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Guilds/Garden of Eden/research
As of Peret-I-3 Horticulture is OPEN in all regions.
- BLUSH: Shabbat Ab, Stillwater
- CLARITY: Sinai Peninsula
- CROWN: Cat's Claw Ridge, Heaven's Gate, Khmun, Falcon Bay, Pyramid Lake
- FRACTURE: Queens Retreat
- MORNING: Nomad's Paradise, Saqqarah
Advanced Horticulture
Target for donations is Meroe
Links to Regional research in Advanced Horticulture and donation needs ( all are 1600 camels mane, 1200 Scorpions, 2k Cobra Skin, 50 Khefres Essence unless otherwise noted:
Adn 1021 Camel's Mane
Meroe 656 Camel's Mane and 858 Scorpions Brood
Pyramid Lake 1457 Camel's Mane and 1175 Scorpion's Brood
Queens Retreat 969 Camel's Mane
Saqqarah 1421 Camel's Mane
Shabbat Ab 1549 Camel's Mane
Advanced Animal Husbandry
Target is Saqarrah first, Meroe second
Please help open Advanced Animal Husbandry in Meroe. We need Rabbits to unlock the advanced fertilizers. University of Worship
Meroe - 10,000 Onions, 5,000 Garlic, 100 Leek Seeds, 100 Carrot Seeds, 100 Garlic Seeds
- Onions - 10000/10000
- Garlic - 0/5000
- Onion Seeds - 100/100
- Leek Seeds - 60/100
- Carrot Seeds - 0/100
- Cabbage Seeds - 100/100
- Garlic Seeds - 100/100
Cross Breeding
- Glass Jar - 0/200
- Gold Wire - 0/1000
- Any Flax Seeds - 0/4000
- Distillation Coils, Quality 3000+ - 3/15
- Distillation Coils, Quality 4000+ - 5/5
- Distillation Coils, Quality 5000+ - 1/1
- Lily-of-the-Sea Bulbs, Energy Strain - 0/70
- Lily-of-the-Sea Bulbs, Fracture Strain - 0/70
- Lily-of-the-Sea Bulbs, Vampire Strain - 0/70
- Lily-of-the-Sea Bulbs, Silken Strain - 0/70
Herpeculture (T3)
Trying to figure out the prerequisite techs for this buggery tech!
Mass Production of Color
Target for donations is Saqarrah
- Red Paint - 0/500
- Green Paint - 0/500
- Blue Paint - 0/500
- Pink Paint - 0/500
- Orange Paint - 0/500
- Indigo Paint - 0/500
- Yellow Paint - 0/500