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From A Tale in the Desert
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Home compound: Shabbat Ab 1240,1660 (near SWorship, southwest of the chariot)


 STR 2 DEX 7 END 0 SPD 5 CON 0 FOC 0 PER 3
  • Gastronomy: 8
  • Beer Tasting: 23
  • Fumeology: 42


Mostly maintenance - restructuring pages, editorial cleanups, filling in missing info, etc. Trying to improve the wiki for those not intimately involved with the particular page in question by stating the obvious where it's not already stated!


Current flavors: Hot Alcohol, Cherry, Menthol, Raspberry. More vineyards slowly becoming ready over time.

I have written a little Java GA program that tries to find useful tend sequences (much like Winer, but I'm reinventing the wheel as usual). Currently it 'works' and is somewhat configurable (external files for vineyard/vine data, and a perl script that scrapes vine data from the wiki), but you have to hack around with the fitness functions by hand. If you'd like a copy of the work in progress, get in touch.

Minimum vigor loss tends (for mapping vineyard states) (may need updating)
State \ Vine Amusement Appreciation Balance Contemplation Wisdom
Sa PO (-2) MG (-1) MG (-1) MG (-1) MG (-1)
W TV (-3) TL (-1) TL (-1) TL (-1) TL (-1)
M MG (-3) MG (-3) MG (-3) MG (-3) MG (-3)
F SV (-1) MG (-4) MG (-4) MG (-4) MG (-4)
R AS (-1) SL (-2) SL (-2) SL (-2) SL (-2)
Sv TL (-2) AS (-2) AS (-2) AS (-2) AS (-2)
Sm TL (-1) SV (-3) SV (-3) SV (-3) SV (-3)
Aggregate A:+6 C:+10 G:+23
Q:-5 K:+1 S:+7
A:-5 C:+2 G:+10
Q:+23 K:+1 S:-1
A:-1 C:+16 G:+10
Q:+19 K:+11 S:+14
A:-5 C:+2 G:+10
Q:-1 K:+34 S:-1
A:-5 C:+2 G:+10
Q:+9 K:+13 S:-1

(aggregate values are the total of all the minimum-vigor-loss tends - so divide by 7 and that's roughly the average change in stats per tend - ignoring the case of stats that go below 0)

Public Mines


There was some discussion on SA regional chat about setting up a semi-public guild that just holds mines and enforces a "you break it, you repair it" rule. Sounds promising.


It should be possible to write software that, given a gem configuration, tells you all possible gems that can be cut from it:

  • Gems are a 7x7x7 cube of points. Each point is either present or absent.
  • Edges, triangles, and squares are generated to join adjacent (orthogonal or diagonal) points that are present. e.g. eyelet looks like this (X=present .=absent), as a series of slices through the gem:
 X.X  X.X

Or with edges added for clarity:

 X-X-X  X-X-X
 |/ \|  |/ \|
 X . X  X . X
 |\ /|  |\ /|
 X-X-X  X-X-X
  • The grinding discs then turn into a fairly simple set of rules for removing vertexes from the array of points. e.g. disc 1 will remove an entire plane from any one edge; disc 2 removes a triangular prism of points aligned with one axis.
  • For each potential gem, reduce its structure down to the minimum necessary set of present/absent points (by looking for applications of a disc that will only affect "absent" points - flag all those points as "don't care" points because either they are already absent, or they are present but can be safely grinded away). e.g. eyelet stays exactly as above (you can remove anything around it with disc 1, but you need the core structure exactly as above), and Dragyn's Eye looks like this: (?="don't care" i.e. can be removed safely without clobbering the important bits):
 ???X  ????  ????  ????
 ??XX  ???X  ????  ????
 ?XXX  ??..  ???X  ????
 XXXX  ?X.X  ??XX  ???X

This can be done by hand, once. More generally, represent the possible grinding planes and depths as (A,B,C,D) tuples where all points that satisfy Ax+By+Cz+D < 0 are ground away; then apply all planes where the plane would remove only absent points. (A,B,C is the plane normal vector). Done.

  • By eye, or via image processing of screenshots, construct the vertex map for a newly loaded gem. (This is a tedious process to do by eye, but it's do-able. Image processing is a better bet)
  • Rotate the vertex map through the 24 possible orientations (4 rotations around each of 6 faces)
  • For each orientation, scan the vertex map using the gem patterns prepared earlier. If you find a match, that gem type can be cut from this particular raw gem. (Alternatively, you can rotate the patterns and scan against the unrotated raw gem)

Now I just have to implement it. Done, but needs a decent UI to be usable


Taking it slow ..


  • Gazelle: 2/4
  • Bullfrog: 4/4
  • Desert Rat: 3/4
  • Ibis: 1/4


  • 5 speed points
  • 3 cages placed
  • 4 cages + 2 cicadas in hand


Finally passed, thanks to Rosethorn! Happy to teach, just drop past my compound.


(Just a todo list, really)

  • Salvage Techniques: 3 (SArch: 200 firebricks; SArt: 100 candle; SBody: 1000 cc; SThought: 20 cuttable garnet, 20 cuttable turquoise)
  • Structure Maintenance: 2 (SArch: 20 oil; SThought: 300 bricks, 50 oil, 50 beeswax)
  • Structure Repair: 0 (SArch: 14 pulley; SArt: 60 linen; SThought: 2 OSM, 20 Cuttable Jade, 200 bricks)
  • Navigation: 1 (2: 20 glass rods; 3: 25 copper)

Ant Colony

  • Shemu II-20: Seeded. Health 0, 21 leaves.
  • Shemu II-25: Health increased to 3. Leaves eaten, 21 new leaves added.
  • Shemu III-2: Health increased to 6. Leaves eaten, 21 new leaves added.


Bonus is +3?

  • Min harvest seen: 4
  • Max harvest seen: 10

Gem Surveying

Slow going: SA Gem Survey