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|- | |- | ||
| mediumopal || Medium Opal || Moyenne Opal || | | mediumopal || Medium Opal || Moyenne Opal || | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | | mediumsteamengine ||Medium Steam Engine || Moteur à vapeur moyen || | ||
|- | |- | ||
| mediumwarehouse || Warehouse || Entrepôt moyen || | | mediumwarehouse || Warehouse || Entrepôt moyen || |
Revision as of 00:17, 4 September 2014
All the ask of translations justify a new or a upgrade (for fault or bad translation). I translate only item I know (not account pannel for exemple)
All in alphabetic order
Translations List | Name english | Nom français | Notes |
acidextract | Chemistry Recipe - Acid Extract | Recette de chimie - Extrait d'acide | tech |
acidextract0 | Weak Acid Extract | Extrait d'acide faible | |
acidextract1 | Normal Acid Extract | Extrait d'acide normal | |
acidextract2 | Strong Acid Extract | Extrait d'acide fort | |
acousticslaboratory | Laboratoire acoustique | Building, Correction | |
advancedcasting | Advanced Casting | Moulage avancé | tech |
advancedsilkwormfarming | Advanced Silkworm Farming | Élevage de ver à soie avancée | tech |
alcohollamp | Alcohol Lamp | Lampe à alcool | |
antimony | Antimony | Antimoine | |
apple | Apple | Pomme | |
armbands | Armbands | Brassard | |
automaticcharcoal | Automatic Charcoal Production | Prod. automatisée de charbon de bois | |
babanana | banana | banane | |
babarley | barley | orge | |
bablack | Black | Noir | |
babrown | Brown | Marron | |
bacherry | cherry | cerise | |
bacinnamon | cinnamon | cannelle | |
badry | Dry | Sec | |
bafruity | Fruity | Fruité | |
bahoney | honey | miel | |
balance | Balance of Goods | Equilibre des Marchandises | test |
banutmeg | nutmeg | Muscade | |
bapotent | Potent | Puissante | |
baspicy | Spicy | Epicé | |
basweet | Sweet | Sucré | |
bavpotent | Very Potent | Très puissante | |
beslute | Bes's Lute | Luth de Bes | |
canarygranit | Granit Canari | Correction | |
certificate | Certificate | Certificat | |
certificatepress | Presse à certificats | Correction | |
cherrybonefish | Poisson osseux cerise | Correction | |
chikenfeed | Chicken Feed | Aliments pour volailles | |
chocolatecinnamonmeltaways | Chocolate Cinnamon Meltaways | Chocolats à la cannelle fondant | |
chocolatecoveredants | Chocolate Covered Ants | Chocolats fourrés aux fourmis | |
chocolategrapecordials | Chocolate Grape Cordials | Chocolats aux raisins Cordial | |
chocolatehearts | Chocolate Hearts | Chocolats en forme de coeur | |
chocolatminttoffees | Chocolat Mint Toffees | Chocolats Menthe Caramel | |
chocolatorangechews | Chocolat Orange Chews | Chocolat à l'orange confite | |
christmastree | Christmas Tree | Arbre de noël | |
claysteepcanvas | Clay Steeped Canvas | Tissage imbibé d'argile | |
claysteepwood | Clay Steeped Wool Cloth | Tissu de laine imbibé d'argile | |
cooperage | Tonnelier | tech Correction | |
deadant | Dead Ant | Fourmi morte | |
deevascepter | Deeva's Scepter | Sceptre de Deeva | |
deevatiara | Deeva's Tiara | Tiare de Deeva | |
detcharge | Empty Detonation Charge | Charge de détonation vide | |
detchargebuilding | Armed Detonation Charge | Charge de détonation armée | |
drumkit | Drum Kit | Batterie | |
