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Line 562: Line 562:
| Deadwood Tree
| Deadwood Tree
| Cut Away the Outer Stem  <!--This has been confirmed at least 3 times (Malaclypse, NecasT, Numaris)... please don't change-->
| '''Cut Away the Outer Stem''' <!--This has been confirmed at least 3 times (Malaclypse, NecasT, Numaris)... please don't change-->
| [[Image:DeadwoodTree.jpg|thumb|256px|Deadwood Tree]]
| [[Image:DeadwoodTree.jpg|thumb|256px|Deadwood Tree]]

Revision as of 22:37, 1 February 2011

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Foraging Skill

Skill Tuitions

Skill may be acquired at Level 2 for the following resources at the School of Worship:

Rank Two may be acquired at Level 9 for the following resources at the School of Worship:

It allows for Foraging Memory

How to Forage

Clicking on an herb will give its name as "some kind of herb". If you have the foraging skill (level 1), you also have a menu "Foraging...". If you harvest the herb correctly you'll get 1-7 herbs in your inventory and the plant will disappear. You can look up the correct forage method for all the known herbs on the list of herbs below.

Foraging Memory

Once you learn foraging degree 2 (after level 7) aka "Foraging Memory" you can memorize the forage methods of herbs, and never have to look them up again! To memorize a foraging method you must successfully forage that herb 7 times, without fumbling in-between those successes. If you fumble the herb on forage number 6, the counter resets, and you must successfully forage it another 7 times. Eating an herb fresh off the ground does not interfere with the memorization counter.

Once you memorize the forage method for an herb, the sub-menu of forage method options will disappear, and it will be replaced with a menu option that says, for example, "Forage this Wild Lettuce."


Foraging Guide

Outside Sites

There have been concurrent and independent updates to tlanthil's Herb:aList page by members of the community.

Herb:aList for T5A (overview) Has been released by Rogarian as an alternate community supported version. Community users will need to update it as it was seeded with information from Tale 4.

Herb:aList5 (more info) is a T5-updated version of tlanthil's herb identification page. The foraging methods on this page are confirmed and verified carefully, rather than being freely editable.


There are twelve different ways to harvest the herbs:

  1. Cut away the outer stem
  2. Harvest the Root pith
  3. Trim the Root fibres
  4. Snip the leaf stems
  5. Peel back the stem base
  6. Scrape off the stem pith
  7. Remove the Tap Root
  8. Pick out the seeds
  9. Crush the stems
  10. Pluck the leaves
  11. Squeeze out the sap
  12. Scrape away the leaf hairs

List of Herbs

Upload your image to the wiki and add a link like [[Image:Newherbs%24tagetese.jpg|thumb|256px|Tagetese]] in the third column. That will automatically resize the picture to a width of 256 pixels, independent of the size of the uploaded picture. Please turn off Time-of-day-lighting to make the images comparable, and drop a grass beside the herb before taking the shot to illustrate the size of the herb. See Help:Herb_Image for more information.
also please keep in mind that its the HERB people want to get a good look at not you dancing! (the herb will be relatively bigger in the thumbnail if it is only the herb in the cropped image.)


  • Known: {{Herb_Image|Blue Bottle Clover|Peel back the stem base|_SingleLeaf|_Blue|_Clover}}
  • UnKnown: {{Herb_Image|Unknown|NOT 1,2|_MultiLeaf|_Yellow|_Striped}}

Don't add links to paysites like photobucket, this page is used very frequently and will very quickly use up your download capacity.
Please make sure the images you upload are from T5 or T4, and not from T3, as many of the colors have shifted dramatically


Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Allbright Trim the Root fibres Similar to Enchanters Plant but lighter colored.
T6N.png +End, +Con
Aloe Remove the Tap Root
T6N.png +11 Str, -11 Dex, -11 End
Altar's Blessing Squeeze out the sap Edged
Altar's Blessing
T5N.gifstr-3, per-3
Anansi Squeeze out the sap -T5
T6N.png +Foc, +Per
Apiphenalm snip the leaf stems
T6N.png+11 dex, -11 spd, +11 Con
Apothecary's Scythe Cut away the outer stem Edged *See Lavender Navarre
Apothecary's Scythe
Artemisia Cut away the outer stem Edged. Similar to Honey Mint. For me these usually have more orange than yellow leaves
Asafoetida Harvest the Root Pith
T6N.png +5 Dex, -4 End, -4 Con
Asane Peel back stem base
T5N.gif+4 Dex -3 End -3 Con
Ashoka Trim the Root fibres
T5N.gifstr-3, dex-3, foc+4
Azure Tristeria Peel Back the Stem Base Note: Azure Tristeria is a lighter shade of
Blue with darker stems and Tristeria is a darker
shade of Blue with lighter stems.
Azure Tristeria
T5N.gif+1 Str -1 Spd -1 Con


Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Banto Scrape away the leaf hairs
T6N.png -Str, +Dex, - Spd
Bay Tree Scrape away the leaf hairs
Bay Tree
T6N.png -Spd, -Con
Bee Balm Pick out the seeds
Bee Balm
T6N.png +1 Con
Beetle Leaf Snip Leaf stem See also: Common Sage
Beetle Leaf
T6N.png -Per
Beggar's Button Peel back the stem base
Beggar's Button
T6N.png -Dex, +Foc, +Per
Bhilawa Remove the tap root
T6N.png +Con, +Per
Bilimbi Trim the root fibres
T6N.png -Str, +Spd, -Foc, +Per
Bitter Florian Scrape Away Leaf Hairs
Bitter Florian
Black Pepper Plant Trim the root fibres See also: Red Pepper (stem color differentiates). Harvest method is the same for both.
Black Pepper
T6N.png +Dex, -End, -Per
Blessed Mariae Pluck the leaves Blue is Blessed Mariae, Pink/Peach is (regular) Mariae
Blessed Mariae
T5N.gif +4 end, -3 con +4 focus
Bleubillae crush the stems
T5N.gif -4 str, -3 end, +4 con
Blood Balm cut away outer stem See also: Lemondrop (stems)
Blood Balm
T6N.png -Str, +Spd, -Con
Blood Blossom Trim the Root Fibers Very similar to the more common Brassy Caltrops.
Blood Blossom
Blooded Harebell pick out the seeds
Blooded Harebell
T6N.png +Spd, -Con, -Per
Blood Root Trim the Root Fibers
Blood Root
T6N.png - 3 str, +3 end, +3 spd, -3 foc
Bloodwort Scrape off the stem pith
T5N.gif -spd, +per
Blueberry Tea Tree Snip the leaf stems
Blueberry Tea Tree
T6N.png -End, +Spd, -Foc
Bluebottle Clover Remove the Tap Root see also Tiny Clover
note: the stems can appear to be much greener
Bluebottle Clover
T6N.png +Str, +Per
Blue Damia Snip the leaf stems
Blue Damia
T6N.png +Str, -Dex
Blue Tarafern Scrape Away the Leaf Hairs See also: Mirabellis Fern, Cyan Cressida
Blue Tarafern
T6N.png +Dex, +Foc, -Con, -Per
Blushing Blossom Pluck the Leaves
Blushing Blossom
Brassy Caltrops Scrape off the Stem Pith
Brassy Caltrops
T6N.png +1 Str, +1 End, -1 Foc, -1 Per
Brown Muskerro Cut away the outer stem
Brown Muskerro
T6N.png -Str, -Spd, +Foc
Buckler-leaf Squeeze out the sap
Buckler Leaf
T6N.png +Spd
Bull's Blood Pluck the Leaves
Bull's Blood
T5N.gif -1 End, +1 Spd, -1 Per
Burnt Tarragon Squeeze out the Sap
Burnt Tarragon
T5N.gif-1 end, +1 spd, -1 foc
Butterroot Snip the leaf stems
T5N.gif-3 str, +4 dex, -3 per
Butterfly Damia Crush the stems
Buterfly Damia


