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Difference between revisions of "User:Sneferu"

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(155 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{| border="1"
Latest Update Box.
Shows automatic date of most recent revision:
{|style="outline:black double; background-color:transparent; font-size:x-small; letter-spacing:0.09em; opacity:0.67; text-align:center" align="center"
!| Latest update:
| {{#time: d F Y | {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}}}}
| AliceBlue || Lead 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Cabbage 4
| AntiqueWhite || RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 3 Lead 1 Carrot 3
End of Latest Update Box
| Aqua || Copper 7 Clay 1 ToadSkin 1 DeadTongue 1 Potash 1
<!-- subpage link index -->
{| style="background-color:transparent;font-size:14px" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="3" align="center"
| Aquamarine || Sulfur 1 Copper 5 Iron 1 Cabbage 3 RedSand 1
|+ style="font-style:italic;font-weight:bold; font-size:16px"|  
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Atlas|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[Atlas]]
| Azure || Lead 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Cabbage 3
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Wine|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[Wine]]
| Beige || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Iron 1
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Yeast|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[Yeast]]
| Bisque || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/Yeastmap|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/Yeastmap {{!}} Yeast Map]]
| Black || Cabbage 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 RedSand 7
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/raeli|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/raeli{{!}} Raeli Ovens]]
| BlanchedAlmond || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Brotherhood of Maât/Citrus|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[Brotherhood of Maât/Citrus{{!}} Citrus & Honey ]]
| Blue || 
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/smoked|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/smoked{{!}} Fumeology Tracking]]
| BlueViolet || Clay 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 16 Saltpeter 1
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}||{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [ Otter Catcher]]
| Brown || Cabbage 1 RedSand 9
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}||{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [ Beacon Solver]]
| Burlywood || RedSand 5 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/Wine#Flavors|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/Wine#Flavors {{!}} Sneferu's wines]]
| CadetBlue || RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Clay 2
{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|User:Sneferu/mutagenesis|{{ns:0}}|{{!}}! style="background-color:transparent; font-weight:bold; border:3px black double" align="center"{{!}} [[User:Sneferu/mutagenesis {{!}} Mutagenesis]]
| Carrot || Carrot 3 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| Chartreuse || ToadSkin 1 Potash 1 DeadTongue 1 Lead 1 Clay 8
| Chocolate || RedSand 10 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| Coral || Iron 1 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 9
| CornflowerBlue || Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Cabbage 4
| Cornsilk || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| Crimson || RedSand 11 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1
| DarkBlue || RedSand 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 6 Copper 3 Clay 1
| DarkCyan || Copper 7 Clay 1 RedSand 2
| DarkGoldenrod || Copper 1 RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1
| DarkGray || Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 5 RedSand 3
| DarkGreen || Carrot 1 Copper 2 Cabbage 1 Clay 2 RedSand 4
| DarkKhaki || RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1
| DarkMagenta || Iron 1 RedSand 3 Cabbage 6
| DarkOliveGreen || Copper 1 Clay 2 RedSand 7
| DarkOrange || Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 Carrot 6 RedSand 1
| DarkOrchid || RedSand 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 7
| DarkRed || RedSand 10
| DarkSalmon || Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 7
| DarkSeaGreen || Clay 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1
| DarkSlateBlue || Copper 1 Cabbage 7 RedSand 2
| DarkSlateGray || Clay 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 2 RedSand 6
| DarkTurquoise || Copper 16 Clay 1 DeadTongue 1
| DarkViolet || RedSand 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 10
| DeepPink || Lead 1 DeadTongue 1 RedSand 7 Lime 1 Carrot 2
| DeepSkyBlue || Copper 17 Clay 1 DeadTongue 1 Iron 1
| DimGray || RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Clay 1
| DodgerBlue || Clay 1 Copper 7 DeadTongue 1 Iron 1
| Feldspar || RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1
| FireBrick || Carrot 2 RedSand 8
| FloralWhite || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| ForestGreen || Copper 5 RedSand 4 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1
| Fuchsia || 
| Gainsboro || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| GhostWhite || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| Gold || Iron 1 Lead 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| Goldenrod || Carrot 5 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1 RedSand 3
| Gray || RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 1
| Green || Copper 5 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4
| GreenYellow || Lead 1 Clay 7 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| Honeydew || Lead 1 RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 5 Iron 1
| HotPink || Lead 1 Copper 1 RedSand 6 Lime 1 Carrot 2
| IndianRed || RedSand 9 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| Indigo || Copper 1 RedSand 4 Cabbage 5
| Ivory || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 5
| Khaki || RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Lead 1 Copper 1
| Lavender || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 5
| LavenderBlush || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| LawnGreen || Lead 1 Copper 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7
| LemonChiffon || Lead 1 Carrot 3 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| LightBlue || RedSand 2 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 7
| LightCoral || RedSand 6 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| LightCyan || Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1 Cabbage 6
| LightGoldenrodYellow || Lead 1 Carrot 2 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| LightGreen || RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 5 Iron 1
| LightGrey || Lead 1 Copper 4 RedSand 4 Carrot 1
| LightPink || Lead 1 RedSand 8 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| LightSalmon || Lead 1 RedSand 12 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| LightSeaGreen || Clay 1 Copper 7 RedSand 2
| LightSkyBlue || RedSand 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 13
| LightSlateBlue || Iron 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Potash 1 Cabbage 5
| LightSlateGray || Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 8 RedSand 1
| LightSteelBlue || Sulfur 1 Copper 3 Iron 1 Cabbage 6
| LightYellow || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| Lime || 
| LimeGreen || Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 2 Clay 7
| Linen || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| Maroon  || Cabbage 1 Copper 1 RedSand 8
| MediumAquamarine || RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Clay 1 Iron 1
| MediumBlue  || Copper 1 DeadTongue 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 7 Iron 1
| MediumOrchid || Iron 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 6 RedSand 2
| MediumPurple || Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 9
| MediumSeaGreen || Copper 3 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 Iron 1
| MediumSlateBlue || Sulfur 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 7 Copper 3
| MediumSpringGreen || Copper 8 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1
| MediumTurquoise || RedSand 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 7 Clay 1
| MediumVioletRed || Iron 1 RedSand 5 Cabbage 3 Carrot 1
| MidnightBlue || Clay 1 Copper 1 RedSand 4 Cabbage 4
| MintCream || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 7
| MistyRose || Lead 1 RedSand 7 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| Moccasin || Lead 1 Carrot 3 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| NavajoWhite || Lead 1 RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1
