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Difference between revisions of "User:Vae/Acro"

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(60 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
= Master-Master =
= Master-Master =
* Rabble
* Rabble
* Tammie
* Tammie - done!
* Archipelago
* Archipelago - done!
* moa
* sevym
* Terannon
* Mbizi - done except for Cat Stretch, Front Tuck, Wide Squat
* MrStoned
* Kikapele
* Sunstrider
== Listing THEM (my feelings)/ME (their report of me) ==
== Listing THEM (my feelings)/ME (their report of me) ==
* Ahkten PGT/LR
* akc2 PGT/Blur
* AlaricRa LR/Master
* Amora PGT/LR
* anyolina gt/gt
* Ariella LR/Master
* Arria PGT/?
* Aryballa Master/LR
* Aseto M/GT
* Ashtarii Master/GT
* Bardoth GT/LR
* Bessieloo LR/?
* Boudikka Blur/?
* CandyO GT/Master
* casino Master/Blur
* catote GT/PGT
* Cegaiel LR/PGT
* Chelsis Master/Blur/in
* Cid GT/GT
* Daenerys Master/GT
* diania GT/Blur
* ECKce Master/
* Eclypse GT/Master
* Farmer LR/PGT
* FazzFab GT/GT
* Fizzles GT/?
* Floreta PGT/GT
* Fumen GT/Blur
* Groover Master/LR
* Gyges PGT/M
* Gyges PGT/M
* Aseto M/GT
* Harryparter M/PGT
* Hobbit GT/PT
* Jama LR/PGT
* Joker Master/GT
* Josh Master/GT
* Judd gt/lr
* Jyin BLur/?
* '''Kebiroz''' Blur/GT
* keeper blur/Master
* Kimber Master/PGT
* Kiwiguy pgt/pgt
* koinif PGT/Blur
* Kuupid GT/Master
* Lazyguy PGT/?
* lilinou GT/Master
* Maata Blur/?
* Macrodamia PGT/GT
* Mailorderbride LR/?
* Markanthony GT/Master
* Marla GT/Master
* Menoblack LR/GT
* Merek Blur/Master
* Mindl Master/PGT
* Mosi GT/Master '''f (kickup)'''
* Nanras-Ka PGT/?
* natta GT/PGT
* Nchanter Master/Blur
* Nefreten GT/Master
* niceguy PGT/?
* Ninfa PGT/?
* Noah PGT/Master
* obi PGT/LR
* ogretiamat gt/gt (i forget)
* Oni Master/GT
* Pameow Master/PGT
* Payna PGT/?
* Pheros Master/GT
* Poreses PGT/Blur
* Prophet PGT/Master
* Puffs PGT/Master
* Ranno Master/Blur
* Reinmen LR/Master
* Reinmen LR/Master
* Renard Master/?
* Rowan PGT/PGT
* Sabina PGT/Blur
* Saedyyn Master/GT
* Saledo GT/GT
* Saledo GT/GT
* Noah PGT/Master
* Sawyer GT/LR
* lilinou GT/Master
* Sharae GT/Master
* FazzFab GT/GT
* Shayra GT/Master
* Shayra GT/Master
* Aryballa Master/LR
* Shikari Master/?
* Oni Master/GT
* Sissue Blur/LR
* Sharae GT/Master
* Soylas PGT/Blur
* Sparkle LR/GT
* Sufu Blur/Master
* tabi master/blur
* tallow Master/GT
* tamb Master/Blur
* Tibere PGT/?
* Tortellini LR/Blur
* Tuttom Master/?
* Tunnen Master/?
* Tunnen Master/Blur '''f (kickup)'''
* Ulah LR/GT
* Wing Master/GT
* Wulffgrymm LR/Master (taught handstand)
* Zazamoukh GT/Master '''f (kickup)'''
== Move List ==
    | AI=7

