beware this list is a work in progress and most of these recipes do not work
Paint Recipes:
Color |
Recipe |
AliceBlue |
(235,246,255) |
AntiqueWhite |
7 Cabbage, 1 Lead, 1 Potash, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 1 RedSand, (237,234,216) |
Aqua |
1 Potash, 1 Sulfur, 1 Saltpeter, 9 Copper, 1 Clay, (32,236,255) |
Aqua Marine |
1 RedSand, 3 Cabbage, 6 Copper, (135,224,204) |
Azure |
(242,255,255) |
Beige |
1 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 7 Clay, (236,255,222) |
Bisque |
1 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 ToadSkin, 7 Carrot, (255,243,190) |
1 Lead, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 7 Clay, (236,229,196)
Black |
8 RedSand, 2 Silver, (55,16,25) |
1 Copper, 8 Clay, 1 RedSand, 1 Sulfur, (25,49,9)
Blanched Almond |
1 Lead, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 6 RedSand, (250,228,205) |
Blue |
1 Carrot, 1 Iron, 1 RedSand, 1 Silver, 1 DeadTongue, 6 Cabbage, (7,58,231) |
Blue Violet |
1 RedSand, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, 1 Copper, 1 Lead, 6 Cabbage, (128,63,227) |
Brown |
4 Cabbage, 6 RedSand, (137,6,72) |
2 Cabbage, 7 Clay, 1 RedSand, (129,52,53)
Burlywood |
1 Cabbage, 8 Carrot, 3 Copper, (220,172,125) |
Cadet Blue |
8 Copper, 2 RedSand, (80,156,158) |
Carrot |
10 Carrot, (224,112,32) |
Chartreuse |
1 Silver, 1 Iron, 1 Copper, 1 Lead, 1 Clay, 5 Carrot, (140,240,16) |
Chocolate |
4 Clay, 6 Carrot, (185,105,32) |
1 RedSand, 7 Carrot, 1 Potash, 1 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Clay
Coral |
9 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, (232,144,72) |
Cornflower Blue |
1 Saltpeter, 4 Copper, 6 Cabbage, (143,156,249) |
Cornsilk |
1 Lead, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Silver, 1 Copper, 5 Carrot, (253,246,217) |
Crimson |
6 Carrot, 4 RedSand, 1 Lime, (192,32,62) |
1 Cabbage, 1 Iron, 8 RedSand, 1 Saltpeter, (187,45,86)
Dark Blue |
1 RedSand, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 1 Clay, 1 Sulfur, 9 Cabbage, (25,27,151) |
Dark Cyan |
6 Copper, 4 Clay, (29,153,128) |
Dark Goldenrod |
4 Clay, 1 RedSand, 5 Carrot, (177,96,2) |
Dark Gray |
6 Cabbage, 4 Copper, (146,159,207) |
Dark Green |
1 Copper, 9 Clay, 1 Sulfur, (23,57,10) |
Dark Khaki |
6 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 4 Copper, (184,168,120) |
Dark Magenta |
8 Cabbage, 1 Carrot, 1 RedSand, (139,35,154) |
Dark Olive Green |
9 Clay, 1 Copper, (81,105,48) |
Dark Orange |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Lead, 1 Clay, 1 Saltpeter, 7 Carrot, (235,145,0) |
Dark Orchid |
1 Copper, 7 Cabbage, 2 RedSand, (165,79,165) |
Dark Red |
10 RedSand, (144,16,24) |
Dark Salmon |
3 Cabbage, 6 Carrot, 1 Copper, (223,149,125) |
Dark Sea Green |
3 Copper, 5 RedSand, 2 Cabbage, (157,163,139) |
Dark Slate Blue |
10 Cabbage, (128,64,144) |
Dark Slate Gray |
8 Lead, 2 RedSand, (92,67,81) |
Dark Turquoise |
1 Saltpeter, 8 Copper, 2 Clay, (16,172,220) |
Dark Violet |
1 Lead, 1 Iron, 1 Sulfur, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, 7 Cabbage, (168,16,176) |
Deep Pink |
1 Iron, 1 Sulfur, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 1 Lead, 7 RedSand, (246,59,164) |
Deep Sky Blue |
1 Saltpeter, 9 Copper, 1 Clay, (10,182,236) |
Dim Gray |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 7 Cabbage, 1 Clay, (128,83,76) |
4 Cabbage, 6 Clay
Dodger Blue |
1 Saltpeter, 2 Clay, 8 Copper, (36,172,220) |
Feldspar |
1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 9 Clay, (172,139,95) |
Fire Brick |
8 RedSand, 2 Carrot, (160,35,0) |
Floral White |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 6 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Carrot, 1 RedSand, (253,252,239) |
Forest Green |
Clay 7 Copper 2 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 (36,112,27) |
Fuchsia |
1 Lead, 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 1 Silver, 1 Cabbage, 10 RedSand, (221,47,245) |
Gainsboro |
1 Lead, 1 RedSand, 7 Cabbage, 1 Copper, (213,212,227) |
Ghost White |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 7 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 2 RedSand, (248,243,256) |
