(167 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
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− | {| border="1" | + | <!-- |
| + | Latest Update Box. |
| + | Shows automatic date of most recent revision: |
| + | --> |
| + | {|style="outline:black double; background-color:transparent; font-size:x-small; letter-spacing:0.09em; opacity:0.67; text-align:center" align="center" |
| + | !| Latest update: |
| + | | {{#time: d F Y | {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}}}} |
| |- | | |- |
− | | AliceBlue || Lead 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Cabbage 4
| + | |} |
− | |-
| + | <!-- |
− | | AntiqueWhite || RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 3 Lead 1 Carrot 3
| + | End of Latest Update Box |
− | |-
| + | --> |
− | | Aqua || Copper 7 Clay 1 ToadSkin 1 DeadTongue 1 Potash 1
| + | <!-- subpage link index --> |
− | |-
| + | {| style="background-color:transparent;font-size:14px" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="3" align="center" |
− | | Aquamarine || Sulfur 1 Copper 5 Iron 1 Cabbage 3 RedSand 1
| + | |+ style="font-style:italic;font-weight:bold; font-size:16px"| |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Atlas|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[Atlas]] |
− | | Azure || Lead 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Cabbage 3
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Wine|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[Wine]] |
− | | Beige || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Iron 1
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Yeast|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[Yeast]] |
− | | Bisque || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/Yeastmap|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/Yeastmap {{!}} Yeast Map]] |
− | | Black || Cabbage 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 RedSand 7
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/raeli|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/raeli{{!}} Raeli Ovens]] |
− | | BlanchedAlmond || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Brotherhood of Maât/Citrus|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[Brotherhood of Maât/Citrus{{!}} Citrus & Honey ]] |
− | | Blue ||
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/smoked|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/smoked{{!}} Fumeology Tracking]] |
− | | BlueViolet || Clay 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 16 Saltpeter 1
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|http://julianatdeltona.com/atitd/index.php|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [http://julianatdeltona.com/atitd/index.php Otter Catcher]] |
− | | Brown || Cabbage 1 RedSand 9
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|http://julianatdeltona.com/atitd/beacons.html|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [http://julianatdeltona.com/atitd/beacons.html Beacon Solver]] |
− | | Burlywood || RedSand 5 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/Wine#Flavors|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/Wine#Flavors {{!}} Sneferu's wines]] |
− | | CadetBlue || RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Clay 2
| + | }} |
− | |-
| + | {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/mutagenesis|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/mutagenesis {{!}} Mutagenesis]] |
− | | Carrot || Carrot 3 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| + | }} |
− | |-
| |
− | | Chartreuse || ToadSkin 1 Potash 1 DeadTongue 1 Lead 1 Clay 8
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Chocolate || RedSand 10 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Coral || Iron 1 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 9
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | CornflowerBlue || Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Cabbage 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Cornsilk || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Crimson || RedSand 11 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkBlue || RedSand 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 6 Copper 3 Clay 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkCyan || Copper 7 Clay 1 RedSand 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkGoldenrod || Copper 1 RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkGray || Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 5 RedSand 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkGreen || Carrot 1 Copper 2 Cabbage 1 Clay 2 RedSand 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkKhaki || RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkMagenta || Iron 1 RedSand 3 Cabbage 6
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkOliveGreen || Copper 1 Clay 2 RedSand 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkOrange || Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 Carrot 6 RedSand 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkOrchid || RedSand 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkRed || RedSand 10
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkSalmon || Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkSeaGreen || Clay 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkSlateBlue || Copper 1 Cabbage 7 RedSand 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkSlateGray || Clay 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 2 RedSand 6
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkTurquoise || Copper 16 Clay 1 DeadTongue 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DarkViolet || RedSand 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 10
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DeepPink || Lead 1 DeadTongue 1 RedSand 7 Lime 1 Carrot 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DeepSkyBlue || Copper 17 Clay 1 DeadTongue 1 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DimGray || RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Clay 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | DodgerBlue || Clay 1 Copper 7 DeadTongue 1 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Feldspar || RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | FireBrick || Carrot 2 RedSand 8
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | FloralWhite || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | ForestGreen || Copper 5 RedSand 4 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Fuchsia ||
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Gainsboro || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | GhostWhite || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Gold || Iron 1 Lead 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Goldenrod || Carrot 5 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1 RedSand 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Gray || RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Green || Copper 5 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | GreenYellow || Lead 1 Clay 7 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Honeydew || Lead 1 RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 5 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | HotPink || Lead 1 Copper 1 RedSand 6 Lime 1 Carrot 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | IndianRed || RedSand 9 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Indigo || Copper 1 RedSand 4 Cabbage 5
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Ivory || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 5
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Khaki || RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Lead 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Lavender || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 5
