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DustiTwister-What you would get by electing me as DP, is Me! Plain and simple. Nothing will change other than the extra ability which comes along with the elected official. I yam who I yam -Bugs Bunny
DustiTwister-What you would get by electing me as DP, is Me! Plain and simple. Nothing will change other than the extra ability which comes along with the elected official. I yam who I yam -Bugs Bunny
Mariamom - A reliable player who will be visible and accessible.

Revision as of 23:00, 22 September 2013

Back to Demi-Pharaoh Debates

Demi-Pharaoh Results: tba

The Debate will occur over September 22 to September 27.

The core questions have been posted below. Each candidate will post their answers and counter-arguments here. If you'd like to submit additional questions, feel free to edit them in or /chat GHawkins

This way we can give both our glorious contestants the opportunity to state their claims! And you, our wonderful Egyptians, can check what's going on at your leisure.

So, cue the fanfare...and let's get the party started!

Debate between DustiTwister and Mariamom September 2013

GHawkins: Welcome to our newest DP debate, and thanks to the candidates who have agreed to share their innermost motivations with us!

If you have any questions, please feel free to post it directly here. If you're not sure how to use the wiki or would prefer to submit a question anonymously, just /chat GHawkins and I'll get it posted.

FIRST QUESTION Can you share a little about yourself, what you enjoy about ATITD as well as how long you have been playing?

I am DustiTwister - I'm an Admin Assistant in a world wide insurance company wearing multiple hats for multiple jobs. I juggle stress daily and enjoy every minute of it. I've played ATitD for the last 9 years, starting with Tale 2. I've been elected DP twice. I am married in game to Hemptwister who also shares my real world. We met here in Tale 2 and have now set a wedding date of June 21, 2014. In game I'm a giver, a helper, a friend, a volunteer, a get er done kinda person. I seek out those who need help and jump in both feet. I talk too much at times, I trust too much at times, but in my world, even if your the worse person on earth, I'll try to find the good in you.

I am Mariamom and in real-life I am a Personal Adviser to the unemployed. I have 32 years experience of working with people and helping them back into work, either by recommending appropriate courses or through thorough job searches. I find my job really rewarding. I started playing ATITD mid-way through Tale 3, and have played continuously since. I just enjoy trying out new challenges and this tale it is beetle breeding and trying to grow the right thistles for my silk worms. I have not done too badly on my first quest (I have a rank 2 beetle on display at present), but sadly I just can't quite nail the thistles. I have been "married" to my in-game husband Petrus for the last 3 tales. I enjoy the group activities and will help where possible. I especially enjoy helping out at the vigils run by HHOFW of Egypt and have done so since T4. I have reached this stage roughly a year ago this tale, but previously I have not felt confident enough to even consider applying for post of DP.

SECOND QUESTION If you win this election you will pass the test of the Demi-Pharaoh and be our 21th DP of this tale. What will you do differently once you have the role?

DustiTwister- I wouldn't do anything any different than I am now. I don't need the 'title' to be who I am, nor to give me the knowledge to know what to say when there's a dispute between two people. I'll always seek out the good, always seek out answers, and always look for alternative ways to help find the middle ground.

Mariamom - I have to agree with DustiTwister, I don't see why I should change who I am or how I play. Although as DP I would have the power to ban any player, as far as I am aware there should be no reason to use that power. Negotiation and reasoning should be more that sufficient for most disputes.

THIRD QUESTION: Have you seen any bannable behavior? What would be your approach as a DP to handling the situation?

DustiTwister-I have not seen any bannable behaviors. If that were the case, I'd not make a decision solely based upon my own discretion, but seek other DP's opinions (if there is any online) to be certain I've done my best to try to resolve the situation without the long arm of the Egyptian Law. I am confident enough that should I be the only one available to make that type of decision, I'd be able to do so.

Mariamom - I, too, have not seen or been involved in any bannable behaviours. I would try to mediate between the parties to the best of my capabilities. If the situation was not improving I would ask fellow DP's for advice. However, if the behaviour was such that a sterner penalty needed to be administrated, then I feel I am strong enough to make that decision and be able to defend it.

FOURTH QUESTION What sort of leadership do you believe we need from our DPs?

