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*tbh there is a videoguide about doing cc, well for me that didn't make me any better about it, but the moment another player showed me how he did it, I understood it - but then again we are back to the same issue, that people have to find/look to the youtube tutorials - is same issue as looking at the wikiguides
*tbh there is a videoguide about doing cc, well for me that didn't make me any better about it, but the moment another player showed me how he did it, I understood it - but then again we are back to the same issue, that people have to find/look to the youtube tutorials - is same issue as looking at the wikiguides
** This is kind of like saying "fax me your signature".  Yes it works, but it is outdated and e-mail is vastly preferred [[User:tehm|tehm]]-- April 4
** This is kind of like saying "fax me your signature".  Yes it works, but it is outdated and e-mail is vastly preferred [[User:tehm|tehm]]-- April 4
** Personally, I cant stand this trend of video "help". While yes, SOME videos can be extremely helpful, it seems it only applies to a very limited number of subjects. It feels like 99&% of the time the videos are utterly useless. I don't need to watch a two minute video to change my video settings, or watch a poorly edited or narrated video to grow flax or god forbid, 200 videos on the proper foraging method for herbs. While I am using mostly non real examples here. I feel that its a catch-22 encouraging videos for a reward. It would likely produce some useful videos, but I suspect it would also produce far more of the type that would be far better suited as a text entry on a wiki or forum. Pathfinders for example, both a properly made and detailed video may be helpful, but a simple text version (with screenshots) would be far more helpful as a reference guide. I doubt many people want to have to constantly bounce back and forth through video timestamps to try to see out if the blue dot needed two lines and then a turn, or a turn after the dot. However, I do agree that more videos would help with advertising and possibly getting new players in the game. Obviously people also learn in different ways, so as I've said before I'm not totally against videos, but I'm not so sure that integrating it into a core game test as suggested would be in our best interests, it could however be an interesting option as an event, where Egypt votes on the 'best' of the videos submitted, and the winner could receive something to that end.  --[[User:Kartal|Kartal]] 14:32, 4 April 2014 (EST)
== Firepit ==
== Firepit ==

Revision as of 19:32, 4 April 2014

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Please feel free to add your ideas of changes and things you would like to be implemented in T7.
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Test of Mentorship

Suggest to Scrap the Mentor Shrine, and change to a point based system where the mentee can award points based on a fixed schedule to player(s) that have been helpful to them. May tie it to levels/test advancement of the mentee. Changes the focus to not just be about mentoring a player up to citizenship. The number of points to pass will be adjusted accordingly, for example it could be 21 points from 7 different mentees. --Porthos 20:15, 22 March 2014 (EST)

Could keep the Mentor Shrine, but have the mentor build it, not the mentee. Once the test is opened, give each player one token on each level-up which they can then deposit in a mentor shrine of someone they feel have mentored them well. This will act as a cue to players not familiar with the test since they will have a token in their inventory, and allow multiple mentors to benefit from the assistance they provide. I also find that a mentor shrine built today doesn't take into account the mentoring I may get from other people at a later date. Silden 16:58, 23 March 2014 (EST) +1 (Eimear)
(Moved up from below) I definitely want to increase the amount of interaction between mentor and mentee. However, I don't want to just tie to tests/achievements, etc.. It would feel like Prophet/Promotion/Marriage etc... What about keeping the Shrine, tying it to player retention and requiring both the mentor and mentee to meditate together on it once a week to show that the two actually got together at least the once to accumulate the points. Maybe points based on time logged in at the same time (Bonuses for tests and achievements, but I don't want the majority of points to come from that) (IE - You cant mentor effectively if your not on at the same time) I hesitate to do within proximity of each other with the wide use of chat channels for mentoring it would make mentoring harder which isn't what I want. I am thinking a having test passing be based a threshold, with added bonuses for scores beyond the passing level. (level of effort: 4 hours) --Pluribus 20:27, 23 March 2014 (EST)
If the mentee can build than more than 1 shrine, say they want to change mentors (if their old one quit etc), then yes a minimum requirement of time on together to be able to choose a new mentor, or dedicate it to their current for that week would be welcome. Maybe limit it to total of 7 weeks that a mentee/mentor meditate together (not necessarily consecutive weeks) and give a message that you can only change mentors once or twice so choose wisely--Porthos 06:48, 24 March 2014 (EST)
I would like to come back the Beeginer Island, it was a very good idea for new people, and ask player too concentrate them self to this test--Kastou 07:48, 25 March 2014 (GMT+1)

There was a different mentoring process in Tale 4 which seems to work well from my perspective as a newbie player. You had several choices to give mentoring tokens to people who help you and got more as you levelled, so you could spread the appreciation as you progressed. I vaguely remeber there being wells that grew the more mentor tokens were put in, so it was a visible indication of who was a good mentor or not. And yes, bring back newbie island! +1 Eimear)

  • If we bring back Newbie Island can it be optional? It's really tedious for returning players.

Test of Marriage

When was this test modified ? T4 maybe ?

  • I liked it much more in T3, i.e. when *both* spouses would win the test on a given week and the points were Nb. of tests passed as spouses (by *either* spouse) x number of weeks since married.

I think that it was way more of a collaboration between the spouses to win together the test of marriage than what is happening now since the test was modified. (Basically now only one of the spouse wins the test, if the other spouse has worked like a slave to pass as many tests as possible)

So...can we have the initial Test of Marriage back ? --Nissim

  • FYI : The initial marriage test was in worship (didn't even need to pass worship init)and you could pass it just after you got married. So, yea, i'd guess the t3 version is what would be the preference, since it also includes casanova passes (Which even if we do have them in t6, are a rarity) --blondie
  • I find that some of the perks for marriage provide too much help for other areas of the game. For example, spouse porting gives an unfair advantage in events that prohibit navigation/expedition/paid chariot travel. It also allows the progress in tests that are designed to make you get out there, and do so with next to no cost. Examples include porting to your spouse who has stumbled along an Ibis, then porting back home when your spouse has finished their travels or porting to a cicada and double hitting it. May I suggest that we change free spouse porting to an extra waypoint instead, where porting to your spouse will cost you navigation time. Silden 17:01, 23 March 2014 (EST)
  • Please, please, please, don't mess with spousal warps. I can understand not having it on some events. We've been penalized already on phoenix runs, I think that's punishment enough. There will be plenty of Ibis that people will all get them at one point, same thing with cicadas. There are times when people don't EVEN run to reported sightings or have too many cicadas. I don't think spousal warp should be blamed on losing out on tests. (--blondie, march 22, 2014)I agree fully with you blondie - march 24, '14 +1Jaylenaeybarre +1 tehm
I haven't followed the changes in marriage. My understanding is that the complaint is that both players don't advance at the same rate. (IE - one player works his butt off to advance tests and only the partner is rewarded) So, you want me to solve the dead-beat spouse issue... Or is this just a marriage between a main and a mule? (In which case, I dont see a problem) Isn't picking a spouse who wont leave you high and dry part of the test? I am just trying to better understand what the problem is. --Pluribus
I think marriage passes could be an issue both if you have a mule or if you have a real player as your spouse. If you look at it the way marriage is now, you basically need your spouse to pass tests if you want to pass marriage. That would encourage you to have a mule that passes tests so you can pass marriage. So, if we had marriage go back to t3 ways, both spouses would get credit every time either passes a test. This seems more like the spouses working together for a common goal. Also, the spouse passing tests/active is getting credit for the work they are doing. The t3 way: spouse A passes 2 tests, Spouse B passes 3 tests; they both get 5 points, that gets multiplied by the weeks they've been married. Hopefully that makes more sense in terms of what we are looking for in the test --Eimear (blondie +1)

Test of Seven Phoenix

Should be able to build a monumental Phoenix (in the same way we have with Monumental Towers) Silden 17:08, 23 March 2014 (EST)+1 Jaylenaeybarre

Test of Khepre’s Children

I have been struggling with getting through this Test all tale, mostly because I badly misinterpreted the scoring process for Level 3 and in trying to work it out for myself have ended up competing against just about everyone trying to get aggregate score higher in the lower levels.

