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Demipharaoh Debates/2014 05 2014
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Results: TBA
Debate occurred on Monday, May 5th at 03:00 GMT (This was Sunday May 4th at 20:00 Pacific Time (US))
Debate between Electus, Nemoder, and SmokeyBear from May 5, 2014
GHawkins: '/me dusts off mic.
GHawkins: Well, guess it was just a bit more than 100 days.
GHawkins: The debate will be starting within 20 minutes or so, so sit grab your drink and sit tight.
Electus: hi, Electus checking in
GHawkins: WELCOME EGYPT to a live DemiPharaoh debate, our first live debate since January!
GHawkins: For the duration of the debate, normal Worship Station deadair will be halted (you can use L2PBS for worship station related posts during this period). The candidates in this election are Electus, Nemoder, and SmokeyBear.
GHawkins: If you have questions that you would like to submit during the debate, just submit them to Worship Station or via Chat to GHawkins but please note that comments, discussion, personal attacks, and redundant questions will be tabled or asked to be rephrased. Also, I will do my best to also reframe any candidate-specific questions so that all candidates can answer them (though your original question will remain intact for the person you specified.)
SmokeyBear: Hello, and thank you for staying up late for this debate. I have played
SmokeyBear: ATITD for just over a year and am totally enjoying this game. I live out west, I am a firefighter, and work for the Nat. Park Service
Nemoder: Hellooooo Egypt! I've recently joined tale6 but I've been playing off and on since the first tale and now that I have more time I'm really looking forward to tale 7 as well.
Electus: Hi, I am Electus. This is my first tale and I have been playing about 6 months. I really enjoy building things and collecting materials. My compound is in a valley near the 4C CS and I have settled into a kind of solitary style of play pottering around out there. I'm on Pacific Time and often log in late when things are quieter. Like everyone here I enjoy helping others, especially the stream of new players who come through my valley thanks to the nearby Banner. I have gotten into a few things more deeply, like Paint and Prospecting and (lately) Beetlemaking. I'm not far beyond beginner level in glassblowing and gem-cutting but I'm enjoying those so far. I'm also getting into Chemistry :. I don't know much about other areas yet. I like to help out when there's a project going on. I look forward to being able to return favors in a meaningful way to the many who have helped me along the way.
Nemoder: ATITD has been my favorite online game by far, there is simply nothing else that comes close to it in complexity and fun social projects. Oh and thanks very much for organizing this GHawkins!
SmokeyBear: Yes, thank you
SECOND QUESTION: If you win this election you will pass the test of the Demi-Pharaoh and be our 31st DP of this tale. There are a variety of points of view on what the role of DP should and shouldn't be, what is yours?
Nemoder: I believe the role of DP is to assist everyone in egypt in helping new players understand the rules and culture and helping to settle any major disputes that come up that threaten to drive anyone away.
Electus: As DP I would expect to act only in consultation with other DPs. I am inclined to be patient and really sort out what happened - and what was intended - when conflicts arise. Banning someone is a heavy step to take. However there do appear to be a (small) number of griefers out there and it's hard to see how else that disruption can be controlled.
Electus: DP Status is also an honorary position, and people look to DPs to set a standard and act in the public intrest. That is a way I would like to contribute, to the extent of my knowledge so far
SmokeyBear: This is the very first game I have played online, and enjoy it immensely. The role of the DP is one that I think is a player that anyone can come to, whenever they have an issue with another player. They should be impartial, hear both sides, and try to resolve with mediation that issue to the best result. This late in the game, there are many DP's one can call on to assist with player related problems.
SmokeyBear: In respect to banning, I personally, would do whatever it took to resolve a problem, without doing that. Having said that, I have seen in the game since I started playing, an instance where a DP had no choice but to do that.
SmokeyBear: If I were involved with an issue, or any friend involved with one, I would have to remove myself from acting on those problems. I would look to other DP's to step in and hopefully, listen to both sides and act accordingly.
Nemoder: First thing I would do is give everyone time to cool off. Even those intentionally griefing tire pretty quickly and give up before too long. General disputes can usually be worked out with cool heads and some kind of compromise. I would mostly be there to listen to both sides and offer suggestions on how to resolve any issue.