DustiTwister- The type of leadership we need from our DP's are lead by example. Pay it forward. Use knowledge and common sense. Don't abandon post. If there's a need to, then at least explain before walking off. I learnt that lesson the hard way. I hurt a lot of people just disappearing as I did in Tale 4. I will never do that again!

Mariamom - DP's should be seen after they have been elected. Too many disappear from the game. It is more that just a test! (This is not a dig at you Dusti). They should be approachable, be able to listen to the problem and try to come to an agreeable solution for all parties. DP's are usually players who have played ATITD for several years, and so their experience and knowledge can be invaluable in so many situations.

FIFTH QUESTION: This isn't the first time as a DP candidate for either of you. Mariamom, you were a candidate earlier in the tale, and DustiTwister was a candidate in a previous tale. Is there any particular question that you were asked from the previous debate that you'd like to have been asked again, and for your opponent to answer? What was your answer then, has your answer changed, and please respond to the question posed by your opponent.

DustiTwister-I was DP in tale 2, and again in tale 4. What's to stop me from disappearing as most DP's do at the end of a telling? That question should be asked right here and now, only due to the fact that in tale 4, I disappeared. I had some conflict with another DP. I was being mocked, made fun of, and constantly harassed if I spoke to anyone whether it was in main chat, regional chat, or any guild chats. It got to the point, that like any other human being, you can only take so much. I would rather I have left, than to become the same person that the other person was. Why do I feel I can handle it now? I've come a long way since that day. Learned a lot of different tactics to handling personal conflict. I am confident enough that your stuck with me no matter what anyone does to me. I'm a much stronger, confident, and calmer individual than I was 3 years ago, growing through trials that were put in front of me since those days.

Mariamom - I was a candidate in August 2012, which was my first time ever. Does anyone else have access to your login details? was one of the questions I was asked. I said then, and say now, that no-one else has my login details. I know that some people may be worried that husbands can log in and use your banning powers, but I can assure everyone that would not be the case with me.

To answer DustiTwister's question - I have enjoyed playing ATITD for the past 4.5 tales and have never thought of not coming back the next tale. I am lucky in as much as I have come across little confrontation myself. I feel it would take a lot for me to decide not to continue playing, though not having been tested I cannot say what.

SIXTH QUESTION: What would you do if you found out someone else had accessed your account and used your ban powers? (Note: Spouselog does not allow access to DP Ban powers.)

DustiTwister -First and foremost, security of my computer is of utmost importance. I highly doubt someone would get my password that shouldn't. Now if, and that's a BIG "IF" someone were to log in as me and use my bans, then I would hope that I'd be able to call up kuupid (yes, I have her telephone number), to get her to help with the situation and get the person who violated the internet by hacking my account and then get Teppy involved to seek out permanently blocking their IP.

Mariamom - I would feel it would be difficult for someone to get hold of my login details without me telling them (which I have never done). I would seek help from another DP (yes, probably Kuupid) or a GM on how to proceed. I live in the UK so I would have to find a way to hold of Teppy and ask him for help in banning access to the guilty party and re-installing the innocent banned player.

SEVENTH QUESTION: Would you rather be a pirate or a ninja, and why?

DustiTwister- I'd rather be a pirate. I don't like to sneak around. I like to be seen as who I am. I think pirates are more expressional and compassionate about who they are and what they stand for. I don't hide. I seek to be around people who are interested in what I have to offer.

Mariamon - Pirate definitely. I enjoy sailing in real life, and feel that pirates had more freedom to explore the world and use their various talents to secure booty! Plus they have a code of conduct, as do we in Egypt. I don't think I am agile enough to be a ninja.

FINAL CANDIDATE STATEMENT: Let's tell Egypt what they will get in a DP by voting for you.

DustiTwister-What you would get by electing me as DP, is Me! Plain and simple. Nothing will change other than the extra ability which comes along with the elected official. I yam who I yam -Bugs Bunny

Mariamom - A reliable player who will be visible and accessible.

GHawkins: That's it for now, but stick around. More questions may very well be coming.

There is, however, one last thing to do - and that is to head on out and get your votes cast for the next DemiPharaoh!