edetchargebuilding | Armed Detonation Charge | Charge de détonation vide | |
elixirofregrowthrecipe | Elixir of Regrowth Recipe | Recette: Elixir de régénération | |
empty | empty | vide | |
environmentalreclamation | Environmental Reclamation | Récupération environnementale | |
female | female | femelle | |
fuse | Fuse | Fusible | |
gazebo | Gazebo | Belvédère | Building |
gebssilversickle | Faucille en argent de Geb | Correction | |
gemglue | Chemistry Recipe - Gem Glue | Recette de chimie: Colle à gemme | |
gemglue0 | Small Gem Glue | Petite colle à gemme | |
gemglue1 | Medium Gem Glue | Colle à gemme moyenne | |
gemglue2 | Large Gem Glue | Grosse colle à gemme | |
generation | Generations | Générations | |
giantcrayfish | Giant Crayfish | Ecrevisse géante | Correction |
giddy | Giddy | Etourdi | |
guildhall | Guild Hall | Bâtiment de guilde | Correction |
hadesfurnace | Hades Furnace | Fourneau d'Hadès | Building |
hairclip | Hairclip | Barrette | |
herbalexploration | Herbal Exploration | Etude des herbes | tech |
herbingpot | Herbing Pot | Pot à herbes | |
herbingpotkit | Herbing Pot Kit | Kit de pot à herbes | |
hexaglyphtablet | Hexaglyph Tablet | Tableau à Hexaglyph | Building |
highpressuresteamengine | High Pressure Steam Engine | Moteur à vapeur à haute pression | |
holybread | Holy Bread | Pain béni | |
homemarker | Home Marker | Marqueur d'habitation | |
honorvault | Honor Vault | Chambre forte d'honneur | Building |
hookahupgradecerticate1 | Student's Hookah Upgrade Kit | Kit d'amélioration de narguilé d'étudiant | |
hookahupgradecerticate2 | Prentice's Hookah Upgrade Kit | Kit d'amélioration de narguilé d’apprenti | Correction |
hookahupgradecerticate3 | Journeyman's Hookah Upgrade Kit | Kit d'amélioration de narguilé de compagnon | |
hookahupgradecerticate4 | Scribe's Hookah Upgrade Kit | Kit d'amélioration de narguilé de Scribe | |
hookahupgradecerticate5 | Master's Hookah Upgrade Kit | Kit d'amélioration de narguilé de Maitre | |
hookahupgradecerticate6 | Sage's Hookah Upgrade Kit | Kit d'amélioration de narguilé de Sage | |
hookahupgradecerticate7 | Oracle's Hookah Upgrade Kit | Kit d'amélioration de narguilé d'Oracle | |
huge | huge | énorme | |
hugeopale | Huge Opal | Enorme Opal | |
imphacklingrake | Improved Hackling Rake | Râteau d'affinage résistant | Building |
inkrecipe | Chemistry Recipe - Ink | Recette de chimie: Encre | |
ironplate | Iron Plate | Plaque en fer | |
jaggedblade | Jagged Blade | Lame dentelée | |
jaggleknife | Jagged | Couteau à dents | Correct in menu Assembly too |
judgeable | judgeable | jugeable | |
kettlekit | Obsolete Kettle Kit | Kit de chaudron obsolète | |
kingmaker | Test of the Kingmaker | Epreuve du Faiseur de Roi | |
knack | knack | don | |
large | large | grand | |
largeflywheel | Large Flywheel | Grand volant | |
largeopal | Large Opal | Grosse Opal | |
largesteamengine | Large Steam Engine | Gros moteur à vapeur | |
Largewarehouse | Large Warehouse | Grand entrepôt | |
leadpipe | Lead Pipe | Tuyau de plomb | |
leadplate | Lead Plate | Plaque en plomb | |
leadsheeting | Lead Sheeting | Revêtement de plomb | |
legbands | Legbands | Bandages de pieds | |
library | Library of Alexandria | Librairie d'Alexandrie | building |
librarybuilding | Library | Librairie | |
limashub | Lima Shub | Chevesne du Lima | |
