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--Click the plant window, to refresh seeds, in case you used your last seed. Prevents fails (can't find onion seed) on 2nd or higher passes. srClickMouseNoMove(xyPlantOnions[0], xyPlantOnions[1]+15, 0);
Copy the below code and edit/overwrite flax.lua file (in your Veggie Tales/luascripts folder).
-- Edit these first 2 to adjust how much is planted in a pass -- May need to adjust walk_time in if you move too slowly to keep up -- grids tested: 2x2, 3x3, 5x5, 6x6 (probably need 3+ dex and 600ms walk time) grid_w = 5; grid_h = 5; loadfile("luaScripts/")(); loadfile("luaScripts/")(); loadfile("luaScripts/")(); -- Just testing spiral algorithm, ignore this... function spiraltest() -- for spiral local dxi=1; local dt_max=grid_w; local dt=grid_w; local dx={1, 0, -1, 0}; local dy={0, -1, 0, 1}; local num_at_this_length = 3; -- Plant and pin for y=1, grid_h do for x=1, grid_w do lsPrintln('doing ' .. x .. ',' .. y); -- move to next position if not ((x == grid_w) and (y == grid_h)) then lsPrintln('walking dx=' .. dx[dxi] .. ' dy=' .. dy[dxi]); dt = dt - 1; if dt == 1 then dxi = dxi + 1; num_at_this_length = num_at_this_length - 1; if num_at_this_length == 0 then dt_max = dt_max - 1; num_at_this_length = 2; end if dxi == 5 then dxi = 1; end dt = dt_max; end else lsPrintln('skipping walking, on last leg'); end end end end function doit() -- num_loops = promptNumber("How many " .. grid_w .. "x" .. grid_h .. " passes ?", 5); promptFlaxNumbers(1); askForWindow("Script by Jimbly with tweaks from Cegaiel and KasumiGhia\n\nMake sure the plant flax window is pinned and you are in F8F8 cam zoomed in. You may need to F12 at low resolutions or hide your chat window (if it starts planting and fails to move downward, it probably clicked on your chat window). Will plant grid NE of current location. 'Plant all crops where you stand' must be ON. 'Right click pins/unpins a menu' must be ON. Enable Hotkeys on flax must be OFF."); initGlobals(); local went_to_seeds = 0; -- Don't loop if we lost one, it'll mess us up! srReadScreen(); local xyPlantFlax = srFindImage(imgFlax1); if not xyPlantFlax then error 'Could not find plant window'; end xyPlantFlax[0] = xyPlantFlax[0] + 5; local xyCenter = getCenterPos(); local xyFlaxMenu = {}; xyFlaxMenu[0] = xyCenter[0] - 43*pixel_scale; xyFlaxMenu[1] = xyCenter[1] + 0; for loop_count=1, num_loops do -- for spiral local dxi=1; local dt_max=grid_w; local dt=grid_w; local dx={1, 0, -1, 0}; local dy={0, -1, 0, 1}; local num_at_this_length = 3; local x_pos = 0; local y_pos = 0; -- Plant and pin for y=1, grid_h do for x=1, grid_w do lsPrintln('doing ' .. x .. ',' .. y .. ' of ' .. grid_w .. ',' .. grid_h); statusScreen("(" .. loop_count .. "/" .. num_loops .. ") Planting " .. x .. ", " .. y); -- Plant lsPrintln('planting ' .. xyPlantFlax[0] .. ',' .. xyPlantFlax[1]); setWaitSpot(xyFlaxMenu[0], xyFlaxMenu[1]); srClickMouseNoMove(xyPlantFlax[0], xyPlantFlax[1], 0); srSetMousePos(xyFlaxMenu[0], xyFlaxMenu[1]); waitForChange(); -- lsSleep(delay_time); -- Bring up menu lsPrintln('menu ' .. xyFlaxMenu[0] .. ',' .. xyFlaxMenu[1]); setWaitSpot(xyFlaxMenu[0]+5, xyFlaxMenu[1]); srClickMouse(xyFlaxMenu[0], xyFlaxMenu[1], 0); waitForChange(); -- lsSleep(delay_time); -- Check for window size checkWindowSize(xyFlaxMenu[0], xyFlaxMenu[1]); -- Pin lsPrintln('pin ' .. (xyFlaxMenu[0]+5) .. ',' .. xyFlaxMenu[1]); srClickMouseNoMove(xyFlaxMenu[0]+5, xyFlaxMenu[1]+0, 1); -- lsSleep(delay_time); -- Move window local pp = pinnedPos(x, y); lsPrintln('move ' .. (xyFlaxMenu[0]+5) .. ',' .. xyFlaxMenu[1] .. ' to ' .. pp[0] .. ',' .. pp[1]); drag(xyFlaxMenu[0] + 5, xyFlaxMenu[1], pp[0], pp[1], 0); -- lsSleep(delay_time); -- move to next position if not ((x == grid_w) and (y == grid_h)) then lsPrintln('walking dx=' .. dx[dxi] .. ' dy=' .. dy[dxi]); x_pos = x_pos + dx[dxi]; y_pos = y_pos + dy[dxi]; srClickMouseNoMove(xyCenter[0] + walk_px_x*dx[dxi], xyCenter[1] + walk_px_y*dy[dxi], 0); lsSleep(walk_time); dt = dt - 1; if dt == 1 then dxi = dxi + 1; num_at_this_length = num_at_this_length - 1; if num_at_this_length == 0 then dt_max = dt_max - 1; num_at_this_length = 2; end if dxi == 5 then dxi = 1; end dt = dt_max; end else lsPrintln('skipping walking, on last leg'); end end checkBreak(); end statusScreen("(" .. loop_count .. "/" .. num_loops .. ") Refocusing windows..."); -- Bring windows to front refocusWindows(); local did_harvest=false; local water_step = 0; while not did_harvest do -- Monitor for Weed This/etc water_step = water_step + 1; for y=1, grid_h do for x=1, grid_w do statusScreen("(" .. loop_count .. "/" .. num_loops .. ") Weeding/Harvest step " .. water_step); local pp = pinnedPos(x, y); local rp = refreshPosDown(x, y); local seeds_retry=3; while 1 do srClickMouseNoMove(rp[0], rp[1], 0); lsSleep(screen_refresh_time); srReadScreen(); local weed = srFindImageInRange(imgWeed, pp[0], pp[1] - 50, 120, 100); if weed then srClickMouseNoMove(weed[0] + 5, weed[1], 0); break; end local weed = srFindImageInRange(imgWeedAndWater, pp[0], pp[1] - 50, 120, 100); if weed then srClickMouseNoMove(weed[0] + 5, weed[1], 0); break; end local harvest = srFindImageInRange(imgHarvest, pp[0], pp[1] - 50, 110, 100); if harvest then srClickMouseNoMove(harvest[0] + 5, harvest[1], 0); srClickMouseNoMove(pp[0], pp[1], 1); -- unpin did_harvest = true; break; end local seeds = srFindImageInRange(imgSeeds, pp[0], pp[1] - 50, 120, 100); if seeds then seeds_retry = seeds_retry - 1; if (seeds_retry == 0) then if nil then -- Don't do this, it causes us to walk out of range of the rest! lsPrintln('Went to seed, grabbing the seeds and ignoring.'); srClickMouseNoMove(seeds[0] + 5, seeds[1], 0); end srSetMousePos(pp[0]+5, pp[1]+37); lsSleep(100); srClickMouseNoMove(pp[0]+5, pp[1]+37, 0); -- Utility lsSleep(100); srReadScreen(); local rip = srFindImage("FlaxRipOut.png"); if rip then srClickMouseNoMove(rip[0] + 5, rip[1] + 2, 0); -- Rip out else error 'Flax went to seed, but failed to find rip out option'; end lsSleep(100); srClickMouseNoMove(pp[0]-3, pp[1], 1); -- unpin went_to_seeds = 1; did_harvest = true; break; end end checkBreak(); end end end -- Bring windows to front if not did_harvest then statusScreen("(" .. loop_count .. "/" .. num_loops .. ") Refocusing windows..."); refocusWindows(); end end --Click the plant window, to refresh seeds, in case you used your last seed. Prevents fails (can't find onion seed) on 2nd or higher passes. srClickMouseNoMove(xyPlantOnions[0], xyPlantOnions[1]+15, 0); lsSleep(2500); -- Wait for last flax bed to disappear before accidentally clicking on it! statusScreen("(" .. loop_count .. "/" .. num_loops .. ") Walking..."); if went_to_seeds == 0 then -- Walk back for x=1, x_pos do srClickMouseNoMove(xyCenter[0] + walk_px_x*-1, xyCenter[1], 0); lsSleep(walk_time); end for x=1, -y_pos do srClickMouseNoMove(xyCenter[0], xyCenter[1] + walk_px_y, 0); lsSleep(walk_time); end end if went_to_seeds and not loop_count == num_loops then error 'Some of the plants went to seeds, stopping loop' end end lsPlaySound("Complete.wav"); end