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LavenderBlush || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LawnGreen || Lead 1 Copper 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LemonChiffon || Lead 1 Carrot 3 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightBlue || RedSand 2 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightCoral || RedSand 6 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightCyan || Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1 Cabbage 6
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightGoldenrodYellow || Lead 1 Carrot 2 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightGreen || RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 5 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightGrey || Lead 1 Copper 4 RedSand 4 Carrot 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightPink || Lead 1 RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightSalmon || Lead 1 RedSand 12 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightSeaGreen || Clay 1 Copper 7 RedSand 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightSkyBlue || RedSand 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 13
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightSlateBlue || Iron 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Potash 1 Cabbage 5
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightSlateGray || Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 8 RedSand 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightSteelBlue || Sulfur 1 Copper 3 Iron 1 Cabbage 6
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LightYellow || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Lime ||
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | LimeGreen || Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 2 Clay 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Linen || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Maroon || Cabbage 1 Copper 1 RedSand 8
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumAquamarine || RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Clay 1 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumBlue || Copper 1 DeadTongue 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 7 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumOrchid || Iron 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 6 RedSand 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumPurple || Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 9
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumSeaGreen || Copper 3 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumSlateBlue || Sulfur 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 7 Copper 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumSpringGreen || Copper 8 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumTurquoise || RedSand 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 7 Clay 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MediumVioletRed || Iron 1 RedSand 5 Cabbage 3 Carrot 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MidnightBlue || Clay 1 Copper 1 RedSand 4 Cabbage 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MintCream || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | MistyRose || Lead 1 RedSand 7 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Moccasin || Lead 1 Carrot 3 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | NavajoWhite || Lead 1 RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Navy || Silver 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 4 Copper 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | OldLace || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Olive || Copper 2 RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1
| |
− | |- | |
− | | OliveDrab || RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Orange || Carrot 8 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | OrangeRed || Lead 1 Clay 1 Carrot 6 RedSand 5 Cabbage 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Orchid || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | PaleGoldenrod || Lead 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | PaleGreen || RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Iron 1
| |
− | |- | |
− | | PaleTurquoise || RedSand 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | PaleVioletRed || RedSand 7 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | PapayaWhip || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| |
− | |- | |
− | | PeachPuff || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |- | |
− | | Peru || Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1 Copper 1 RedSand 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Pink || Lead 1 RedSand 8 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Plum || Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 4 RedSand 4
| |
− | |- | |
− | | PowderBlue || RedSand 3 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Purple || RedSand 6 Cabbage 4
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Red || Carrot 2 Iron 1 RedSand 16 Cabbage 1 Silver 1
| |
− | |- | |
− | | RosyBrown || Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 2 RedSand 6
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | RoyalBlue || Sulfur 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 7 Copper 2 Clay 1
| |
− | |- | |
− | | SaddleBrown || Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 8
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Salmon || Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 12
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | SandyBrown || Carrot 3 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | SeaGreen || Clay 1 Copper 5 RedSand 4
| |
− | |- | |
− | | Seashell || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Sienna || Clay 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1 RedSand 7
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Silver || RedSand 4 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Iron 1
| |
− | |- | |
− | | SkyBlue || Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Iron 1 Cabbage 5
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | SlateBlue || RedSand 1 Cabbage 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | SlateGray || Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 6 RedSand 2
| |
− | |- | |
− | | Snow || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | SpringGreen || Copper 8 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Iron 1
| |
− | |- | |
− | | SteelBlue || Cabbage 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Clay 1
| |
− | |- | |
− | | Tan || RedSand 6 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Teal || Copper 4 Cabbage 5 Clay 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Thistle || Lead 1 Copper 3 RedSand 5 Carrot 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Tomato || Carrot 5 Iron 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Turquoise || Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Clay 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | Violet || Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 DeadTongue 1 RedSand 6
| |
− | |- | |
− | | VioletRed || Iron 1 RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 5
| |
− | |- | |
− | | Wheat || Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 3 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | White || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| |
− | |- | |
− | | WhiteSmoke || Cabbage 2 Lead 1 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| |
− | |- | |
− | | Yellow || Lead 1 Carrot 5 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Copper 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | | YellowGreen || RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 3 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1
| |
| |} | | |} |
| | | |
| + | <!-- End of subpage link index --> |
| | | |
− | = <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">Fumeology</span> =
| |
− | = <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">A</span> =
| |
− | {| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
| |