limeemul0 | Lesser Lime Emulsion | Petite émulsion de chaux | |
limeemul1 | Standart Lime Emulsion | Moyenne émulsion de chaux | |
limeemul2 | Greater Lime Emulsion | Grande émulsion de chaux | |
limerecipe | Chemistry Recipe - Lime Emulsion | Recette de chimie: Emulsion de chaux | tech |
Limestoneauger | Limestone Auger | Foreuse à calcaire | Building |
litmusteststrip | Test Litmus | Test réaction au tournesol | |
locationbanner | Location Banner | Bannière de localisation | Correction |
luminousessence | Luminous Essence | Essence lumineuse | |
lungsporenegative | Test Litmus: Sporiculose (NEGATIF) | Test réaction au tournesol: Sporiculose (NEGATIF) | Correction |
lungsporepositive | Test Litmus: Sporiculose (POSITIVE) | Test réaction au tournesol: Sporiculose (POSITIF) | Correction |
lungsporeteststrip | Test Litmus: Sporiculose | Test réaction au tournesol: Sporiculose | |
lycanthropicproclamation | Lycanthropic Proclamation | Proclamation Lycanthrope | |
male | male | mâle | |
marblemortar | Marble Mortar | Mortier en marbre | |
masonupinst | Instruction: Mason's Bench Upgrade | Instruction: Amélioration avec un banc de Maçon | |
mediumflywheel | Medium Fly Wheel | Volant moyen | |
mediumopal | Medium Opal | Moyenne Opal | |
mediumsteamengine | Medium Steam Engine | Moteur à vapeur moyen | |
mediumwarehouse | Warehouse | Entrepôt moyen | |
metallicobelisk | Metallic Obelisk | Obélisque métallique | |
metalrecipe | Chemistry Recipe - Transmutation | Recette de chimie: Transmutation | |
meteoraltar | Mysterious Altar | Autel mystérieux | |
micpart | Microphone Part | Partie d'un microphone | |
mineralogy | Mineralogy | Minéralogie | |
molecularbalance | Molecular Balance | Equilibre moléculaire | |
mushroomgoldensun | Golden Sun Mushrooms | Champignon Soleil d'or | |
mushroomrazoredge | Razor Edge Mushrooms | Champignon Lame de rasoir | |
musicbox | Music Box | Boite à musique | |
newmortar | Fireworks Mortar | Mortier à feu d'artifice | |
norwegian | Norwegian | Norvégien | |
nozbubbles | Bubbles Nozzle | Gicleur bouillonnant | |
numeighteen | Eighteen | Dix-huit | |
numeleven | Eleven | Onze | |
numfifteen | Fifteen | Quinze | |
numfourteen | Fourteen | Quatorze | |
numnineteen | Nineteen | Dix-neuf | |
numseventeen | Seventeen | Dix-sept | |
numsixteen | Sixteen | Seize | |
numthirteen | Thirteen | Treize | |
numtwelve | Twelve | Douze | |
numtwenty | Twenty | Vingt | |
numtwentyeight | Twenty Eight | Vingt-huit | |
numtwentyfive | Twenty Five | Vingt-cinq | |
numtwentyfour | Twenty Four | Vingt-quatre | |
numtwentyone | Twenty One | Vingt-et-un | |
numtwentyseven | Twenty Seven | Vingt-sept | |
numtwentysix | Twenty Six | Vingt-six | |
numtwentythree | Twenty Three | Vingt-trois | |
numtwentytwo | Twenty Two | Vingt-deux | |
- Ribbonfish -> Trachipteridae
- Razor's Edge -> Lame de rasoir
- Puzzle Granite -> Granit énigmatique
All the insects are translate in inventory and in lure but not in the channel Main when you fishing with Lure.
- Gem Shearing Chisel -> Ciseaux à gemme
- Small Flywheel -> Petit volant
- Small Steam Engine -> Petit moteur à vapeur
- Sharp Edged Knife Blade (Sharpblade) -> Lame de couteau à bord bien aiguisé
- Silkworm Unguent -> Onguent pour vers à soie
- Spanner Wrench -> Clef de serrage