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Welcome to the temptative organization page for this upcoming event.
Here we will try to centralize our efforts so that everything goes smoothly.
Donations list
- Thank you to contributors so far:
Bessieloo, Sheeba, Hounddog, Shemei, Mydnight, Kesarai, Demascus, Mehrane, Bryce, silver, Maata, Strutter, Porthos, Ruby,
- Crossbred flowers donated for special deco/gifts:
Sheeba, Maata, Neftis, Mathse, Hounddog, Avanya, Bryce, Ruby, Mehrane, Ninfa, Jazkar, Morrigan, Demascus, Kesarai, Tabu, Kadyn, Kaiya, Shemei,
Pameow, Tamutnefret,
- For pending named/personal flower donations chat blondie
if you have the mutagenics tech, (Uthought RP) all you need is a greenhouse, 1 muta type, 2 dif. bulbs of the same flower type
blondie is fertilizing these flowers for extra bulbs for party and to return to flower maker. Drop off wh at:
Stuff needed
- Wines
- Beer (just before the event of course)
Stuff we have
Material | Quantity |
Boards | 200 |
Canvas | 113 |
Clay Mortars | 30 |
Iron Cookpots | 4 |
Cut Stone | 70 |
Dirt | 1398 |
Firebricks | 800 |
Flax | 1000 |
Grass | 3969 |
Iron Strap | 8 |
Linen | 20 |
Nut's Essence | 10 |
Oyster Shell Marble | 30 |
Papyrus Paper | 60 |
Rope | 120 |
Rotten Flax | 500 |
Sheet Glass | 86 |
Silt | 10 |
Straw | 5126 |
Thermometer | 3 |
Water in Jugs | 154 |
Mutagens | |
Wine | 37 |
Wine Glass:Quality 2-3k | 4 |
Wine Glass:Quality 3.5k | 4 |
Wine Glass:Quality 4.9k | 4 |
Wine Glass:Quality 5.8k | 4 |
Wine Glass:Quality 6.9k | 4 |
Wine Glass:Quality 7.9k | 4 |
Wine Glass:Quality 8.8k | 4 |
Wine Glass: 9k+ Q | 0 |
- for crossbreeding or decoration
Name | Quantity |
Sea lilies | |
Orchids | |
Roses | |
Sandblooms |
Giveaway Prizes
Prize | Winner's Name | Prize Awarded For | # in Prize Order | Donated by |
Special gifts
Gift | Donated by |