| | | |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div> | + | Taught: {{{taught|5}}} facet{{#ifeq: {{{taught|0}}}|1||s}}, Learned: {{#ifeq: {{{AI}}} | 7 | [[learnt::AI]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{BJ}}} | 7 | [[learnt::BJ]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{CW}}} | 7 | [[learnt::CW]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{CS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::CS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{CPU}}} | 7 | [[learnt::CPU]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{CR}}} | 7 | [[learnt::CR]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{FT}}} | 7 | [[learnt::FT]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{HP}}} | 7 | [[learnt::HP]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{HS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::HS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{IP}}} | 7 | [[learnt::IP]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{JS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::JS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{JJ}}} | 7 | [[learnt::JJ]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{KU}}} | 7 | [[learnt::KU]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{LS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::LS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{LU}}} | 7 | [[learnt::LU]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{PW}}} | 7 | [[learnt::PW]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{PU}}} | 7 | [[learnt::PU]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{RS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::RS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{RO}}} | 7 | [[learnt::RO]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{RIP}}} | 7 | [[learnt::RIP]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{SB}}} | 7 | [[learnt::SB]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{SS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::SS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{SF}}} | 7 | [[learnt::SF]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{ST}}} | 7 | [[learnt::ST]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{SQ}}} | 7 | [[learnt::SQ]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{TT}}} | 7 | [[learnt::TT]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{WS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::WS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{WM}}} | 7 | [[learnt::WM]] | }} |
− | |- | + | |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div> | + | {| style="margin:2px; background-color:#E5D7AD; border: 2px solid #72502E;" class="collapsible {{#ifeq: {{{state|}}}|autocollapse|collapsed}}" |
− | |Width="50px" | | + | ! style="text-align:center;" | Facets |
− | |- | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>A</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>A</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>A</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |- | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Allbright</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |- | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Aloe</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Mellow - moss</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |- | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Altar's blessing</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |- | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Anansi</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Sulfur</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |- | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Apiphenalm</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - licorice</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Apothecary's scythe</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - pine</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Artemisa</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - lead pencil</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>0</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Asafoetida</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & mellow - pepper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |- | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Asane</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & bitter - sulfur</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
| |- | | |- |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Ashoka</b> | + | | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & sweet - roasted onions</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Azure tristeria</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Leather</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>0/0</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |}
| |
| | | |
− | = <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">B</span> =
| + | {| style="margin:0em 3em 1em 3em; background-color:#EFE4C5; border-left: 2px groove black; border-top: 2px groove black; border-right: 2px solid white; border-bottom: 2px solid white;" |
− | | + | {{Acro/Data|Asian Influence|{{{AI|2}}}}} |
− | {| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center" | + | {{Acro/Data|Broad Jump|{{{BJ|2}}}}} |
− | | + | {{Acro/Data|Cartwheels|{{{CW|0}}}}} |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
| + | {{Acro/Data|Cat Stretch|{{{CS|0}}}}} |
− | |-
| + | {{Acro/Data|Clapping Push-ups|{{{CPU|2}}}}} |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
| + | {{Acro/Data|Crunches|{{{CR|1}}}}} |
− | |Width="50px" | | + | {{Acro/Data|Front Tuck|{{{FT|0}}}}} |
− | |- | + | {{Acro/Data|Handplant|{{{HP|1}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>B</b> | + | {{Acro/Data|Handstand|{{{HS|7}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>B</b>
| + | {{Acro/Data|Inverted Push-ups|{{{IP|0}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>B</b>
| + | {{Acro/Data|Jump Split|{{{JS|2}}}}} |
− | |Width="50px" | | + | {{Acro/Data|Jumping Jacks|{{{JJ|1}}}}} |
− | |- | + | {{Acro/Data|Kick-Up|{{{KU|2}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Banto</b>
| + | {{Acro/Data|Leg Stretch|{{{LS|1}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Hot - Pepper</b> | + | {{Acro/Data|Lunge|{{{LU|0}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | + | {{Acro/Data|Pinwheel|{{{PW|0}}}}} |
− | |Width="50px" |
| + | {{Acro/Data|Push-Ups|{{{PU|0}}}}} |
− | |-
| + | {{Acro/Data|Rear Squat|{{{RS|1}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bay Tree</b>
| + | {{Acro/Data|Roundoff|{{{RO|1}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & smokey - minerals</b> | + | {{Acro/Data|Run in Place|{{{RIP|0}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | + | {{Acro/Data|Side Bends|{{{SB|1}}}}} |
− | |Width="50px" |
| + | {{Acro/Data|Somersault|{{{SS|1}}}}} |
− | |-
| + | {{Acro/Data|Spin Flip|{{{SF|0}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bee Balm</b>
| + | {{Acro/Data|Squat Thrust|{{{ST|0}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Hot - Sulfur</b>
| + | {{Acro/Data|Squats|{{{SQ|2}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | + | {{Acro/Data|Toe Touches|{{{TT|1}}}}} |
− | |Width="50px" | | + | {{Acro/Data|Wide Squat|{{{WS|0}}}}} |