Would it be possible to make the scoring for Level 3 simpler and tied to player votes for the beetle’s qualities rather than also being tied to the player who is exhibiting the beetle? An emphasis on artistic merit would be in the spirit of the test. Not sure how to control for block voting in collusion though. - Cate

Test of the Covered Cartouche

  • Buildings built in the building rounds should disappear once the round is over. Otherwise high level players just salvage everything at the end, and not feel the pain that lower level players with poorer salvage skills can manage. Should be able to build monumental buildings (in the same way we have with Monumental Towers) instead. Silden 17:08, 23 March 2014 (EST)
  • I think it's mean to have buildings built during building rounds disappear. Some people don't get very far into cartouche rounds and only get a handful (if lucky) of cartouche buildings. You would be, in fact, penalizing people who don't reach high levels of cartouche. Isn't cartouche mean enough? You also can't salvage cartouche buildings. I can't remember for sure if the owner can but i believe they are not dpa-able, at least. Note: cartouche is not an arch test and having the buildings stay after you build is part of the reward of doing cartouche. (blondie-- march 24, 2014)
  • let us keep the cartouche buildings! they are a nice deco in your garden - btw yes they are salvable by the owner, but it has nothing to do with your 'high' level, but with your salvage level - so it is even possible for a lowlevel player to get a high salvage level (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 24, '14)

  • Build cartouches from previous tellings, like all-star cartouche rounds. Also, having more events/contests where everyone can build cartouche buildings. I think that's worked out very nicely when it's been done. If it were done more often more people would have decorations they could add to their homes. (blondie-- march 24, 2014)

Test of the Oyster Catcher

Swimming shouldn't be given when you take the test, instead Swimming should be a skill you learn at school, and be a requirement to take this test. Silden 17:08, 23 March 2014 (EST) +2 Jaylenaeybarre,tehm

Thought Tests

Can we remove the heavy reliance of so many cuttable gems from a lot of these buildings? Particularly from the principles, but from the actual building construction too... Silden 17:08, 23 March 2014 (EST)

  • I don't agree, as it is now it keeps trading for those cutted gems into the game (btw I can't cut all them either) it's a skill like blacksmithed stuff, some are experts, others moderated and most can't do any gem - anyone has the choice to try it (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 24, '14)

Test of the Sphinx

A mythological Sphinx guards a liminal boundary (like between life and death, childhood and adulthood) and offers a challenge, which when incorrectly answered results in punishment or retribution, or even death.

Although it would be difficult to incorporate all those elements in a Test, there are a few things I found have not worked particularly well in the T6 Test. For example, it can take forever to cycle through the banks of riddles entered by the players, both in evaluation and to answer. If there could be a filter that removes riddles that make it to ‘noble’, so that you can only evaluate or answer riddles that are still trying to get to ‘noble’, then that might streamline things.

Enhancements: What do you think? A random ‘noble’ riddle from the pool of those filtered out of active evaluations is posed to all who enter a riddles into the Sphinx as a challenge. If there are no noble riddles (ie. in the beginning) then there could be a default, or no challenge made. Those who get the answer wrong would be punished in some way – maybe required to offer up something from current inventory before entering their riddle. Those who get it right are given something low value as a reward into inventory. Would make interacting with the Sphinx more dynamic! - Cate

Sound Based Tests

I understand Safari and Cicadas are beloved tests and I don't want to suggest changes that will take away from those tests for the majority of players, but I would like to explore if there is a way to make them accessible to players with hearing loss. This was less of a problem in T3 (see the Test of Marriage issue, above), but this Tale my spouse is playing as me to drag me through Marriage so we're not penalised for the fact that anything with directional sound is not going to happen for me. Suggestion: maybe a visual HUD people could load if they wanted it? I realise that would make the tests easier, but it would also make them accessible to more people. --Eimear

I wanted to add about safari. Frogs used to have shadows in the past. Is it possible to add shadows back? That may help those who have issues with sound (blondie, march 23rd, 2014)
Add me to the issue with Sound Based Tests. I'm registered Hearing Impaired, and I have a problem with Cicadas and Bullfrogs too. If nothing else, for Cicadas have a Main Chat entry when the system first starts to play the cicada chirping saying "You hear the faint noise of a Cicada nearby", and for bullfrogs, as Blondie says above, bring back the shadow, that helps. Alternatively, a range of messages based upon the strength and direction such as "You hear a faint sound of a Bullfrog", "A chirp of a bullfrog can be heard in the distance", "You hear a strong sound of a Bullfrog to your left", "You hear a strong sound of a Bullfrog"... Silden 17:14, 23 March 2014 (EST) (+1 Eimear)
The shadows on frogs were a client bug with the rendering order. (The bug made anything that was invisible have a shadow, and yielded a lot of complaints from players about "clicking on the frogs and getting credit" when there was no frog there... (Silt spawners are an example of these, they are invisible unless the world is in builder mode) That client bug also reduced client speed and so that bug will not be re-introduced. --Pluribus 14:30, 24 March 2014 (EST)
Understood. Anything visual you could think of would improve these tests. Silden has a good suggestion I think. Thanks. (Eimear)

Test of the Safari

Would be fun to add feature to do extended safari, similiar to gaining speed points. Each additional strength point beyond 7 would take x of each animal ^ (Current Strength-7). Also, hinges on changes to limit max chocolate+herb stacking to around +21 on a stat (in early game to dowse for metals)--Porthos 08:14, 24 March 2014 (EST)

--I'd second the points beyond 7 suggestion, but am ambivalent to the herb stacking cap. tehm +1 Jaylenaeybarre

Darkest Night Test

Let us have the option to discard a list, like we can do with ritual tattoo (just go to another ubody) or like the banquet : You can obtain a new list from each UBody once/week - the week resets when passes are run. Also let us do more lists (for those who want) just like the ritual tattoo - aka possibility of 28 lists, just need new mushrooms (sofar only 35 ingame now) - but we would still need at least 35 different mushrooms to pass the test - getting all 49 could be another achievement (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 24, '14)

--Second for being able to scrap a list (Darkest Night or Ritual Tattoo) you're finding too difficult, but ambivalent on adding more mushrooms. I'd like more ways to get insight into how mushrooms spawn rather than just finding other mushrooms. tehm

  • I think it would be nice to add mushrooms, maybe that would allow us to, similarly to ritual tattoo, pick and choose which mushrooms we hunt for. More mushrooms could be used for cooking or chemistry, so i think that could benefit the game. Mushroom spawn is about doing research, ecology, finding patterns which could be used as part of the test. Being able to get more clues from the devs about those spawns could be a good idea but having to do more research shouldn't prevent us from getting new shrooms. We haven't had new shrooms for a while, it sounds like something to look forward to. (blondie, march 26, 2014

Test of the Funeral Temple

Couldn't we use the fishscales here too? could even ask for 7 different colors to open up the test and then use at least 7 different colors, like the raeli tiles to be able to pass the test?

