous list of names for this location had the location mixed up - this is an entirely new list and is now accurate to these coordinates. ~Zahuri
- alexdiii
- Alya
- Babayaga
- Baldur
- Cab
- Etrusan
- Hepnezr
- Kilmar
- Kiten
- Lucasdo
- merlot
- Qina
- Tath
- Yuya
Queen's Retreat (721, -6720) Near UThought
- AbsurdDoctor
- Asita
- Chetty
Dachannien- mmm, chocolate- Eishanna
- erika
- Esanui
- Kyira
- Tactician
Zer- A box of chocolates!
Queen's Retreat (748, -6244) On road east of CS
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- aleksa
- iskaro
- Iuput
- Kyro
- laceratedsky
- Marisa
- MiniAloha
- Pyx
- savanhotep
- Snugs
- taylor
- Turkeybone
- xerlux
Queen's Retreat (690, -6578) On road South of CS past SHarmony
- Anozira
- Baldur
- Beza
- id
- Zaniac
Queen's Retreat (28, -7044) Close to ULead
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- AliceBlue
- Binny
- Bump
- Chelle
- eNTi
- IndianaFonz
- Kira
- Marielle
- MidnightBlue
- Sefet
- ShadowCrown
- Sparky
- Talliah
- Tammie
- walle
Queen's Retreat (658, -6307) Close to SHarmony
- Eishanna
- LadyDragonfly
- MisterArrow
- Rosencrantz
- shawn
- Silicus
- Udon
Queen's Retreat (570, -6101) just north of the CS
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- aramix
- BillHicks
- Buddy
- Chay
- Frosiole
- Golem
- hitoriki
- Ifayna
- Kalar
- Kiba
- mosen
- Mshai
- Ozelle
- Panahasi
- Raven
- Tahima
- Tnopy
Saqqarah (655, -816) across river from CS
Updated 01/05 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Aseto
- Luke
- Memitim
- Moses
- Naheem
- Nimzy
- Ramshuria
- Shulpan
- Soak
- Wakhashem
Saqqarah (802, -921) road south of chariot stop
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Xselsior
Saqqarah (803, -963) road south of chariot stop
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Balthazarr
- Barre
- Caedric
- Cleopatra
- hello
- InambaGuum
- Keydra
- malkuth
- Mausolus
- Oniyuki
- Quinton
- reis
- tekayfotuwan
- view
Saqqarah (980, -1890) near ULead
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Ahkten
- Alocer
- Alu
- aramix
- BillHicks
- Crimony
- Daxier
- Ebonique
- Frosiole
- Gigafeu
- Haufwit
- Kalynshar
- Kwinten
- Nabbic
- PtolemySoter
- Robptah
- SenetSakhmet
- Sulvor
- t3d
- Viruk
- zbug
Saqqarah (777, -828) south of CS
Updated 01/03 to reflect presents still left at this location
- Casmi
- Cobbal
- dicedealer
- Draldar
- ixel
- marie
- Mecenate
- Orchid
- Rym
- shawn
- Xeres
Saqqarah (1720, -1029) East of UWorship
New Find 01/03
- BessieLoo
- bortox
- Burney
- Casmi
- Cobbal
- Doggy
- Fairy
- Ille
- Ilustra
- Isomnia
- ixel
- Kattena
- KebiRoz
- lacy
- Larilaa
- Marie
- Mecenate
- Ovid
- Prospero
- Ramses
- Senilith
- Serenthiel
- Shanelle
- Shawn
- Taurean
- Texomoenia
- Trillion
- Xeres
- dwaynedibley
Shabbat Ab (1379, 2111) between U Art and U Thought
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Jaweese
- Kyro
- Kytten
- Leanna
- Muslickz
- Nobody
- Sprocket
- vax
Shabbat Ab (1304, 1905) road south of U Art
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Ahken
- Azumi
- Dawngreeter
- Dendenk
- Dryb
- Hecate
- Holmstrom
- Kyro
- Machina
- MiniAloha
- Phenyl
- Rickeon
- TantalizedHimOoops
Shabbat Ab (921, 1105) near southern SArt
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Abel
- AlienaVale
- Anozira
- Barek
- BitterGreen
- Dergani
- Dirakith
- Evo
- Iggyboo
- Merit
- MeryetDjehuty
- Nova
- PapyrusMan
- Psychodelica
- Tawret
- Tay-O-Nasty
- Zaniac
Shabbat Ab (1345, 1651) near SArt
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- AbuTaid
