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Laneet's Notes
Laneet's Compounds & Structures in South Egypt
New Home in 7 Lakes: xxxx,xxxx South of UArt Outside: Wood Planes: 6 / Drying Racks: 4 / Flax Comb: 1 / Rabbit Hutch: 1 / Sheep Pen: 1 / Small Warehouse: 1 Building 1 - Factory:
CP #1: 1845,-4655 Student's Forge, Student's Casting Box, Hackling Rake, Sturdy Tub, Small Distaff (2), Pottery Wheel (2), Sheep Pen, Rabbit Hutch, Improved Brick Racks (6), Glazier's Bench, Beetle Terrarium, Khefre's Locker, Gem Cutting Table, Chests (5)
CP #2: 1805,-4713 Master's Forge, Master's Casting Box, Charcoal Hearth, Bullet Furnace, Rock Saw, Mason's Bench, Chests (1)
Constellation Table: 1066 -5567 (passed)
Animals Needed for Test of the Safari
0/4 Bullfrogs 1/4 Gazelle 2/4 Otter 0/4 Ibis 4/4 Falcons 3/4 Fennec 4/4 Desert Rat
Useful Links
Useful Trees, Their Locations and What They Are For
key: {Nearby Landmark / Number of Trees / Map Coords}; only use one coord entry just estimate number of nearby trees within 15 steps of each other
Newbie Guides
Test of Life
Attention new players to ATITD. This test is designed for a number of people to cooperate together in order to pass.
First, the group needs to collect together enough materials in order to build an aqueduct pump. Then, each individual person needs to build an aqueduct tower one at a time, so that the pipes do not branch out or cross. It may be called a line, but picture that they are placed across the landscape so there is an imaginary unbroken flow of water from one pipe to the next in the line.
You may see in the Principle tab for the test that you need to "assist in growing 1000 Vegetables (Updated Weekly)". This is misleading. This will allow you to only pass the Principle for yourself, but the cooperative effort is needed to fully pass the test.
In order to pass the Test, everyone who has a tower built on the line needs to work together and grow a VERY large number of vegetables each week to try and gather the highest possible score to pass the test. The place to plant is right next to the last tower on the line, which hopefully will be identified with some sort of sign or label. The reason WHY you should plant right next to the last tower in line is because each owner of each tower behind the one you plant at will also get points for the planting that you do. When test recognition is announced, you will probably see test scores in parentheses in the System tab numbering 20k or more. This is why everyone with a tower on the line should spend time each week growing as much as 1000 vegetables, and preferably more.
AP = Aqueduct Pump AT = Aqueduct Tower
AP ... AT#1 (Player A) ... AT#2 (Player B) ... AT#3 (Player C)
Player A plants at AT#1. Only Player A gets points towards the 20k to pass the test. Anyone can plant at AT#1 but if you don't have your tower built yet, you don't get retroactive points. Player B and C get no points.
Player B plants at AT#2. Player A & B both get credit for plants harvested there. Player C gets no points.
Player C plants at AT#3. All three players get points.
When new towers are added to the line, the "last tower" changes to the newly built tower. Higher points up the line will result in those people that built first passing the test first, and others down the chain passing the test as time goes by and more towers are built and grown at.