Also in egypt there were certain rituals when one was about to be buried: with some everyday objects and food (for the less rich ones) and bread, fruit, amulets - aka gems? and furniture (for the richest ones ) for the afterlife

  • food: could be anything we have now: vegggies, water, dates, eggs, could even be animals
  • amulets: certain gems
  • beer

could put it in the principles to have at least 7 different of the fruit/veggie/water/gems?

or put it to pass the test: have to have at least 7 different fruit/veggie and 7 different gems (small, med or large)

(Jaylenaeybarre-- march 25, '14)

Test of Demipharaoh

In addition to keeping the logs as was recently voted on, I feel that at some point voting in more DemiPharaohs does nothing to protect the players from griefing but actually would increase the risk of it since you're giving ban power to more people who might not use it responsibly. That hasn't been an issue this tale, but there are examples from previous tales. Furthermore, as we got into late tale, several people got into the final rank unopposed which guaranteed their election without the input from Egypt as a whole. Hence, I recommend having a "No candidate" option available at every election so at some point Egyptians could as a whole decide that we do not need a new DP this month.

--GHawkins 17:06, 26 March 2014 (PST)

Test of Banquet

Difficult menus are part of the challenge, but I don't think that running around between different universities to replace menus that are completely IMPOSSIBLE is a useful part of this test. Unless we've all missed something, date beer was literally impossible this telling, yet many menus continued to call for it. Rare ingredients and flavour combinations seemed to show up frequently on menus, but perhaps the test should not call for a beer type until someone has managed to successfully brew it at least once.

--GHawkins 17:20, 26 March 2014 (PST)

  • Banquet IS a body test, though. Like tattoo we have chances of rerolling menus and getting other menus from different Unis. Some beers may also take time to find ...yeast spots for? couldn't you just make an argument for that because something doesn't exist then it shouldn't be in a menu? You could say the same for wines people don't have yet, or for fish people haven't caught? Banquet is a pretty high level test, so there should be work needed to get to it. You need 7 perception for it, that's pretty advanced. Banquet is also a very beneficial event (21 players partake in a meal with 7 of each stat for 8 real hours). It seems difficulty in having to go over different menus balances that out. --blondie 00:28, 27 March 2014 (EST)

Test of Festivals

Similar to Banquet, date beer has been called for in several Festivals which has required those players to reset their requirements. It's one thing if that's an intended feature, but I don't personally feel that impossible requests add anything of value to the test.

--GHawkins 17:20, 26 March 2014 (PST)

  • Festival is meant to be a test that takes a while to pass. You can always reset your reqs; it only takes doing another festival and you only have to wait a day or two to do that festival again. In Hathor, VP date beer is only one of 8 possible beers. Osiris is harder festival because we need more reqs for each beer but there's still a lot of possible combinations and this telling people have already managed to make some beers that were not possible or not found a lot earlier in the telling. We've had impossible fruit of earth spirits in past tellings and yet Ra festivals are successful. Honeys and citruses for Bastet and Isis have to be planted and found, some are very rare. Yet festivals still get passed all the time and there's cycles of passes/participation. I think some of the challenges like these, where people have to find other options, make the passes feel more worthy. --blondie 00:49, 27 March 2014 (EST)
  • One issue people have about festivals, aside from needing 100% satisfaction for 7 gods rituals, is having conflicting time zones. People may never be around for the EST US 3pm time on Sat/Sun (though that festival time has been around since t1, I remember). A good idea might be to find a way for people to share %ages even though everyone can't be online at the same time. I've no new suggestions but people have done extra festivals, mini-festivals. Some of that has caused extra use of limited supplies, some has caused player burn out. So maybe there's a way that to try to make that less difficult. --blondie 00:49, 27 March 2014 (EST)

Test of Pyrotechnics

Is it possible to bring back the T2 way of scheduling pyroshows - they were scheduled in rotating timezones & regions - there were lots of shows then, so every few weeks you could entera show instead of now, just waiting until enough people sign up - Murtha

Suggestion: schedule a fixed pyroshow every 1st saturday of the month, 1 on european time , 1 on us time - if we want more shows we have to trigger them ourselves Jaylenaeybarre

Leavened Bread

I was really challenged and I ended up enjoying it far more than I expected. It is pretty intimidating to a new player though and the effort required to gather the materials and coordinate the group makes this as much a leadership test as a worship test. And then after all that effort, that was it. I was wondering if there can be more of a permanent result for those that do get through the test.

Maybe something like conferring the ability to upgrade a kitchen to bake bread that confers temporary stats boosts when shared –requiring invocations/ emotes during the process to keep the worshipful element present. Seems counter-intuitive that with low player numbers the only way to find an alt of the right ‘age’ and discipline in the time frame for sharing the hold bread is to create one for the purpose, but with lower player numbers it was pretty well the only option. - Cate

Improvement Ideas, Suggestions, and Requested Changes

Fishing Improvements

Reduce the cost to improve fly fishing skill by about 2/3, so instead of 1200 fishing points to go from fly fishing 1 to fly fishing 2, it would be 400 fishing points. (Would say this is the most needed improvement)

Add in new varities of fish, increasing the total types of fish throughout Egypt to 243. Maybe add achievement for catching a # of different varities.

Change how the game places fish, instead of by grid location, make certain fish only capturable in a region. Also tie certain fish to be near terrain features like shallow water, deep water, clay or papyrus or large stone etc, similiar to tattoo. +1 tehm

Allow the higher quality fishing rods to be craftable by players. Maybe tie it to fly fishing level and carving level. (This is probably the 2nd most needed improvement)+2 Jaylenaeybarre, tehm

Add in a rare random event (graphical or text message) that an epicly large fish of the appropriate species (for the location, time and month) is spotted near by. To catch the player plays a mini-game using sliders on line tension (line play), and reeling in, the larger the fish the harder to catch. These fish can be mounted (maybe add an achievement) --Porthos 20:15, 22 March 2014 (EST)

Fishing needs to be examined in the context of Isis' bounty as I have explicitly been requested to permit fishing from boats. (Not sure the animation system will allow the blending of the boat animations (the boat) with the fishing animations properly while keeping the two together) If doable, then fishing areas will greatly expand. As for the rest of the things, Flyfishing is new tech to me, Let me look at that code a bit and see how easy it will be. (Likely significant time to code) --Pluribus, 22 March 2014 (EST)

Click, wait 15 seconds... click, wait 15 seconds... click, wait 15 seconds... Not very stimulating. I'd much rather have a click, and have the bobble land in a random place, then bob when there's a fish. On clicking the bobble, a powerbar appears with green in a random part, red on either side, and a black bar that randomly moves left and right. Your job, get it to the green area within a couple seconds, and keep it there. Once the allotted time has passed, you catch the fish. The bar on the powerbar moves faster the lower your strength (hence harder to keep in the green area), and the duration of this power bar assigned to Endurance. I would find that much more stimulating. Silden 17:18, 23 March 2014 (EST)

Raeli Ovens

  • The ownership feature of Raeli Ovens appears to have introduced a miracle of physics - the instant porting of lots of tiles. A player can have thousands of tiles delivered straight to their temple or warehouse if they start the oven, head to their temple/warehouse, and have a second person stop the oven at the desired time. The oven will then port the tiles straight to the player standing next to their temple/warehouse. Let's have these tiles stay in the machine, with the Take menu displaying Owners tiles and Last Baked tiles. The Owners tiles are only accessible by owners of the oven, and the Last Baked Tiles would hold the bakers tiles (either accessible to all, or have the bakers tiles become the owners tiles if the oven is baked by a new player) Silden 17:32, 23 March 2014 (EST)