Latest revision as of 11:53, 9 January 2012


  • Rabble
  • Tammie - done!
  • Archipelago - done!
  • moa
  • sevym
  • Terannon
  • Mbizi - done except for Cat Stretch, Front Tuck, Wide Squat
  • MrStoned
  • Kikapele
  • Sunstrider

Listing THEM (my feelings)/ME (their report of me)

  • Ahkten PGT/LR
  • akc2 PGT/Blur
  • AlaricRa LR/Master
  • Amora PGT/LR
  • anyolina gt/gt
  • Ariella LR/Master
  • Arria PGT/?
  • Aryballa Master/LR
  • Aseto M/GT
  • Ashtarii Master/GT
  • Ay GT/PGT
  • Bardoth GT/LR
  • Bessieloo LR/?
  • Boudikka Blur/?
  • CandyO GT/Master
  • casino Master/Blur
  • catote GT/PGT
  • Cegaiel LR/PGT
  • Chelsis Master/Blur/in
  • Cid GT/GT
  • Daenerys Master/GT
  • diania GT/Blur
  • ECKce Master/
  • Eclypse GT/Master
  • Farmer LR/PGT
  • FazzFab GT/GT
  • Fizzles GT/?
  • Floreta PGT/GT
  • Fumen GT/Blur
  • Groover Master/LR
  • Gyges PGT/M
  • Harryparter M/PGT
  • Hobbit GT/PT
  • Jama LR/PGT
  • Joker Master/GT
  • Josh Master/GT
  • Judd gt/lr
  • Jyin BLur/?
  • Kebiroz Blur/GT
  • keeper blur/Master
  • Kimber Master/PGT
  • Kiwiguy pgt/pgt
  • koinif PGT/Blur
  • Kuupid GT/Master
  • Lazyguy PGT/?
  • lilinou GT/Master
  • Maata Blur/?
  • Macrodamia PGT/GT
  • Mailorderbride LR/?
  • Markanthony GT/Master
  • Marla GT/Master
  • Menoblack LR/GT
  • Merek Blur/Master
  • Mindl Master/PGT
  • Mosi GT/Master f (kickup)
  • Nanras-Ka PGT/?
  • natta GT/PGT
  • Nchanter Master/Blur
  • Nefreten GT/Master
  • niceguy PGT/?
  • Ninfa PGT/?
  • Noah PGT/Master
  • obi PGT/LR
  • ogretiamat gt/gt (i forget)
  • Oni Master/GT
  • Pameow Master/PGT
  • Payna PGT/?
  • Pheros Master/GT
  • Poreses PGT/Blur
  • Prophet PGT/Master
  • Puffs PGT/Master
  • Ranno Master/Blur
  • Reinmen LR/Master
  • Renard Master/?
  • Rowan PGT/PGT
  • Sabina PGT/Blur
  • Saedyyn Master/GT
  • Saledo GT/GT
  • Sawyer GT/LR
  • Sharae GT/Master
  • Shayra GT/Master
  • Shikari Master/?
  • Sissue Blur/LR
  • Soylas PGT/Blur
  • Sparkle LR/GT
  • Sufu Blur/Master
  • tabi master/blur
  • tallow Master/GT
  • tamb Master/Blur
  • Tibere PGT/?
  • Tortellini LR/Blur
  • Tuttom Master/?
  • Tunnen Master/?
  • Tunnen Master/Blur f (kickup)
  • Ulah LR/GT
  • Wing Master/GT
  • Wulffgrymm LR/Master (taught handstand)
  • Zazamoukh GT/Master f (kickup)

Move List


Asian Influence AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Broad Jump AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Cartwheels AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Cat Stretch AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Clapping Push-ups AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Crunches AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Front Tuck AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Handplant AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Handstand AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Inverted Push-ups AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Jump Split AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Jumping Jacks AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Kick-Up AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Leg Stretch AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Lunge AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Pinwheel AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Push-Ups AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Rear Squat AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Roundoff AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Run in Place AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Side Bends AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Somersault AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Spin Flip AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Squat Thrust AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Squats AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Toe Touches AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Wide Squat AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Windmill AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png