Hur gör man saker?
För att få metal måste man mina ore ur gruvor. Sen bränna Ore + charcoal i olika Furnaces-> Metal
Metal bearbetas antingen i Forges, Casting Boxes eller Anvil till att bli saker.
Glas görs av Lime och Potash
Lime görs av Limestone som man tar upp ur marken med hjälp av mallet and chisel. antingen flint( 1 limestone per gång) eller Leadchisel( 3 limestone per gång)
Potash boilar man i en kettle. Man behöver ash.
Ash får man av att bränna Leeks, driedflax och dried papyrus i en fire.
Man måste stoka fire så mycket och länge man orkar för att få mer ash av allt.Går att läsa om under guider hur man bäst gör det.
Cameler äter Straw
Sheeps äter Onions
Rabbits äter Carrots
Chickens äter Barley
Snakes äter andra djur....
GulleBulles Compound
Isabis Compound
Petis Compound
School skills to learn!
School of Architecture
School of Art & Music
School of Body
Name |
Petis |
Isabis |
Gullebulle |
*Botanical Identification First Degree (level 8) - 10 Acorn's Cap, 10 Bleeding Hand, 10 Camel's Mane, 10 Cobra's Hood, 10 Dead Tongue, 10 Toad Skin
* Carving - First Degree (level 1) - 100 Wood |
X |
X |
* Carving - Second Degree (level 3) - 10 Sharpened Stick, 10 Tinder |
* Carving - Third Degree (level 6) - 10 Glass Blade, 10 Small Wooden Peg |
* Carving - Fourth Degree (level 10) - 10 Barrel Tap, 10 Wooden Pestle |
*Cooperage (level 5) - requires Advanced Metallurgy, 2 Brass Plate, 50 Copper Strap, 100 Boards |
*Ecology - First Degree (level 3) - 10 Tadpoles, 5 Flax, 1 Fertile Papyrus |
*Ecology - Second Degree (level 7) - 20 Cabbage Juice |
*Fly Fishing (level 1) - 16 Thread, 1 Sharpened Stick |
X |
*Rhythmic Strength (level 1) - 500 Grass |
School of Harmony
School of Leadership
School of Thought
Name |
Petis |
Isabis |
Gullebulle |
School of Worship
Name |
Petis |
Isabis |
Gullebulle |
*Arthropodology Fourth Degree (level 11) - 400 Cactus Sap |
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X |
* Cooking - First Degree (level 1) - 100 Cabbage, 100 Carrots, 100 Onions, 100 Leeks, 100 Garlic |
X |
X |
* Cooking - Second Degree (level 4) - 20 Common Sage, 20 Thyme, 20 Common Rosemary |
X |
* Cooking - Third Degree (level 7) - 49 Salt |
* Cooking - Fourth Degree (level 11) - 7 Camel's Mane, 7 Cobra Hood, 7 Dead Tongue, 7 Iron Knot, 7 Peasant's Foot, 7 Toad Skin, 7 Slave's Bread |
*Filleting - First Degree (level 3) - 7 Knife Blade, 7 Phagrus Meat, 20 Common Basil |
*Filleting - Second Degree (level 10) - 3 Fish Roe, 70 Carp Meat, 25 Salt, 77 Glass Jars |
*Fly Tying - First Degree (level 3) - 100 Thread, 25 Thorns |
X |
X |
*Fly Tying - Second Degree (level 6) - 7 Glass Worm, 7 Corkscrew Asp, 7 Woodmoth, 7 Leaf Snapper, 7 Woolly Aphid, 7 Camel Weevel, 7 White Sawfly |
*Fly Tying - (level 9) - 14 Bloodworm, 14 White Mealybug, 14 Nightwing, 14 Clearwing, 14 Desert Millipede, 14 Salt Mite, 14 Skinlicker |
*Fly Tying - Fourth Degree (level 12) - 21 Nippleworm, 21 Queen Maggot, 21 Raspberry Moth, 21 Leafhopper, 21 Red Cricket, 21 Grass Slug, 21 Stone Fly |
*Foraging - Second Degree (Foraging Memory) (level 9) - 7 Yellow Tristeria, 7 Sweetsop, 7 Pulmonaria Opal, 7 Orange Sweetgrass, 7 Ilex, 7 Fumitory, 7 Ashoka |
*Ritual Item Construction (Second Degree) (level 5) - 14 Candle |