    • When an oven is owner percentage set, Player 1 starts an oven, Player 2 stops the oven, tiles go into player 1's inventory. However player 1 doesn't need to be near oven. Player 1 can be anywhere, such as at their Funerary Temple on the other side of Egypt. The tiles will still go into Player 1's inventory. This causes huge amounts of tiles to instantly transport themselves across the map. Player 1 can start off with 500 charcoal, go to South Egypt and start up 10 ovens, then head back to their temple in River Plains. Player 2 then has nothing in their inventory, and goes to each of the ovens stopping them at the desired time. Player 1, who is in River Plains at the funerary temples then has the tiles instantly pop in their inventory. So, with no food, or anything else, they can easily have tens of thousands of tiles transported from the ovens to their funerary temples. Silden 08:54, 24 March 2014 (EST)
    • I'm sorry, I completely misunderstood that you were talking about A BUG. I haven't used public or partly public use ovens for at least 6 months. I never had what you are reporting happen. Right, this completely sounds like a miracle of physics, even for the virtual atitd world, it sounds like it's not working as intended. It's possible others are having the same issue. This should be reported to Pluribus in game through a dev call. I think you should do that, if you haven't. Pluribus has been asking us to report bugs that we find. --blondie 08:02, 28 March 2014 (EST)

  • imo nothing needs to be changed here, as blondie stated (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 24, '14 I do think permissions on ovens are set up (when they work as intended by the devs) correctly, though. I don't think that needs to be changed, aside from bugs occurring.--blondie 08:02, 28 March 2014 (EST)
  • I'd like to see something that slows the clay rush on these- change the required Oven materials to something people aren't already preparing for so early on. tehm 03:10, 26 March, 2014 (EST)
  • Right now there is ovens with over 100k tiles sitting in them unburned, its completely unrealistic. I'd like to suggest that Raeli Ovens are completely overhauled. The research costs remain much the same. However, instead of resin to build them, they take resin to color the clay. With each resin type giving a different color scale (maybe scrambled on a player basis, so not all players can make all colors but we can make over 80-90% of them, to enable trade). I would like to see them have a VERY limited hopper size to start, possibly 500 tiles max, upgradable to 1000/2000/4000. With a small reduction in the amount of resin needed to fire the oven, if starting costs are 25cc and 100 resin to fire, upgraded costs may be 50cc/150resin for the 1000 hopper, 75cc/200resin for the 2000 hopper, 100cc/250resin. All the fancy % for burning on existing ovens would be removed, and they would be treated like a normal building, ie able to be set to personal, public or guilded. The build areas for the ovens should probably be halved, enabling more ovens to be built closer together. I realise that this may make tests like aqueduct harder but I think in a way that will encourage more people to work together. (Pluribus if your willing to consider this I am happy to work out color sets/rarities ect and link them with resins maybe grouped as common, uncommon, rare, exotic.) Kyline 5 Apr 2014

Keyboard Shortcuts

Can we stop the spam of some keyboard shortcuts. The main culprit is the Greenhouses, you press H to harvest a few greenhouses, but get a main chat full of You harvest 100 gress. No grass to harvest. No grass to harvest. No grass to harvest. No grass to harvest. You harvest 100 gress. No grass to harvest. No grass to harvest. No grass to harvest. No grass to harvest.... you get the idea. Silden 17:32, 23 March 2014 (EST)

Interface Improvements

  • Can the Project and Skills menus be better organized? Divide them into subgroups based on what schools they were learned from or at least alphabetize the lists. +1 kyline (Pluribus, I feel pasionately about menuing, and would be happy to make suggestions or develop something like a mock up of how I think it should look in consultation with other players. If you are willing to streamline the menu's let us know and I would be willing set up another wiki page to work on it kyline).
  • Can we have a customizable hotbar that we can assign frequently used actions (such as planting a specific seed or some skill) to? I know you can pin menus but they still become quite cluttered and it's easy to hit the wrong one. -Nemoder 30 March 2014

Trading Posts

Let's change the trading post to allow someone to take what they have to sell, and then indicate what they are willing to take for it. Then, if someone matches what has been asked for, then the item for sale will unlock. The interface should have two boxes, one for quantity, one for resource. I take my 9k hatchet to the trading post, it then brings up a window asking me what I want for it, I put in 100 into the quantity, I type in Steel into the second box, then if someone brings a resource matching exactly that string, and the exact quantity, then it will take the 100 steel, put it into the trading post, and release the 9k hatchet. The seller then just pops along to the trading post, and take out their steel. Whilst some people want the interaction (and the acro, signatures etc), some don't. Not everyone plays at the same time, 8pm in Europe could be 2pm in the US and 8am in Australia. Not everyone is going to be around at the same time to effect the trade, and The Goods don't sell everything (particularly cut gems) Silden 17:32, 23 March 2014 (EST) Note : The goods can sell everything that exists in game, people just need to ask The Goods admin to add missing items - Asnath

Long Range Ferry

  • Once constructed, a Long Range Ferry shouldn't de-construct to it's basic components. It should remain as a Long Range Ferry (with an appropriate Weight/Bulk), in the same way an Airship does. Also, it shouldn't cost you a construction site each time you want to place it somewhere. Once constructed, there should be no further construction site costs. Silden 17:42, 23 March 2014 (EST)
  • Controlling the way the ferry is placed so you can ride it through bodies of water should be set up better. Sometimes it takes ages to be able to place a ferry and you constantly get a message that you can't go anywhere (blondie, march 24, 2014)

This object is too far away

If it's possible, then please can we reduce the number of "This object is too far away" in respects to situations where it is not appropriate. For example, when you are mining, you should be able to reach all ores, not just some of them. Nothing worse than standing at ore 1, and not being able to select ore 10. Same with trees, there are some occasions when you are the high of your avatar away from a tree, and have that message, then find you can click on a different tree that is 5 times the height of your avatar with no problems. Silden 17:42, 23 March 2014 (EST)

Overlapping Fauna

Can we do away with overlapping fauna and trees? So irritating when you have to be pixel perfect to reach that thorn bush that is inside the hawthorn tree, or two trees that are on the exact same spot, and differ only by the direction of the bark. Silden 17:42, 23 March 2014 (EST)

This would require building a true collision system into the engine. It is unlikely time for T7... Granted it would prevent ANY building from overlappying, (Like greenhouses, flax beds, vineyards, etc... Also unknown what the added collision detection calculations would do to the engine speed. I will add it to the "play with" list though --Pluribus 20:15, 23 March 2014 (EST)

Peaky hills - Terrain too steep

Some places have peaky hills that generate a terrain too steep message which can be ultra annoying when you think "it's a puddle, why are you saying I can't walk through a lake?". Is it possible to have these hills traversable with care. By this, I mean have it cost a bit in endurance/strength, so that after a footstep or more, you get the message that it was "too much for you, rest a bit", and leave the terrain too steep messages for the terrain that really is a mountain rather than a molehill. Silden 17:42, 23 March 2014 (EST)

Last Jug

Please can we get rid of the "You can't use your last Jug". I know it's a catch-22 (Can't get clay without a jug, can't get a jug without a clay), but those messages when building is far more likely than someone using their last Jug (let them trade for one if they do get into that situation, or give us a Pottery Refresher Course for a cost like 500 wood, where another jug is provided to them) Silden 17:52, 23 March 2014 (EST)