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Calabash Harvest the Root Pith
+2 Str, -1 Dex, -1 Spd
Camelmint Pluck the leaves
Caraway Crush the stems (similar to Xanat)
T6N.png +End, -Spd, +Per
Cardamom Harvest the Root pith
T6N.png-1 speed, +2 focus
Cassia Remove the Tap root
-2 End, -2 Foc, +2 Per
Chaffa Harvest the Root Pith See also: Umber Leaf Basil
T6N.png -Str, +Dex, +End, -Spd
Chatinabrae Peel back the stem base
T6N.png -Str, -Dex, +Con, +Foc
Chives Pluck the leaves If stems have a purple flower at the top, see Garlic Chives.
T6N.png +Spd, +Per
Chukkah Pluck the leaves Leaves can look extremely dark, even black, at night.
T5N.gif+4 end, -3 str, -3 spd
Cicada Bean Harvest the Root Pith
Cicada Bean
T6N.png -Dex, -End, +Spd, +Per
Cinnamon Scrape Away Leaf Hairs
T6N.png +Str, +Foc
Cinquefoil Trim the root fibres See also: Creeping Black Nightshade
Strawberry Tea
T6N.png -Dex, -Con
Cirallis Pluck the Leaves
T5N.gif-3 str, -3 speed, +4 foc, +4 perc
Clingroot Peel back the stem base
T6N.png -Dex, +End, +Con, -Foc
Common Basil Scrape away the leaf hairs
Common Basil
T6N.png +Foc
Common Rosemary Snip the leaf stems
Common Rosemary
T6N.png +Str
Common Sage Scrape away the leaf hairs
Common Sage
T6N.png +Dex, +End, -Con, -Per
 Year 2, Peret I-2, 12:49am  +End, +Per -Aberdon
Corsacia Peel back the stem base
T6N.png -Dex, +End
Covage Pick out the seeds
T6N.png -Str, +Dex, -Foc
Crampbark Scrape off the Stem Pith
T6N.png +Foc
Cranesbill Cut away outer stem
T6N.png+dex, +perc, -spd, -con
Creeping Black Nightshade Scrape away the leaf hairs Very blue stem
Creeping Black Nightshade
Creeping Thyme Pick out the seeds
Creeping Thyme
T6N.png +11 Con, +11 Foc, -11 Str, -11 Dex
Crimson Clover Cut away outer stem
Crimson Clover
T5N.gif+4 Str, -3 Spd, -3 Con
Crimson Lettuce Crush the stems
Crimson Lettuce
T6N.png -Spd, -Per
Crimson Nightshade Pick out the Seeds
Crimson Nightshade
+5 End
-4 Foc
-4 Per
Crimson Pipeweed Pick out the seeds
Crimson Pipeweed
+2 Str
-1 Dex
-1 Foc
+2 Per
Crimson Windleaf Crush the stems
Crimson Windleaf
T5N.gif-spd, -per
Crumpled Leaf Basil Snip the leaf stems
Crumpled Leaf Basil
T6N.png -End -Con
Curly Sage Peel back the stem base
Curly Sage
T5N.gif+4 dex, -4 end, -4 foc, +4 per
Cyan Cressida Scrape Away the Leaf Hairs looks like T3 pic, but more blue

