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Jump to navigationJump to search (Created page with "<pre> -- Also using these for other planting automation xyWindowSize = srGetWindowSize(); imgFlax1 = "FlaxGeneric.png"; imgHarvest = "HarvestThisFlax.png"; imgWeedAndWater = "W...") |
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+ | Copy the below code and edit/overwrite <b></b> file (in your Veggie Tales/luascripts folder). | ||
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Revision as of 10:05, 14 December 2011
Copy the below code and edit/overwrite file (in your Veggie Tales/luascripts folder).
-- Also using these for other planting automation xyWindowSize = srGetWindowSize(); imgFlax1 = "FlaxGeneric.png"; imgHarvest = "HarvestThisFlax.png"; imgWeedAndWater = "WeedAndWater.png"; imgWeed = "WeedThisFlaxBed.png"; imgSeeds = "HarvestSeeds.png"; imgHarvestThese = "HarvestThese.png"; imgWeedThese = "WeedThese.png"; delay_time = 100; screen_refresh_time = 300; walk_px_y = 340; walk_px_x = 380; walk_y_drift = 18; walk_x_drift = 14; walk_time = 570; refocus_time = 500; refocus_click_time = 200; function initGlobals() pixel_scale = xyWindowSize[0] / 1720; -- Macro written with 1720 pixel wide window lsPrintln("pixel_scale " .. pixel_scale); walk_px_y = math.floor(walk_px_y * pixel_scale); walk_px_x = math.floor(walk_px_x * pixel_scale); if (lsScreenX < 1280) then -- Have to click way off center in order to not move at high resoltuions walk_y_drift = math.floor(walk_y_drift * pixel_scale); walk_x_drift = math.floor(walk_x_drift * pixel_scale); else -- Very little drift at these resolutions, clicking dead center barely moves walk_y_drift = 1; walk_x_drift = 1; end end -- The flax bed window -- T4, guilded?: window_w = 166; -- T4, guilded?: window_h = 116; window_w = 174; window_h = 100; refresh_down_y_offs = 4; refresh_up_y_offs = 0; -- adjust if "plant all guild owned" option is enabled window_check_done_once = false; function checkWindowSize(x, y) if not window_check_done_once then srReadScreen(); window_check_done_once = true; local pos = srFindImageInRange("UseableBy.png", x-5, y-50, 150, 100) if pos then window_w = 166; window_h = 116; end end end -- position to drag window to function pinnedPos(x, y) local ret = {}; ret[0] = xyWindowSize[0] - 25*(x-1) - (window_w - 5); ret[1] = (y-1)*14 + (window_h/2) + 2; lsPrintln("pinnedPos(" .. x .. "," .. y .. ")=" .. ret[0] .. "," .. ret[1]); return ret; end function refreshPosUp(x, y) local ret = pinnedPos(x, y); ret[0] = ret[0] + (window_w - 15); ret[1] = ret[1] - (window_h/2 - 4); -- - (window_h - 66) + refresh_up_y_offs; -- 50 for flax; lsPrintln("refreshPosUp(" .. x .. "," .. y .. ")=" .. ret[0] .. "," .. ret[1]); return ret; end function refreshPosDown(x, y) local ret = pinnedPos(x, y); ret[0] = ret[0] - 2; ret[1] = ret[1] + (window_h / 2) - refresh_down_y_offs; lsPrintln("refreshPosDown(" .. x .. "," .. y .. ")=" .. ret[0] .. "," .. ret[1]); return ret; end function getCenterPos() local ret = {}; ret[0] = xyWindowSize[0] / 2 - walk_x_drift; ret[1] = xyWindowSize[1] / 2 + walk_y_drift; return ret; end function setWaitSpot(x0, y0) setWaitSpot_x = x0; setWaitSpot_y = y0; setWaitSpot_px = srReadPixel(x0, y0); end function waitForChange(timeout) if not timeout then timeout = 10000000; end local c=0; local timestart = lsGetTimer(); while srReadPixel(setWaitSpot_x, setWaitSpot_y) == setWaitSpot_px do lsSleep(1); c = c+1; if (lsShiftHeld() and lsControlHeld()) then error 'broke out of loop from Shift+Ctrl'; end if lsGetTimer() > timestart + timeout then lsPrintln('Timed out waiting.'); end end lsPrintln('Waited ' .. c .. 