This one has to stay on by default. The GMs had to reimburse MANY a newbie because they donated their last jug to the university and complained bitterly. I would consider a popup warning the first time warning you that NO reimbursements of any kind will be given... (and make you type "NO TRAINING WHEELS" to acknowledge it...) then FLAG the account so the GMs wont help you... --Pluribus 20:10, 23 March 2014 (EST)
A possible to solution to this would be to change the free jug to another type of water storage. Some form of water-skin perhaps? It could also a crafting assignment given to the new player, which they would then be able to carry on with them without the fear of accidentally donating it or otherwise unintentionally destroying it. Likewise as a crafted item it could also have a potential to wear out and become useless, or depending on the type of material leak, or have some sort of other downside that would limit its overall usefulness, but still allow a water source solution. --Kartal 20:10, 23 March 2014 (EST)
Couldn't you just create a Preference for this that has you warned by default, but advanced players could turn off the message?tehm 3:13, 26 March, 2014 (EST)

Guild Storage

Some guilds need lots of storage, and end up with massive amounts of storage buildings to accommodate it. To reduce the clutter on the highway, can the guild-houses be "upgradable" to allow storage of anything. So for every 100 Boards, 1000 Bricks and 10 Cut Stone, the building can hold another 25,000 deben.

There are already several different storage buildings. Using the guildhall for extremely cheap storage rather than those makes no sense. --Pluribus 20:12, 23 March 2014 (EST)
This wasn't my idea, but if storage clutter is a concern, how about instead allowing multiple upgrades of warehouses buidling more shelves (Cost: 1000 Boards 25 Iron Strap 40 Mandibular Glue 40 Bolt) each time giving 50,000 more storage like the current 50k to 100k upgrade?--Porthos 07:31, 24 March 2014 (EST)

Insect Rarity Tweaks

As it stands in particular the last tiers of the crop insects (Snowberry Butterfly, Ruby Hornborrer, Corn Maggot, Roseswallowtail, Orchid Hopper and Dew Fly) are impossible to get in any quantity for fly tying skill. Some people have done 777,777 flax or 100k+ onions and not got a single one, as additonal data please see Thorn_Insect_Data so please consider an adjustment.

The tier 7 rarity (Toad Sawfly) for the livestock dwelling and (Feather Midge) herb dwelling may need to be slightly improved as well.--Porthos 06:03, 24 March 2014 (EST) +2 (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 24, '14), tehm 3:13, 26 March, 2014 (EST)

Unless we are missing something about how the game calculates which insect you get when you get one, a few math calculations can show it is basically impossible to get the rarest crop insects (the ones listed above, you might have to find 50000-100000 clutches to have a chance). I have a feeling that the RNG for ATID is not perfect either. For tree,water,herb,and livestock insects a rarity rate that doubles for each insect makes sense, because there are only 7 insects in each category. But crop insects have 14 types so they should not use the same increase in rarity. My suggestion is to have two tiers of crop insects: regular and rare. The regular tier would be 7 insects who have the same rarity values as their corresponding insects in the tree/water/herb/livestock categories. When you find clutch of crop insects, the game should calculate if you should receive a 'rare' insect instead of the regular tier (this could be a low chance, 7% or something). If that happens, you recieve one of the 7 'rare' tier insects instead, and those 7 could follow the same pattern as the other insect categories (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc). In this case, the rarest crop insects would remain very uncommon but still be attainable by a determined player. --Blueshift

Rate of finding insects - it is too low for herb and livestock dwelling. The T5 rate was better, but generated too many insects in the other categories. Perhaps a compromise with the T6 rate?


Nobody wants ATITD to become Pay to Win with sold resources etc but the ability to go to a webstore and buy a) cornerstones and b) a KITTY would be awesome. Also, I am pleased the subscription may be dropping to $12 per month; if you offered 12 months for $100, I'd be inclined to buy that if I got something. I don't want something that's a pain in my rear ("Now you can paint your compound! You just need to accumulate 3,000 annoying resources and lean to mix paint!") but something like... a pair of statues, or clothing options, or a frog that hops around your CP or... umm I don't know actually but I am sure people will have suggestions. --Eimear

Longer term subscriptions are offered during the pre-order time generally... (I dont think that a telling has ever NOT had them once avaialable.) They usually do come with some perks, (I need to see what has already been offered, that makes the decision easier for me :-) ) As for a store for the added things, it is very likely that I will do something like that, I just dont know how fleshed out that I can have it prior to the start of T7... --Pluribus 20:20, 23 March 2014 (EST)
Here is the info on 12 Month Prepay. Camp decoration is... meh, and has to be super cost-inefficient. I'd rather get a pack of decorations I could place and move myself, like I dunno... two lion statues and a six pack of un-breedable, unique flowers. And a camp frog! Or a wandering sheep! Or a staked camel for the lawn! (I really want a pet, can you tell?) --Eimear Can I second the pet frog? --StarGazeR (+1 blondie) Rabbits! --GHawkins
  • It would be kind of fun to have random spawns of sheep. movable deco sounds difficult, though because it's something gm's do. It would be pretty cool if we could get to personalize our camps more with deco. Aww, "" sounds a little bit sad because it's nice to share flowers and there are people who do amazing things with flower breeding.
  • Gift subscriptions are something that maybe could be thought about. Many friends have helped others in giving a month of a game. An extension of that might be nice ( like the 3 month, 6 month, 12 month packages). This was part of the chat with Pluribus but I thought i'd add it here to make it more centralized.(blondie, march 23,2014)
  • Honestly I'm a fan of being able to buy things in games, things that improve life but don't give a huge advantage. Right now when people want an advantage they buy it with mules, the advantage of mule(s) can be huge, especially when you consider things like offline chores and 2nd computers with macros! I dont' want to see people being able to buy resources but things like cornerstones, pets, maybe short term buffs?, camp decorations... imagine being able to buy a 7 end incense type buff early in the telling. It would be awesome esp in the smaller regions when getting enough people to dig is really hard (impossible!). Something I'd love to see considered is an ownership flag for controlling space, strictly limited.

New items, changing some existing items

  • Moveable camels (blondie, march 26,2014)
  • More flowers and flower types (also, can they be released earlier or what about bringing back odd weeds? We used to be able to find Sandblooms randomly when examining odd weeds. That was fun and added the element of surprise. (blondie, march 26, 2014)
  • Bring back the look of some of the buildings. Alembics, Old upgrades to guild halls (that used to be camp deco skill, i believe that skill has been broken/not usable for more than one telling), modern sheep farm currently looks the same as a sheep pen, the toxin kitchen and chem lab look exactly the same (blondie)
  • can tents be made guildable? (it's probably a long-shot, but i figured i'd ask--blondie)
  • Airships to be flown by more than one person. I'm terrible at maneuvering airships, a co-pilot might make flying them easier. (blondie)
  • Can we upgrade boxes, chests rather than have to rebuild every time we want to change the size of a storage item with a compound? (We used to be able to do that in t1----blondie 00:54, 27 March 2014 (EST)

New seeds

Egyptians also grew beans, lettuce and lentils and figs as fruit , they could be used in cooking, as a part of the cooking skill, offerings to various gods, offering at the funeral temple .... (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 25, '14)(+1 blondie)

Important information disclosure

  • Bring back more player ranks/titles. We used to be able to choose what title was displayed when people info-ed us. Eg: blondie, Sage of Art, Rabble, Oracle of Worship or Rabble, Student of Architure. (blondie--march, 26,2014)
  • To assist new players or mentors can harmony introduction titles be visible by info-ing a player? It may be too much to add more than one title or to add a tab (similar to the acro, guilds, notes tabs) showing which of these the player is. Examples of titles: Grandson of Oracle, Legacy of Sage.
  • If someone is a GM or a Dev, can it be displayed when we info that name? (blondie--march, 26,2014)

Incense Improvement

In my time I only recall one person experimenting & using incense. It seems like it has great potential to be useful in early-mid Tale. It always seemed extraordinarily rare. Does it need to be simplified? Is it just not fun? Is it just a lack of research as compared to cooking ingredient traits? tehm 3:51, 26 March, 2014 (EST)

Fish Scales

From time to time I get frustrated or annoyed that you can’t do anything with fish scales. Did you know when you drop them, they are all different? I mean someone has designed what they look like, so it seems such a shame to not make better use of them.

