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Note: The reason we have to have 2 collecting officials is because as soon as you pull the chits from any WH they will auto-combine and we won't know the diffference between runners drops and flyers drops. A single official could collect them all but do one group at a time eg. Collect all Runners, drop them into the counting box and then go get all the flyers. This will take twice as long to collect though.
Note: The reason we have to have 2 collecting officials is because as soon as you pull the chits from any WH they will auto-combine and we won't know the diffference between runners drops and flyers drops. A single official could collect them all but do one group at a time eg. Collect all Runners, drop them into the counting box and then go get all the flyers. This will take twice as long to collect though.
''Note: Should Murphy's law happen and either chits get put into the wrong counting box or an official grabs from the WH of a different group then.. we have to punt :)''
From each of the Counting Boxes we do a Lottery for each group. A Runners Lottery and a Flyers Lottery.  A flyer may be in both groups as they can run or fly.
From each of the Counting Boxes we do a Lottery for each group. A Runners Lottery and a Flyers Lottery.  A flyer may be in both groups as they can run or fly.
  ''Note: Should Murphy's law happen and either chits get put into the wrong counting box or an official grabs''
  ''from the WH of a different group then.. we have to punt :)''
==== Bonus Prize for Highest Scoring Team ====
==== Bonus Prize for Highest Scoring Team ====

Revision as of 20:14, 1 December 2012

Special Needs Players

We need to make allowance and provide some assistance for special needs players. These might include - helping someone place chits in a warehouse or a trial guide. As the event in not a timed one per player, there is no penalty for any group. The only time limit is for the entire group to finish.

Known players needing Assistance

  • Rana - requires help with placing chits in the warehouses and will need a guide for the trail course. She doesn't know how to chat very well and will need a guide with lots of patience.

General Direction Spamming

This section will hold the directions and explainations for to be spammed over /events or L2PBS. Cut and paste as needed on event day.

Directions to the Registration Warehouses

When you enter through the gateway, continue to the lake area. On your left you will see 3 banners. This is the registration area.

REGISTRATION: When the warehouses open for registration, go to the banner area. There are 3 banners: Blue White Purple. You may place one chit in a warehouse for one banner. This will be your team. You may only belong to one team. Each team will be eligible for prizes. Select your team wisely.

Runners and Flyers may be in the same team.

Registration Time Table Messages

Registration is OPEN

Registration is CLOSED

Registration will open in 5 minutes.

Registration will close in 5 minutes.

Race Instructions

This is timed event.

You will have 30 minutes to reach as many drop points as you can.

You place 1 personal chit in every drop point you reach.

After the time expires please return to the Flight Deck for Awards and Celebration.

There are 9 Drop Points along the ridges. There are 4 Drop Points along the walls. There are 4 Drop Points in the Lake. There are 4 Drop Points at the Watch Towers located on the corners of Garden. There are 21 Drop Points possible.

Drop Points reachable by runners will be valued: 1 (ridge lines and walls). Drop Points reachable by airships will be valued: 2 (lake and watch towers).

All Teams please group up under your Team Banner.

Start NOW

15 minutes left

5 minutes left

2 minutes left

Time is UP.

No more chits may be placed.

Please return to the Flight Deck.

All Drop Points will be locked.

Awards Ceremony Instructions

All prizes will be given out during the awards ceremony held at the Flight Deck CP near the lake area.

There will be wine, hookah and fireworks after the event.

There will be participation prizes to all registered players.

Grand Prizes will be awarded by lottery.

Each Team will be entered into a Lottery for 2 special prizes

There will be a Lottery for all Runners for a special prize.

There will be a Lottery for Flyers for a special prize.

Bonus Awards

The Team with the highest score will get a bonus award.

Any player that reaches all 21 Drop Points will get a bonus award.

Gambler's Choice Game Awards

  • All participants will get a participation prize
  • Team Awards
    • Each Team will be entered into a Lottery for 2 special prizes
      • There will be a lottery for the Blue Team.
      • There will be a lottery for the White Team.
      • There will be a lottery for the Purple Team.
  • Runners Awards
    • There will be a Lottery for all Runners for a special prize.
  • Flyers Awards
    • There will be a Lottery for Flyers for a special prize.
  • Bonus Awards'
    • The Team with the highest score will get a bonus award.
    • Any player that reaches all 21 Drop Points will get a bonus award.