− | |- | + | {{Acro/Data|Windmill|{{{WM|1}}}}} |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Beetle Leaf</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - pine</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Beggar's button</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & spicy - licorice</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bhilawa</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & toasty - Dried cherries</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bilimbi</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & mellow - pine</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>bitter florian</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & spicy - stewed vegetables</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Black pepper plant</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Mellow - berries</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>blood balm</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Blooded harebell</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & mellow - camel dung</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>blood root</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>bloodwort</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Sweet - pepper </b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Blue berry tea tree</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>clean & smokey - Roasted nuts</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bluebottle Clover</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - Cedar</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" | | |
− | |- | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Blue Damia</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & bitter - smoldering paper</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Blue Tarafern</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & toasty - stewed vegetables</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>brassy caltrops</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>brown muskerro</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>clean & toasty - candy</b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Buckler-Leaf</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bull's blood</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Burnt tarragon</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b> | |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Butterroot</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - pepper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>blessed mariae</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & hot - camel dung</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Not in stock</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
| |} | | |} |
− |
| |
− | = <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">C</span> =
| |
− |
| |
− | {| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
| |
− |
| |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>C</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>C</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>C</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Calabash</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Dry - Dried Apples</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Caraway</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Harsh - Moss</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cardamom</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Roasted Nuts</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cassia</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Cedar</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>XXXXXXX</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Chaffa</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-|-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Chatinabrae</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Berries</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Chives</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Burnt - Exotic Spices</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Chukkah</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - moss</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cicada bean</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - Smoldering paper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cinnamon</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & spicy - moss</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cinquefoil</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Smokey - Berries</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cirralis</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & bitter - maple</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clingroot</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Candy</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Common basil</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Common rosemary</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Common Sage</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Mellow - Camel Dung</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Corsacia</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - Cedar</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Covage</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - Licorice</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crampbark</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Exotic Spices</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cranesbill</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>XXXXXXX</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Creeping thyme</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson clover</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - Maple</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson Lettuce</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - Stewed vegetables</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson Nightshade</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & smokey - Sulfur</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson pipeweed</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & sweet - Dried apple</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson windleaf</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Smoke and clean - Pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crumpled Leaf basil</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & smokey - Licorice</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Curly sage</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - smoldering paper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cyan cressida</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - rotting flesh</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Not in Stock</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
| |} | | |} |
| | | |
− | = <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">D</span> =
| |
− | {| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
| |
| | | |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
| + | [[User:Sneferu/sneferu |sneferu#1 ]]<br> |
− | |-
| + | [[User:Sneferu/thistles|Silkfarms ]] <br> |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
| + | [[User:Sneferu/paints |Paint recipies ]] <br> |
− | |Width="50px" |
| + | [[User:Sneferu/smoked |My fumeology ]]<br> |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Daggerleaf</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & toasty - maple</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b> | |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dalchini</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dameshood</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dank Mullien</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dark Ochoa</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dark Radish</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Death's Piping</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dewplant</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Digweed</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Discorea</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Drapeau d'or</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dusty blue sage</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dwarf hogweed</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dwarf wild lettuce</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |}
| |
| | | |
− | = <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">E</span> =