Electus: I would chat with both sides in a dispute and finsd out what both agree on and where the difficulty has arisen. I would try to talk things down and get each side to show mutual respect. If a friend were involved I might have to bow out of the process; in any case, I would bring in at least one more DP to consult with and assist in resolving conflict
FOURTH QUESTION: With the overthrow of our overload Pharaoh by the benevolent Regent, there seems to be light at the end of the tale. As things seem to be wrapping up, what role do you think DP plays in the tale, particularly given the recent (and austensibly temporary) period of free to play.
Electus: I have chatted with Pluribus a little and read his public comments. I'm excited for this tale and T7. I have admired the initiative taken by some experienced DPs to gather suggestions and funnel them to Pluribus.
Nemoder: I dont really think the role of DP changes much even this late in the tale or with free accounts. The opportunity to abuse free accounts is there of course but there is nothing a DP can do to stop that other than report it to GMs.
Electus: I am concerned about the Free Play era. It seems to have changed the balance of the game, and I'm uncertain wehen it is ethical to have a lot of alts around. I would like to see billing come back asap as a way to resolve that, and force me to think about whether I really want to pay 4 asubscriptions a month
SmokeyBear: I think the free play has been a great tribute to all the players who have stood the test of time, so to speak, to complete this tale. I believe that a Demi Pharoah, is here to assist in the game with player problems, so that Pluribus can continue to make the game progress, and get done, those necessary issues, he has been working on. For the time left in this tale, I would always be available to help anyone with issues pertaining to other players. As I tell everyone who needs help in the game, just shout me out. I am available to assist.
FIFTH QUESTION: Under what circumstances would you consider utilizing the tools created by the (AGA) law? What do you consider 'griefing'? Do you feel the AGA has been used well so far?
Electus: I don't know of a specific case where teh Act has been used to deal with griefers. It seems to me like a reasonable approach
SmokeyBear: I have only heard about one or two particular issues with a player and all the alternates created to grief other players and Egypt. There are laws in place already, and the actions taken by DP's so far as I have seen, has been appropriate.
Nemoder: I consider griefing to be anyone who is intentionally trying to ruin another players time or drive them away. I'm not sure if AGA is effective, thankfully there have not been many griefers that anything has been needed.
SmokeyBear: And I would agree with their actions. Having wood planes put up in everyone's camp to grief players is an issue handled well so far.
Electus: I read on the wiki a while back about some players who built thosands of woodplanes to annoy people. They were banned (don't remember names, but they were pokemon - always a bad sign lol). AGA would be useful to clean up the junk left behind
SIXTH QUESTION: The AGA is one power that the DPs have in their toolkit, what other powers would you like to see DPs hold, in the interests of improving game play?
Electus: I would like to see DPs given a lesser additional power and additional responsibility. I was thinking maybe limited-use terra-forming to help players with cp expansion issues, something like that. Also I like the idea of litter patrol, salvaging left-behind brickracks etc. using DPA as a responsibility
Nemoder: I love this question! Next tale I would like to write a law that allows DPs to put their name on any new law before it goes to the ballot. That way they could help filter out laws not many will support and get better laws implemented faster. This would also make the test and debates like this much more interesting since we could discuss which laws we support.
SmokeyBear: I see the DP's as players who are in the game to help when a crisis between players come up. I don't think additional powers are needed, but new laws can be written, passed, and perhaps the tools for the DP could be enhanced if needed. There are players that address camp deco, bugs, events, and I think the DP should be the player to go to for player issue areas.
SEVENTH QUESTION: Does anyone have access to login to your account? (i.e., would any person other than yourself ever have access to your ban powers)? Note: spouselog does not allow access to ban powers.
Electus: no, only I have access
SmokeyBear: No one has access to my game account but me.
Nemoder: No, I would never share my account. Also this is the only account I use this tale, no mules or other free accounts.
EIGHTH QUESTION: Have you played ATITD under other names in this tale or past ones, and if so, what were the names you played under?
Nemoder: I played tale5 under the name RedOmen since I didn't want to get my accounts confused with the different shards running at the same time.
SmokeyBear: No. I am a first time player. Love it, and look forward to the new tale and what happens when a new one begins. (However, the thought of running like a turtle is not appealing.)
Electus: this is my first tale. I play seriously on Leafcutter (spouse) and recently Kovrin and Carnoustie. I have had other mules including EdmundFitzgerald who was a Hegemon gift
SmokeyBear: I do log in Ranger for spouse warp. He won't be coming back to the game.