Uses that I have heard discussed or volunteered in chats about this include:

  • An ingredient for ‘isinglass’: Isinglass is a form of collagen that is derived from the swimbladders of fish (swimbladders/ scales – does it matter? Scales are high in collagen too). Isinglass finings are used in the British brewing industry to accelerate clarification of cask-conditioned beers. The finings flocculate the live yeast in the beer into a jelly-like mass, which settles to the bottom of the cask. Left undisturbed, beer will clear naturally; the use of isinglass finings accelerates the process and can be used to repair bad batches.
  • The collagen content would also make them an alternative ingredient for a light glue - Fertiliser: ground and mixed with water, fish scales are a good soil conditioner and are an excellent source of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals. Possible use would be to ameliorate the affects of ground pollution but would need to think of a way to apply it.
  • Natural ‘silver’ or pearlesence, comes from the guanine content (1 tonne of fish scales = 250gms of guanine according to, which could be sued for decorative effects, jewelry, pyrotechnics or paint. (It’s what makes lipstick shimmery).
  • Using them as they are in sculptures, as they are interesting shapes and colours
  • For making a sort of light-weight ‘plastic’ that can be coloured and formed in moulds under pressure to make basic non-weight-bearing objects of any shape, including cups, jugs, bowls and plates, bangles, beads, sequins, etc. - Cate

Hints for *Almost* Achieving

If you get most events that lead to an Achievement right, but not quite, how about offering a note "You think you were on to something there..." For example, if reproducing a Cabbage Seed requires you to grow cabbage near 2 Herbs, if you do it near just 1 herb you might get the note. This would be a great motivator to keep doing something and it may also lead to more Ah-Has on how the world works. Also, there are many Achievers who would potentially play more to collect the Achievements. (Two more examples: "Hey is that Pluribus nearby? Have you met him yet?" Or After growing 666 Onions "Almost there!") tehm 3:58, 26 March, 2014 (EST) (+1 blondie)

  • Speaking of achievements, bring back that long list of achievement progress we used to have/be able to check (similar to the list of herbs we've memorized) (blondie, march 26,2014), +1 (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 25, '14)= like we have now, on the old achievements list

Skills, Stats

  • Eastern meditation has a timer, so we know it's possible to add a timer to our stat/skills menu. When we eat a meal can we get a timer for when food effect will wear off? I know there are alternatives like writing in main, writing in chat but when you're running around moving items or running for something you can easily lose track of time. A timer in stats would help as a warning to hurry up and get somewhere and keep you from getting stuck. --blondie 01:04, 27 March 2014 (EST)
  • Eastern meditation is a very useful skill but sometimes you want to move items after the time has expired or you have to pause to plan how you want to move items and you lose the eastern meditation skill before you get a chance to finish. Can an advanced level of Eastern Meditation allow us to pause the timer and be able to restart later? --blondie 01:04, 27 March 2014 (EST)

Let me think on how to best represent the multiple stacked stats values with differing timeouts. Thank you for getting me thinking about this. It will get me thinking about correcting herb stacking. As for the turning off timers on eastern meditation... Plan ahead --Pluribus 08:47, 28 March 2014 (EST)

  • ok, so eastern med timers off, you don't like it. a shame, but i can accept that. What about the adding a timer on our personal stats when we eat food? not possible either? Sometimes there's so much that we take notes on or have to remember and even when you plan ahead, things happen (eg: getting booted off the game, having to help/chat someone, having to go afk) so you lose track. --blondie 11:03, 29 March 2014 (EST)

== How about doing something special around certain periods, like the presents at Christmas - but make sure they do disappear after 3 months, and put in some more valuable stuff in them like a extra cornerstone (Jaylenaeybarre--

  • Lots of games have buff timers. They show up similar to our action buttons (think clay,grass,water, mud ect) So if there was a 'buff' button for food with a simple grapic that display the time left or we can click on to know the lenght of time left on a meal that would be useful. With herb stacking, I can't remember the current system/bugs. Maybe, eating a herb can put a 3? min food timer up but that can be overwritten by eating food... However, food timers can't be overwritten or extended by eating herbs?

Old Player Retetion, Incentives to bring back Older/inactive players

- I think it would be beneficial to maybe send an email to an inactive/quit player once their things are about to become up for claim/salvage. This would give them a chance to renew membership and play again, knowing they still had a chance to save all that they worked hard to build in the first place. ~ irrie

  • Now that Pharaoh is out, please make sure to post an e-mail address through which we can get offline support (like forgotten password). Also, your new site's download link wasn't working last week! - tehm (April 4)

Newbie Retention, incentives to bring in new players

Instructional Help

I have to tell you that as a returning player, the lack of instructions is really, really striking. For the love of Pete, please put in a (?) help button on the upper right of the UI that open a search box that at the very least, searches the wiki. The wiki also needs to cover fundamentals better because, for example, I am doing Test of Reason now and:

  • There are no illustrations for Empty Hand, Pathmaker, Gem Cutting Tables, or Venery. I still have no idea what a Venery is. (been putting lots of illustrations on those today)(Jaylenaeybarre-- march 24, '14)
  • The instructions for each are on how to build one, not how to play them. I only know what the heck I am supposed to do with a Pathmaker because Silden provided an illustration for hers.

These issues have to be even more profound roadblocks for genuinely new players. --Eimear

