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Guilds/SA Ironworks
Guild News
February 25: SA Ironworks is currently looking for a location (outside of Shabbat Ab) to place a new Hades Furnace and a partner to help run it. A suitable location should meet the following requirements. Please contact Eldar if interested.
- Close to a major ore vein which you control a large part of.
- At least 200 coordinates away from any populated area (pollution)
- Adjacent to water and away from roads (build requirement)
- Preferably not too far from civilization
February 23: We are currently in need of Hawthorn resin. We are trading any of the the following resins for it (Folded Birch, Pratyeka Tree, Umbrella Palm, Towering Palm, Fern Palm, Stout Palm). Contact Eldar to work out specifics.
February 19: We are currently running a special on alloys. Selling Steel/Brass/Bronze for 2.5 copper or iron (or 25 ore). Selling Moonsteel for 5 copper or iron (or 50 ore).
February 17: SA Ironworks is currently supporting an effort to build a deepwell in Shabbat Ab. The Shabbat Ab Deepwell Cooperative (SADC) is coordinating this effort. Visit the SADC wiki page here.
February 9: We are proud to announce that the SA Ironworks Ore Exchange is now open to the people of Egypt. We will take your ore in exhcange for metal at up to a 10:1 ore to metal ratio. Please see the Ore Exchange section below for details.
What is SA Ironworks?
SA Ironworks a guild focused on the production of metals and related products. Our goal is to make these products available for trade to those who need them by accepting a variety of common resources in exchange. If you are in need of metal or metal products, large quantities or small, give us a shout.
Ore Exchange (New)
Using our powerful new Hades Furnaces we are able to smelt ore with a much better metal yield than is possible in the traditional furnaces, allowing us to offer an Ore Exchange service whereby you bring your ore to SA Ironworks and we will give you metal in return at a 10:1 ratio.
Alternatively, you may choose to mine ore from an SA Ironworks mine and receive a 12:1 ore to metal ratio. With this option there is no need for you to dowse for, build or maintain your own mines. Just work our mines and receive metal! In some cases mining food may even be provided to increase your productivity.
The Ore Exhange will begin initially with Copper, Iron and Tin. As we build up stocks in additional metals for trade we will add them to the program. For the lates list of exhangable metals contact Eldar.
How Does it Work?
To initiate an ore exhchange please contact Eldar. If I'm not online just open a chat window and I'll reply when I come on. You will need to deposit the ore in a warehouse near the SA Ironworks Metalworking Facility (1565, 1950) just north of the Shabbat Ab chariot stop. If we have that type of metal in stock you will get it immediately upon depositing the ore and be on your way. If not it may take up to one week to schedule your ore to be smelted in our furnace, at which time you will be contacted to come pick up your metal.
That's it! That's all there is to it. No charcoal, no pollution, no babysitting furnaces. Just drop off your ore and pick up your metal.
No sense slaving away in the mines only to get a 16:1 ore to metal ratio with a Blast Furnace, or a 30:1 ratio with a Compression Furnace. Use the SA Ironworks Ore exchage and get the most metal for your effort.
Products and Pricing
What Do We Sell?
The items we commonly sell are listed down the left hand side of the Price List Table. This includes most types of metals and things that can be made from metal, including crafted tools. We also sell mines and will take special requests for ore and other items. If in doubt, ask Eldar.
How Does Pricing Work?
The SA Ironworks pricing model is simple. All items are assigned a value in "IWscrip" and these values are used to calculate the payment price in any item for anything we sell. For example, if Iron is worth 100 IWscrip and Rope is worth 10 IWscrip then it would cost 10 Rope to buy 1 Iron. This is conceptually similar to the Goods model but we do not actually print IWscrip and we do not maintain customer balances. We simply use the concept of IWscrip in order to facilitate pricing between products for sale and items for payment.
The main Price List Table provides a set of pre-calculated prices in common commodity items for all of the products we sell. If you would like to pay with something not listed across the top of the Price List Table simply look the item up in the Item Values Table and calculate how many of the item it would cost to buy the product you want based on the cost of the product in IWscrip. The cost in IWscrip for each item we sell is listed in the second column of the Price List Table. If you have any questions about pricing feel free to contact Eldar or shadeking in game.
If you would like to pay with something that is not in the Item Values Table please let us know and we will try to accomodate. This table is not currently comprehensive and it will grow over time.
Special Pricing
If a value in the Item Values Table is in Red this means we currently need this type of item and we are paying a premium for it above our usual price. If the value is in Blue this means we are overstocked on the item and we are currently paying less than our usual price because we do not need any more at the moment. Keep in mind that the "usual" prices will also fluctuate over time as the tale progresses.
Price Changes
Our prices are subject to change at any time based on supply and demand and our current inventory and current needs. For this reason the prices listed on the wiki may not always be up to date. However, once you have settled on a trade price with a teller the price you agreed to will be honored even if the prices change prior to the trade completing. This "price lock" will be maintained for a reasonable period of time but if things drag on for more than a couple of days then there are no guarantees.
Click here for the current Price List.
Trading with Us
If you would like to make a trade please chat Eldar or shadeking in game with your request. If neither of us is online just open a chat window and leave a message and we will get back to you when we log in.
In general you will need to bring your payment to the SA Ironworks compound in Northern Shabbat Ab and pick up your items there, although special arrangements can be made if necessary.
Looking for a Job?
Come work for SA Ironworks and enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement that will give you access to the ore and/or metal products you need simply by spending some time working in our mines.
Please see our Employment Page for full details and payment terms.
SA Ironworks is located in northern Shabbat Ab at 1565, 1950.
SA Ironworks currently operates the following facilities.
- 32 Iron Mines
- 12 Tin Mines
- 12 Copper Mine
- 1 Aluminum Mines
- 16 Lead Mines
- 5 Zinc Mines
- 6 Tungsten Mines
- 1 Magnesium Mine
- 2 Platinum Mines
- 1 Antimony Mine
- 2 Hades Furnaces
- 2 Blast Furnaces
- 4 Reactories
- 1 Master's Forge
- 1 Master's Casting Box
- 8 Student's Forges
- 2 Student's Casting Box
Other Facilities
- 8 Sheep Pens