| Navy  || Silver 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 4 Copper 3
| OldLace || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| Olive || Copper 2 RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1
| OliveDrab || RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1
| Orange || Carrot 8 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1
| OrangeRed || Lead 1 Clay 1 Carrot 6 RedSand 5 Cabbage 1
| Orchid || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 4
| PaleGoldenrod || Lead 1 RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1
| PaleGreen || RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Iron 1
| PaleTurquoise || RedSand 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Iron 1
| PaleVioletRed || RedSand 7 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| PapayaWhip || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| PeachPuff || Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| Peru || Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1 Copper 1 RedSand 7
| Pink || Lead 1 RedSand 8 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| Plum || Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 4 RedSand 4
| PowderBlue || RedSand 3 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Iron 1
| Purple  || RedSand 6 Cabbage 4
| Red || Carrot 2 Iron 1 RedSand 16 Cabbage 1 Silver 1
| RosyBrown || Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 2 RedSand 6
| RoyalBlue || Sulfur 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 7 Copper 2 Clay 1
| SaddleBrown || Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 8
| Salmon || Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 12
| SandyBrown || Carrot 3 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Iron 1
| SeaGreen || Clay 1 Copper 5 RedSand 4
| Seashell || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 2
| Sienna || Clay 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 1 RedSand 7
| Silver || RedSand 4 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Iron 1
| SkyBlue || Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Iron 1 Cabbage 5
| SlateBlue || RedSand 1 Cabbage 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| SlateGray || Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 6 RedSand 2
| Snow || Lead 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Copper 3
| SpringGreen || Copper 8 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Iron 1
| SteelBlue  || Cabbage 7 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Clay 1
| Tan || RedSand 6 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 Iron 1
| Teal || Copper 4 Cabbage 5 Clay 1
| Thistle || Lead 1 Copper 3 RedSand 5 Carrot 1
| Tomato || Carrot 5 Iron 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 1
| Turquoise || Sulfur 1 Copper 6 Clay 1 Iron 1 Cabbage 2
| Violet || Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 2 DeadTongue 1 RedSand 6
| VioletRed || Iron 1 RedSand 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 5
| Wheat || Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 3 RedSand 5 Sulfur 1
| White || Lead 1 RedSand 4 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| WhiteSmoke || Cabbage 2 Lead 1 Carrot 3 Sulfur 1 Copper 4
| Yellow || Lead 1 Carrot 5 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Copper 1
| YellowGreen || RedSand 6 Sulfur 1 Copper 3 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1
<!-- End of subpage link index -->
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">Fumeology</span> =
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">A</span> =
{| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>A</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>A</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>A</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Allbright</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Aloe</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Mellow - moss</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Altar's blessing</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Anansi</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Sulfur</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Apiphenalm</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - licorice</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Apothecary's scythe</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Artemisa</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - lead pencil</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>0</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Asafoetida</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & mellow - pepper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Asane</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & bitter - sulfur</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Ashoka</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & sweet - roasted onions</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Azure tristeria</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Leather</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>0/0</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">B</span> =
{| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
Taught: {{{taught|5}}} facet{{#ifeq: {{{taught|0}}}|1||s}}, Learned: {{#ifeq: {{{AI}}} | 7 | [[learnt::AI]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{BJ}}} | 7 | [[learnt::BJ]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{CW}}} | 7 | [[learnt::CW]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{CS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::CS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{CPU}}} | 7 | [[learnt::CPU]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{CR}}} | 7 | [[learnt::CR]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{FT}}} | 7 | [[learnt::FT]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{HP}}} | 7 | [[learnt::HP]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{HS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::HS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{IP}}} | 7 | [[learnt::IP]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{JS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::JS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{JJ}}} | 7 | [[learnt::JJ]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{KU}}} | 7 | [[learnt::KU]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{LS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::LS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{LU}}} | 7 | [[learnt::LU]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{PW}}} | 7 | [[learnt::PW]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{PU}}} | 7 | [[learnt::PU]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{RS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::RS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{RO}}} | 7 | [[learnt::RO]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{RIP}}} | 7 | [[learnt::RIP]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{SB}}} | 7 | [[learnt::SB]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{SS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::SS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{SF}}} | 7 | [[learnt::SF]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{ST}}} | 7 | [[learnt::ST]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{SQ}}} | 7 | [[learnt::SQ]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{TT}}} | 7 | [[learnt::TT]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{WS}}} | 7 | [[learnt::WS]] | }} {{#ifeq: {{{WM}}} | 7 | [[learnt::WM]] | }}
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
{| style="margin:2px; background-color:#E5D7AD; border: 2px solid #72502E;" class="collapsible {{#ifeq: {{{state|}}}|autocollapse|collapsed}}"
! style="text-align:center;" | Facets