See also: Blue Tarafern, Mirabellis Fern

Cyan Cressida
T5N.gif-29 end +30 speed -29 perc


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Daggerleaf Harvest the root pith purple, can be taller than in picture
T6N.png +Dex, +End
Dalchini Squeeze out the sap
T6N.png -Dex, -End, +Con
Dameshood Peel Back the Stem Base
T5N.gif -4 str, -4, dex, +4 end
Dank Mullien Crush the stems
Dank Mullien
T6N.png +Str, -Dex, +End, -Con
Dark Ochoa Peel back the stem base Edged
See also Morpha
Dark Ochoa
T6N.png +Con
Dark Radish Trim the Root fibres
Dark Radish
T6N.png +Str
Deadly Catsclaw not 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ???? starting over: not 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10
Deadly Catsclaw
Deadwood Tree Cut Away the Outer Stem
Deadwood Tree
Death's Piping Remove the Tap Root Similar herbs and identification differences:
Death's Piping (Rough Green, bends forwards);
Harrow (Rough Green, bends backwards);
Pitcher Plant (Smooth Green, bends forwards);
Jugwort (Smooth Green, bends backwards)
Number of pipes doesn't matter, can be as low as 2, seen as high as 10.
Death's Piping
T6N.png -Dex, -Con, +Foc
Dewplant Remove Tap Root Edged
T6N.png +End, -Con, +Foc
Digweed Harvest the root pith See also: King's Coin
T6N.png +Str, +Dex, -Con, -Foc
Discorea Snip the leaf stems
T6N.png +Spd
Drapeau D'or Scrape away the leaf hairs
Drapeau D'or
T6N.png+2 Dex, -1 End, -1 Per
Dusty Blue Sage Pluck the Leaves
Dusty Blue Sage
+1 End
Dwarf Hogweed Squeeze out the sap See also: Hazlewort
Dwarf Hogweed
T6N.png -Str, -Dex
Dwarf Wild Lettuce Squeeze out the sap Check for Wild Lettuce, or Thyme
Dwarf Wild Lettuce


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Earth Apple Scrape off the stem pith
Earth Apple
T6N.png -Dex, -Con, +Foc, +Per
Elegia Pluck the leaves leaves have a smooth edge
Fool's Agar has a rough edge
T6N.png +Con
Enchanter's Plant Crush the Stems See also Allbright, which has green stems
Enchanter's Plant
T6N.png-9 end , -9 foc , +9 per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Finlow Peel back the stem base See also: Yellow Tristeria
T6N.png -Str, -Dex, +Foc
Fire Allspice Cut away the outer stem orange leaves, red stems
Fire Allspice
T6N.png +Str, -Dex, +Spd
Fire Lily Harvest the Root pith
Fire Lily
T6N.png +Str, +End, -Foc, -Per
Fivesleaf Snip the leaf steams
T5N.gif+4 End +4 Speed -3 Str -3 Con
Flaming Skirret Squeeze out the Sap
Flaming Skirret
Flander's Blossom Cut away the outer stem May have more flowers. May be taller.
Flander's Blossom
T6N.png+End, -Spd, +Con
Fleabane Remove the tap root See also Maragosa
T6N.png +Str
Fool's Agar Snip leaf Stems leaf edges are rough, Elegia leaf edges are smooth
See also Hyssop
Fool's Agar
T6N.png +End +Foc
Fumitory Pluck the Leaves purple rather than blue
T6N.png -Str, +Foc, -Per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Garcinia Harvest the Root pith See also: Xanosi (different stem color)
T6N.png +Str, -Foc
Garlic Chives Peel back the stem base Ensure has purple flower at top of stem. If not, see Chives.
Garlic Chives
T5N.gif+4 Str -3 Speed -3 Focus
Ginger Root Squeeze out the sap
Ginger Root
T6N.png -Dex, -End, +Spd, +Foc
Ginger Tarragon Scrape away the leaf hairs
Ginger Tarragon
T5N.gif-3end +4spd -3con
Ginseng Root Harvest the Root pith Edged, See also Patchouli
Ginseng Root
T6N.png +Str
Glechoma Cut away the outer stem
T6N.png +Dex
Gnemnon Pick out the seeds
T6N.png +Spd, -Per
Gokhru Pluck the Leaves
T6N.png +Dex, -End, -Foc
Golden Dubloons Squeeze out the sap
Golden Dubloons
Golden Gladalia trim the root fibers
Golden Gladalia
Golden Sellia Snip the leaf stem
Golden Sellia
Golden Sun Scrape away the leaf hairs
Golden Sun
Golden Sweetgrass Pick out the seeds
Golden Sweetgrass
Golden Thyme Cut away the outer stem
Golden Thyme
Gynura Squeeze out the Sap
T6N.png +Dex, -Con, -Foc, +Per


Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Harebell Trim the Root fibres
T6N.png +End, +Spd
Harrow Scrape off the stem pith Similar herbs and identification differences:
Death's Piping (Rough Green, bends forwards);
Harrow (Rough Green, bends backwards);
Pitcher Plant (Smooth Green, bends forwards);
Jugwort (Smooth Green, bends backwards)
Number of pipes doesn't matter, can be as low as 2, seen as high as 10.
T5N.gif-3 str, +4 dex, -3 end, +4 per
T5N.gif-1 str +1 dex +1 end -1 per (Sprocket)
Hazlewort Trim the root fibres
T6N.png +Spd
Headache Tree snip the leaf stem
Headache Tree
T6N.png -Str, -End, +Spd
Heartsease Peel Back the Stem Base
Hogweed Snip the Leaf Stems
T6N.png+4 str, -3 dex, -3 con
Homesteader Palm Remove the Tap Root
Honey Mint Pluck the Leaves Edged. Similar to Artemisia
Honey Mint
T6N.png+1 con
Houseleek Snip the leaf stems
T6N.png +1 str
Hyssop Remove the Tap Root See also Fool's Agar
T6N.png -Dex +End -Con


Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Ice Blossom Squeeze out the sap
Ice Blossom
Ice Mint Pick out the seeds Edged, bluer than Mountain Mint
Ice Mint
Ilex Cut away the outer stem
T5N.gif+end, -speed, +con
Indigo Damia Pick out Seed
Indigo Damia
T6N.png +1 str, +1 dex
Ipomoea Peel Back Stem Base
T6N.png -Str, +End, -Foc, +Per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Jagged Dewcup Trim the Root fibres
Jagged Dewcup
+2 End, -1 Spd, -1 Con, +2 Foc
Jaivanti Scrape off the stem pith
T5N.gif-3dex -3speed +4con
Jaiyanti Scrape off the stem pith Edged
T5N.gif-3 dex, +4 end, -3 per
Joy of the Mountain Scrape away the leaf hairs
Joy of the Mountain
T6N.png +str +dex -con
Jugwort Peel back the stem base Similar herbs and identification differences:
Death's Piping (Rough Green, bends forwards);
Harrow (Rough Green, bends backwards);
Pitcher Plant (Smooth Green, bends forwards);
Jugwort (Smooth Green, bends backwards)
Number of pipes doesn't matter, can be as low as 1, seen as high as 10.
-8 end
+8 con
+8 per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Katako root Peel Back The Stem Base
Katako root
-1 st, +2 endo, -1 focus
Khokali Remove the Tap Root fern, pink
-1 Str -1 Foc +2 Per
King's Coin Crush the Stems Herb has two distinct leaves. Smaller than ATITD4. somewhat similar to Digweed
King's Coin
- 4 Dex
+4 End
+4 Spd
- 4 Per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Lamae Peel back the stem base See also: Miniature Lamae, Houseleek, Blushing Blossom
T5N.gif+2str -1 Con -1 per
Larkspur Scrape away the leaf hairs
T6N.png +Dex, +End, -Con, -Foc
Lavender Navarre scrape off the stem pith *see Apothecary's Scythe
Lavender Navarre
T6N.png +End, -Spd, +Con, -Foc
Lavender Scented Thyme scrape off the stem pith
Lavender Scented Thyme
T5N.gif+4Str, -3Spd, -3Con, +4Per
Lemon Basil Harvest the Root Pith
Lemon Basil
-1 End, +1 Spd, -1 Foc, +1 Per
Lemondrop Pick out the seeds See also: Blood Balm
T6N.png -Str, +Dex, -Spd, +Con
Lemon Grass Snip the leaf stems
Lemon Grass
T6N.png -Str, -End, +Foc
Lilia Trim the root fibres
Liquorice Snip the leaf stems
T6N.png -1 str, -1 spd
Lungclot Scrape off the stem pith
T6N.png +Con
Lythrum Squeeze out the Sap See also: Verdant Squill (stems are distinguishing factor)
T6N.png -Str, +End, +Foc, -Per


Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Mahonia Squeeze out the sap
T6N.png -Str, +Dex, +Spd, -Foc
Malice Weed Cut away outer stem
Malice Weed
Mandrake Root Pluck the Leaves
Mandrake Root
T5N.gif+con, - str - foc
Maragosa Harvest the Root pith Dark blue leaves. See also Fleabane.
- 8 dex
+ 8 con
- 8 foc
Mariae Snip the leaf stems white/blue is Blessed Mariae, peach is (regular) Mariae
T6N.png +Spd
Meadowsweet Crush the stems
T6N.png +Con
Medicago Remove the Tap Root Also see Strawberry Tea, Liquorice
T6N.png -Dex, +Con, +Foc
Mindanao Peel back the stem base Also see Tristeria
T6N.png -Dex, -End, +Con
Miniature Bamboo Scrape away the leaf hairs Harvest works despite previous negative report
Miniature Bamboo
T6N.png -3 Str, +3 Con, -3 Per
Miniature Lamae Squeeze out the sap
Miniature Lamae
T6N.png -Spd, -Foc, +Per
Mirabellis Fern Scrape off the stem pith See also: Blue Tarafern, Cyan Cressida, Sandy Dustweed
Mirabellis Fern
T6N.png -Dex, +Foc, +Per
Moon Aloe Harvest the Root Pith
Moon Aloe
Morpha Crush the Stems See also Dark Ochoa
T6N.png +Spd, -Con
Motherwort Scrape Away the Leaf Hairs
T6N.png +Per
Mountain Mint Pluck the leaves Edged, greener than Ice Mint
Mountain Mint
T6N.png +Foc, +Per
Myristica Trim the Root fibres
T6N.png +Con
Myrrh Remove the tap root
T6N.png -Dex, -End


Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Naranga Squeeze out the sap
T5N.gif-11str, +11dex,-11spd,+11con
Nubian Liquorice Pick out the seeds
Nubian Liquorice
T5N.gif-Spd +Con +per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Octec's Grace Snip the leaf stems Do not confuse with Ipomoea -- check the stem/base.
Octec's Grace
Opal Harebell Squeeze out the sap Can be larger than shown
Opal Harebell
T6N.png +End, +Foc
Orange Niali Snip the leaf stem
Orange Niali
T6N.png +End, +Per
Orange Sweetgrass Pick out the seeds
Orange Sweetgrass
T6N.png +Spd, +Per
Orris Crush the Stems
T6N.png-Str, +Con, +Foc, -Per


Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Pale Dhamasa Cut away the outer stem
Pale Dhamasa
T6N.png +End, +Spd
Pale Ochoa Scrape away the leaf hairs Edged. Similar to Sweetflower but much smaller.
Pale Ochoa
T6N.png +Dex
Pale Russet Scrape away the leaf hairs
Pale Russet
T6N.png +Foc, -Per
Pale Skirret Crush the stems
T6N.png-end, +foc
Panoe Trim the Root fibres
+1 Con
Paradise Lily Harvest the Root Pith Grants the Achievement Successfully Harvested Paradise Lily
Paradise Lily
T5N.gif-3 str, -3 speed, +4 focus
Patchouli Crush the Stems Edged
See also Ginseng Root
T6N.png +Str, -Dex, -Per
Peppermint Trim the Root fibres (confirmed by Ramesses and Lilee screenshot available DO NOT CHANGE THIS PLEASE!) Edged
T5N.gif-dex, -per, +con
Pippali Crush the stems
T6N.png-Str, +End, -Spd
Pitcher Plant Snip the leaf stems Similar herbs and identification differences:
Death's Piping (Rough Green, bends forwards);
Harrow (Rough Green, bends backwards);
Pitcher Plant (Smooth Green, bends forwards);
Jugwort (Smooth Green, bends backwards)
Number of pipes doesn't matter, can be as low as 2, seen as high as 10.
Pitcher plant
T6N.png -Str, -Con, +Per
Primula Scrape away the leaf hairs
T6N.png -1 Str, -1 Dex, +2 Spd
Prisniparni Squeeze out sap
T6N.png -Dex, -Con
Pulmonaria Opal Peel Back the Stem Base
Pulmonaria Opal
+1 End
Purple Tintiri Trim the root fibres
Purple Tintiri
T6N.png +End, -Spd, -Foc, +Per


Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Quamash Harvest the Root pith
-1 Str, +2 Spd, -1 Per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Red Pepper Plant Trim the root fibers This is the same as black pepper plant?
No, compare the stems. Black pepper is black, red pepper is red. --Spatulus 16:20, 3 September 2010 (EST)
Foraging method is the same, just go for it! -tehm
Red Pepper Plant
T6N.png -Dex, +End, -Spd
Revivia Squeeze out the Sap
Rhubarb Remove the tap root
T6N.png -Str, -Dex, +Spd, +Per
Royal Rosemary Trim Root Fibers
Royal Rosemary
T5N.gif+4Speed, -3Con, -3Foc, +4Per
Rubia Scrape away the leaf hairs
+1 Con, +1 Foc
Rubydora Pick out the Seeds
T6N.png-3dex, -3end, +4speed, +4per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Sacred Palm Cut away the outer stem Striped, Green
Sacred Palm
T5N.gif-29 DEX -29PER +30FOC
Sagar Ghota Crush the stems Striped, Blue(Actually ... Gray?)
Saggar Ghota
T6N.png +Str, +Dex, -End, -Spd
Sandalwood Scrape off the Stem Pith
T5N.gif-dex -spd +foc
Sandy Dustweed Squeeze out the sap
Sandy Dustweed
T6N.png -Str, +Con, +Per
Satsatchi Pluck the Leaves Bulb may appear to be much shorter than pictured.
The Off-colored non-green leaves may not show either.
You may only have black leaves with green under them.
T6N.png -Con, +Dex, -Per
Scaley Hardwood Scrape off the stem pith The plant menu has the option to gather wood from it,
and specifies the name of the tree in the title part
Scaley Hardwood
Schisandra Scrape off the Stem Pith
T5N.gif+21 End -20Spd -20 Per
Shrubby Basil Pluck the Leaves red-brown leaves
lighter colour = Lemon Basil
Shrubby Basil
T6N.png-End, +Spd, -Con
Shrub Sage Remove the Tap Root can be smaller than in the picture
Shrub Sage
T6N.png +Dex, -Spd , -Con
Shyama Squeeze out the sap leaves are often more distinct and less bushy
+2 Foc
Shyamalata cut away the outer stem
T5N.gif-28str -28 dex +29 foc +29 perc
Sickly Root Squeeze out the sap
Sickly Root
Silvertongue Damia Scrape away the leaf hairs (Confirmed)
Silvertongue Damia
T6N.png +End
Skirret Scrape off the stem pith
T6N.png +2 Dex, +2End, -1 Con, -1 Foc
Sky Gladalia Scrape Off the Stem Pith
Sky Gladalia
T6N.png+1 Spd +1 Con-1 Dex -1 Per
Soapwort Crush the Stems
T6N.png -Dex, +Spd, -Con, +Foc
Sorrel Remove the Tap Root off-white leaves
+1 Con, +1 Foc T6N.png
Spinach Peel back the stem base
-1 End,
+1 Con,
+1 Foc
-1 Per
Spinnea Harvest the Root Pith
Squill Cut away the outer stem
T5N.gif+ Str -End -Perc +Focus
Steel Bladegrass Scrape off the stem pith
Steel Bladegrass
T6N.png -Str, +Spd, -Con
Stickler Hedge Trim the Root fibres Can be slightly larger
Stickler Hedge
T6N.png +1 dex (changed from previous)
Strawberry Tea Cut Away the Outer Stem Also see Medicago
Strawberry Tea
T6N.png +Foc
Strychnos Crush the Stems
T6N.png-1 str -1 dex +2 foc +2 con
Sugar Cane Cut away the outer stem
T6N.png +Dex, -Spd, -Con, +Per
Sweetflower Scrape away the leaf hairs Edged. Similar to Pale Ochoa but much larger.
T6N.png +dex, -con, +foc, -per
Sweetgrass Squeeze out the Sap
T6N.png +End
Sweet Groundmaple Squeeze out the Sap
T5N.gif-end -perc + spd
Sweetsop Trim the Root fibres
T6N.png -Spd, -Con, +Per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Tagetese Pluck the leaves
T6N.png +End, -Con, -Per
Tamarask Pluck the Leaves
T6N.png +Con
Tangerine Dream Snip the leaf stems Orange, also check #Orange_Niali
Tangerine dream
T6N.png +Str, -End, +Spd, -Foc
Thunder Plant Scrape away the leaf hairs
Do not confuse with Sasatchi -- watch those leaves
Thunder Plant
T6N.png +9 Spd, -9 Foc, -9 Per
Thyme Scrape off the stem pith Also check Wild Lettuce
T6N.png +Spd, +Foc
Tiny Clover Snip the Leaf Stems see also Bluebottle Clover
Tiny Clover
T6N.png +Str +Per
Trilobe Pick out the seeds
T5N.gif-3 dex, -3 speed
Tristeria Harvest the Root Pith Note: Tristeria is a darker shade
of Blue with lighter stems and
Azure Tristeria is a lighter shade of Blue
with darker stems.
T6N.png +Str, +Dex, -End, -Spd
True Tarragon Trim the Root fibers
True Tarragon
T6N.png -1 end +1 spd -1 foc
Tsangto Crush the stem
T6N.png +2 Str, +4 Dex, -1 Foc, -1 Per
Tsatso Crush the stems
+1 Dex, +1 Con, -1 Foc, -1 Per
Turtle's Shell Cut Away the Outer Stem
Turtle's Shell
T6N.png -Str, -End