- Alocer
- BubbaHotepJunior
- Buddy
- Chay
- Crimony
- Haufwit
- Kalynshar
- Kwinten
- Lepke
- princessisis
- PtolemySoter
- Sulvor
- Tnopy
Shabbat Ab (1512, 1760) near SArch
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Badcredit
- Bat
- Brontosaurus
- Clubbers
- crickit
- Doral
- gnissem
- Kaayru
- Kamilana
- Kebi
- Moreander
- rosy
- Sergina (partially hidden under Doral's)
- Tulani
- Veldon
- Xofia
- Zhilla
Shabbat Ab (1638,1760) East of SArch
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Doral
- gnissem
Sinai (2906, 4459) West of CS at SWorsh
- Osmirik
- Ariella
- subzero
- Kyrinn
- Marcus
- Mouglue
- AnieW
- Simmias
- AliBabba
- Termy
- Red
- Challen
- Doggy
- kyrea
- Drethyr
- Mandisa
- Sparky
- BobTryon
- Sissue
- Xaxyx
- Teil
- Hatnofret
- Zowch
- alphaviper
- Selima
- Arame
- Bells
- Gamma
- FaceAnkh
- Tilds
- Moonshadow
- Salrilk
- Kevinb
- InambaGuum
- Cheos
- Suleman
- MidnightBlue
- Terg
- Remco
Sinai (3078, 4485) near UArch (WEST along road)
- akc2
- alexdiii
- Alya
- AtonsSlave
- Babayaga
- Baldur
- Cab
- Damiano
- Etrusan
- Gigalith
- Hen3ry
- Jaby
- Kilmar
- Kiten
- Lucasdo
- merlot
- MeryatDjehuty
- Morsoth
- MsFuzz
- Natubo
- nubiti
- proserpina
- Qina
- Sekhemptet
- Selune
- Siverous
- Suze
- Tath
- Thesper
- TreekaSu
- Trixibelle
- Trixibelle
- Yuya
- Zakath
Sinai (3208, 4438) just north of CS
- bambi
- Basis
- Caelicola
- Crazymonkey7669
- dedenav
- Dusksgirl
- Eldar
- Emyrn
- froogg
- Harere
- harrina
- heathkit
- Heterika
- iskaro
- Kwita
- laney
- LionsPaw
- machina
- Madi
- merlinius
- neb
- Phenyl
- Pranesh
- Rashidi
- Rickule
- SaiCoSis
- Sed
- Shemei
- SinnSeer
- Sinuhe
- Sitamun
- Sithid
- Slate
- Snugs
- Taemon
- Ukla
- Wampak-Chocolates
- Zaarain
Sinai (3402, 4295) on road east of CS
- Abar
- Ala
- chard
- Dakiara
- DangerousDave
- Elouamn
- Haunting
- MsFuzz
- Mystika
- Naheem
- Ronilas
- Sedelyan
- Sheeple
- Shulpan
- Soak
- Tigerrlilee
- Tjutenkamen
- Toutankalin
- Wilhelm
Sinai (2390, 5527) at welcome banner east of northern SWorship
- Aleysha
- AlphaBob
- Asita
- Bourbon
- Chetty
- Corrans
- Cravat
- Eishanna
- Enlightenment
- erika
- Esanui
- Gniss
- Golden
- Isozupop
- Jataka
- Jax
- kyira
- LadyDragonfly
- ladygrim
- Maata
- monteith
- Numinous
- Nao
OsreOvid- Robare
- Rym
- Serenthiel
- Serkwati
- Shayra-collected
- Shushu
- Simon
- Subira
- Tactician
- Voyna
Stillwater (1775, 3726) East of CS
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- AliBabba
- alphaviper
- BalourHotho
- Bells
- Bogas
- challen
- Doggy
- Egad
- FaceAnkh
- IndianaFonz
- Kyrinn (partially hidden under Doggy's)
- Moonshadow
- ShadowCrown
- Simmias
- subzero
- Talliah
- Tammie
- Terg
- Termy
- Zatarg
Stillwater (1586, 3763) West of SHarmony
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Boogo
- Cracotia
- Dionysius
- Ishkiia
- Karisha
- Miralda
- Naolas
- Otter
- StanJens
- Tari
- Thyme
Stillwater (1633, 3843) between SHarmony and UArch
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Aku
- AlexisBelle (partially hidden under SpicyXX's)
- Sargonnas
- Sed
- SpicyXX
- Sudi
- Zaarain
- Ukla
Stillwater (1641, 3938) near UArch
Updated 12/29 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Zahuri
- Ethan10
- Eyan (partially hidden under Ethan10's)
Stillwater (1690, 3640) near SBody
Updated 1/2 to reflect presents still left at this location ~Neophant
- Amaunet
- BubbaHotepJunior
- Buddy
- Candy-O
- Etruscus
- Idu
- Ifayna
- Kalar
- Lepke
- Nabbic
- Robptah
- SenetSakhmet
- truenorth
- Viruk
- zbug