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>B</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>B</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>B</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Banto</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Hot - Pepper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bay Tree</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & smokey - minerals</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bee Balm</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Hot - Sulfur</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Beetle Leaf</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Beggar's button</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & spicy - licorice</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bhilawa</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & toasty - Dried cherries</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bilimbi</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & mellow - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>bitter florian</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & spicy - stewed vegetables</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Black pepper plant</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Mellow - berries</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>blood balm</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Blooded harebell</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & mellow - camel dung</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>blood root</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>bloodwort</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Sweet - pepper </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Blue berry tea tree</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>clean & smokey - Roasted nuts</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bluebottle Clover</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - Cedar</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Blue Damia</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & bitter - smoldering paper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Blue Tarafern</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & toasty - stewed vegetables</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>brassy caltrops</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>brown muskerro</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>clean & toasty - candy</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Buckler-Leaf</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Bull's blood</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Burnt tarragon</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Butterroot</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - pepper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>blessed mariae</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & hot - camel dung</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Not in stock</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">C</span> =
{| style="margin:0em 3em 1em 3em; background-color:#EFE4C5; border-left: 2px groove black; border-top: 2px groove black; border-right: 2px solid white; border-bottom: 2px solid white;"
{{Acro/Data|Asian Influence|{{{AI|2}}}}}
{| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
{{Acro/Data|Broad Jump|{{{BJ|2}}}}}
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
{{Acro/Data|Cat Stretch|{{{CS|0}}}}}
{{Acro/Data|Clapping Push-ups|{{{CPU|2}}}}}
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
{{Acro/Data|Front Tuck|{{{FT|0}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>C</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>C</b>
{{Acro/Data|Inverted Push-ups|{{{IP|0}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>C</b>
{{Acro/Data|Jump Split|{{{JS|2}}}}}
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
{{Acro/Data|Jumping Jacks|{{{JJ|1}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Calabash</b>
{{Acro/Data|Leg Stretch|{{{LS|1}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Dry - Dried Apples</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
{{Acro/Data|Rear Squat|{{{RS|1}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Caraway</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Harsh - Moss</b>
{{Acro/Data|Run in Place|{{{RIP|0}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
{{Acro/Data|Side Bends|{{{SB|1}}}}}
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
{{Acro/Data|Spin Flip|{{{SF|0}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cardamom</b>
{{Acro/Data|Squat Thrust|{{{ST|0}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Roasted Nuts</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
{{Acro/Data|Toe Touches|{{{TT|1}}}}}
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
{{Acro/Data|Wide Squat|{{{WS|0}}}}}
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cassia</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Cedar</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>XXXXXXX</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Chaffa</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Chatinabrae</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Woody - Berries</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Chives</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Burnt - Exotic Spices</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Chukkah</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - moss</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cicada bean</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - Smoldering paper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cinnamon</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & spicy - moss</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cinquefoil</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Smokey - Berries</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cirralis</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & bitter - maple</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clingroot</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Candy</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Common basil</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Common rosemary</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Common Sage</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Mellow - Camel Dung</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Corsacia</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - Cedar</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Covage</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - Licorice</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crampbark</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Exotic Spices</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cranesbill</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>XXXXXXX</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Creeping thyme</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson clover</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & antiseptic - Maple</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson Lettuce</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - Stewed vegetables</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson Nightshade</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & smokey - Sulfur</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson pipeweed</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & sweet - Dried apple</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson windleaf</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Smoke and clean - Pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crumpled Leaf basil</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & smokey - Licorice</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Curly sage</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - smoldering paper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Cyan cressida</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & dry - rotting flesh</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Not in Stock</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">D</span> =
{| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Daggerleaf</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & toasty - maple</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dalchini</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dameshood</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dank Mullien</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dark Ochoa</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dark Radish</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Death's Piping</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dewplant</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & burnt - pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Digweed</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Discorea</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Drapeau d'or</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dusty blue sage</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dwarf hogweed</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Dwarf wild lettuce</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b> </b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">E</span> =
{| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
[[User:Sneferu/sneferu |sneferu#1 ]]<br>
[[User:Sneferu/thistles|Silkfarms ]] <br>
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
[[User:Sneferu/paints |Paint recipies ]] <br>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
