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Line 70: Line 70:
(RDV) -1020, 2176, A Cautionary Handmaid's Tale
(RDV) -1020, 2176, A Cautionary Handmaid's Tale
(RDV) -1406, -1150, Once upon a time
(RDV) -1406, -1150, Once upon a time

Revision as of 09:14, 25 March 2012

Demonstration Required

To open The Venery you require:

Passing Principles

Complete and collect 3x Venery Certificates. Show them to any School of Thought.

Creating a Venery

What you need

For Simple Lockboxes Made in the Student or Master Forges

This will give you 7 Lockboxes.

For Venery Gathering Point

Then select Create Venery and add 100 Boards and 250 Papyrus Paper.

Installing Lockboxes

You need to select 'Configure This Venery' at the Venery gathering point before you start installing lockboxes. Then you can install keys and lockboxes anywhere you like.

Note - make sure that Options > Interface> Tests > "show menu items for venery configuration" is checked, or you will not get the option to install the Locboxes! - Minerva

Creating Clues

A venery should be fun to do. Many egyptians get frustrated with the very hard ones and will tend to quit the venery.
Make sure your clues are precise and not to hard to decipher.
Always keep in mind that people will be voting on this so if you want to pass it needs to be finely balanced between easy and hard.
Some people in previous tales built chests and placed rewards in them for others to collect. However you do it is up to you.
Some people will also have an answer sheet attached to their wiki page.
Remember Just Have Fun.

For more on how to design a Venery see Dreasimy's Guide to Creating a Venery!

Veneries Locations

  • Green for recognized (passed) veneries (use "Gr" prefix on pin)
  • Red for unrecognized (unpassed) veneries (use "Rd" prefix on pin)

Region Coordinates Designer Name Passed Remarks RL Date Opened
River Plains 1564, 2864 Minerva Egypt: A New Hope 3/12/12 Quick and nerdy :P 3/5/12
7 Lakes 1383, -1144 oDiS Prince of the Egyptian Square 2/27/12 ~ 13 mins 2/19/2012
7 Lakes 1383, -1145 Xaxyx Adventures in Haiku ~ 20 mins 3/4/12
South Egypt 1075, -5595 Mbizi Mbizi's South Egypt Tour 10-15 min 2/26/2012
DoS -1020,2176 Chet A Cautionary Handmaids Tale 3/12/12 10-15 min 2/29/2012
7 Lakes 1406, -1150 JaylenaeYbarre Once upon a time 10-15 mins 25 March 2012


See Test Pass History.