Event Discussion

Items for us to consider

  • I spoke to a player who is quiting and he left his airship to his guild. Evidently they did not know they could use it.
  • Need more advanced notice for the next event. 4 days is not enough time for some players to prepare.
  • Event Date. Holidays and Work Schedules need to accounted for.
  • It is clear these events require 3+ officals to run.
  • When you are in the middle of the lake you cannot see very much at all. The draw distance is too far.
  • The only way I had of knowing what was going on at the shore was by chats. I could not see anything that far away.
  • Directions need to be continuous and answers given in a timely manner. (L2PBS was pretty slow to post during game 1)
  • Updating SHCU/SETESH with what's happening is important.
  • Awards. How to make it easier for Nikara to give the awards out?


  • Role Play: SETESH the god of chaos. I propose another event toon to counter balance SCHU. SETESH woud run events that are more Open Field Games, like gambler's choice. We alternate between SETESH games and SCHU which would be more controlled games (I have one planned for event 3/SCHU)

Scoring and other issues

  • If we do the Gambler's Choice as I've written it, (subject to change) the collection and counting of chits will be extremely important. I have already figured out a way to do it easy but it requires coordination from 2 Officials collecting chits.
    • One Official collects RUNNERS only.
    • One Official collects FLYERS only.
  • They must not mix up the collection.
  • Counting boxes need to be added to the Flight Deck (behind the WH) where chits may be dropped to be counted easier.
    • Box for FLYERS (from the lake and watch towers) .
    • Box for RUNNERS (from the ridges and wall).
  • The Officals need to place the chits in the correct boxes.

See the following section for details.

Question 1a Can flyers run and fly?

If an airship player is going to drop chits in runner whs, are they to fly there or are they to run?

Answer 1a

Flyers are able to pack up their ships and run or fly to any of the 21 locations.

Running is faster than flying. They will of course have to pack up their ships and unpack them and then land at the drop point, drop their chit, fly to the ground, pack up and run again. Not much of a time waster but they have 8 locations for this. Only 4 are reachable by running (4 Watch Towers). They just have to fly in the lake area.

Question 1b Where do players run from?

If so where do they run from? Example: I am on a tower, I want to drop into the runner whs, do I just get off the tower, pack up my airship and run from where I am?

Answer 1b

Flyers and runners can select which ever direction(s) they want to go and in any order they want. We let them sort it out themselves. The 21 drop points are all within the garden but it will take longer than our alloted time to reach all of them.

A Flyer could go to a Watch Tower (WT) and then run to a Wall DP and then on to the next WT.

A Runner could do part of the ridge line then veer over to the wall and come back to the ridge.

Note: The players have to track where they've been themselves. If they re-visit a DP or place another chit in it, the duplicates will be ignored. The Officials collecting the chits have to monitor this carefully.

eg: a player puts in 2 chits in DP 1, then skips DP 2. As we use the counts of the chits to determine who's gone where, if these are just put in to the counting boxes together then the player's total will be 2 when it should be 1. When the chits are put into the counting boxes the Official will need to remove the duplicates (stash in in another container).

  Note: We need to try out the counting boxes to see if they will work for us.  
  If they do not then we change the event as needed.
  Note: The time allowed currently is 30 min.  We need to test exactly how far someone can get in that time.
  Runners and Flyers and adjust accordingly.  I want to make it hard for anyone to get all 21 spots (maybe no
  one). I would like to make it hard for the flyers to get more than 5 or 6 spots (6 if they go the easy route).
  The runners might get all 13 but I think maybe 10 even with high Dex Food.
  Note: Question: Do we want to furnish high Dex food for the race?  
  Sort of even the playing field for folks without resources to high level food? 
  It would have to be high dex + some carry (I carry @ 600 with my airship and junk).

Question 1c Is this a free for all?

I think it will be difficult to monitor this unless it is a free-for-all.

Answer 1c

I am thinking one massive free for all - totally different from the "structured" games that SCHU will host.

The everyone will start under the banners: flyers and runners. At the GO - everyone will bolt for where ever they chose to go first. By making the flyers chits count 2x this gives some incentive for the flyers to find the flying spots. We know from event 1 that flyers can do the islands in <10 min. (7 of 11 made it to all 4).

note: I did add some text to the description to "hopefully" reduce folks putting in chits for their teammates (eg: I go to location X and put in 10 chits for my team, you go to location Y and put in 10 chits etc etc). We cannot stop them from doing this of course but if someone notices (?) that there are 10 chits in the farthest Drop Point and only 1 runner was seen going there.

Question 2a What happens when you get 20 people on one team and one on another?

What about team loading? Where players only join up with one team?

Answer 2a

We have prizes for the following:

  • 2 team prizes (6 total over 3 teams)
  • 1 for runners only
  • 1 for flyers only
  • + special bonus for highest scoring team
  • + special bonus for all 21 drop points (only a flyer could do this).