Gold |
, (213,200,0) |
Golden Rod |
9 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, (211,158,32) |
Gray |
1 RedSand, 9 Cabbage, (129,103,132) |
Green |
1 RedSand, 1 Silver, 1 Copper, 7 Clay, (0,142,28) |
Green Yellow |
1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 11 Clay, (177,230,90) |
Honeydew |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 7 Clay, (242,255,228) |
Hot Pink |
1 Cabbage, 7 RedSand, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 1 Lead, (246,133,178) |
Indian Red |
7 Cabbage, 3 Carrot, (156,78,110) |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 6 Clay, 1 RedSand
Indigo |
9 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Iron, (82,20,90) |
Ivory |
(252,255,240) |
Khaki |
1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Iron, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 6 Clay, (214,227,153) |
Lavender |
8 Cabbage, 1 Lead, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, (235,197,255) |
Lavender Blush |
1 Lead, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 6 Carrot, (256,212,256) |
Lawn Green |
1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Potash, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 7 Clay, (128,222,10) |
Lemon Chiffon |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 7 Clay, (242,255,184) |
Light Blue |
4 Copper, 5 Cabbage, 1 Lead, (188,207,249) |
Light Coral |
1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Lead, 6 RedSand, (225,121,111) |
Light Cyan |
1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 6 Cabbage, 1 Lead, 1 Iron, 1 Clay, (230,250,255) |
Light Goldenrod Yellow |
7 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Lead, 1 Copper, (234,250,202) |
Light Green |
7 Copper, 1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Carrot, (135,238,166) |
Light Grey |
1 Copper, 1 Lead, 1 RedSand, 7 Cabbage, (209,208,223) |
Light Pink |
1 Iron, 8 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, (230,183,195) |
Light Salmon |
7 Carrot, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, (248,155,114) |
Light Sea Green |
1 Saltpeter, 5 Copper, 5 Clay, (36,144,172) |
Light Sky Blue |
6 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 4 Copper, (146,159,252) |
Light Slate Blue |
7 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 3 Copper, (152,146,247) |
Light Slate Gray |
1 Carrot, 1 RedSand, 8 Cabbage, (139,108,154) |
Light Steel Blue |
7 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 3 Copper, (176,170,226) |
Light Yellow |
, (244,255,227) |
Lime |
1 DeadTongue, 1 Potash, 1 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Clay, 6 Copper, (12,203,10) |
Lime Green |
6 Clay, 1 RedSand, 1 Silver, 1 Copper, 1 Cabbage, (50,224,66) |
Linen |
1 RedSand, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 6 Cabbage, 1 Lead, 1 Carrot, (243,237,235) |
Maroon |
9 Clay, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Lead, (123,31,21) |
Medium Aquamarine |
1 Carrot, 9 Copper, (80,184,176) |
Medium Blue |
1 Saltpeter, 1 Iron, 7 Copper, 1 Silver, 1 RedSand, (10,59,175) |
Medium Orchid |
, (167,87,180) |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 6 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, 1 Carrot
Medium Purple |
9 Cabbage, 1 Copper, (165,120,192) |
Medium Sea Green |
3 Copper, 1 Cabbage, 9 Clay, (94,156,118) |
Medium Slate Blue |
1 Saltpeter, 5 Copper, 5 Lead, (122,123,239) |
Medium Spring Green |
1 Silver, 8 Copper, 1 Clay, (5,217,141) |
Medium Turquoise |
3 Cabbage, 5 Copper, 2 Clay, (80,178,189) |
Medium Violet Red |
6 Cabbage, 3 Carrot, 1 RedSand, (158,44,132) |
MidnightBlue |
1 RedSand, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 7 Clay, 1 Sulfur, 1 Cabbage, (25,46,80) |
Mint Cream |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 7 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, (242,255,251) |
Misty Rose |
1 Lead, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 6 Clay, (255,201,235) |
Moccasin |
1 Lead, 1 Iron, 1 Copper, 1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 5 Carrot, (255,240,182) |