NINTH QUESTION: If the general consensus of the rest of the DPs were that that person should not be banned, but you felt strongly that they should, what would you do?
SmokeyBear: I would appeal my opinion to the other's, but ultimately would go with the majority.
Nemoder: Of course not, I would seek the other DPs opinion in the first place. It's a community game, we should work together to find solutions that work best for everyone.
Electus: Hope that would not happen. I would need to write up my concern maybe on a wiki page, and go through point by point to find where the disagreements were. In the end if we still didn't agree I would allow the community will to go forward, and not resist any further
TENTH QUESTION: Select a question that you wish had been asked during this debate and answer it for yourself. Also, answer the questions from the other candidates.
QUESTION 10A Nemoder: Do you think you would make a better DP than the others running; if so why?
Electus: I was wondering if someone might ask "why should I vote for Electus more than these other fine candidates?" The answer is there is no special reason. From what I have seen of the others in guild chat they would make great DPs. I would be proud to be elected and would hope to do well as DP. I feel I can be trusted to act responsibly and humbly request your support.
Nemoder: I think SmokeyBear and Electus would equally make great DPs. But I did hear a rumor that one of them likes to squeeze toothpaste tubes from the middle but I couldn't confirm it. :D
SmokeyBear: and I am here if you need me.
QUESTION 10B: Why have you chosen now to run for DP?
SmokeyBear: My only question to myself would be " why did you wait so long to attempt this". It's something I deal with in real life, and had I started from the beginning of the tale, I would definitely always want to be part of helping with mediation related issues. I can't say if one or the other candidate would be a better DP than me, but wish them both good luck, and everyone just know I always treat people with respect.
GHawkins: For Nemoder and Electus, the question on the table is "Why have you chosen now to run for DP?"
Nemoder: For me my job situation changed and I can now make my own hours which gives me a lot more freedom to be around to help anyone who needs it.
Electus: I have been in the competition since I first became eligible, and have helped to Elect a few good folks along the way. This is the first time I have gotten to the final round, which is thanks to some kind words from a respected player in the second-round matchup. If not elected, I will be back in the lists until my turn eventually comes around.
GHawkins: ELEVENTH QUESTION: Comes from the audience.
ELEVENTH QUESTION: LadyKaytay: im not sure if it was asked yet or not but...What would you do if you came across a player that was being a “problem” and there were no other DP's around to discuss with. What would you do?
Electus: A DP would have to choose between immediate ban and stern warning. If further damage looked likely before others came on, a ban would be appropriate. It could later be reversed.
Nemoder: I would give them time to cool off and help the victim in any rebuilding or time lost from the disruption. Only if the griefer became a problem day after day would I think to use a ban and hopefully by then I would have responses from other DPs.
SmokeyBear: That is a good question. There is no “mortal kombat” in this game, and like in real life, I would address the issue, determine the severity, and if no other DP's around, I would temporarily have to handcuff them, and put them in jail. Banning is a harsh decision, and I believe everyone should be given the opportunity to defend themself regardless.
CANDIDATE STATEMENT: We're running about an hour and I'm sure people are getting tired of my blathering, so I would like each of you to wrap up now and tell Egypt what they will get in a DP by voting for you. And if you do indeed want them to vote for you, please include why you would like them to.
Electus: Egypt, I'll be a safe bet for DP. I think of myself as calm and reasonable and have some experience defusing inter-personal conflict IRL. I don't know how well this would transfer to the game, but I would certainly try. If you can spare a few blue squares for me I would be most grateful. Thanks for listening and thanks to GHawkins for organizing and moderating this evening.
Nemoder: It would be really hard for me to decide who to vote for. And maybe with such great candidates it doesn't really matter, I'll be happy whomever wins this time!
SmokeyBear: I believe Egypt would be getting an asset with a vote for any of us. We all are guildmates, in one guild or another, and I personally would like to participate in resolving player problems. I want to thank everyone who stayed up late tonight to be a part of this, I appreciate it. I want to advance in Leadership, and the only way is to communicate with just intentions and fair play for all. That's my job...I am pretty good at putting out fires. Thank you again.
GHawkins: Thank you to all three(!) candidates for joining us for the DP debate. Time runs short in this election cycle, so head to your local voting booth and throw your support behind the candidate(s) of your choice.
GHawkins: Thank you also for those who listen in or read up on this debate on the wiki (soon) to make an informed decision.