We let the players sort out their teams themselves but the prize list may be an incentive for them to split up. As you said "greed works". <G>

So, if one team has only 1 player - that player gets 2 prizes by default. And the one with 20 will have to split the lottery between them (1/20 chance x 2). It would technically be possible for a single member to win both prizes in a team of 20. Unless we want to state: 1 prize per player/team which would make the chances go 1/20 and then 1/19 but 2 winners guaranteed.

Question 2b how does the chit counting work?

If it is a team, how does the chit thing work? Is it the number of people who get to all the whs or is it individual success?

Answer 2b

  • We have multiple Lottery options for different groups (teams, runners, flyers).
  • There is a special bonus to the team with the highest score.
    • The special bonus is given to all members of the team.
  • There is a special bonus for players who make all 21 drop points.
    • The special bonus is given to all qualifiying players.

How to count the chits

It's probably more confusing to write than it will be in practice and we do need to check it out for sure. Concept is as follows:

General Team Awards

The 3 Registration WHs will give us the list of team members. These are locked at the start of the event. Before the event starts we make sure that someone isn't registered in 2 teams. This I think worked well in event 1.

From the 3 Registration WH we do the team lotteries. 2 prizes per team. Someone gives me a count of the number of players in the WH, I roll the dice and the number that comes up is the winner. We do this 2 times for each team. We can do this any time during the 30 mins. In Event 1 there were 6 people per team.

Lotteries for Flyers and Runners Awards

We put some boxes in the Flight Deck which I call "counting boxes". These are for dumping chits in them. The tricky part is to get the right chits in the right boxes. We have one box for Runners Chits. We have one box for Flyers Chits.

One Official collects Runners Chits ONLY. These would be from the ridge lines and walls. Noting any duplicates in a given Drop Point as they go. A screen shot + copy and if it shows Player B with 2 chits in a single DP that gets noted and 1 will be removed from the Runners Counting Box.

One Official collects Flyers Chits ONLY. These would be from the lake and Watch Towers. Noting any duplicates in a given Drop Point as they go. A screen shot + copy and if it shows Player N with 2 chits in a single DP that gets noted and 1 will be removed from the Flyers Counting Box.

Note: The reason we have to have 2 collecting officials is because as soon as you pull the chits from any WH they will auto-combine and we won't know the diffference between runners drops and flyers drops. A single official could collect them all but do one group at a time eg. Collect all Runners, drop them into the counting box and then go get all the flyers. This will take twice as long to collect though.

From each of the Counting Boxes we do a Lottery for each group. A Runners Lottery and a Flyers Lottery. A flyer may be in both groups as they can run or fly.

  Note: Should Murphy's law happen and either chits get put into the wrong counting box or an official grabs
  from the WH of a different group then.. we have to punt :)

Bonus Prize for Highest Scoring Team

This is a bit harder to work out. It will need some paper and calculator or a spreadsheet.

From the Registration WH we get the list of team member names. Using the copy function we pull that in to document or spreadsheet.

So... after all the chits are in each of the correct boxes we have the counts for who made the most drops

Example: Runner Count Box Totals.

  • Player A - 5
  • Player B - 6
  • Player C - 2

Example: Flyers Count Box Totals.

  • Player A - 4
  • Player M - 7
  • Player N - 6

We then add up the numbers from the counting boxes.

Runners Counting Box: We go down the list and put in their counts. eg player A has 5 chits - they get 5 next to their name.

Flyers Counting Box: We go down the list and put in their count multiplied by 2. If player A has 4 chits - they get 8 next to their name.

Now we sum up the list for each team.

eg: Player A got 4 + 8 = 12 points for their team

Team with the highest score wins the team prize. Everyone on the team gets the bonus. In Event 1 we had 6 members per team.

The max score any player can get would be: 13 + 8*2 = 29

Bonus Prize for all 21 drops

Only a flyer can get this one.

From the scores above, a player with 29 points will have been to all 21 drops. This can also be verified by xchecking the name between the Runners Count Box and the Flyers Count Box. A player would need 13 chits in the Runners Box and 8 chits in the Flyers box or 21 total for the special bonus.

All players reaching 21 drops would get the bonus.

note: The reason I added the bonus prizes was to add some complexity to the players' choices. Since the event is supposed to be a free for all, it will put team vs individual choice on the player. Or just a bit. :)

note: If the scoring for the special prizes (high score team or 21 drops) is too difficult to implement then we can remove them from the prize list and go with the Team Lottery, Runners Lottery, Flyers Lottery. Thats still 8 prizes by lottery and the participation prizes for everyone.

What Should be on the Prize List?

What prizes should be offered this go round? Perhaps something different from the last one?

I think the runners should still get the silk cloth though, helps with the airship.

Can we give out the treated boards? Or materials for them? Anything on the list would be good. Linen, Canvas etc.

See the materials list needed here: Airship