NavajoWhite |
1 Lead, 9 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, (249,203,173) |
Navy |
1 Saltpeter, 1 Iron, 1 Copper, 1 Clay, 1 Sulfur, 7 Cabbage, (0,0,104) |
Old Lace |
1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Silver, 1 Copper, 1 Cabbage, 7 Carrot, (255,241,229) |
Olive |
Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Lead 2 Carrot 6 (149,142,0) |
9 Clay, 1 EarthLight, (128,110,12)
Olive Drab |
8 Clay, 1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, (129,128,42) |
Orange |
1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 9 Carrot, 1 Potash, (225,159,0) |
Orange Red |
1 RedSand, 9 Carrot, 1 Lime, (216,61,2) |
Orchid |
1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 12 Cabbage, (188,138,212) |
PaleGoldenrod |
1 Iron, 1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 6 Clay, (220,233,159) |
PaleGreen |
6 Clay, 1 Lead, 1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Copper, (173,231,156) |
PaleTurquoise |
4 Cabbage, 1 Lead, 5 Copper, (186,224,255) |
PaleVioletRed |
(165,85,149) |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 7 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 1 Clay
PapayaWhip |
1 Iron, 1 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 5 Carrot, 1 Lead, (255,240,209) |
PeachPuff |
1 Lead, 7 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, (247,207,179) |
Peru |
9 Clay, 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, (172,139,66) |
9 Carrot, 1 Copper, (208,120,48)
Pink |
1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 8 Clay, (245,179,226) |
Plum |
9 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, (189,144,216) |
PowderBlue |
5 Copper, 4 Cabbage, 1 Lead, (182,220,254) |
Purple |
6 Cabbage, 3 Clay, 1 RedSand, (129,39,98) |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 6 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, 1 Carrot
Red |
1 Clay, 1 Iron, 1 Sulfur, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Lead, 8 Carrot, (240,35,20) |
Rosy Brown |
1 Copper, 3 RedSand, 6 Cabbage, (167,147,153) |
Royal Blue |
1 Carrot, 1 Saltpeter, 8 Copper, 1 Lead, (91,119,221) |
Saddle Brown |
10 Clay, (128,96,32) |
Salmon |
1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Lead, 8 RedSand, (229,116,107) |
Sandy Brown |
8 Carrot, 1 Copper, 1 Cabbage, (239,156,100) |
Sea Green |
2 Copper, 8 Clay, (55,115,64) |
Seashell |
1 Lead, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 1 Clay, 7 Carrot, (255,239,238) |
Sienna |
1 Cabbage, 9 Clay, (128,92,43) |
Silver |
1 Cabbage, 3 Carrot, 6 Copper, (162,199,183) |
Sky Blue |
5 Cabbage, 5 Copper, (140,172,212) |
Slate Blue |
7 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Clay, 1 RedSand, (107,90,169) |
Slate Gray |
3 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 6 Clay, (105,140,125) |
Snow |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 10 Cabbage, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, 1 Carrot, (252,254,248) |
Spring Green |
1 Silver, 7 Copper, 2 Clay, (12,208,125) |
Steel Blue |
7 Cabbage, 2 Copper, 1 Clay, (99,136,186) |
Tan |
3 Cabbage, 5 Carrot, 2 Copper, (207,157,141) |
Teal |
6 Copper, 1 Clay, 3 RedSand, (34,129,125) |
Thistle |
7 Cabbage, 1 Lead, 2 Copper, (205,186,243) |
Tomato |
10 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Potash, (241,81,49) |
Turquoise |
1 Cabbage, 8 Copper, 1 Clay, (60,213,215) |
Violet |
8 Cabbage, 1 Lead, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, (211,127,255) |
Violet Red |
1 Copper, 5 Cabbage, 4 RedSand, (169,69,141) |
Wheat |
7 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 1 Lead, (246,206,178) |
White |
1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 6 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Copper, 1 Clay, 1 Carrot, (252,255,255) |
White Smoke |
1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 8 Cabbage, 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, (234,245,244) |
Yellow |
1 Potash, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter, 1 Clay, 7 Carrot, (248,251,67) |
Yellow Green |
9 Clay, 1 Sulfur, 1 Iron, 1 Saltpeter, (172,182,66) |