[[User:Sneferu/smoked |My fumeology ]]<br>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Earth apple</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Elegia</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>enchanter's plant</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">F</span> =
[[User:Sneferu/raeli |Raeli Ovens ]]<br>
{| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
[[User:Sneferu/Marble_and_dowsing |Marbles ]]<br>
[[User:Sneferu/Law |Law proposal]]<br>
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
Recipe End 31:
6 Fivesleaf. 1 Upright Ochoa. 6 Ginseng Root. 1 Lamae. 6 Golden Thyme. 1 Headache Tree. 6 Salt. 1 Elegia. 6 Myristica. 1 Dark Radish.
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Finlow</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Smokey - Roasted Onions</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fire Allspice</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & bitter - Liquorice</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fire lily</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Burnt - Leather</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fivesleaf</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Burnt - Leather</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Flander blossom</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & spicy - smoldering paper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fleabane</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fools agar</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Fumitory</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">G</span> =
Recipe carry:
{| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
6 Bee Balm. 6 Myristica. 6 Common Basil. 6 Satsatchi. 6 Dwarf Hogweed. 1 Dusty Blue Sage. 1 Headache Tree. 1 Rubydora. 1 Anansi. 1 Rhubarb. 1 Indigo Damia. 1 Cinquefoil.
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
Recipe carry MP:
12 Cabbage Juice. 12 Anansi. 12 Toad Skin Mushrooms. 12 Acorn's Cap Mushrooms. 12 Indigo Damia. 12 Wheat (Dried, Raw). 12 Crimson Lettuce. 2 Bhillawa. 2 Gokhru. 2 Miniature Lamae. 2 Bay Tree. 2 Bull's Blood. 2 Squill. 2 Sugar Cane.
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Garcinia</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Garlic Chives</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Ginger Root</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Ginseng Root</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Glechoma</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Gnemon</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Gokhru</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1/1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
= <span style="font-family:Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 20pt">H</span> =
{| style="background-color:#efdfbd;" align="center"
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#efdfbd;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;"> </div>
Cartouche group: Melia (8), Damascas, Sparkly (9), Bryce, Wishes (10), sneferyu (7), Koinif (12), jbhator, Chet (11), Ruby, Tabu, Glixis
|colspan="3" align="center" | <div style="background-color:#9b886c;-moz-border-radius-topright:2em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 2em;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border:1px solid #000; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;">Smoked</div>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Indigo Damia</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & biter - rotting flesh</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Lavender Navarre</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Bitter - Pepper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Mahonia</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Antiseptic - Berries</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Mariae</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Earth</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Meadowsweet</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Spicy - Earth</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Mountain mint</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - Roasted nuts</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Myristica</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Hot - smoldering paper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Pale russet</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - Dried apples</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Satschi</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean astringeant - stewed vegetables</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Stickler Hedge</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean sweet - Roasted Onions</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Strawberry Tea</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean toasty - Oak</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sugar Cane</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sorrel</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & woody - Pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sweetflower</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean sweet - Leather</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sweetgrass</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Sweetsop</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean spicy - pepper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tagetese</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean mellow - Smoldering paper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tangerine dream</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean mellow - Smoldering paper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Thunder plant</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean mellow - Smoldering paper</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Thyme</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean woody - Stewed vegetables</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tin Clover</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean antiseptic - Oak</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Trilobe</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Stickler Hedge</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>0+</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Steel bladegrass</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>clean & harsh - camel dung</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Spinach</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean & Mellow - roasted nuts</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tristeria</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean woody - Stewed Vegetables</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>True Tarragon</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tsangto</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean bitter - Berries</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Tsatso</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean antiseptic - leather</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Upright Ochoa</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean antiseptic - Stewed vegetables</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Verdant Squill</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Mellow - Sulfur</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Weeping Patala</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean toasty - Oak</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Whitbelly</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Hot - Berries</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Wild Lettuce</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean burnt - Chocolate</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Wild Onion</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean burnt - Minerals</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Wild Yam</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Spicy - Leather</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Yava</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Sweet - Dried apple</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Yellow Tristeria</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean woody - Dried Cherry</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Yigory</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Mellow - Pine</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Zanthoxylum</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Clean Spicy - Roasted onions</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>1</b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b>Crimson Lettuce, pippali</b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="200px" align="center" bgcolor="#9b886c" | <b></b>
|Width="50px" | &nbsp;

