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Ariella and Pascalito Cooking Tutorial
Definition of a valid Pair: When we use the word ‘Pair’ in cooking a meal/recipe in this guide it must be a Base and Additive of two different ingredients that have a non-zero Duration when cooked as a Meal.
See below at the end of this guide for a Pair table you can copy and put on your User Page.
See below for a table of the Cooking Level costs.
Find the cost to buy the Cooking skill ( Skills or run to any School of Worship and click the school) and purchase/learn Cooking Level 1. The School and University of Worship often deal with organic items like animals, food, herbs.
Get 1 deben of 1 ingredient and go to the kitchen.
Possible Ingredients: ants (dead and queen), barley, cocoa, dates, eggs, fish, fish roe, grilled anything, herbs, honey, juices, malts, meat, milk (camel or coconut), mushrooms, oil from camels or sheep or flax, salt, veggies, wheat.
Click kitchen.
Click Mix -> Add ingredient -> Click Cook. Oops, “You need at least 7 pieces of food in the pot to make a serving.”
Run back to storage and let’s rethink this.
INFO 1: You must use at least 7 debens of ingredients to make a meal. |
Teppy loves 7. You still have 1 deben of 1 ingredient in the pot. So grab 6 deben more of the same ingredient and click Mix and add those. Click Cook. Give a fancy name for your simple meal. Look in your Main tab to see that “You complete the dish.”
Click kitchen and choose “Enjoy the food.” Look at your Stats under your Skills tab. You will see that your stats were not changed by this meal and the message in Main states, “You eat a bit, but the food doesn’t really do anything for you.” What happened? Whenever you put in 7 deben or more of only one type of ingredient (and no other ingredients), for example 7 dates as the only ingredient, the result will be 0 in all stats for that dish. So what to try next and why?
INFO 2: You need a Base type of ingredient and an Additive type of ingredient which is commonly called a Pair. Technically you can use 1 Base ingredient per level of cooking (explained later). |
INFO 3: Every multiple of 7 debens of ingredients gives one serving. |
Why cook in multiples of 7 debens? What happens if you put in 15 debens of Base and 4 debens of Additive? You get two servings from this since 14 debens is the highest multiple of 7 that is less than 19. You waste 5 debens of ingredients.
INFO 4: We commonly break down the pairs of 7 debens into a quantity of 6 deben Base ingredient and 1 deben Additive ingredient . The Base of the pair will be the ingredient with the highest quantity. |
Why 6 and 1? Because we want to use the highest amount of the cheap ingredient and the least amount of the rarer ingredient. But you can use any combo that adds up to 7 such as 5 deben Base and 2 deben Additive or 4 deben Base and 3 deben Additive.
Using any pair of ingredients with any combination of quantities that add to 7, cook another meal. If you use one rare ingredient then go with the 6:1 ratio to use the least of the rare ingredient. Try several different pairs of differing quantities and observe the stat changes until you find a meal pair that changes at least one stat.
Open the Main tab.
Eat the new meal and type a marker in Main.
Look at your Skills tab and note the change in stats.
If you get a change in stats or you have used a pair of ingredients the message in Main will say, “You eat some <name you gave your meal>”.
When the stat change disappears then note how much time elapsed so you know how long this meal ‘s effects last.
Repeat until you find desirable changes as shown below….
INFO 5: A decent successful pair for Level 1 Cooking can give a meal with a duration of 15-20 minutes and one or more stat changes where a +3 or +4 stat change is very good. |
If your recipe gives useful changes as outlined in the Data above, then congrats! Go into your Info and enter “Cooking Title: Galley Cook”. Do you post your recipe on the wiki or keep it to yourself? Decide for yourself with knowledge below.
INFO 6: The more an ingredient is eaten (not just cooked) the less the potency to duration and stats it has. Conversely, a relationally rarer eaten ingredient’s influence on stats and duration will increase as other more common ingredients are consumed in greater quantity .
Now that you found a useful recipe, click the kitchen and choose “Show the recipe” and write it down. |
Whatever quantities you used for your pair of ingredients that equaled a multiple of 7, now flip flop the quantities of the two ingredients and record what happens. You just switched the Base and Additive by doing this. Reread INFO 4 above, especially the last sentence.
Example: For Quest 3 your successful meal was 6 Camel Meat and 1 Onion. For Quest 4 use a recipe of 6 Onion and 1 Camel Meat. The Base in the first recipe is Camel Meat and the Base in the second recipe is Onion.
Take the successful recipe from Quest 3 and increase the servings. Remember INFO 3 from above.
Example: If your good recipe was 6 Camel Meat and 1 Onion you would have 1 serving. You now want 5 servings so your best buds can eat too. Modified recipe would be (6 x 5)=30 Camel Meat and (1 x 5)=5 Onion.
INFO 7: Proportionally increasing the quantities of ingredients to get more servings will give the same stat boosts and duration of the original smaller serving recipe. |
Keep in mind INFO 6! Your stat boost/s and duration will eventually decrease or increase.