'ms for pixel to change.'); end function drag(x0, y0, x1, y1) srSetMousePos(x0, y0); setWaitSpot(x1, y1); srMouseDown(x0, y0, 0); -- lsSleep(15); srSetMousePos(x1, y1); -- lsSleep(50); waitForChange(); srMouseUp(x0, y0, 0); -- lsSleep(50); end function promptFlaxNumbers(is_plant) scale = 1.0; local z = 0; local is_done = nil; local value = nil; -- Edit box and text display while not is_done do -- Put these everywhere to make sure we don't lock up with no easy way to escape! checkBreak("disallow pause"); lsPrint(10, 10, z, scale, scale, 0xFFFFFFff, "Choose passes and grid size"); -- lsEditBox needs a key to uniquely name this edit box -- let's just use the prompt! -- lsEditBox returns two different things (a state and a value) local y = 40; if is_plant or rip_out_when_done then lsPrint(5, y, z, scale, scale, 0xFFFFFFff, "Passes:"); is_done, num_loops = lsEditBox("passes", 110, y, z, 50, 30, scale, scale, 0x000000ff, 5); if not tonumber(num_loops) then is_done = nil; lsPrint(10, y+18, z+10, 0.7, 0.7, 0xFF2020ff, "MUST BE A NUMBER"); num_loops = 1; end else lsPrint(5, y, z, scale, scale, 0x808080ff, "Passes: 1"); num_loops = 1; end y = y + 32; lsPrint(5, y, z, scale, scale, 0xFFFFFFff, "Grid size:"); is_done, grid_w = lsEditBox("grid", 110, y, z, 50, 30, scale, scale, 0x000000ff, grid_w); if not tonumber(grid_w) then is_done = nil; lsPrint(10, y+18, z+10, 0.7, 0.7, 0xFF2020ff, "MUST BE A NUMBER"); grid_w = 1; grid_h = 1; end grid_w = tonumber(grid_w); grid_h = grid_w; y = y + 32; if not is_plant then lsPrint(5, y, z, scale, scale, 0xFFFFFFff, "Seeds per:"); is_done, seeds_per_pass = lsEditBox("seedsper", 110, y, z, 50, 30, scale, scale, 0x000000ff, 4); if not tonumber(seeds_per_pass) then is_done = nil; lsPrint(10, y+18, z+10, 0.7, 0.7, 0xFF2020ff, "MUST BE A NUMBER"); seeds_per_pass = 1; end y = y + 32; end fast_refocus = lsCheckBox(10, y, z+10, 0xFFFFFFff, "Fast refocus", fast_refocus); y = y + 32; if lsButtonText(170, y-32, z, 100, 0xFFFFFFff, "OK") then is_done = 1; end if is_plant then lsPrintWrapped(10, y, z+10, lsScreenX - 20, 0.7, 0.7, 0xD0D0D0ff, "This will plant and harvest a " .. grid_w .. "x" .. grid_w .. " grid of Flax " .. num_loops .. " times, requiring " .. (grid_w * grid_w * num_loops) .. " seeds, doing " .. (grid_w*grid_w*num_loops) .. " flax harvests."); else rip_out_when_done = lsCheckBox(10, y, z+10, 0xFFFFFFff, "Rip out when done", rip_out_when_done); y = y + 25; lsPrintWrapped(10, y, z+10, lsScreenX - 20, 0.7, 0.7, 0xD0D0D0ff, "This will plant a " .. grid_w .. "x" .. grid_w .. " grid of Flax and harvest it " .. seeds_per_pass .. " times, requiring " .. (grid_w * grid_w * num_loops) .. " seeds, and repeat this " .. num_loops .. " times, yielding " .. (grid_w * grid_w * num_loops * seeds_per_pass) .. " seeds."); end if fast_refocus then lsPrintWrapped(10, y+80, z+10, lsScreenX - 20, 0.7, 0.7, 0xD0D0D0ff, "Fast Refocus uses the original refocusing method which may work more reliably on computers with very stuttery framerates. Otherwise, a simpler refocusing method is used which is reported to work better on most systems."); end if is_done and (not num_loops or not grid_w) then error 'Canceled'; end if lsButtonText(lsScreenX - 110, lsScreenY - 30, z, 100, 0xFFFFFFff, "End script") then error "Clicked End Script button"; end lsDoFrame(); lsSleep(10); -- Sleep just so we don't eat up all the CPU for no reason end end function refocusWindows() if fast_refocus then local first = true; for y=grid_h, 1, -1 do local first_on_line = true; for x=grid_w, 1, -1 do if not first then local rp = refreshPosUp(x, y); if first_on_line then local waitpos = refreshPosUp(x, y); setWaitSpot(waitpos[0]+6, waitpos[1]+20); --srSetMousePos(waitpos[0]+6, waitpos[1]+20); else local waitpos = pinnedPos(x, y); setWaitSpot(waitpos[0]-4, waitpos[1]); end srClickMouseNoMove(rp[0], rp[1], 0); waitForChange(); end first = false; first_on_line = false; end end else for y=grid_h, 1, -1 do for x=grid_w, 1, -1 do local rp = refreshPosUp(x, y); srClickMouseNoMove(rp[0], rp[1], 0); lsSleep(refocus_click_time); end end end lsSleep(refocus_time); -- Wait for last window to bring to the foreground before clicking again end