Latest revision as of 01:08, 20 August 2013

Latest update: 20 August 2013
Atlas Wine Yeast Yeast Map Raeli Ovens Citrus & Honey Fumeology Tracking Otter Catcher] Beacon Solver] Sneferu's wines Mutagenesis

Taught: 5 facets, Learned:

Asian Influence AcroBlue.png AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Broad Jump AcroBlue.png AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Cartwheels AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Cat Stretch AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Clapping Push-ups AcroBlue.png AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Crunches AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Front Tuck AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Handplant AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Handstand AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png AcroGreen.png
Inverted Push-ups AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Jump Split AcroBlue.png AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Jumping Jacks AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Kick-Up AcroBlue.png AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Leg Stretch AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Lunge AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Pinwheel AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Push-Ups AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Rear Squat AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Roundoff AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Run in Place AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Side Bends AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Somersault AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Spin Flip AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Squat Thrust AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Squats AcroBlue.png AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Toe Touches AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Wide Squat AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png
Windmill AcroBlue.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png AcroHollow.png

Paint recipies
My fumeology

Raeli Ovens
Law proposal

Recipe End 31: 6 Fivesleaf. 1 Upright Ochoa. 6 Ginseng Root. 1 Lamae. 6 Golden Thyme. 1 Headache Tree. 6 Salt. 1 Elegia. 6 Myristica. 1 Dark Radish.

Recipe carry: 6 Bee Balm. 6 Myristica. 6 Common Basil. 6 Satsatchi. 6 Dwarf Hogweed. 1 Dusty Blue Sage. 1 Headache Tree. 1 Rubydora. 1 Anansi. 1 Rhubarb. 1 Indigo Damia. 1 Cinquefoil.

Recipe carry MP: 12 Cabbage Juice. 12 Anansi. 12 Toad Skin Mushrooms. 12 Acorn's Cap Mushrooms. 12 Indigo Damia. 12 Wheat (Dried, Raw). 12 Crimson Lettuce. 2 Bhillawa. 2 Gokhru. 2 Miniature Lamae. 2 Bay Tree. 2 Bull's Blood. 2 Squill. 2 Sugar Cane. |}

Cartouche group: Melia (8), Damascas, Sparkly (9), Bryce, Wishes (10), sneferyu (7), Koinif (12), jbhator, Chet (11), Ruby, Tabu, Glixis