Eimear? you do know that the information on the wiki is made possible by players? There are many people who edit wiki out of the goodness of their heart? Anyone can use it, anyone can update it or add notations, guides, to it. There can always be improvements made but there's a lot of hours put into what is already in the wiki. (--blondie march 24, 2014)agreed (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 24, '14)
The point is that the game should not have instructions entirely dependent on the goodness of players' hearts. That's insanity. This suggestion is in the Player Retention section, and I am saying, first, that not having a help system in-game is really bad for player retention. Second, and less importantly, I think it's weird there is NO dev-provided documentation. --Eimear
  • My point was that you shouldn't blame the wiki for not having ALL the information about the game. If you look back at wiki starting from t1 and even early in a telling how much information is not on the wiki, it's pretty great that we have people that edit, update, etc to the wiki. People work hard on that for no reason other than to help others. I don't know how we do get to keep the wiki up but I believe Egenesis does pay for its maintenance. Then it seems it's somewhat linked to Egenesis but Egenesis doesn't even officially endorse the wiki (I don't think). Maybe it would be a good idea to link the wiki to the game. Even possibly have an option to link from within the game (I mention this because i've seen it in one or two other games, with my limited gaming knowledge). Maybe that would make it better for players with little knowledge of the game. It may also make it better for copying over information from the game to the wiki (thinks like inventories in chests, thistle reqs). But I think the wiki is not something so much in the dev's control (or something the dev is largely involved in). It is player run. So it's up to players to upkeep it. (blondie)
  • The things that Kartal says make some sense in the way the game has been running and I don't find it to be the worst thing. There is still a lot of information on wiki and there are still people who, within the game assist new players. There are communities in place, mentoring, mega guilds that assist new players. In addition, we have microphones, regional channels that assist players. I do think we should have welcome island return (that was a good place for mentors to get to mentees without having to travel all over egypt, making mentoring more convenient) (blondie).
  • Maybe another resource can be made to assist new players outside of the wiki. We don't really seem to a place to go to (wiki is one place everyone seems to go but it's vast enough that some people can get lost in it trying to find something specific)so everyone can be updated about changes or things going on, aside from looking at logs or asking around hoping to find someone who knows what's going on. System is a bit crowded and adding updates might get spammy or scroll a lot of information away. One thought I had was making a facebook page/group for people to ask questions or for files, pinned posts that gives us updates about the game and people can ask questions and be helped even if other people are not logged on to the game or if people are having issues with the game. I know we have irc but IRC is a bit intimidating from when I've been in there. I know not everyone has facebook but one of the facebook groups that's related to Egypt has been active to some extent (unfortunately, they also talk about other games, but it's not my group, i'm just an invited guest and it does seem to be for egypt refugees). I have been able to get messages through to gms, through devs and between players to help out with the game. So maybe that's one resource we could cultivate. (blondie, march 24, 2014)
The lack of information is by design, for better or for worse. Moving forward it might wise to provide the basics, especially when it comes to the interface and customization. But when it comes to tests and the like most everything should still be mostly a mystery. Yes there probably should be some basic guide as to how to play empty hand, or design it. But if everything is given to you, then there is no need for player interaction, which is the core of this game. --Kartal 03:18, 24 March 2014 (EST)
I definetely agree with Kartal, imo there are already so many good guides on the wiki (even French)- btw, everygame out there uses wiki to explain about the game, I mean if you really want everything explained from A-Z and back, then maybe one should look out for another game - I mean I used half a tale to learn loads of things, read wiki, tried stuff myself and the next tale I was ready to play full on, but even now there are still things that I don't understand - although again, there is a guide on wiki about the keyboard shortcuts/commands - maybe should be on the tutorial too: to move: point/click your mousebutton somewhere on the screen , F3 opens your map, how to join national chat/bazar, red dots: schools, green dots: unis, do /info to see someones info (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 28, '14)

  • once you make a new char, you do get a bit of help (on top of your window)= the tutorial, but couldn't there be on the 'welcome to Egypt' things to do: as last one, check the wiki, or put the mainwiki page there - it doesn't have to be part of the 'welcome to Egypt', but just to mention it?

or put it on your player options or utily? (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 24, '14)

  • I feel like my basic point is not being well made or well understood. I am not dissing the wiki. The wiki is great. I am saying that the primary help system for the game should not be both entirely player-developed and entirely unconnected from the UI. The game needs a basic in-game help system. This seems like fundamental customer service to me. (Eimear)
  • Having played the early stages of several tales, but not the late stages, I'd still love help on many types of Tests. Going back to the topic of Mentorship earlier, why *not* encourage people to share knowledge in-game by giving a player 1 Mentorship token (to give to a Mentor) any time they pass one of the 14 (or start with 7 and go to 14 later) least completed tests in the tale (turn this award on 2 months into the tale). You could always give that token to the player whose wiki explanation helped the most. Also, One-on-One dialogue would help many people when the wiki just doesn't seem clear (especially those who don't have English as a first language). tehm 3:30, 26 March, 2014 (EST)
  • tehm, that sounds more like something players could do, though, not something that a dev controls/can improve. I do like the idea giving some kind of token in game, for mentorship or for something else for helpful wiki explanations. I do see the point Eimar is making but also Kartal's about the "mystery" in the game from the devs/egenesis. To get something like what Eimar is asking sounds like a big change/addition to the game, is my only concern. We are asking Pluribus for a lot of changes but I suppose it would give him something to think about in the long term. Maybe there are suggestions as to other type of tutorials that are simple and can be easily added to the game (rather than sending people to wiki)? (blondie, march 26,2014)
  • What if Mentors could enter searchable keywords/checkboxes somewhere and players could search that database to find someone who is interested in Mentoring in that field. (ex: new player, scarab, cartouche, fishing, cooking) tehm 11:34, 26 March, 2014 (EST) (+1 blondie)
  • Encourage YouTube tutorials/walkthroughs with actual game footage/direction. It's kind of crazy that in this age we're still using screenshot images. Maybe each month you can give bonus mentorship points or 1 month of subscription for the top 2 video tutorials. In addition to teaching, the videos may also help attract new players tehm-- March 28, '14
  • tbh there is a videoguide about doing cc, well for me that didn't make me any better about it, but the moment another player showed me how he did it, I understood it - but then again we are back to the same issue, that people have to find/look to the youtube tutorials - is same issue as looking at the wikiguides
    • This is kind of like saying "fax me your signature". Yes it works, but it is outdated and e-mail is vastly preferred tehm-- April 4
    • Personally, I cant stand this trend of video "help". While yes, SOME videos can be extremely helpful, it seems it only applies to a very limited number of subjects. It feels like 99&% of the time the videos are utterly useless. I don't need to watch a two minute video to change my video settings, or watch a poorly edited or narrated video to grow flax or god forbid, 200 videos on the proper foraging method for herbs. While I am using mostly non real examples here. I feel that its a catch-22 encouraging videos for a reward. It would likely produce some useful videos, but I suspect it would also produce far more of the type that would be far better suited as a text entry on a wiki or forum. Pathfinders for example, both a properly made and detailed video may be helpful, but a simple text version (with screenshots) would be far more helpful as a reference guide. I doubt many people want to have to constantly bounce back and forth through video timestamps to try to see out if the blue dot needed two lines and then a turn, or a turn after the dot. However, I do agree that more videos would help with advertising and possibly getting new players in the game. Obviously people also learn in different ways, so as I've said before I'm not totally against videos, but I'm not so sure that integrating it into a core game test as suggested would be in our best interests, it could however be an interesting option as an event, where Egypt votes on the 'best' of the videos submitted, and the winner could receive something to that end. --Kartal 14:32, 4 April 2014 (EST)


To grill veggies, we can only do 20 veggies or fish/sharpened stick, that is a very low number. (+1 blondie)

That should be raised to at least 100/sharpened stick, or we should be able to put more sharpened stick at once on the firepit. (Jaylenaeybarre-- march 26, '14)

I want to make camel jerky in the firepit.

Wine Notebooks

How about having 7 wine notebooks? (this was probably originally intended a long time ago?) Ideally, the devs should check to make sure it is actually possible to complete them. Blueshift (+1 blondie) (+1 kyline)

  • Tale 6 is older than 2 years and if it ends in June/July of this year we won't be able to complete Wine book 5. There'd probably have to be a big chance to winemaking? to be able to get 7 Wine books. Ask Rabble, he loves doing wine stuff. I do like the 7 idea since Teppy likes the number 7 and this would be Tale 7. (blondie)

Project Management Adjustment

Test of Towers is available at Level 5, but the second rank of Project Management (which allows you to build Medium Construction sites and actually participate) is not available until Level 7. Rank 2 of Project Management should be adjusted to being available at Level 5.