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Umber Basil Trim the Root Fibres See also: Chaffa
Umber Basil
+End, -Con, +Foc, -Per
Upright Ochoa Snip the leaf stems Edged
Upright Ochoa
T6N.png +Dex, -End, -Foc


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Vanilla Tea Tree Scrape off the stem pith
Vanilla Tea Tree
Verdant Squill Harvest the Root pith
Verdant Squill
T6N.png +Con
Verdant Two-Lobe remove the tap root
Verdant Two-Lobe


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Wasabi Pick out the seeds
T6N.png-4Str +4Con +4Spd -4Foc
Weeping Patala Scrape off the stem pith Underside of leaves and stem are lilac coloured
Weeping Patala
+1 Spd
Whitebelly pick out the seeds
T6N.png+Str, -Con, -Foc
White Pepper Plant Pick Out the Seeds
White Pepper Plant
+4 Foc, +4 Per, -4 Str, -4 End
These have changed from ATITD4 listing
Wild Garlic Pluck the leaves
Wild Garlic
T6N.png -7 Str, -9 Dex, +9 Con, +9 Per
Wild Lettuce Pluck the Leaves Also check Thyme, Dwarf Wild Lettuce
Wild Lettuce
T6N.png -Str, +Con, -Per
Wild Onion Peel back the stem base
Wild Onion
T6N.png -Str, +End, +Con, -Foc
Wild Yam Snip the leaf stems
Wild Yam
T6N.png -Str, +Dex, +End, -Con
Wood Sage Squeeze out the sap
Wood Sage
T5N.gif-spd -per


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Xanat Pick out the seeds (similar to Caraway)
T6N.png+4 str, +4 dex,
Xanosi Scrape Away Leaf Hairs See also: Garcinia (different stem color)
T6N.png +Dex, +End


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Yava Snip the leaf stems
T6N.png-str, -spd, +con, +foc
Yellow Gentian Pick out the seeds
Yellow Gentian
Yellow Tristeria Scrape away the leaf hairs Red-Orange color. See also: Finlow
Yellow Tristeria
T6N.png +Con, +Per
Yigory Pluck the leaves
T6N.png No Stat Change


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Herb Name Method (tried/working) Details Picture Stats
Zanthoxylum Trim Root Fibres This sometimes looks like 2 plants but is only 1
T6N.png -Str, -Dex, +Spd