| + | [[User:Sneferu/raeli |Raeli Ovens ]]<br> |
− | {| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
| + | [[User:Sneferu/Marble_and_dowsing |Marbles ]]<br> |
| + | [[User:Sneferu/Law |Law proposal]]<br> |
| | | |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
| + | Recipe End 31: |
− | |-
| + | 6 Fivesleaf. 1 Upright Ochoa. 6 Ginseng Root. 1 Lamae. 6 Golden Thyme. 1 Headache Tree. 6 Salt. 1 Elegia. 6 Myristica. 1 Dark Radish. |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Earth apple</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Elegia</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>enchanter's plant</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |}
| |
| | | |
− | = <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">F</span> =
| + | Recipe carry: |
− | {| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
| + | 6 Bee Balm. 6 Myristica. 6 Common Basil. 6 Satsatchi. 6 Dwarf Hogweed. 1 Dusty Blue Sage. 1 Headache Tree. 1 Rubydora. 1 Anansi. 1 Rhubarb. 1 Indigo Damia. 1 Cinquefoil. |
| | | |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
| + | Recipe carry MP: |
− | |-
| + | 12 Cabbage Juice. 12 Anansi. 12 Toad Skin Mushrooms. 12 Acorn's Cap Mushrooms. 12 Indigo Damia. 12 Wheat (Dried, Raw). 12 Crimson Lettuce. 2 Bhillawa. 2 Gokhru. 2 Miniature Lamae. 2 Bay Tree. 2 Bull's Blood. 2 Squill. 2 Sugar Cane. |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Finlow</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Smokey - Roasted Onions</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fire Allspice</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & bitter - Liquorice</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fivesleaf</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Burnt - Leather</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Flander blossom</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & spicy - smoldering paper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fools agar</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
| |} | | |} |
| | | |
− | = <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">G</span> =
| |
− | {| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
| |
| | | |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
| + | Cartouche group: Melia (8), Damascas, Sparkly (9), Bryce, Wishes (10), sneferyu (7), Koinif (12), jbhator, Chet (11), Ruby, Tabu, Glixis |
− | |-
| |
− | |colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>-honey mint</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Chocolate</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Indigo Damia</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & biter - rotting flesh</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Lavender Navarre</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Bitter - Pepper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Mahonia</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Antiseptic - Berries</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Mariae</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Earth</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Meadowsweet</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Earth</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Mountain mint</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - Roasted nuts</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Myristica</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Hot - smoldering paper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Pale russet</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - Dried apples</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Satschi</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean astringeant - stewed vegetables</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Stickler Hedge</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean sweet - Roasted Onions</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Strawberry Tea</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean toasty - Oak</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sugar Cane</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sorrel</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - Pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sweetflower</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean sweet - Leather</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sweetgrass</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sweetsop</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean spicy - pepper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tagetese</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean mellow - Smoldering paper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tangerine dream</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean mellow - Smoldering paper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Thunder plant</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean mellow - Smoldering paper</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Thyme</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean woody - Stewed vegetables</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tin Clover</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean antiseptic - Oak</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Trilobe</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Stickler Hedge</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>0+</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Steel bladegrass</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>clean & harsh - camel dung</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Spinach</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Mellow - roasted nuts</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tristeria</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean woody - Stewed Vegetables</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>True Tarragon</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tsangto</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean bitter - Berries</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tsatso</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean antiseptic - leather</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Upright Ochoa</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean antiseptic - Stewed vegetables</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Verdant Squill</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Mellow - Sulfur</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Weeping Patala</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean toasty - Oak</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Whitbelly</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Hot - Berries</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Wild Lettuce</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean burnt - Chocolate</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Wild Onion</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean burnt - Minerals</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Wild Yam</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Spicy - Leather</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Yava</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Sweet - Dried apple</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Yellow Tristeria</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean woody - Dried Cherry</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Yigory</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Mellow - Pine</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Zanthoxylum</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Spicy - Roasted onions</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson Lettuce, pippali</b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
| |
− | |Width="50px" |
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |}
| |