Go for it! Start testing random pairs and record the high duration recipes in one group, the useful stat boost+duration recipes in one group and the general crap recipes in one group. But wait, what is a decent duration for Cooking Level 1? Over 15 minutes is worth recording. For Cooking Level 2 expect around 30-40 minutes for good duration. But why am I doing this crummy time waster?
INFO 8: In general, shoot for around an additional 15 minutes of duration for each cooking level. |
You are getting ready to make Masterpieces!! Try to find 4 or more high duration pairs. Confer with friends.
Ditto Quest 1.
By now you have bought the skill Foraging (School of Worship cost 300 Thorns and 30 Cactus Sap and be Level 2) so you have a bit of herbs among your loot. Hint: Forage, forage, forage. Herbs give you a potential greater source for useful recipes.
Go back and reread the second sentence in INFO 2. You might have missed the significance. With Cooking Level 2 you can now make recipes with two pairs. This means better stats and higher duration (refer to INFO 8)!
Try making 10 or 20 recipes with two pairs that you have recorded information on previously and that have similar useful stat boosts. You will see that the stat boosts of each pair are a little less than simple addition.
Example: Pair 1 gives +2 Strength, +1 Dex and +2 Speed in a one pair meal. Pair 2 gives +1 Strength and +1 Speed in a one pair meal. When Pair 1 and Pair 2 are combined in a two pair meal , the outcome might be +2 Strength and +3 Speed. As you see, Strength shows that stats do not stack by simple addition or Strength would also have been +3.
INFO 9: The more pairs you use, the total stack of the stat boosts from the pairs will diminish as opposed to simple addition. |
Continue testing single pairs by tossing in an herb additive in new pairs. Notice the results in higher stat boosts and duration compared to just the single pairs. Remember to record recipes in your three groups: 1) Useful stat boosts with decent duration. 2) High duration (trust us) 3) Seemingly useless recipes.
Oops, did you get weird results on some of your two recipe tries compared to the original separate pairs? You probably used two pairs in one recipe where the Base ingredient quantities differed.
INFO 10: When using multiple pairs you must preserve different Bases by keeping the quantity of the differing Base ingredients identical, otherwise a lower quantity Base ingredient compared to a higher quantity Base ingredient will become an Additive ingredient. |
Example: One pair recipe of 6 Camel Meat Base and 1 Onion Additive is combined with one pair of 4 Honey Base and 3 Common Basil. Go back and reread INFO 4 especially the second sentence. Since 6 is greater than 4, the Camel Meat is the only base and the Honey became an Additive ingredient. So either use two pairs of 6 Base and 1 Additive or two pairs of 4 Base and 3 Additive. The Bases in pairs must have identical quantities to preserve the ingredients as Bases.
INFO 11: Pairs should be preserved as 1 Base ingredient and 1 Additive ingredient generally speaking or you can get degenerative reactions in duration. You’ll learn more about this later. |
Test more pairs and then test more two pair recipes and log results and group the recipes. There is a reason.
Herbs can give a kick to a meal in another way! Eat your meal, eat a fresh (unpicked) herb and the stats from both stack up. Check the wiki under Foraging to see if an unpicked herb near you has the affected stats listed. If not, then consume a meal, make sure to record the stats of the meal and then eat your nearby herb. Note which stat/s change and by how much and be the first to enter it on the Foraging page of the wiki!
NOTE: You can also eat a fresh herb without eating a meal. Note the changes to your stats and record those on the wiki under the Foraging page if that data is not there. The herb’s effect to stats will last three minutes. So if you do not have a grilled food on you, you may get frozen to the spot if your carry capacity is over the limit from a reduction in Strength and/or Dexterity.
INFO 12: Herbs eaten fresh AFTER eating a meal add the stats of the herb to the stats of the meal. Meal duration is unaffected. (Check the foraging page to see if anyone has listed the stats affected for a particular herb). |
Talking about herbs – fair warning at this point for buying the dreaded Cooking Level 5 because of the rare herbs. GET OUT THERE AND FORAGE, FORAGE, FORAGE!! BUY FORAGING MEMORY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (Foraging Level 2 – Sworship for 7 each of Ashoka, Fumitory, Ilex, Orange Sweetgrass, Pulmonaria Opal, Sweetsop, Yellow Tristeria at Level 9 or above).
You should have enough pairs from experimenting to find your highest endurance pairs. Go make that meal, then scout near you for fresh herbs, check the wiki page to see if the herb in question increases Endurance. Keep scouting fresh herbs until you find one that does. Now you’re ready to announce that you want to organize a dig (since that uses Endurance). Or eat the End meal plus the fresh herb and go use your loom faster or work a quarry. But be careful to check that your meal and fresh herb does not put your Dex or Strength below 0 and freeze you in your tracks!
INFO 13: Carry 1 cheap grilled food in case you goof and get frozen if you forget and eat an herb that decreases your Dex or Strength too much for the amount of Items you are carrying. Consuming a grilled item will change your stats to that of the grilled food and unfreeze you. |
Grilled Food | Stat Changed by +2 |
Cabbage | Speed |
Carrot | Perception |
Garlic | Focus |
Leeks | Cannot grill |
Onion | Endurance |
Pepper | Dexterity +1 and Strength +1 |