--GHawkins 20:28, 26 March 2014 (PST) This issue drives me crazy!(+1 blondie)(+1 Jaylenaeybarre)(+1 Kyline)

Chariot Stops/Building/Repair

Depending upon the number of players, the ability to initially build all chariot stops can be an issue. Suggest making it less expensive in numbers of votes, or else give players more votes to fix them. The other alternative would be to reduce the total number of chariot stops, but Egypt is a big place, so I wouldn't recommend that. --merek 18:05 PDT, 29-March-2014

Long-Term Feature Requests


I had previously suggested this back in T2-T3 and it seemed to have a favorable response back then. As an avid home-brewer as well as someone who grows their own hops I think it would be quite interesting to be able to utilize them in game for beer and the like. Summarizing what I had suggested before. The 'hops yard' would be a permanent plantation housing the bines and main plant. I would think that up to 7 plants in a yard, allowing for different varieties. With a very tall trellis system made of rope for the bines (not vines!) to grow on. Growth and maintenance wise it would be very similar to grapes. Management of mites, wilt, training the bines, checking for readiness, as well as appropriate pruning of lower leaves to optimize production of the cones. Harvesting would cut down both the rope and bines, requiring it to be restrung before the plants could grow properly again. Manual separation of the cones from the bines would ideally require both focus and dexterity. Perhaps some sort of automated device could also be used, at the cost of overall quality of the cones. The cones would need to be properly dried, and we already have plenty of options for that. Crossbreeding would definitely play a role here, further enhancing the flavor or anti microbial properties of the hops. Likewise issues with cultivation such as contamination from male plants, poor growth management, or pollution could also effect the overall quality of the product. Beer flavor would be greatly enhanced, however there is a herbal/medicinal side that could also be explored. The overall benefit of hops would be a increased microbial resistance and longer storage stability in kegs. --Kartal 04:34, 24 March 2014 (EST)


As a novice mead-maker and beekeeper this is something else I would love to see in game. While my thoughts on this are not as fully fleshed out, the concept still stands. We wind up with such a surplus of honey in game it would be nice to have another use for it. With our already vast and varied herb system, as well as some fruits and veg there we should be able to attain many varieties of mead (There are over 40 variations of mead!) Fermentation and aging usually takes MUCH longer than wines, which may prove to be an issue if we move to a faster pace. But I'm sure a solution could be found. --Kartal 04:34, 24 March 2014 (EST)

mats that have sofar no use or hardly any use

  • Wool, wool cloth (except for Clay-Steeped Wool Cloth & upgraded thistle gardens)the wool cloth could be used instead of linen in certain buildings fi: like the welcome banner
  • Fish scales: could be used for the funeral temple too?

There must be something we can do with them ?

Looking forward to any ideas that might be put here :)

  • I add : cobra venom, crushed eggshells, more uses for compost (blondie, march 25, 2014)
Wool or Silk unlocking new clothing outfits or Flag decorations for a camp would be interesting. tehm 3:22, 26 March, 2014 (EST)

The Benefits of Discipline

Passing body tests increases your stats, passing worship tests increases your Barley growth, passing leadership tests increases the number of petitions you can carry, passing architecture tests let's you build larger compounds, passing art tests makes you a better blacksmith, but harmony and thought are its own reward?

Two issues here. Since we will have more than seven tests available, will it be necessary to rethink the scaling of the other disciplines, or are those just based on your rank (you can't go above Oracle even if you've passed seven).

Second, a little boost to Harmony and Thought? Perhaps those who have passed harmony tests can use the Mechanic skill more frequently than every 20 minutes (being in tune with Egypt helps you to tune machines) and ranks in thought let you repair more frequently? Perhaps other things on a fixed timer which are not affected by stats could get a small bonus from passing tests in these disciplines.

--GHawkins 17:43, 26 March, 2014 (PST)


Would love to see players be able to make clothing, hats, sandels that would show up on the player avatar. This would require alot of artist work and not sure how much strain the engine can take in large gatherings, but being able to customize your look is a big draw!--Porthos 05:33, 27 March 2014 (EST)

Things that should be noted. Avatar creation is THE most expensive piece of artwork in the game (In regards to artist time) The enhancements that you are asking for for require wholesale replacement of the existing avatars, (Existing clothing would have to be removed, the models re-rigged and new clothing created) The engine would need to be modified to add a cloth system to permit the clothing to work right and not cross into the body.... Yes, I realize that some of the models are sub-par already in that aspect, but more pluggable clothing makes the issue worse. (IE - No way to get this done in time for T7.) --Pluribus 11:35, 27 March 2014 (EST)

Thank you, I appreciate that it is a huge request to make, and even more so now as you said that all the avatars have to be retooled for it to be implemented. Hopefully, beyond T7 then --Porthos 05:41, 28 March 2014 (EST)
Clothing has been requested for some time. If this wasn't available until month 3, people would still be excited about it. This doesn't need to be done by tale start. tehm-- March 28, '14

Feature Requests

Mod Tools

L2PBS, Baazar, etc have literally the worst modding system known to man. Boards can only be modded by one person at a time, and each mod has to go to RP every time to pick up the boards. Mods are unpaid, uncompensated community volunteers, and requiring a commute -- in some cases, a very long commute -- is punitive. Fixing how costly it is to volunteer as a mod would undoubtedly go a long way to increasing mod retention. --Eimear

Storyline Suggestions

Bring Back the Story!

My favorite time in game has been when there's a story that offers am opportunity to do more than play in sandbox mode. Sami and his brother trying to sway Egyptians to their cause was interesting! And they impacted the game dynamically (I fondly remember nuking a region to get better Furnaces). I'd like to see a commitment to a story unfolding and evolving over the months of play. Seriously, a commitment. Like the 1st Day of every Egyptian month Story progresses... tehm 3:38, 26 March, 2014 (EST)


Monuments don't become significant in the game until the very late stages, after all 7 tests are released and most of the game population has drifted away. I propose we change that system and incorporate the building of the monuments into the storyline from the first test release. It would give people a visible goal to work together towards for the entire telling. Each monument would have a predetermined location at the start of the tale (or from the release of the first test in that discipline) possibly at a site like Memphis where players can't build near them. It has an initial build cost for its construction site and 7 stages of development. There is a small cost associated with contributing to each stage of the monument.

To advance the monument to the next stage of development x number of people need to contribute at each level dependant on the number of tests they have passed. You can have unlimited number of people contribute once per stage per title (so everyone can get their named listed and immortalized). Contributions must be made in order and a person is listed at the highest level they contributed at. (Oracles would have to contribute 7 times, once per stage and would be listed once under oracles.) IE it takes 228 Students to open the 2nd stage. 112 Prentices to open the 3rd stage. 56 Journeyman to open 4th. 28 Scribes to open 5th. 14 Masters to open 6th. 7 Sages to open 7th. and 1 Oracle to finish the monument. (In theory it would only take 228 people to build a monument, however thousands may contribute to it, and be listed on it). After the monument is finished there is a period of time that people can continue to contribute to the monument (minimum 60 days). Possibly contributing to a monument (after the initial site is built) gives a stat buff (similar to eating at a banquet?). When each stage is completed an Egypt wide message goes out and Egypt wide stat buff is given.

30 days after all the monuments are built (each has at least 1 oracle), the first 7 oracles in each discipline that contribute (at oracle level) to the monument have the option to make a Test/Tech suggestion. (They can choose to pass on making a suggestion and the next oracle gets a chance.) Those suggestions are voted on by everyone that has contributed to the monument. There is 30 days to vote. Votes are weighted by the level which you have contributed to the monument (ie student gets a weight of 1, oracles 7). Kyline